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Dustin came to my home in Virginia just a few days ago to rendezvous (no, not like that, you pervert), and during our wide-ranging discussion, we were settling on precisely what we felt we needed to bring Last Stand Media to the next level. Last Stand is bigger than it has ever been, doing more traffic and garnering more downloads than ever, coming off its most successful month on Patreon ever, with more people involved than ever. If I may be frank: It’s a much bigger company than I envisioned it would be. Not that I’m complaining.

But when growth happens, it'd be foolish for everything surrounding that growth to remain static. In fact, such a situation would ultimately be untenable, and it begs the question: What do we do next? While we marinate on future content ideas, potential collaborators, and more, we (here at the company) have to bend to reality. Dustin, Ben, and I can only keep this thing so well-oiled. Before we take another step forward, therefore, we need to get our house in order to make sure that what we're doing is sustainable, high-quality, and predictable. These are the very keys to the business itself.

In other words: Is there someone out there who we can trust with these keys to the kingdom and help us stay orderly, on-schedule, within the lines, and of the utmost quality?

When Dustin walked into my life in 2018, it changed Last Stand forever. Remember: I was working basically non-stop since I founded the company in March of 2017, producing, writing, researching, and editing all of my own videos, podcasts, and more. I really needed help. He provided it. It gave me room to breathe and think. KnockBack and Sacred Symbols were solidified because of that. Sacred Symbols+ was born because of that. Defining Duke and Defining Duke Ultimate were possible because of that. It was hard for me to let go of everything, but I had to. The results speak for themselves: Last Stand Media is some three times bigger now than it was when Dustin started editing our shows. And we’ve only grown since we brought Ben along, freeing Dustin up, in turn, to be the true production leader of this company. And so it goes.

I’m saying all of this only because I’m at another wall, and I’m scaling over it as we speak. Dustin and Ben (and now Lockmort) have the production side down. They are machines. They are deeply appreciated. They are the reasons shows are published on time each and every week, sound and look great, and more. Now, we need some help on the organizational side, which will only make their jobs easier. And I need help on the administrative side, which will make my job easier.

For this role, I’ve glad to say I've found my woman. Literally. She’s my woman.

I want to welcome Micah "MamaMicah" Watson to the Last Stand Media family as our Coordinator. This is a position with broad responsibilities that I’ve long envisioned, but didn’t quite know how to execute on. It’s also a position that requires absolute trust, since he or she -- like Dustin -- would have access to the very finest details of our operation. After talking to Dustin in person and figuring out our needs, however, it became clear not only what this role would entail, but that we already had the perfect person in our midst to fill it.

Micah is a hard-working, persistent, organized, and kind person, and her past professional experience (she worked in IT at a prolific university) provides her with a ready toolset for this gig. We need a proper production calendar. We need a centralized way to communicate about our shows, ideas, needs, and more, and someone needs to be involved in all of that communication. We need a way to catalog all of our content on the backend, make it usable, and readable, and searchable for all sorts of reasons. We need big things like a list of upcoming games to consult to smaller things, like making the appropriate connections between co-hosts for spoilercasts, review discussions, and one-offs. We need someone to tend to social media, to our inboxes, to the customer. We need a point-of-contact for the outside and a diplomat when we need to contact others. We need someone to say, “hey, X, Y, and Z should really do a podcast about this.” We need order. Eyes and ears. A stabilizing hand. Someone who knows what's up.

This is a journey we’re all on together, so I obviously wanted our Patrons to be the very first to know. It’s due to your kindness, generosity, and willingness to support independent content that we can do any of this at all. I am dedicated to fair and equitable treatment for all of my employees and freelancers, and I am certain that Micah -- like Dustin, Chris, Dagan, Ben, Matty, and Cog before her -- is a perfect fit for what we’re building here. And what we're building is real. I can feel it, and I know you can, too.

So, please welcome Micah to the team!

Thank you so much for supporting Last Stand Media, and have a great weekend.

May we grow mightier, yet. Yours, -Colin


Dylan Manuszak

Welcome to the team, Micah!


Congrats! Great addition to the team!

Ben Burn

Welcome Micah!

Asique Alam



Congratulations, Micah! Happy to see the Last Stand family continue to grow.


Yay Micah!


Welcome aboard!


Welcome to the family!

Liam Fagan

Welcome Micah!!!!


This is awesome. Welcome aboard Micah!


Congrats Micah


Welcome Micah! Makes perfect sense!


Welcome Micah!




Welcome Micah!!!

David Portnov

This is exciting! Congratulations to Micah and the team!


Oh snap! Welcome Micah! Anyone Colin trusts is gonna be a great asset to the company and I can’t wait to see LSM grow bigger!


Awesome. Beans for all!


Any person Colin can trust, I can trust! Welcome aboard, Micah!!! ❤️

Kendrick Luckenbach

Yayyyy! Welcome and congrats to Micah 👏🏽


Welcome Micah! So glad Last Stand is going from strength to strength! Hope the cherry brownies went down well on the Fourth!

Michael centeno

Yay! Congrats Micah! Crazy to see how much LSM has gotten the past couple years




Guys this is awesome. Excited for the future of Last Stand.

Victor Elmo

Congrats and good luck!


👍 Welcome !


Sounds like a consigliere! Welcome, and congrats 🙂


My only question… is she an Avatar the Last Airbender fan??? 😂

Daddy T

Welcome Micah😊🙌

Antonio Pereira

Congrats Micah! Love to see it.


YAAASSS!!! Stoked to have you, queen! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

Brock Smith

This is awesome!!! Welcome!

Derek Alcott

This is great news. Congratulations to Micah.


Welcome to the team! Always happy to see new additions to the LSM family!


Great news! A celebratory Sacred Symbols+ Micah episode is in order!

Joe McPartlin

Another addition to the team! Congrats Micah!


Congratulations, Micah, hoping we could even see you pop up on the occasional podcast, I know we’d love to hear your input on things as well!


Wonderful to hear! This seems like a very natural move.

Tim Sierzega

Well deserved, and i'm sure much appreciated by the whole team. Congratulations

Paul Robertson

Welcome to the family, Micah!


Micahs memes are always my favorite in the discord, a very welcome addition! Congrats!!


Congratulations and welcome.


I remember her time on Sacred Symbols+. Quite the journey it's been. Awesome!

Corey Adams

Really cool to hear! The growth of LSM has been exciting to watch as an early Patron. Let’s keep this train goingggggg🚂


Been waiting for Micah to join the squad - congrats to her!


Welcome Micah, congrats to you and the LSM team for continued growth and success.


I hope you disclosed your relationship to the HR department! I joke I joke. Micah is wonderful glad she found a place there.

Ethan Harter

Congrats, Micah and the LSM crew!


Dude…. Yes!!! Pumped to have her on board!

phil mccarthy

Welcome Micah! It's about time someone was brought in the keep this unruly shower of wonderful thugs in line! Very best of luck. =)


Such an amazing news!!! Welcome and congrats Micah!!! All the best, we are very happy to have you here 😀


Git it guurrl


Awesome news! Welcome Micah!

Martha Silla

Yesss!!!! The queen of the Beans!!!!


Welcome aboard, Micah, it was only a matter of time.


Yes!! First Lord Cog and now Mama “Wet Socks” Micah??! Yes!!!

Gean Fortuño

Cool! Has she been on any of the shows yet? I've never heard her speak

Matthew Major

Glad to have you in the fold thank you for everything. The future looks bright.


Welcome aboard Micah! Happy you're here!


Awesome news. Congrats!!

Jason Harris

Here we grow again😁😁


Congrats to Micah. What a journey. I distinctly remember where I was and what I was doing when listening to the SS+ episode with Micah. Now she's a teammate of yours. Glad to be a member of community and passenger on this journey.


Congrats on the huge growth and success guys and gal!

Monterey Jack

This smells like nepotism and am calling Human Resources!! Only kidding of course. Congrats to Micah and to the team on the new addition! =)


Welcome to the family Micah! This was a great choice and a sound decision.

Tom Hawkins

That's awesome news, congratulations Micah

Jason Bolla

Huge congratulations, love seeing the company expand.


Yay! Welcome Micah! Absolutely love her videos on YouTube and seems like an amazing person! We’re all happy you’re here ☺️

Vagicarp, I choose you

Cue the Last Stand Media dirty talk. Happy for Micah and for the entire LSM family! 😇🙏


Welcome Micah! Love to see the success and community of LSM grow

Dennis Johnson

Big dope. Welcome, ma'am! Keep the awesome work rolling. I'm here for the next round of hires.


Thought Micah would always join as talent but I’ll take this too. Now I’ll be awaiting the day Dagan goes full rockstar and goes all in on podcasting. A man can dream. 😄


Welcome aboard, Micah!


Welcome Micah! You’re a great addition and I enjoy your content, so I am excited for the future. 😀

Jose Cantu

Oh hell yeah! 🙂 Congrats, Micah!


Very excited for the company & Micah!! @colin I noticed a typo near “for this role” I’m sure you meant “I’m” not “I’ve”.


Welcome Micah! This is awesome 🙂


Congratulations!! So proud of y’all!


Welcome aboard Micah!!

Hose A Contra Razz

We have a Moriarty and a Watson. All we are missing is a Holmes


What could possibly go wrong

Dustin Goncharoff

She was on an older episode of Sacred Symbols+: https://www.patreon.com/posts/sacred-symbols-38280047


Welcome, Micah! I'm glad to have you on board. Also, as mentioned in this post, shout-out to Dustin and Ben for their great editing skills. I listen to other podcasts that often have errors, but not here.


Welcome Micah!


Ooh no she's gonna get beans on everything


Welcome Micah!


Welcome Micah!


Bout time!!!!! 😊😊


Fuck yeah. In my mind this is you two basically getting married. Well done Colin! And much deserved Micah!

Paul McFerron

Continually amazed -- and pleased! -- with the company's evolution. Colin and the team: you guys rock. Looking forward to everything and more!

Devin K

Welcome Micah!


Congratulations Micah!!!


Welcome Micah… and colin thank you for being you

Ray Briggs

Welcome to the team and the family Micah. Congratulations


Very exciting! I wish you all the best. You should do a little interview with her so we can get to know her.


Excellent news! Congratulations Micah.

Big Boss Games

Damn, reading this, it's fucking awesome!!! LSM is in such a good place right now and the future is looking bright, my goodness!!! And for us LSM fans, it's like, Christmas just doesn't stop 😂. It's just great to know LSM is growing fast and you can feel the positive energy in the podcasts. Colin isn't the guy anymore that will suck the life out of you (maybe only with Dustin 😜) Now he's the guy who's going to bring more life towards you 😄. No, but seriously, happy for all you guys! Welcome Micah!👌


Long live Queen Micah!


Awesome news! Welcome Micah!


Excellent news! Looking forward to everything that is to come 👌


Welcome !!!


Congrats man! Welcome Micah!

Alex Bolton

Woohoo!!! Micah!!! Congrats



Jeffrey “the miz” Mizrahi

This is amazing!!! Welcome to LSM, Micah! A coordinator is definitely something this group needs. You’re gonna kill it!!

Clay Layne

This is absolutely awesome. Welcome and hopefully we get an introduction Episode.

Dr Stump

Congrats Micah!

Mark Law

Welcome Micah, greetings from Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

Dennis Fox

Welcome Micah! I can’t wait to see what great things this allows the company to do!!

Wayne Moss

Fantastic new! Welcome Micah! so pleased for you guys LSM is getting stronger & stronger I can’t wait to see what’s coming from you guys in the future.


Excited to see the francise grow.


Perfect choice! Welcome Micah and congrats!


Colin literally building the most diverse team available and people will still say bad things about him, will always he a supporter not only due to the quality content but because of the way he values all voices and backgrounds.


Without sounding weird, I've always felt that the Last Stand Media community has always felt like a family. Everyone respects each other, and we are all here because we are passionate about gaming and just want a cool place to hang out. Fans of Colin followed him to the new company, because Colin has always been 100% honest with his viewers, and looked out for their best interests. He's always treated us with respect. So every new employee he brought on board, the audience embraced them trusting in Colin's vision. So I think it's wonderful that as an independent business, Colin is now able to hire actual family to expand the company. Micah is perfect for the role!


Congrats Micah welcome to LSM!


Welcome Micah and congratulations!

William Holbert

Many Congratulations and Welcome, Micah. And MANY Congratulations Colin. I really LOVE seeing all your Success. Thank you all for what you do.

Will Fehr

Congrats Micah! This is really exciting news!


Let's go Micah! Congrats! Finally we can also get some proper Yakuza respect on the LSM shows :D

Will Hahn

That’s wonderful news. :) Welcome aboard, Micah!

Giovanni D'Amico

Welcome, Micah! Been absolutely loving the last few months and weeks of changes and additions within LSM - basically been firing on all cylinders since the branding refresh. Thanks for all that you do, team!


Congrats to Micah and the team. A female perspective is always appreciated. Hope she can participate in some podcasts also !


Congrats Micah! So excited that you're officially on board.

Juan Paolini

Welcome Micah! Glad to see you on this team!

Joshua Brown

Congratulations Micah!

Big Ru

Nice, I hope Micah gets to join on some SS+ episodes as well from time to time!


So rad! Welcome Micah!


Congrats Micah! So excited to see where this company goes next!


Congrats to Micah! Welcome aboard.

Michael Welter

Hell yeah. Congrats Micah!


Welcome to the LAST STAND MEDIA Micah, may you be filled with ecstasy for the amazing future that is yet to come. Welcome to this big ol’ family. Much love from a last stand media fan. We love y’all. Thank you guys for making my days infinitely better.


Been here since day one and it's cool as fuck to see this kind of growth. Not the big fancy studio sell out stuff at kinda funny but the same great quality content just slightly more ambitious. Props to Dustin the difference he's made cannot be overstated! Congrats Micah!


Thats great news, congratulations Micah!


This is wonderful news


Awesome to hear! Congratulations!!!!

Josh Correa

Awesome news welcome Micah!!

Ryan Harvey

Glad to have you here Micah! Congrats and best of luck!!


Great news!


Congratulations Micah!!


Congrats Micah, you will do great!


Congrats Micah!

Judah Bailey

I recently re-pledged after not being able to keep up with the content coming out as my personal life got quite busy and hard to manage time-wise, but I couldn't have come back at a better time. I'm so stoked that the content is going to keep getting better, and I want to personally congratulate you on finding someone in your life that you can trust enough to fill this position. Here's to many more years of LSM!

Fernando Amigon

This just keeps getting better! Congrats Micah!


What a team you are building here.. sky's the limit at this point


Congrats Micah. As an IT worker myself, I know you’ll do great in this new position as it’s a requirement to wear multiple hats to get work done on a daily basis. Looking forward to your influence in the company, and possibly a guest appearance on DD or SS!


Welcome Micah and congrats. But don’t do a damn thing. Make Colin get out of that damn la-z-boy


I’m very pleased with the quality of content you all produce. I love the humor(Dagans dad jokes), the sincerity and the heart. Love what you’re doing with the brand and I’m happy you brought Micah on board to keep you all in line. Keep doing what you’re doing.


Congratulations! You’re growing the business the right way, very excited for everyone involved!


Congratulations Micah and well done Colin! It’s been amazing to watch Last Stand grow and to see the moves you are all making! Keep it going and growing brotha!


Congrats for bringing another member to the family!

Tom Brown

Awesome news ! Every addition to LSM has been great. Welcome Micah


Welcome to the team!!!! Glad to see things moving and changing and growing!!!

Shane Sperry

Congrats, Micah! 😄


That’s awesome! Congratulations Micah!


congrats Micah! If you ever feel up to it I’m sure lots of us would love to hear you on one of the pods

Brian Comstock

Welcome Micah! Love your videos and can tell you’re just the sweetest girl ever. Congratulations!


Congrats! Welcome Micah to a wonderful team and community!

Jake Watson

The ultimate relationship tester! Best of luck to the both of you going forward.

Jack Doheny

Very happy to hear this! BEANS BEANS BEANS


Congrats to Micah and welcome to the LSM family.


Congratulations Micah! Welcome to the LSM Family


Welcome, Micah!

Liam Mcnulty

Be easier to just ask her to marry you 😂 Joking aside, welcome Micah!


With the way that this company is growing and the amount of content you folks are producing, it was only a matter of time before this had to happen. congratulations, Micah!!


Congrats Micah! And Colin that’s so cool to have your girl helping along with this (and she seems qualified and from what you tell us a gamer). Would love to hear her on the show one day even if just for a plus episode but either way sounds great keep up the great work (I’m referring to the whole team! You guys have been great).

Nicholas Coso

Love this! Welcome and congrats!


So exciting! You’re going to do great!!


Welcome! It would be great to have her on a show sometime!


Welcome to the crew Micah!


Welcome Micah!! I’m so glad to hear that SS is only becoming more successful! Will we ever get to her Micah on an episode?


Cool beans! WelcomeMicah! Hope nothing but da best!

Josh Gamez

We now have dad, his sons, uncle Dagan AND mom! LSM is a family affair y'all!

James Clark

Yikes... I hate to be the only negative comment in a sea of congratulations Colin, but this seems like an obvious conflict of interest. What's that old saying about business and pleasure? 🙈 Maybe I'm just being instinctually negative because I've had difficult failed work-based relationships in the past? Or maybe I'm talking from experience? I'm not even sure myself. I'd love to hear a knockback episode on the topic of work relationships now that I think about it 😂 No disrespect meant to either yourself or Micah of course. Happy for you guys on a personal level 🙂

Daddy T

Colin seems like a fairly rational lad, as does Micah the lass, I don't think they'd commit to something like this if they weren't nearly 100% sure of it, and I'm sure, if, god forbid, things went south between them, I'm sure they'd be as amicable as possible. And who's to say Micah wouldn't just stay on anyways, if she does a good job, then she does a good job, it's good business.


Great news! All the best for you guys!

Kjell Dirckx

Congratulations Micah! Good job LSM team.


Welcome to the team! May your contributions to LSM be most excellent


Congrats 👏

Marius Skarsem Pedersen

Sound slike this will make everything much less stressful and more manageable, congrats to Micah!


Welcome Micah!!!!!!!


Incredible news! Welcome Micah! I can’t tell you how great it is to see LAM flourishing! Kudos to everyone involved

Stuart Johnstone

Welcome to the party pal(Micah). Congrats. Love the direction LSM is going. Keep up the good work guys. 😊😊


One of us! One of us!

Kyle Martin

I mean I guess it makes sense but I still would have hired Rush...... (Congratulations Micah!)

Bono Silva

Welcome Micah 😄

Luke Tucker

A very happy official welcome to you Micah!!

Marcus Brown

LFG Micah!!! 🙌🏽❤🙌🏽

Tony Rivera

Welcome Micah! And well said, Colin - if I may restate in the words of Dr. Disrespect, "We're at the tippety top of the mountain, but we're really only half way up." <3 CLS/LSM Forever!

Eric Bolella

Congrats Micah! Looking forward to hearing more from you on the show. Your episode with Colin last year was fantastic. Welcome aboard!

Joseph Marzola

Congrats and welcome, Micah!


Welcome Micah!! It is about time somebody gets these guys organized. Do you know what you have gotten yourself into though?😀


Congrats Micah! Love seeing Last Stand grow piece by piece :)

Miracle Peach

Congrats, Micah! LSM’s growth is exciting!




Congratulations, Micah!

ur ppnballs

Welcome to the team!

illicit salt trade

If this hire is half as good as Dustin we are in for a treat.

Chun W Wan

Your going to smash it Micah!

Wretched Spawn

Congrats, Micah. Looking forward to LSM becoming bigger and better with time. Best of luck to the team.


Congrats, Micah!

Russ wolfe

Sooooo exciting!!! Welcome Micah!!

Kevin R Lord

Super cool, glad all your lives will be better/easier. Congrats to all.

The Eclectic Gamer

How are there so many comments here but about 5 comments for my post on our half year GOTY list…this is a Patreon about gaming!!!

The Eclectic Gamer

This is mostly a good thing for a business owner…look at what happened with Trump when he surrounded himself with people outside his inner circle, he would get spied on.


Welcome to the team, glad to see the team growing

TB Lightning

Onward and upward, legends!

Diego Macias

So happy for this! Congrats Micah!


For those types of questions you would get tons of comments in the Discord. It's popping over here :)


Great additions. Micah and Lord Cog, can’t wait to hear you both on the audio waves!

BettyAnn Moriarty

😉 Good stuff! Yay, Micah! 👏🏻👍🏻💕

Dan Reid

Welcome Micah ❤️