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Hunting the Hunter | Sacred Symbols: A PlayStation Podcast Episode 158

Sony's newest State of Play presentation gave us a glimpse at some third-party games of varying quality, Death Stranding's PS5 port, a sequel to one of PSVR's most notable adventures, and so on. We also got a deep dive into Arkane's upcoming PS5 console-exclusive Deathloop, and it looks amazing. With its Dishonored roots shining through, Deathloop is like Returnal means Hitman. Let's chat about that, the rest of the State of Play slate, and all of the week's other news, too. Speaking of Returnal, Housemarque apparently had other suitors before Sony secured the team, Ubisoft is making some major, series-altering changes to Assassin's Creed, Electronic Arts' DICE LA has a new name, RoboCop and Dan Houser are both making video game comebacks, and much more. Plus: Should "influencers" be hiding their Trophies and Achievements? Is it high time for Persona 4 to come to PlayStation 4? Where in God's name are PS5's external hard drives? What's with Chris' enormous water bottle? Get some Sacred Symbols merch! https://LastStandMedia.shop A new episode of Sacred Symbols: A PlayStation Podcast launches each Friday morning. To receive instant, ad-free access, as well as other perks, please support the show on Patreon at http://patreon.com/LastStandMedia You can also subscribe to the audio version of the podcast on iTunes, Google Play, and other podcast providers, or use this link: https://open.spotify.com/show/1GKTOA7ZhIfrxIxSR0rg25 Listen to Colin's retro and nostalgia podcast, KnockBack (also available on podcast services): http://bit.ly/KnockBackPod #Deathloop #StateofPlay #SacredSymbols 0:00:00 - Intro 0:04:00 - Corrections and Comments. 0:11:13 - What’s our take on influencers hiding their trophies and achievements? 0:20:18 - June 8th’s State of Play 1:13:59 - Nintendo is making an OLED Switch. 1:22:59 - A few smaller news items. 1:30:18 - What is a bad game we’ve played that should get a remake? 1:31:05 - What video game character’s name should I give my child? 1:37:58 - What have we been playing? 1:46:28 - New information about PlayStation’s purchase of Housemarque has emerged. 1:53:24 - The next Assassin’s Creed game will be a little different. 2:09:02 - DICE LA is now called Ripple Effect Studios. 2:14:35 - Robocop is getting a new game. 2:24:45 - Dan Houser is returning to video games. 2:32:40 - The PSP store closure is not what we thought it would be. 2:36:54 - Guilty Gear Strive has some changes in certain regions. (POLITICAL TOPIC) 2:50:11 - Test Drive is being revived. 2:55:58 - Atari appears to be returning to console gaming. 3:05:05 - Mortal Kombat 11 will no longer be supported or receive DLC. 3:08:18 - Could PlayStation Now start doing things a little differently? 3:18:35 - News Wrap-Up 3:20:40 - Why do we use the word “mechanic” when referring to functions in video games? 3:25:40 - Should Persona 4 get ported to console? 3:29:30 - What qualifies as a skilled gamer? 3:39:40 - When will we hear more about the SSD expansion slot?


Curse These Metal Hands

Sacred Symbols: The Furman Cut. Almost 4 hours and I'm all here for it.


That thumbnail is the stuff of legend.


As others have said, this Thumbnail is incredible. If it wasn't for Colin holding a phone, it would look like the poster of an European Indie flick. Also, jokes on you Colin, I already use Mommy Milkers,

Tristen Wilbers

I loved Endless Ocean: Blue Worlds. Apparently it's the 2nd in the series but that was a really surreal game and captured the wonder and fear of exploring the ocean well. Very nostalgic for me since I was pretty young at the time. Super underrated game.


Gotta say I’m kinda disappointed there was no mention of reports about Ubisofts failure to improve their work culture environment following massive and numerous allegations against many of its leading staff (some were even promoted to directing roles for the new Assassin’s Creed project). They’re trying as hard as they can to sweep this under the rug and continue chasing trends. This is also evident in the departures of some senior staff who have been very vocal on the matter and confirm the rotten core of the company. I just feel like more coverage on this issue is needed within the industry. #HoldUbisoftaccountable


Colin as a fellow gi joe collector I do pay for pulse premium. It is 50 bucks a year and with it you get early access and free shipping with 3 purchases I have broke even. Also it has saved me quite a few bucks on eBay shopping. I got screwed buying a beachhead, baroness, firefly and all of target cobra island stuff. But I was able to make for a ton of it this week. So I think worth it just for early access and free shipping. Also depends on how many you buy. I am building a full collection so worked out well for me.


If you’re ever serious about that “Game Terminology” podcast idea, there’s cool sites like glossary.infil.net that collect and explain a bunch of them. That site is fighting game specific, but it’s really well done so I wanted to contribute it to any considerations. 😅


Honestly surprised with Dustin's experience with Xbox Cloud. I live in the out in the sticks in Ireland where you can't even get Fiber broadband and my experience has been amazing with it so far! Even on 4g data too.

The Late Nate

I'm really enjoying the episode, but I gotta say, Chris taking a swig outta the huge Arizona jug while Colin was talking about the industry's characterization of Israelis just made me crack up Hope you're having a good week!


#ColinWasRight a few weeks back when he said Dustin was killing it with these thumbnails lol.


It may be more appropriate for a separate + discussion. Occam's Razor says if a publicly-traded megacorporation like Ubisoft employs certain people who were accused of something well after those accusations were aired and investigated, that they may just be innocent. Who knows?


Good to know. It seems like just another thing to pay for, though. -_- P.S. If you're an ARAH trader/seller, lemme know. =D

Ryan Harvey

When you talked about cataloguing gaming terms I imeddiately thought of this! This was a HUGE deal very recently in the FGC. It is a glossary for all fighting game terms to send new players to https://glossary.infil.net/.


I would never write about something this trivial, but I cannot stand for the mischaracterizarion of a fantastic movie. How in the actual fuck is Robocop a conservative movie? It illustrates the pitfalls of Reagan-era policies like trickle down economics/the war on drugs by having its setting take place in a futuristic hellscape version of Detroit, rife with poverty and despair. One of the messages of the film is how privatizing institutions like the police force (and subsequently militarizing it) would be detrimental to society. The movie literally ends with Robocop busting into a shareholder meeting and shooting the CEO out of the window. Regardless, I enjoy the show and implore you all to watch the first Robocop again because it is a masterpiece.


This is going to sound cynical as fuck but in the grand scheme of things is the move by ArcSystem works that big of a deal. Let me be clear China is evil and their Winnie the Pooh looking leader is sadistic. But look at what happened to Hong Kong. The riots in Hong Kong were documented. The brutality there was called out and now the wider world has moved on. China has received no real punishment for their human rights violations there. If the wider world is able to move on from that what do we really even truly care about. The gaming community won’t care about this move by Arc by next week. It sucks but it’s true. It’s impossible to live a moral life in this mess.


I live in a country where our government has committed several violations of the Declaration of Human Rights and committed crimes against humanity. The whole international community just doesn't care due to the United Nations just being a symbolic organism that has done shit to police the countries inside or even stop some of these atrocities from happening. Hell, China has a set on the Council of Security as well as Russia, which is laughable.

James Schubert

The plural of Lego is Lego, not being a dick and this isn't up for discussion, the company say so themselves. Expensive fuckers.

Stephen Forgione

Colin, LEGO VIP is a free membership. You can also use the points accrued for discounts on future purchases. You can pre-order the Seinfeld set on 7/21 with your free VIP membership :) (not a lego employee, just a big LEGO Star Wars guy)


I think we're kind of making the same point. I certainly don't mean rah-rah conservative. I just think it's a movie clearly made in a conservative era.


This app patreon app is dog shit. That’s my take on this episodes 👀

Empty Symbol

Hey just a clarification that Demon Slayer game is developed by the same studio that did the "Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm" games possibly the best anime game series I've played in terms of graphics and gameplay. Demon Slayer looks to have the same gameplay as the Naruto fighting games, 3rd person/open area/ very flashy. Not as technical as you would find in more traditional 2d fighters but VERY fun. I recommend looking at the Naruto gameplay to have a better idea of how this Demon Slayer game is likely to pan out.

Zack Fair

Feel like Colin should give us one phrase a week to go out into the world and say 😂


When I listened to the AC part about it becoming a platform, immediately I thought of an Animus hub world where the character would uncover additional Animus' to travel to new places where you play the actual game. I'd imagine theyd drop new portions for $20 or $30 which would act as fleshed out DLCs. Obviously microtransactions would persist to generate revenue in between new large updates. Dustin kind of nails it on the head with how I immediately conceived of it.


Demon Slayer is TRASH. DBZ is still GOD TIER


Podcast about the terms and where they come from could be really nice!


One of the best podcasts in awhile guys. Just wanted to say great job!


Not to minimize Dustins XCloud experience, however I’ve gotta say that mine has been quite the opposite. Whether iPhone, iPad or laptop, XCloud is a very nice bonus.

Andrew Gambill

Love that you guys can go nearly 4 hours and still always be entertaining and time always flies by. There are 60 minute podcasts that I find myself checking the remaining time on and I never find myself doing that on SS.

Mark ?️

Colin is right about the PS5's SSD space. The reason why it's 825GB is to do with the fact the drive operates across 12 channels rather than 8 which is more common. I won't do the bit math but 12 channels x the size of the NAND Flash chip = 825GB

Mark ?️

Just to follow on from this, as a result the next largest drive size they could've opted for would be 1.65TB, and thus the cost of the machine would've been a fair bit more

Ryan Hayman

Dustin, according to this forum, we are "fucking dipshits" https://www.offsetguitars.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=107323

Kaz Redclaw

It's terrible that they removed those things from all versions. I can vaguely understand removing them from the Chinese version, but removing it elsewhere is awful.


So what happened at 2:38:35?

David P

Goddamn, I guess it's obvious but the thought of them maintaining farms of PS3s is ridiculous. Easier than true BC, I guess.


On China…I love the candor guys.

Christopher Peterson

I was excited about the Tetris block names and was about to post it in a Discord group…then I went to find a link for proof and discovered it was a hoax. https://nerdist.com/article/jeopardy-fake-tetris-name-error/


Long time fan of Colin. Love Chris and Dustin too :) Having said that, Colin you dare to correct Dustin’s “jagwire” (definitely weird though) in light of the strange pronunciation quirks of your own. Most egregious of them is your “th” sounds. “Thank” and “thought” do not have the same sound as “them” and “there”. I would love to know what that is about for you. The ONLY other person in the media I have heard use this is Aisha Tyler. (Also you say “shtream” or shtrange” for “stream” and “strange.”) Very strange. Hopefully this is taken in the spirit it is given, which is just that I must take up for the round-headed one and call you out on your own pronunciation misgivings. I love you.