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Memories are structured. There's a place, an event, and perhaps even other people. And then there's the true setting: The year, the era, the month, or indeed the season itself. It's that latter notion that we want to explore in this episode of KnockBack, because the four seasons themselves -- Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter -- are absolutely teeming with nostalgic remembrance begging to be uncovered. The turning of Spring and the end of school, the promise and freedom of Summer, the changes and back-to-normal of Fall, and the end of it all (with a promise of more to come) of Winter. We're excited to delve into the fuzzy and meaningful feelings tethered to each season, feelings that are probably more universally-felt than you'd initially think.



Tim J Weckwerth

Oh man im excited about this one! Great topic I wouldn't have expected.


I love the more personal episodes, not based on specific properties and what not, unless we're talking about GI Joe of course

Andrew Morgan

Ah, the bitter-sweet sting of cold air rushing through your nose as Autumn becomes Winter. It’s almost as if Autumn to Winter is the true “spring change” because of school. A new school year is very much one of the most tumultuous times in a young persons life. It’s like you show up for a few weeks smelling of Summer and BOOM, arctic air comes in and the real school year begins. Loved the topic. Good stuff Brothers Moriarty.


I love these episodes of the show! It takes me back to my own childhood. You guys talking about the produce bags around you feet had me cry laughing.


fall might take the cake for me. its the quiet after summer and the calm before winter. everything seems so still and serene. i love the smell of wet fallen leaves on the ground and the sounds of crunchier ones. the trees that aren’t completely bare yet make everything look warm and golden. walking on a trail listening to music on a sunny fall day with a cool breeze is hard to top; even by christmas!

Matt Soucy

Great topic. I remember getting Super Mario Bros 3 in my easter basket. Probably the best easter for me.


Colin, This being a nostalgic episode I feel the need to say the following… I moved into the house I grew up in a couple of years ago and I have to tell you that if you ever have the opportunity to get the house you grew up in, do it! I am now in the house where all my Christmas memories live, all my first day of school stories, all of my everything originated here and it is a very special feeling that I couldn’t take for granted if I tried. If that house you love goes for sale you should go get it, it is worth it! Thanks for the content! Jeff

Brandon Soto

For me, the worst holiday is Summer. No smartphones or social media back then, so when school was out, I never really saw or hung out with friends & felt quite alone. Being dragged out the house to do family stuff was also irritating. Favorite holiday is Spring. Perfect weather & birthday month. Also reminds me of playing Pokémon, as the games used to release around Spring time.

Matthew Cooper

These kinds of episodes are the best; and this particular one was special...and hilarious.

Russell Robinson

These are my favorite type of episodes. Daegan's flirting with Frostbite was hilarious. Whenever Colin goes into his WHY was whatever a thing is always funny. The tone of voice sounds like a man really searching for an answer. WHY were the plastic bags so rare? WHY won't people shut up about Back to the Future? Who knows Colin. Who. Knows.😁


The produce stuff was great. Def can relate to the spring school stuff. Haven’t thought about any of that since I was in school. We only had field day 1 year though in 5th or 6th grade and it was literally every classroom for themselves. I remember thinking after: we were outside the whole day and there wasn’t a lot of adults watching, I could’ve just went home. 😅

Al Rodriguez

When Colin said "its August and now its time to check the mail box for your schedule." I felt that!

Kenneth Oms

I don’t think BBQ vs cookout is a north and south thing. I grew up in Florida and it was always bbq. Meanwhile in Brooklyn they call it a cookout. I think it’s more of a cultural thing

Al Rodriguez

Remember Florida has been colonized by the north due to high taxes lol, it has many east coast culture in it.

Henry Morgan

I know I’m a couple weeks late to the punch, but I would highly recommend the Cartoon Network miniseries “Over the Garden Wall” to Dagan! I was reminded of it when he was talking about media that encompass the fall. It’s a master class in animation and character design, and perfectly captures the feeling of Halloween as a child!