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DDU x Colin - Xbox & PlayStation's Trajectory | Defining Duke Ultimate Episode 23

For the first time, our very own Colin Moriarty joins the show after a loud week from PlayStation. With three studio acquisitions in the last year, they're moving at a pace we haven't seen a sniff of in the last decade. Xbox has formed into a strong competitor through the likes of Xbox Game Pass and streaming options. With Colin's PlayStation expertise and our combined Xbox knowledge, we take a bird's eye view of the chessboard on what move will be made next by both sides between exclusives, Game Pass competitors, belief in generations, the future of indies, and much more.



Sayyyy whatttt?!! COLIN?!!?!!!! Is about to go down!

John Lynch

Anyone else have problems with this not showing in RSS?


These xbox conversations seem lack any sort of critical thought towards xbox strategy long term as a platform. No one seems to point out that xbox has basically chopped off their own limbs (Their store and hardware sales) for the success of gamepass. We shat on Sony around Christmas about possibly not having supply but clearly they have twice that of xbox if not more. They have all this good press but no consoles to sell. I own Gamespass Ultimate and Xbox does everything in its power to make sure I never need to buy their console.

Jarett Davis

Because the platform IS Game Pass. This was made clear when they brought Game Pass to PC. No, Microsoft does not care if you buy their console, they just want you to be playing within their ecosystem. And, they definitely have more, or as many consoles to sell as Sony. I've seen multiple post on Reddit of Series S in stores. Of PlayStation, the most I've seen is a used Digital Edition PS5 (which costs less than a used PS4 Pro?!?!) at Gamestop. And personally, I was able to get a Series X in January, after stalling for 10 minutes, whereas now, I just bought a PS5 last Thursday.

aran turl

The convo about needing to deliver block busters reminds me a bit of Pixar. Pixar was once the king of the animated world and Disney was a laughing stock (even though I know they are owned by Disney, work with me here) but Pixar had a few misses like monsters University and last dinosaur and Disney spent all the money and now they're neck and neck in movie quality with bangers like Moana and zootopia. The same could happen for games with xbox and playststion.


Looking forward to Microsoft’s next buying spree.


Interesting conversation, great show

Big Swingin' Rick

God I'm so happy you've got Cog in the LSM family now, such great energy


Is it just me (it probably is), or does "DDU X Colin" sound like the name of a porn?

Liam Mcnulty

Zootropolis? Lol. Sorry I had to correct, my OCD wouldn't allow me to scroll on. Didn't you like Last Dinosaur? Definitely not one of their best, but I quite enjoyed that movie! Coco was the last movie of theirs I loved. Didn't like Luca.

Triston Palacios

Love the idea of having the occasional Sacred Symbols / Defining Duke collab to discuss current state of the “console wars” .

Shaun Wilkinson

I don’t think I’ve ever disagreed with Colin more lol. Interesting listen.

Zack Fair

I'm one of them PlayStation gamers Colin mentioned that will have never and never will buy a xbox, I also wouldn't buy a gamepass catered for PlayStation. PlayStation doesn't need a xbox gamepass they just need to figure out their own kind of gamepass as mentioned

Derek Alcott

Such a good episode. I love this Patreon.


Incalcitrant perfectly describes Sony’s current stance. Love these crossover episodes.


I think Colin is spot on with what I believe could be a very successful strategy for Sony.

Ryan H

This was a fantastic discussion. Can I pitch you guys to get together like this a couple times during the year to discuss the state of things? a "Last Stand" State of the union?