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Call-In With Colin | Sacred Symbols+ Episode 96

We thought we'd try something a little different. In the spirit of decades of sports and political talk radio, we wanted to open our very own Sacred Symbols phone lines (so to speak) to talk directly with the audience. So -- for the first time ever! -- we take calls from listeners wanting to chat about the open world potential of Cloud Chamber's BioShock project, whether Kojima will or won't go with Sony for his next game, Square Enix's bold vow to change the very fundamentals of Dragon Quest, potential PlayStation first party studio rankings, and much more. (Thank you to all who took the time to call-in via Last Stand Media's official Discord! We will absolutely be doing this again.) #LastStandMedia


Anthony Lamb

Great this will keep me entertained on nights tonight👏


Loved this guys Gonna try get involved in the future so I can pick Chris’s mind on some destiny 2 chatter 😎

Jeff Caseres

Great episode guys! Love the Jaffe and Amazing Lucas are the only ones I know that do these call ins and now you guys do too so that’s awesome! Amazing Lucas call ins are hilarious because it mostly political topics and he gets some prank calls here and there 😆 Colin mentioned that this should be something more people should do but I think those that aren’t scared to be challenged are the ones that would do something like this. If you’re afraid to be challenged on the spot you definitely would not do call ins.


This was awesome. The fact that Colin let’s the callers give their opinion as well is really cool and everyone was respectful too, which is awesome. I’ll definitely be trying to get in on the next one.

Dustin Goncharoff

I had my doubts about this format, but y'all knocked it out of the park (including the callers).

Michal Dudic

well I think we can call this experiment a success. big props to the callers, Jaffe sometimes gets some real clowns on the line but all of these people had very good questions and perspectives.


Thanks for listening! I suppose the spontaneity can be intimidating for some, but I quite like it. =)


Great video and new format LSM!

Richard Duflo

Killzone to Killzone 2 has to be my pick for a bad original game with a good sequel Great new format! Good to hear no one tried to disguise their voice like the one caller on your Jaffe appearance 😂 I said this on twitter, but this format could also work with the Challenging Colin SS+

BettyAnn Moriarty

I LOVE THIS! Such fun to listen to. Great job everyone. I must say that the callers spoke eloquently and were super composed. Kudos! 😉👏🏻👍🏻


Discord now seems appealing to my old self if It grants the ability to speak with your fine self's 🤯🤯

Payton Stone

This was awesome Colin! Appreciate you fielding my question!


I will certainly not attest to it being the "best" example of this, but the jump from Assassins Creed to AC II always pops into my brain as a case where a sequel substantially better realized the promises of its predecessor. Great show y'all (:


Yeah, I thought of that, too. But, as I shit-talk AC2 all the time, it seemed disingenuous.

Will Hahn

This was so cool, what a great idea! I’d like to hopefully call in one day, but I can’t even access the discord for some reason lol.


I don’t know when Jaffe started doing call-ins but I know of them from Shane as he did them for SIFTD early on. That said, this was easily the best one I’ve heard yet. Everybody’s audio was on point. I had wanted to get in but got busy near the call time so I’ll be on the lookout for the next one. Nice to finally put voices to some names though. NFL 2K5 for $20 to this day still has to be 1 of the best games per dollar. Truly a classic. A Returnal/PS5 class-action lawsuit would be interesting…

Kenneth thomas

Just a little disappointed this wasn’t called “Call-in Moriarty” ... but kudos regardless

Alec Dyer

This was great, hoping for a call in version of Challenging Colin or Challenging Chris too!

Empty Symbol

Hey just to clarify the question you had a out FFXIV: Endwalker. This expansion 6.0 is just the culmination and wrap up of the games long running first arc. The producer of the game, Naoki Yoshida, said that 6.x onward will be setting up and starting a new story arc, and that he considers this game his life's work and not to expect an end to the game in the foreseeable future.

Matthew Cooper

This was a really cool episode, looking forward to more call in shows.

Frank G.

I gotta get in on that discord now, I'm not using my 5 dollar tier wisely. The guy at the McDonald's cracked me up😂


I really do love this format, I hope to see these continue in the future


Hey guys. I'm glad you're starting to do call ins! I'm interested in trying out for the next one but there's a problem. I'm a $5 patreon and have been for some time (I'd love to give ya more but responsibilities) so I have access to the discord. The only greviance I have is that I have to connect my patreon account to my discord. First off, I'm like you Colin, I'm not tech savvy. Second, I just really don't wanna do that. I'd love to join the discord community and chat with like minded people but cannot do these requirements. Is there any plans for changing this situation? Love what ya do and keep speaking honest. Peace.

Philip Andersen

Siliconera.com has been my source of Japanese gaming news in English for many many years^


Sony gave me a refund for Returnal and it was past the 14 day period. Every other game works on my system, Returnal will not play. After calling the refund option on the phone multiple times they directed me to hardware, I told the guy I’ve done every trouble shooting step and the game just will not play. I gave him the error code and told him I was furious because at this point I’ve lost money and time because it deleted my save on one occasion also. I told him that I didn’t want to send my system in since it’s playing every other game fine. He reached out to his higher ups and I waited, when he came back he told me they would do a one time exception for me and refunded the game. He also told me that this error code is an ongoing problem they are aware of and having been working on a fix, it sometimes effects all games on the system, some ps5 or all ps5 games and/or some or all ps4 games or sometimes just one game. It sounds like a bug in the system software they can’t pin down. Maybe this is why some certain ps4 games didn’t work when the ps5 launched? Sorry so long, much love ✌️


Hey! Unfortunately, there's no way to partake in our Discord without connecting to Patreon. It's the only way we can automatically ensure who's who. Thanks for your support, and for your understanding.


Hey, I'm sorry you're experiencing this, too. It's truly strange, particularly for a Sony-published game. I'm curious what the issue actually is, since they are being incredibly mum about it, and since they seem incapable of fixing it with a quick patch.

Jose Luis Alvarez

Guys! Is there any way to let the participants pending in the discord listen to you guys live? Or is this already being done? If not I feel this could help with the flow. Also, I hope the discord is opened to lower tiers soon so more of us can call. I assume that will be beneficial for variety if this becomes a main stay. Love yall! 🖤


Hey, we don't plan on that, no. The show isn't live to tape. We also have no plans to open the Discord to lower tiers.


Wow, a call-in show featuring gamers and there weren't any awkward callers! Love this format, excited to see more of these episodes.