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Lately, Last Stand Media has had focused conversations on the state of video game journalism. As a content creator, I’ve often found that people want to pit us against one another in a engaged battle of ethics. That’s where Paul Lombardo steps in. He is currently attending the University Of Florida to get a degree for journalism and move his way up the ranks. Currently, he writes at SUPERJUMP and occasionally participated in listicles at The Gamer in an effort to build his portfolio. So, as someone who isn’t an established industry figure, but rather an up and coming one, how does Paul view things? The cancellation of high profile games, mentioning sources, the butting heads of content creators and journalists. We get into all of it in a perspective that I don’t believe many consider. Plus, how can content creators such as myself be held more accountable? With that, let’s discuss with Paul.



Will Hernandez

Guys, as a former sportswriter, y’all missed the boat on that analysis. When I was starting out, I covered every sport under the sun. I would say my specialty is/was baseball. That didn’t matter when a cross country or wrestling meet had to be covered. You eventually learn the ins and outs of those sports as you go along and talk to the players and coaches. That’s what journalism is about. When you’re an established writer with an actual beat, you might stick to one sport. But, the best journalists are the well-rounded ones and can cover almost anything in a pinch. Video games are a different animal. But if you’re working for a news organization that covers a lot of different topics, you might be called upon to cover something in a pinch, especially with staff shortages in media. Otherwise, great topic!

Greg Mocha

This podcast was difficult to listen to. It sounded like you were taking games “journalism” far too seriously. You mentioned an article about game burnout, like it was an affliction. I just don’t understand why you need to seek help for when you don’t want to play a game or you take a break. But let’s be honest, there is no games journalism. I’d argue less than 5% of articles on websites such as ign or others involved any journalism. Usually it’s just repeating a popular opinion.


Respectfully going to disagree! I follow all kinds of sports and outside of state-wide networks, most journalists stay to a particular craft. For example, MSG Sports has Bill Pidto who is absolutely more of a NY Knicks analyst, but he’ll do the highlights for the NHL where deep knowledge isnt required. That type of fill-in is totally okay. The problem in gaming stems from those areas where a deeper level of knowledge is needed, but they plug someone in who is inadequate for the job instead. We should expect better. Hope you still enjoyed the show!


I believe this comment is exactly why this conversation should be had. Calling it difficult to listen to is your opinion and it’s fine, but please do understand that journalism should be in a spot where it can be taken seriously. The problem is it isn’t and it’s because of many reasons addressed in the show. Hope you managed to enjoy it in some way regardless.

Greg Mocha

Definitely enjoy all the podcasts! Thanks for the reply. And I definitely believe journalism deserves even more recognition. What made it difficult was seeing what gaming sites are today. I can remember when journalism type pieces were more of the product offered by sites. But there’s so much drive for content it’s impossible. Monthly magazines would have time to develop stories. It’s why I support last stand and ACG. With the one or two podcasts a week, you have time to develop some thoughts and present good info.

Andy T

Hi Matty- really appreciate the different types of discussions you’re having here on ultimate! As a patron of Last Stand and yourself (in the next week or two) i have to push back against your praise of Jason Schrier. He’s not a good journalist or a good person. Everything he writes aligns very closely with his politics and if an issue doesn’t, it’s ignored or hand waved away. His treatment of people who simply have a different viewpoint to him is shocking at best. Every time I see or hear his name mentioned my eyes roll a full 360 degrees because- to put it simply- he’s making the games industry less inclusive for everyone (regardless of your political or social views) and is doing a hell of a lot of gatekeeping for a person who says he wants the information he writes about for everyone to hear. The way he treats other content creators that don’t tow the “line” you mentioned yongyea (whom I also support) is pretty awful too as if he is an actual “journalist” and you guys are just making fun videos for kids. Give me a fucking break. Anyway. Love your content and will keep supporting. Thanks, Andy from Oz.

Hose A Contra Razz

So is a game reviewer a Journalist? Because most people that call themselves journalists just review games on big game sites .


Thanks for the feedback, Andy. I'm not sure if I recall properly, but I believe I spoke in reference to Jason's work and not his character. I said him and I buried the hatchet back in 2015/16, but I believe that was really it.

Al Rodriguez

Paul Lombardo was trying to tell you Matty that you're like broadcasting journalist, not a writing journalist. We tend to assume journalist = writer, but that is not the case. Plenty of people report visually. Just look at TV news, its all visual.