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Outriders Review Discussion | Sacred Symbols+ Episode 92

People Can Fly's third-person cover shooter Outriders is one of 2021's most pleasant surprises so far, and it's garnered a lot of attention particularly on the Xbox side of the fence, where it's 'free' with Game Pass. But platforms aside, two amongst the Last Stand faithful -- MrMattyPlays and yours truly (Colin) -- are especially enamored with the game, and we wanted to dedicate some time to talk about why. Indeed, it seemed like the perfect opportunity to spool up a very special episode of +! So let's travel to the faraway planet of Enoch, friends, where a crumbling Earth's last hope rests... and where humanity's knack for strife will follow them, even to the stars. (As always, our review discussions fully spoil the game.) Get full access to Sacred Symbols+ by supporting us on Patreon! Patreon.com/LastStandMedia #SacredSymbols #Outriders


Drew Sleezer

Yes, another devastator player. Tanks for life. Additionally, I'd like to throw in that Diablo 3 uses the world tier difficulty system, and from my understanding brought that system to the masses. So unless you have a history with Diablo 3, I can see that system being a little obtuse.

Nathan Densley

Thanks for the review. Colin, may I suggest playing around with the mods. I wasn't and now I am and the game is even better

Steve Korber

Is Matty Ryan McCaffrey's son?


I was just surprised how high it scaled. I was basically playing the game at 20% its hardest difficulty (albeit alone).

Joseph Baker

Just getting started on Outriders. My son and I are playing it together. So far it's a blast. Could definitely play it solo if he becomes disinterested. Story so far is right up my alley.


Returnal is my first GoY choice

Wanghuao Zhu

Returnal is nightmare to play -_-, ACT II is so unforgiving