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It's not easy for a development studio to pivot from one group of projects to something radically different, but Sony-owned Guerrilla Games did just that when it released its open world action-RPG Horizon: Zero Dawn in early 2017. Horizon was unlike anything Guerrilla had ever done: Rather than an FPS like Killzone, Horizon is a wide-open, non-linear, character-driven affair, an interesting mixture of American Indian imagery, sci-fi tropes, and action-oriented gameplay that makes Zero Dawn among PS4's very best games. So let's chat about it, fellow Old Ones.



Austin Killian

Not yet boys, still gotta finish the cutest episode of Knockback ever with Dagan and Graeden

francisco gutierrez

I've said this before,but I really get a kick hearing Dagan talk about modern game.

john spatta

Loved the story and concept but hated the gameplay. Cant wait to hear what the guys think

Kendall Helmstetter Gelner

This was one of my favorite games of all time, looking forward to hearing what you have to say! I liked it so much I went and bought the Collectors Edition after I had finished it, just to get the Aloy statue (which is amazing BTW).

Michael Krivo

This is easily my favorite first party game for the PS4. I'm still amazed Guerrilla was able to pull this off after going in a very different direction from Killzone.


Never finished this game. In fact I only played probably like 2 hours. I’ll play it again on ps5

William Holbert

Adored Horizon Zero Dawn. I did at least three complete playthroughs, plus the DLC. Cannot wait for the Forbidden West.

William Holbert

Very interesting and informative episode. Really enjoyed it. Thank you, Colin and Dagan.

Ryan Campos

Colin, this is a perfect “spoilercast” for Horizon, your intro of the lore was great, perhaps a framework for future spoilercasts

Derek Waechter

Thanks for the hard work, guys!

Douglas Morreale

Yayyy love me some extra video game content on Knockback!


Top five game of the generation for me. Leaving the first area of the game going into the second arid area with the grazing Buffalo robots was fucking outstanding. Decima engine has crazy potential for PS5. Already can’t wait for the third game, or more likely the PS5 native Killzone.

Brandon Soto

Top 3 game on PS4. Taking off from work soon as I know the release date for the sequel.

Ryan Zimm

Do the boys address the criticisms some of us have about the game? If it's just 2 hours of praising the game, this one's not for me

Keith Mc Carthy

Great podcast again but kinda gutted ye didnt talk about the cauldrons. The first time i entered one it was awesome, it reminded me of the machine city in the matrix


Agreed - they were one of the main highlights of the game for me.


We dedicate quite a bit of time to what we don't like; we read a question that specifically asks us our least favorite components.


My favorite machine is probably the Sawtooth. I hope you guys do The Grand Budapest Hotel. That movie is awesome. That dad joke was bad. lol

Your Boi Nicky V

Guerilla staying 1st person? There goes the Socom dream. Anyway, glad Dagan enjoyed it. I hope they polish up the melee combat in the sequel, it felt kind of tacked on in the original.

George Edkins

Give us that Bottle Rocket episode ya damn cowards!

Brandon Van Cleave

Probably my favorite game of the generation, just replayed on PC and its even better. Disagree about Ashley Burch, her performance is the worst part of the game. So one note and boring. Whisper talking the entire time.

Joseph Baker

Going back to give this a listen. I just Horizon for the first time. Loved it!! Can't wait to hear your guys thoughts.

Ben Strauss

My biggest grip with this game is how the camera never stops. Sometimes it's behind her, then it's to the right then you press the trigger and it snaps it left. Makes the game unplayable with the camera creep, my ocd goes nuts.


Just beat the game. Working on the Platinum now. This will be a fun one for me in the AM. (Im late!)