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Cyberpunk 2077 Is Delayed Again... Here's Why

Cyberpunk 2077 has become one of the most anticipated games of this year. Unfortunately, it's seen numerous delays, creating even more anticipation before it's release. CD Projekt Red has delayed the game again, this time to December 10th. What's the reason though? Let's take a closer look. Follow Dustin on Twitter! http://www.twitter.com/DustinCanFly Colin's Last Stand is a fan-funded endeavor. If you like our podcasts and videos, please consider showing your support on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/colinslaststand Listen to Sacred Symbols: A PlayStation Podcast! https://open.spotify.com/show/1GKTOA7ZhIfrxIxSR0rg25 Listen to Colin's retro and nostalgia podcast, KnockBack (also available on podcast services): http://bit.ly/KnockBackPod Twitter: @notaxation Instagram: @clsmoriarty Facebook: /colinslaststand Colin's Last Stand is a product of Colin's Last Stand, LLC #Cyberpunk2077 #CDProjektRed #SideQuest


Liam Fagan

How many victim points do I need to get the game and a ps5 early?

Derek Waechter

CDPR kind of look like assholes now.

D'Ante Almo

After their statement I canceled my preorder. Decided to just wait for the Ps5 patch or whatever because...... damn, man.

Piston Pants

Any criticism CDPR is getting is self inflicted. They promise no crunch, then have to walk it back. They promise no more delays, then have to walk it back. I almost feel they want to be looked at as one of the good guys by saying these things. Only it ends up making it worse when their wasn't a need to make these proclamations in the first place. Just stop talking and posting on twitter and finish the game, THEN you can talk all you want. At this point their release dates are a meme.


I hope CDPR doesn't remove more content because of the delay. I preordered a PS5 just for this game.

Piston Pants

Dude have you seen the graphics on that game. No way that runs on a PS4, that game is pure next gen🤣

Brandon Soto

An absolute embarrassment. This game better be a 10/10

Will Hernandez

At this point, you might as well delay into 2021 so that you have all your ducks in a row. No one is going to drop dead from not getting to play the game this year. There are plenty of other games that will keep me entertained in the interim.


Good vid. I’m disappointed but it is what it is. As long as it actually sees a 2020 release I’ll be happy.


This took a lot of next-gen wind out of my sails. Even if the PS5 enhancement patch wasn't ready day 1 (not the full makeover patch for 2021), I was so excited to play this on my PS5.

Michael Choueiri

I’m mostly disappointed because they came out and said no more delays. Don’t say you won’t delay it that the game is done then turn around and delay it. If they didn’t make that promise and said we gotta delay it on last time i think it would go down smoother. Look a delayed game can help developers make a good one and its better than a rushed game but it’s also annoying when a game that spent 8 years in development keeps getting pushed back then says its done then goes jk delayed one more time.


The game is locked, there's no way for them to do that (or incentive, since it'd just break everything more).

Michael Weir

2020 continues to suck.


I’m going to wait for the PS5 version for this. Really want to play it but there is so much to play I’m choosing this game to push off for a while.


This delay, combined with my interest in Immortals: AWFUL NAME HERE, has me contemplating this as well. Demon's Souls --> Immortals --> Cyberpunk with whatever randoms in-between.

Ryan Zimm

Same here. I have too many games as is....so I'll wait for the Next Gen patch

Zack Fair

This is all CD Projekts fault, this game was announced before this gen even came out

Wade Says

I’d play it on PS5 if I could get my hands on one but that was virtually impossible. Still holding out hope I can get one in November. Using a PS4 Pro currently and I have a feeling this game demands at least that.


I don’t mind. I’ve been looking at my backlog lately, and sad to say, I’ve become more of a game collector than a gamer. I barely get enough time to play as-is and the single player experiences have just piled up. It’s kind of like with tv and movies too. 🤦‍♂️😅 That said though, if playing Watchdogs is fun for me, my expectation is that cyberpunk will be even far better and something not to be missed.