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We're so close, now. So very close! With PlayStation 5's launch on the horizon (though sadly without Horizon 2), we figured we'd sit down and sift through the console's launch library, a catalog of titles some are calling the best offerings-at-launch in console history. Is that true? That remains to be seen. But there's no doubt whatsoever that there are some games we simply can't wait to get our hands on. To celebrate, we created a list of 12 pieces of software available for PS5 at (or just around) launch, made separate lists to calibrate our respective excitement, and then recombined our scrolls with mathematical precision. And -- in true Sacred Symbols fashion -- we've folded in a ton of your input, too. So whet your appetites, PlayStation faithful. We're almost there.




Wtf this is early

Jake Watson

So early. Nice

Mitch Orobko

What a nice treat this is.


Man so excited for this launch... To Quote Colin... I can feel it in my balls

Joe McPartlin

Hmmmm very early. Intentional?


So early..so perfectly timed. Jesus Christ how did you know I needed this right now lol


Yesssss early. I’ll enjoy it in the morning

Adam Thiry

Very early. Awesome!

Andrew Duda

Thank you for the early drop! 👌🏻

Richard Duflo

I’m all about that early release 😉

Mr Worry

Thank you sirs.

Reuben Barrett

Ohh nice and early. What a treat.


Pleasant surprise that I get to fold my laundry and drink a shower beer to this tonight! Only had 10 minutes left of last week’s regular show and that wasn’t gonna be near enough time.

Anthony J Sanchez

Lol, I wrote that Destruction All-Stars was the launch game I'm least excited for. I also wrote that the only way I'd play it would be if it ever came to PS Plus. Sony then decides to take it away from the launch lineup and put it on PS Plus. Maybe Sony read my comment.

Maxx Lazos

Hey guys, 1. Demon’s Souls 2. BallSackboy’s Big Adventure (but really, I legit have Sackboy at #2) That’s kinda it


Perfect for working out early tomorrow! Love an unexpected early release.


Colin, who you fronting? We all know you’d pay $250 for a good GI Joe game with a fancy collector’s item.

Derek Waechter

I’m doing a laugh that kind of sounds like a dying Buffalo. You nailed it with this comment.

Adam Barnes

DELMUS?! 😂😂😂😂 for fuck sake Dustin. You are the best haha

Nathan Densley

I got screwed because of scheduling as a sub contractor, and am up late working through night. What a treat to find early released + for my consumption. Thanks for all your work gentlemen


Love getting this early in the morning! FYI Colin, Super Mario 3D All Stars just got an update with inverted controls so maybe worth picking up now. Have a great week everyone.


Re: Assassin’s Creed, I’m currently playing Odyssey, which is my first in the series, and I’m absolutely loving it. I’m not at all serious about RPGs, and I wouldn’t have been interested in playing it if it weren’t for the fact that I finally got around to playing The Witcher 3 after it came to Netflix. Recovering from back surgery and finding myself with a ton of time on my hands to just sit around and play a huge RPG certainly helped at the time. As far as I can tell so far, the series’ lore about Assassins versus Templars doesn’t play a major role, which I find helps make the game more approachable and I suspect that’s their strategy going forward.

Jordan Costa

On Tuesdays I just desperately refresh until noon, but to my bewilderment, this gem appeared. Bless you Dustin for making my morning coffee that much better. Cheers lads.

Kelly Perkins

You would be alot more excited for valhalla if you gave odyssey a chance. You would fall in love with kassandra. It's a shame for you guys but itl be one of the first games I stick my teeth into properly.

Kenneth thomas

1. Demon Souls. One is enough.


You talked about the Spider-Man and Observer ports, but why not talk about Devil May Cry 5: Special Edition? That has new content and has stuff that can only be done on Next-Gen like raytracing and modes that add way more enemies.




Who is calling this the best launch line up??????


I'm excited for Pathless for the Austin Wintory soundtrack alone


I decided to stray away from all "least excited" comments (even though I asked for them) to just give the episode a more upbeat and positive feel.

Jake Z

Gotta say I'm getting those annoying Souls fan vibes from the people saying Demon's Souls is THE next gen showpiece because it's only available on PS5. The game looks great, but it was originally a PS3 game. The Shadow of the Colossus remake was beautiful too, but it still felt like a PS2 game. I imagine Demon's Souls will feel similar. The obvious next gen showpiece title will be Miles Morales, even though a version of it runs on PS4.


Now that it's an action-RPG, I really should be more open to giving it a look. Maybe one day.


I may do that. As I said above... it being more of an action-RPG definitely appeals to me.


I'm honestly quite curious to see how Souls fans take to it. Bloodborne was such a huge hit with them. I wonder if Demon's Souls will hit or miss.


Bugsnax reminds me of viva piñata


GO GO RASPUTIN! And here I thought my dad was the only guy that ever listened to Boney M. Gonna go listen to Ma Baker now 😎


I missed out on submitting this post before the deadline but I want to give my reasons for why people need to pay attention to Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition and respect it as being THE gamer's game, as I feel it is being snubbed much like it's 2018 vanilla version: 1. A single player game with a complete story; no need to purchase DLC to see the ending and no corporate-forced "games as a service" design, no season pass and no "roadmap" 2. No long-winded, pretentious exposition dumps or cutscenes 3. Not a 100+ hour slog like Witcher 3 or GTA 4. The animation, music and "game-feel" work together to make you feel like a badass! 5. No walking sections to slow the action down 6. No messy skill trees or need to spend hours looking at menus 7. Ability to double jump 8. Deep, balanced and refined combat mechanics 9. No quicktime events 10. No forced vehicle sections with crappy controls 11. No fetch quests 12. Difficulty settings that don't just make enemies into damage sponges 13. No pay to win microtransactions 14. No dialogue trees where you have to make inconsequential choices 15. Has a grappling hook mechanic 16. No crafting or multi-tier loot grinding or loot boxes 17. No forced stealth section 18. No open-world and none of the tropes that come along with that type of game as seen in many an Ubisoft title 19. No in-game advertising 20. No brown colour palette as seen in many war/fps/action games 21. The original vanilla version actually had a playable demo; a rare sight in a sea of alpha and beta testing BS 22. No massive day one patch 23. The amazing bloody palace mode - Colin liked the idea of the 100-story skyscraper mode in The Division 2 which is a similar concept and has been a staple in this series since the ill-fated DMC2 There's plenty more to say but I feel that DMC5 successfully avoids all the common BS found in modern games and also turned out to be a paragon of top tier gameplay and how to deliver a complete package

Marcus Brown

I was the one that played Watch Dogs 2 in 2016, infact I preordered it and still have the collectible pins that came with it. We're out here lol


Colin I love you but Octodad is great. He's wacky. He's an octopus but nobody suspects a thing. What's not to love?!?! 😂😂


Another great episode. I love Dustin, man. He’s so damn cool.

Miles Williams

I don't see Bluepoint giving Demon's Souls a difficulty option. From what we've seen of it so far, they're keeping it extremely faithful to the original. Even to the point where it could hurt the game in my opinion. The player character looks like he has 4 way rolling like the original even. The games have had omnidirectional rolling since Dark Souls 2. Going back and playing the original Dark Souls, and Demon's Souls can feel extremely clunky for that reason. I hope they make it feel more like the modern Souls games... Dark Souls 2 and up.

Ryan B.

There’s nothing ironic about wearing an Insomniac t-shirt while discussing the studio. That is COINCIDENCE. Didn’t you take the GRE when you applied to graduate school ;-). This probably reads far more harshly than I intend it to, but when you point out grammar constantly, yet butcher “irony” on a weekly basis—it really becomes grating on the ears. I’d want someone to point it out to me. “Situational irony” is a quick google search. :-) I can only imagine how difficult it is to speak on a mic as many hours as you do a week and I don’t mean to disparage you of that. And I’m probably the only audience member to struggle with this so apologies for my own compulsive tendencies. All the best Colin. Enjoyed Dustin’s take as usual. Thanks for having him on again. He really is dialectical in his opinions and I really appreciate that as I get more gaming agnostic year over year.

Cory Mitts

Just wanted to say thanks for the Robbie Gould reference Colin. As a kid who grew up in the Chicago suburbs it made me nostalgic for the times when I didn’t have to sweat every time our kicker came out.

Craig Mcguire

I thoroughly enjoyed Observer. The performance was abysmal though so if Colin does plan on checking it out he's definitely picking the right time with this redux version on next gen. Its a really cool setting and its pretty short.


Music Colin. European Disco music. 😂


I don’t know how to reply to a comment on this GOD FORSAKEN APP Colin. Love the show. 🤙🏽

Christopher Peterson

Dustin channeled Chris’s ability to will things into existence. Thanks for BugSnax on PS Plus!!

Your Boi Nicky V

They announced no easy mode for Demon's Souls and that 'there shouldn't ever be one'. What does that even mean? Just sounds like they're playing up to those damn Git Gud supremacists. Anyway thanks Colin, SS+ has been on fire recently.


The souls series have never included an easy mode. The game isn’t built on having an easy mode. If you put an easy mode you’ll also run the risk of pissing off your most loyal fan base which is a big no no for a series that normally only sold at the most a million copies per game. It isn’t as simple as you guys make it seem


Fun episode Colin! I hope we get more like these rankings wise :D

Your Boi Nicky V

Make a mode where damage received is 50 or 100% less. Put checkpoints in between boss battles. What's so difficult about that? That would have absolutely no bearing on the standard mode so anybody who gets upset by that needs their head checked.


It's crazy that the main reason for me buying a PS5 right now, would be so I can play my PS4 games without the sound of my OG PS4 exploding into oblivion. I've wanted to platinum TLOU2 but man...just the main menu pisses off my PS4.

The rogue

The Take of AC being dead last is almost confusing. My best guess is people don't like the idea of supporting something so mainstream. I think they are pretty good games, and they have multiple teams so it is taking them years to develope.


Great episode as usual. Just want to say that you don’t have to state every time someone writes in with “curvaceous Chris” etc, that Chris isn’t there.

Fotis Lyto

One of the main reason souls games are so successful, appart from being awesome games, is the fact that everyone plays on the same playing field so when you run into trouble you can search for guides or hints or videos on YouTube and that has created a community of people discussing many things even beyond the gameplay, so if the answer to your struggle in the game would be "change the difficulty" most of that is lost. Also the people that don't want an easy mode are not forcing the developers to change their games unlike the people that want and demand one.


Considering the way we talk about very popular games (like CoD, in this very list), that argument doesn't hold up. We just don't care for the series.

Your Boi Nicky V

Yea but most people don't want that sense of community re, they'll just stop playing. And the outpour of people asking for an easy mode is nothing compared to the outcry that there'd be from Souls fans if there was an easy mode. You know you could make TLOU II so easy that you could literally just walk past enemies? How did that affect the enjoyment of someone playing on Grounded? And anyone playing on Grounded was still free to be part of the community and exchange tips on how to get by on that mode. Just seems like gate keeping to me.

Wade Says

Excellent episode guys! I’m shocked that AC “Ragnarok” LOL is last. I don’t like the series as much anymore since they went all RPG, but it’s still a huge series that has staying power. However, I wish they’d almost revert back to how it used to be. I actually liked Syndicate a lot. After that, I lost interest. We have enough RPG’s. I miss the history and Assassin aspect of it. I adored 3 in many ways, and 2 was fantastic.


I'm not getting PS5 at launch, but I'm excited for Avoidingthepuddle to play Demon's Souls 😁