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When Kojima careened from Konami's cocoon (that's called alliteration!), he was left to his own devices for the first time in basically his entire career. The result was his unusual Sony-funded project Death Stranding, an interesting (if divisive) game that left us curious what he may pursue next. We don't yet know a specific answer, but thanks to a salvo of job listings out of Kojima Productions' Tokyo office, we know he and his team are revving up. And we're intrigued. So let's chat about it. We'll also touch on some other news, too, for KojiPro ain't the only ones hiring. Sucker Punch, too, is openly hiring for more Ghost of Tsushima, all but confirming the continuation of the franchise. And did you know Phil Spencer has spoken even more about the Bethesda situation, saying whatever anyone wants to hear? We'll get into all of that, and more, buttressed by your many inquiries. Will persistent gaming drag PlayStation 5's attach rate down? What's going on with PS5 launch titles The Pathless and Bugsnax? All of that and more on the other side of play.


0:00:17 - Intro.
0:05:38 - A Godfall-related updated.
0:08:35 - What's with Stadia's Creative Director's weird Tweets?
0:14:58 - AOC had a huge debut on Twitch. Politicians take notice?
0:15:58 - We've gotten our first look at Tom Holland as Nathan Drake.
0:19:13 - Why is Sony releasing PS5 accessories early?
0:23:15 - Sony has commented on last week's party recording drama.
0:31:49 - Are we confident the PS5 will actually be quiet?
0:35:55 - If we could take a pill and never need to sleep again, would we?
0:39:23 - What does "isometric" gaming mean?
0:44:29 - What have we been playing?
0:54:21 - Will the upcoming generation provide a renaissance for AA games?
1:01:37 - Vague details emerge about a possibly frightening PSN EULA for Hong Kong
1:05:18 - Sucker Punch is hiring for more Ghost of Tsushima.
1:09:17 - Kojima Productions is hiring for its next project.
1:15:13 - Phil Spencer talks more (but says little) about the Bethesda deal.
1:22:25 - Sony confirms its slate of streaming services for PS5's launch.
1:23:19 - Assassin's Creed: Valhalla has gone gold.
1:27:03 - Uplay is being folded into Ubisoft Connect.
1:28:34 - The NPDs for September 2020 have been released.
1:32:22 - Crystal Dynamics talks Avengers, delays PS5 port.
1:37:13 - Devolver Digital has purchased Croteam.
1:39:43 - Minor game announcements and release date information.
1:41:42 - This week's selected releases for PS4, PS Vita, and PSVR.
1:45:14 - Will persistent gaming injure PS5's attach rate?
1:49:06 - Could PlayStation 5's game help features hurt content creators?
1:55:02 - Do microtransaction and in-game ads help offset the cost of game dev?
1:58:51 - Should we be more patient with late games and devs than ever?
2:01:28 - What's up with Bugsnax?
2:05:52 - Are we interested in The Pathless?



Dennis Johnson

Another early delivery. Ya boy Colin M. does indeed listen.

Captain Canada

Amazing and astonishingly apt alliteration!


LET'S GOOOOOOOO Fuckin Friday and I'm ready for the shit week to end. Thanks boys have a good weekend everyone.

Real Radec

Hey Colin big update on Sony London. Looks like "Soho Engine" was just trademarked. Getaway finna come back baybee! https://www.reddit.com/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours/comments/jgoavs/sony_interactive_has_trademarked_soho_engine_more/

Andrew Arana

Whenever my question gets read on the show, I feel so much anxiety and excitement. For clarification, Chris inspires me to not give up on being a YouTuber. Although, he is also a major reason why I still watch the platform.


The voice chat moderation feature is truly bizarre. Who thought that was a good idea


Think you briefly mentioned it on sacred symbols + or something. But if you wanted to put the early feed up earlier in the morning I would be all for it!

Anthony J Sanchez

Less than 3 weeks away baby, from both Xbox Series X and PS5!!!

sean McGuire

China has been doing this stuff for YEARS. I work in medical publishing and we won't even print maps of the world because China always disputes what countries are labeled as their territory or if some territory is unlisted. They way they wield soft power is terrifying.

Ryan Harvey

I got very excited to share about this since I took a very mathematical drafting class in college. Isometric is a particular form of perspective. This perspective is warped because things don’t actually move towards a horizon line( things getting shorter the further away they are) in fact it means that if things are the same height they will be shown as the exact same length even though they are further from the camera or POV. This is commonly used for design. So in a short way it’s a point of view where realistic perspective doesn’t apply. Isometric is also usually a three quarters view which means viewed from a corner, so in terms of games it’s viewed similar to a diorama

john spatta

Chris doesnt think Microsoft would want to miss all the sales Bethesda games would make if they came to PS5. With that logic why dont they bring the next Forza, Halo and Gears to PS5? I just think Bethesda games arent coming to PS5.


I stillfeel that Microsoft will keep Bethesda games exclusive until the in drys on the deal. Colin, you also forgot to talk about how later in the interview Phil shut down switch ports and even basically said it that their accessibility is much easier to get these games beyond just with buying them. I feel like you keep down playing gamepass and he cloud. Cause you think more so in the immediate future vs trusting the money making ability behind a 7.5 billion ddollar deal. They must have spend a lot of money to get services like ea access included that cost much less then outright buying ea Plus you already know that not every game will be exclusive right away. Death loop, ghost wire Tokyo won't going to be on Xbox right away. Plus the fact games like elder scrolls online also came out and said they will be on the ps5. Mine craft is bigger then just the consoles and isn't on the same level as elder scolls. I feel like this is the typical spend money to make money move and the extra coat to make games for Sony might not be worth it. Just my 2 cents either way still love the show and please post me on my grammar at will.


I would kill for some Godfall merch ❤

Caleb Greer

Colin, on the Google Stadia tweet guy: Jason Schrier(?) pointed out that the guy is actually just a creative director for a studio under Google Stadia, not the entirety of Google Stadia, he just words his bio on twitter weird/unclearly. Take that for what it’s worth, he still has a bad take. I’ll also add for feedback so I don’t double-post: I don’t know how someone can listen to how much better the conversation flows and everything in this episode and think there should be a permanent third chair, no offense to Dustin intended. Just IMO.

Jake Z

Mushroom Wars 2 is on Switch and its really good!

Cameron O'Neill

I think it is a great idea, I want all social media and online platforms to moderate heavily and ban way more people. Being on these platforms and being able to talk to someone else should be a privilege not a right. I would love to be able to open up a general chat on Call of Duty and for it to not suck ass.

Jake Z

Wow, Chris really contradicted himself in his game help rant. First he says it's much easier to look things up on your phone on YouTube, and then says it's too easy to look up secret stuff with game help, and you should have to dig through YouTube videos to find it. Which is it Chris?? 😂


Wtf is happening. Both my hosts are talking about playing games with female partners. This isn’t the sad and lonely playstation show I’ve come to love.

john spatta

Colin just bought Microsoft stock. I just bought AMD the other day


Big congratulations to Croteam!

Piston Pants

Havent listened yet but seeing via the time stamps that the Drop segment as a whole is only about six minutes long does my heart good. If I was wearing a hat I would tip it.

Liam Mcnulty

I wonder if AOC streaming will make people Pokemon Go go to the polls.

Captain Canada

New drop format is an interesting idea but honestly I really enjoyed the full list. It was always good for some laughs with some of the descriptions, and others really sold me on the game. Today's episode felt like it was missing something without the full drop. There's something awesome about every episode capturing the complete list of new releases. It's super easy to skip for those who aren't interested...


Playstation could have every Xbox exclusive on their platform if and only if they allowed xbox live integration and xbox game pass onto Playstation devices but they cant do that because Sony would then have too worry about that service eating into their potential digital sales and services. Microsoft cares more about long term profits generating from increasing its subscriber count rather then focusing on a individual sale of an exclusive. The best way of knowing what device Microsoft is going to support going forward is if it has Game Pass.


To be honest, I was hesitant about the idea of letting the classic drop go. However, I actually appreciate this more concise highlights. The longer drop sure is funny, but I feel like now the new games have a more legit chance and more well deserved attention, even if it's just two at a time. Thanks for continuing to make such entertaining and well informed program. Have a great weekend!


Minecraft exists outside of this rule because it's a service in itself. Microsoft uses Minecraft outside of gaming with different education programs externally and there's an argument to be made that Mincraft is larger then the Xbox brand within Microsoft. The Bethesda deal has been interesting cause it requires the media to think outside of the bubble of console gaming when it comes to understanding the business strategy.

bix hutch

Colin the reason that Phil can’t make an official statement is because they don’t completely own them yet and Aron Greenberg said they can’t say specifics until the deal is complete. The deal is expected to not be completed until early next year.

Jack Doheny

was busy listening to limp bizkit chocolate starfish and the hot dog flavored water colin when you dropped this podcast. guess I'll make time for it :o


I definitely would like you to keep doing the full drop but if not I’ll get over it, however you picked the week Cold Steel IV is coming out. This felt like a personal attack on me and now I will have to cry even longer into my pillow tonight. Keep up the great work and increasing my misery


Lmao eating is the only thing I like doing as well Col

Anthony J Sanchez

Yes, Streets of Rage 4 was amazing! I played the entire game with my wife and kids.

Guns vs Kittens

Am I the only person that actually hated the new drop? I love the long funny drop and would rather the drop vanished completely than keep this new, low energy boring version.


Read all of the drop or read none of the drop. Doing it where you only pick a few "interesting looking games" is how you end up getting accused of being shills. What happens when a publisher wants to work with you for a release? Now we are going to have to wonder, "Are these guys highlighting this game because they want to or because they got a little cheese on the side?"

Jack Sibert

Personally, I think it's pretty obvious that Bethesda games will continue to come to Playstation. But I also think it's pretty obvious that Microsoft is going to play around with how they do it. I can totally see them saying the next Elder Scrolls game will have a 6 month or 1 year console exclusivity window on XBox. I think timed exclusivity is going to be the prime tool they use to persuade Bethesda games fans to consider purchasing an Xbox. If the gambits work, they may even end up switching Bethesda games to life time exclusivity on XBox


“Everyone was too old for Animorphs.” “I don’t understand how people are old and alive.” Chris dropping gems as usual. 😄

Oliver Johnson

Colin, when the stock market crashed you made an offhand comment about how it’s a great time to buy and I actually went and bought Apple and Microsoft right then, both at their near lowest points. That turned out great and relieved a bit of stress as my entire industry has been on pause since the pandemic, so thank you for the advice!

Brandon Soto

Spending $7.5 Billion, there’s no way Microsoft makes all that back, especially with the millions of Sony fans that like Bethesda games but don’t want an Xbox. Also seeing how they lose money with GamePass and Bethesda will barely make a profit. I can see a Crash: N. Sane Trilogy deal where Bethesda games will be timed exclusives for bout a year or so.


Hey boys! Just my own feedback but the new drop segment doesn't really cut it for me. I think the fun in the drop was finding all the games that were coming that week and the banter and hilarity it brought sometimes. My feedback would be, just remove it completely rather than this new format as I'm more likely to skip this one. Cheers boys, keep doing great work. ❤️

Jeshua Anderson

This is my first time commenting on a the quality of the show. I hate that the drop is gone. It bugs me that a few people who could just as easily fast forward, instead complained a whole segment away. I used to enjoy the brif conversations the drop used to bring. Look, at the very least please add a few more questions at the end of the show. Now it just felt short.

Miles Williams

I used to give myself fake Limp Bizkit tattoos when I was in 7th grade. I thought I was so cool!😂

Miles Williams

If you have the My Name Is Mayo platinum, your trophy list is void. Get some real platinum trophies, nerds!😀 kidding by the way🤙


I would prefer if you kept the drop. It always provides some of the funniest moments in the show when you guys struggle to get through it every week.

Ryan B.

Hated the drop, glad it’s gone. I never understood why it was necessary to force someone with dyslexia to read out loud in a campy voice or why it was somehow a necessary duty to make everyone aware of titles that you mostly just mocked. If I had a new game releasing, I would NOT have wanted it mentioned on the show. Not even a little bit. Also, a coincidence isn’t ironic, it’s a coincidence. Alanis Morisette has ironically forever corrupted the meaning of irony by writing a song titled “ironic” which isn’t. I’m sorry to be negative but you do this quite a bit—but more power to you. I appreciate the content, regardless of the above mentioned.

Ryan B.

It’s not that easy to skip and not accidentally go too far, especially in a car. Because of where it was frustratingly placed within the show, you couldn’t just stop early without missing the last half hour. It’s more than a few people, I’m sure, or it wouldn’t be an issue. Patreon polls, with communities this large, are anecdotal at best. But if you enjoy it, you enjoy it. It isn’t difficult, though, to find out what’s new week to week. Even the PlayStation blog, or wherever they got the info, deemed it unnecessary. Things were a bit different in the Beyond days and I don’t really recall there being the same passive aggressive mocking. There has to be better ways of complaining about the gluttony of titles without dismissing them on a show with this much reach.

Jeshua Anderson

Even if its not easily skippable, it WAS skippable! Now those of us that enjoyed it, its just gone. No, going and scanning the net for what is released is not the same. They have stated people also complain that the opening sequence of banter is also too much. Do we lose that next? Pretty soon its just two guys reading the news for 15 minutes and its over. But I know thats what some folks want. Whatever.

Derek Waechter

I’m glad “the drop” has been shortened. People who miss it can always take the time to look up the new game releases themselves... it would be cool to see 2 more listener questions added in place of the full length drop. Even with 2 more questions, run time would still be shorter. Keep up the good work, lads.

Nathan Cermak

I agree. Better chance that I check out the two games they mention each as well.

August McFarland

Never felt the need to comment on any of your episodes before, but I for one will really miss hearing all the games coming out. I truly enjoyed it.

Zack Fair

Or you could just turn the mic off in the controller guys!

Josh Lucas

Being someone that uses guides for trophies/collectibles often, I completely disagree with Chris about Game Help. Having the guides in a picture in picture on the screen is wayyy better than looking down at your phone and looking back up every few seconds trying to figure out where something is. I don’t see how looking it up on your laptop or phone would be faster than the guides being one button press away. I’m kinda confused why this feature irked him so much he ranted about it that long lol.


Maybe somebody has said this already, but an isometric view is a type of perspective in art where lines are parallel instead of converging. It can give the appearance of 3 dimensions on an otherwise 2D plane.


Kinda disappointing that you did not read the drop as it's usually one of the funniest part of the show and I felt like it was a quick kinda forgettable segment this week in this format. Kinda remind me of PS I Love You 2 where they would both choose a game they wanted to play.


I always skip through the drop (except for when you were making them up, ironically). I think this is a much better way to do it! Trim the fat!


Was pretty disappointing not having the drop in the show. It’s always a funny and entertaining part. Even my wife, who only ever listens when she’s in the car with me, gets a kick out it.


Super disappointed with the MUTILATED drop. What was once one of the funniest parts of the show is now forcing me to believe that Chris is actually interested in something called Mushroom Heroes. Instead of a segment that's funny each week, can't wait to listen to you both feign interest in two titles you're lukewarm about and probably won't play!


I dunno that Switch ports and PS5 ports are the same thing. Bringing a native Xbox Series X game to Switch is basically making a whole different SKU.


Honestly, we kinda like doing it this way. Selfishly, it forces me to really look into a game, and I find that fun. We're gonna keep doing it this way. Sorry. =\


I think the amount of money Minecraft cost and how ubiquitous it was forced them to put it everywhere (or keep it everywhere, as it were). The Bethesda deal is three times more expensive and the games are all 100x more obscure than Minecraft, the best-selling game ever made. Seems pretty clear, to me...


I don't buy that explanation at all. Seems incredibly selective. He says in the interview that the deal isn't final, and we already knew that. But it hasn't stopped them from endlessly talking about it in ways they want to, and avoiding talking about it in ways they don't. You're falling for the PR.


Thank you very much. <3 (I'm an old-fashioned guy.)


People can accuse us of whatever they want, we don't care. You either know us or you don't!


I'm just doing the math (literally and figuratively). A deal three times more expensive than the Mojang acquisition with games that aren't anywhere as close as Minecraft. How do you make that money back?


It's just hard to imagine making that money back when also compounding it with the fact that Gamepass already loses money. Now, Microsoft might be happy to not recoup the cost, but it's not a vacuum: All of those studios, the publishing apparatus, all of those employees, they need to be paid, sustained, etc. The cost of entrance was $7.5 billion.


To his point, though, it seems to be fusing closer and closer to this meta experience where you're constantly shown what to do. It IS weird. It's why I so much prefer text-and-image guides.


I think you're being a little harsh. I thought the game I found looked cool as hell, and I was happy to talk about it with some depth.

Kc Wright

So with the drop maybe y'all should actually try to play the game that you're talking about I don't mean to sound like a dick but what's really the point of singling out one game if you haven't even played it

Draven E.

Definitely missing the real drop in this episode. I know you want to trim it down but reading the whole thing as a lot of comedic value.


Hey C and C (and the Big Dusty?) - seeing Tom Holland as Nathan Drake got me pretty excited about the new Uncharted movie but, (and might I emphasize 'yet again') it seems you guys seem unenthused of these video game adaptions to film and TV. You said all the same negative stuff about the Castlevania and Witcher Netflix shows prior to their release and ended up loving them. I gotta say you're sounding like a bunch of haters... is there any chance you think we are past the days of all the crappy adaptions in the early 2000s? What keeps you so skeptical? Keep up the great work as always.

Evan Erickson

Why are there no timestamps in 3rd party apps like Google podcasts?

Eugen R.

Hey Colin and his friends! I know l‘m slightly to late bit I hope you will read this feedback. I want to say that this episode was a very nice one, because esspeccially Chris seemd to be more invested and well imformed. He was something like hot on the topics! The chemistry and the flow was near perfect.


Hey Colin, I understand that you wanted to trim the fat and everything and while I prefer the old format with reading all of the games that are coming out I can live with the new format. However, I don’t think you can just replace it with the new format and that’s it. You should up the ending segment to like 8 questions, comments, concerns, thoughts, and ideas instead of the 6 that has become tradition. Just giving my thoughts. I enjoyed the episode nonetheless.

Mitun M

Is the Ghost of Tsushima spoiler cast not going public?


We typically set spoilercasts live-for-all when the next spoilercast goes live, and I don't think we've done one since...?

Henry Maxwell

I'm late to the party and haven't rummaged through all the comments, but an Isometric game refers entirely to an Isometric Angle. In its purest sense, this means all sides of a face are equal in size as viewed through an orthographic camera (so no perspective). This also means no matter how you scroll on a map everything rests the same distance from the camera. The sides all being the same size also made '3D' terrain possible when we only had 2D pixels as a graphical option. Some Isometric games are like Final Fantasy Tactics are Dimetric or Trimetric, which basically boils down to the camera resting at a different angle while still remaining orthographic. So from a graphical perspective, an Isometric game can be 2D or 3D sense this is not a qualifier. I know you looked it up, but hopefully, this also adds a little insight. -Henry