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Barely two months after promising not to delay Cyberpunk 2077 yet again, famous Polish dev CD Projekt has done just that, though for a mere three weeks. This pushes their open world RPG (arguably the single most-anticipated title of 2020, though certainly one of them) precariously close to Christmas, and some candid words from one of the studio's execs indicates they're not entirely sure they'll ship in December, either. Is something wrong with Cyberpunk 2077? Let's discuss. Then: Bugsnax becomes PlayStation 5's very first free PS+ game, Destruction AllStars gets blasted into 2021, Sony is mighty bullish on PlayStation 5's prospects, and Final Fantasy XVI is starting to take form. Plus: Let's end with some listener questions, as always. How will we say goodbye to PlayStation 4? What's the scariest game we've ever played? How do we feel about The Last Guardian? How does Colin know who Rick Rude is?


0:00:17 - Intro.
0:06:07 - Are we feeling 'left out' recently?
0:13:21 - A few corrections from last week's show.
0:19:36 - Why do shower farts 'hit different'?
0:21:07 - What have we been playing?
0:25:38 - Cyberpunk 2077 has been delayed yet again.
0:41:45 - Bugsnax will be PlayStation 5's very first free PS+ game.
0:45:07 - Destruction AllStars has been delayed, but will be free on PS+.
0:52:15 - The PS Plus Collection will launch with 20 titles.
0:59:17 - Sony's financials are healthy; company is feeling bullish about PS5.
1:08:41 - Random aside: Chris' take on 343's recent issues.
1:13:17 - Some new tidbits emerge concerning Final Fantasy XVI.
1:14:56 - Turns out the PS4 camera adaptor for PS5 is by-request, after all.
1:18:18 - Minor video game movie-related news.
1:20:02 - Minor game announcements and release date information.
1:22:06 - This week's new intriguing releases.
1:26:27 - What's the last game we'll play on our PS4 consoles?
1:28:20 - Why is Microsoft being so weird with the ZeniMax acquisition?
1:34:10 - What is the scariest game we've ever played?
1:39:24 - How does Chris feel about The Last Guardian?
1:45:44 - How fixated is Colin on Trophy completion percentage?
1:49:17 - With so many upcoming sequels, can Sony get new IP into the mix?



Curtis (Bloobat)

Sony better be sending those PS5's out after those extremely moving Twitter video messages.

Monterey Jack

The next time you fart in the shower you'll think "damn, Geoff was right. They DO hit different." You're welcome in advance.

Real Radec

Colin I'm sorry but that listener fucking NAILED YA on that steve austin correction. Colins getting exposed oh shit!! Stone Cold is definitely top 5 lmao you and Chris on that sativa shit


You guys have never been more blatantly wrong then in that stone cold convo, holy hell was that cringe 😂😂


Lmao ok bud

Miles Williams

Lovecraft is awesome! His writing syle is a little hard to get into because it's so old, and he was a racist (product of the time, maybe?) I started reading his work after I played Bloodborne. The best Lovecraft game in my opinion. 🤙


Colin, I'm fed up with this shit!!! Lol. I'm kidding don't ban me! As you and crew were talking about growing the business. I would like to put my hat into pot. Quick bio about me, African American as if that matters which I know it doesn't. I can bring some new flavor to the company. Hell, ask Chris about his SnarkTank podcast. I never hear about anyone wanting to work with you and the magnus opus Sacred Symbols. I would bring some new and fresh ideas without stomping on toes. I have a background for working for Sony and Microsoft brand ambassadors for many years. Actually truth be told I was with Sony for the release and launch for PS4 and Vita as well as PSVR. Been and still a advent gamer for the best ecosystem in Playstation. I was able to get an invite for Sony themselves for the PS5 invite only preorder and yet no podcast which I listen to all of them has mention anything about whats going with those. Any Colin what would it take to get a job at the greatest gaming podcast in the world. You won't be disappointed i assure you.

Miles Williams

I already have the platinum for Hollow Knight, but I'm glad it's a ps plus game. The more people playing that game, the better! It's such a great game!

Raymond keys

Omg!! Stone Cold is without a doubt top 5 wrestler all time..... man just don’t talk wrestling on this show anymore please!!! 😂😂😂 I’m only half kidding.

Ben Williams

The fact that you both don't think Stone Cold is a top 5 wrestler of all time.....I'm at a loss for words. You both should be banned for 1 week. Dustin can host a solo episode next week.

Jack Doheny

just paused limp bizkit's album Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavored Water so i can listen to this


After listening to colin argument about cdpr. I think Sony or Microsoft should make a play for them. I think their trying to boost their stock prices to make them more valuable to a buyer and I think their a very good dev to scoop up. Reason why they also operate gog as well. Gog would help both Sony and Microsoft more to sell their games on pc in the future as well. It would be expensive but I think the culture is improving at xgs and sonys first party also has a great culture that could help them as well.

Andrew Christensen

Colin "inflate your peen" Moriarty.... 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 In the middle of a dead serious Bethesda analysis.....

Stephen Forgione

I’d disagree with their crown jewel Xbox studios take, and I’d say Playground is their best studio. Forza Horizon scores 90+ on metacritic each entry this generation and are being trusted with Fable, an IP that is one of Xbox’s most valuable.

Jake Z

I do like that you guys get games and consoles the same time as us riff raff. Sometimes I do get a bit annoyed when games media talks a ton about something weeks before release and by the time it comes out and I'm excited to talk and think about it everyone has already moved on to the next thing.

Philip Andersen

I agree, Playground is the best they have. Just wonder how well they will execute Fable as it's a completely different genre, def somewhat of a risk. I bet Xbox Series will see a bump in sales once they annouce Forza Horizon as long it keeps same high quality.

Curtis (Bloobat)

Sad to see you guys write off Lucid Games, a majority of their staff came from Bizarre Creations (Project Gotham Racing and Blur). They've also got a number of Evolution and Sony Liverpool developers so I think it's a little unfair to judge them on their one released game so far! I'm expecting big things from Destruction All Stars but yeh the feet clipping wasn't great.

Ian (616Entertainment)

Correction: Colin you’re just wrong about Austin. Both of you are! Austin was the man on top in the late 90s and into 2001, where wrestling was drawing its biggest crowds ever and drawing its biggest TV ratings. It is FACTUAL that Austin is top five and arguably the biggest ever. Hogan, Savage, Mysterio, Batista, all the names you guys mentioned, none of them drew money/ratings like ‘Stone Cold Steve’ did. This is all fact. You’re dismissed.

Marcus Brown

About 10 hours in Watch Dogs Leigon and I can say it is really fun so far. Can't agree that it's more the same though, I feel it's a bit of a stretch having played the two previous. Regardless I think it's worth checking out in anyone is interested. Great episode as always.

Angel DeJesus

Anyone who uses android know of an app where the patreon downloads can be played through? Listening to them thru thee browser is annoying as i loose my place whenever I pause the podcast.


You can input the RSS feed into basically any podcast app, definitely the way to go as the patreon app is pretty trash

Brandon Soto

Cyberpunk’s gonna get review-bombed now, no matter how good it is. Any single glitch people find in the game, people will destroy it as well as CDPR. Kinda hope they go away for a while, honestly.

Maxx Lazos

Stone Cold Steve Austin is #2 all time in regard to money made for WWF/WWE only behind John Cena. This includes merch, ppv, tv ratings etc. Put some respect on Stone Cold’s name. He’s top 3 all time.

Forrest Hunter

Wasn’t the Dreamcast port of Half-Life done when it was cancelled?


Find it funny that Colin was saying that you shouldn't get rid of your PS4 and now he may give it to his sister. I guess you really did not realize that you will be playing your PS4 games on your PS5 from now on... That or you have 10 PS4 in your house 😜


Kinda amazing considering that Austin was only really there for 4-5 years at the top.


I wish the game well but Cyberpunk can come out in 2077 for all I care. Everybody needs to just work on their back catalog, I know all of you have 20+ games in your library that you should finish first. Now excuse me, as I return to playing Lonely Mountains: Downhill.

Real Radec

I always love that you include movie/tv related movies every week. It always funny to hear you guys take, good and bad on Hollywoods insistance on making video game media

Max Stahl

I still have only a semi-original PS4, and it is damn beautiful and quiet.


Wow 😂 Chirs is my age and he sounds like an old man talking about "hits different'


Also that PS+ collection should've added Persona 5 Royal and not the 2017 Persona 5....really odd, why not just give the people the best version of P5

Piston Pants

Stone Cold Steve Austin is a way bigger star in wrestling then everyone you guys mentioned say for Hulk Hogan.


All I want to know is if the guy who had 3 ps3's and 4 ps4's will have 5 ps5's


Condemned was scary as shit

Douglas Morreale

I've watched wrestling for 33 years and among the nerdiest of industry followers. Austin is in the Top 5. Top 5 Biggest Stars Ever (in any orde)r~ Hogan, Rock, Austin, Flair, Cena. I dont have the numbers but could be Austin Top 3 or even 1st in terms of box office, merch and such.

Real Radec

Wait I just realized...no mention of the Travis Scott X PlayStation collab? Fam you must realize Travis can get producers like Metro Boomin and rappers like NBA Youngboy to make music for Parappa the Rapper 3.

Piston Pants

Owen Hart was Bret Hart's younger brother.


I think it’s essential that you maintain a distance from developers and publishers. It makes your opinions seem more genuine regardless if I agree with them or not. It’s refreshing to hear “Phil Spencer is full of shit” and that type of honesty, which is why I’m here to begin with, can only happen when maintaining PR relationships is not the priority. Keep doing you gents and I hope the day comes I understand how to work this fucking Patreon app. 🤙🏽


We all know CP will be a better game holiday 2021. I’m good with playing through some games stuck on the back burner 🤷🏽‍♂️

Shadi Haddad

Perfect opportunity to have the November 10th SS+ be the Final Fantasy VII Remake Spoilercast... 10 days to get through a 25-30 hour game should be reasonable considering Colin and Chris are both at or around chapter 7

rubber nipples 209

Outlast was the only game with surround sound that freaked me out. Also condemned 2 with the bear scene , police station and doll factory


Bless you for calling out Cold Steel IV Colin! The weebs thank you


You boys need to watch some AEW and see how fun wrestling can be! Lol


I have a PS4 from January 2016 and the only reason it ever makes noise is because I have a messed up disc drive. Even then it’s usually only when it first tries to read the disc.


Probably because nobody’s going to be buying the original and Royal can still make money.


The initial footage they showed always looked next-gen to me so I’m not completely surprised. And yes, I believe even when it launches, it’s not the official next-gen version because those are getting a separate patch for things like HDR and such. They’re all over the place on messaging really.


I kinda feel like Chris when it comes to the unboxing videos. I watched 1 initially just to see what’d be in the box so that when I get mine, I’m not bewildered and can just go straight to loading up Miles. Which, if you’ve seen the leaked vids, loads extremely fast. Col, I love that I read you so well that I knew you’d go into that shower fart question. 😂 I strongly disagree with 343 being Xbox’s crown jewel. They may have Xbox’s biggest property but to me, The Coalition is Xbox’s crown jewel to me. They’ve done great work with the Gears series, although I am curious now as to how future Gears entries look without Rod Ferguson. I’d even respect people who say Playground Games is the crown jewel as Forza Horizon has been owning their genre with every release. Maybe it’s just me, but I disagree with Chris on favorites. My favorites are always my favorite regardless of my mood, etc. TLoU3 is definitely happening and I’m guessing it will be where Ellie dies by sacrificing herself. Col, it’s interesting that you won’t say “popping cherries” but then not too long after say “I’ll pop something”. lol

Jose Horrach

I demand a correction next week putting respect on the Powerful Stone Cold Steve Austin's name

Travis B

Stone cold is top 5 wrestler for sure


“How could someone feasibly eat an entire horse?!! That seems absolutely unfathomable especially in one sitting. Like no one would do that would they?!?” This is how ridiculous Chris sounds talking about people shitting themselves.

Dom posa

Rage 2 is permanently on ps now and fallout 4 in the plus collection but people still think these Bethesda games will be exclusives 🤣. Don’t believe it


They're existing deals mate, likely made before the sale to Microsoft was confirmed. In my opinion it's highly likely future Bethesda games will be exclusive to Game Pass, or at least timed exclusives.


Exactly! The guys can say these things as they're not shilling for free preview/review consoles or games.


I think Phill spencer is being told “try not to “spook” Wall Street stock” , which is probably why he is dodging the question.


Steve Austin isn't the most famous wrestler ever. That is what I'm contesting, and I'm right.


I heard about his racism; that's actually how I read about him at all the first time around.


It seems a little more timely. Like, we can't guide your purchasing decisions, perhaps, but we can be there to dissect and analyze them.


I'm not writing them off; they just need to make something together for us to give them any credit.

Eugen R.

Hey Colin and Chris! I want to say that this episode and the 121 were very nice (talking like Borat xD)! It was especially because of Chris better performance than usual. He was nearly 100 %! He was more invested and seemed to better prepared. He was kind of hot on the Topics!!! <3 So the flow of the whole episode was this time nearly perfect (of course the other episodes are also nice and i love your content, but this time was one of the best ;))! It seems almost like the feedback from SS+ about The State of CLS reached you and that is pure fanservice! That‘s the reason why we are many years (me personally since the legendary PSN-Outage Podcast Beyond episode :)) your fans! Keep on doing that thing and I hope you will get this in the right way! I wish you a happy Voting! Greets, Eugene.

Your Boi Nicky V

It is kind of a bummer Colin to see all of these obscure YouTubers getting a PS5 and not you. Just pisses me off that Sony blacklisted you because of politics. Sucks to see you treated so badly by the industry and I feel like they're disrespecting us as your audience too. Doesn't seem to bother you or harm your business though and that's the main thing. Not sure where the idea that you're whining has come from.


I live in Kansas City Missouri all my life and I never knew this guy died at all and I've been to the arena many times

David Lawler

The disrespect to stone cold is killing me

Marco Maluf

“It’s like when I have sex” 🤣 so true for me as well and laughed so loud 🤣 thanks Colin ❤️


Spot on about Phil Spencer. He loves talking about the Zenimax deal until he has to talk about anything of substance.


Stone Cold not TOP 5!? 😭😭


He was always my favourite but I’d say undertaker is higher up than him. Top 5 easily though.

Gabriel Garcia

Usually the "Gold" or "gold master copy (GMC)" is the copy of the game that gets printed on the disc. I do believe it "went gold." After that usually the studio shifts to work on the "day 0" patch which is the patch that you would install on release date after connecting to the internet. Then the studio shifts to the "Day 1" patch which is the patch that gets installed some other time after launch typically a week or two after the game comes out. So yeah like you said in conclusion, I'm sure the Gold copy of the game on the disc might have some big issues.

Kevin Cooper

Shower farts hit different because you are enveloped in soap and shampoo, and then there is a sudden intrusion of sulfur. The aromatic contrast is so stark, that the flatulence becomes significantly more noticeable.

Nate McKinney

Hard disagree on Stone Cold, guys. Business wise Stone Cold is the biggest draw in the business. He's definitely bigger than HHH, Chris. Come on now, fellas. This is nonsense that I cannot abide.

Michael Weir

"so scared I shit my pants" is just a figure of speech. It doesn't mean you literally shit your pants. Please don't let Chris go on cringy 5 minute rants on this stuff...