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Hey, everyone!  It's me, Dustin, Colin's Last Stand's Executive Producer. I know you're used to hearing from Colin here on Patreon, but I have a special announcement for you. You've been asking for it, and we've been listening, so we're launching the official Colin's Last Stand Discord... right now!  The Colin's Last Stand Discord will be Patreon-exclusive for any CLS Patron at any support level $5/month or higher. But before we go any further, though, there are a few key details you should know.

During the initial launch (now), the CLS Discord will only be accessible to $10-and-up Patrons. The reason we're doing this is to start trickling people in while we get our bearings on managing the server itself. We're blessed to have such a large audience, and we want to make sure moderation is done properly so everyone can enjoy themselves. Our plan is to eventually allow $5 patrons into the server once we believe we are ready to handle the increased member count.

To be clear, we're not trying to gouge anyone by making the entry at the $10 level. This is simply the best way for us to get things going without a huge tidal wave of members all at once. So don't feel the need to increase your Patronage (unless you want to), because $5/month subs -- which is essentially the biggest group of CLS Patrons -- will gain access to the server soon.

Also, the Discord will primarily be moderated by myself and friend of CLS, Ben Smith. While Colin will be on the server to hangout, he won't be handling the day to day stuff related to Discord. So any Discord related inquiries should be directed to the admins on Twitter, or on Discord itself.

We’re sure there will be lots of trial and error (and some things we need to work through with such a large audience), so please be patient with us.

If you don’t already have a Discord account or haven’t connected it with Patreon, do it!

So, that sums it up. I'm really looking forward to hanging out with you on Discord!

Thank you for your support. -Dustin

P.S. Any negative talk on the Discord towards Persona, Nier: Automata, or Kingdom Hearts will result in an instant and permanent ban. No appeals.



Ben Williams

Looks like Colin is about to get banned quick if he can't shit on Kingdom Hearts!



Hose A Contra Razz

To tell you the truth I still don’t know how discord works, I have it but still

Alex Bolton

Cool! Gonna shit talk Kingdom Hearts as soon as I get in.


Lets goo

Anthony J Sanchez

Will not having a discord account prevent from submitting weekly questions?


So Colin will get banned first 🤣


Judging by the last statement it sounds like Colin will get banned from his own Discord. 😄


Let’s get an Among us group going


This is awesome! I’m glad you guys are doing this!


Yoooo time to update my subscription

John the Nabo

Ben Smith sounds like a fake name but I'll bite. Also, for Nier and Persona i have nothing but praise but KH? Damn I better hold my mouth shut. This is awesome Dustin, this comunity is already awesome but Discord will only bring us closer. Maybe then we can convince the Avatar guys to give up and just vote on Band of Brothers already.


Dustin is this purely coincidental or did my question in the Sacred Symbols thread remind y'all? I'm excited!


Oh shit. Here we go.


Hmmm... I might just up my tier for the Discord server

larry Seitz

No worries this community has patience and understanding people for themostpart. Take your time.


Lmao I hope someday Colin realizes Persona is one of the greatest franchises given to us on God’s Green Earth.

Daniel Nicholls

Ok now someone needs to tell me what Discord is please...

Liam Fagan

What is discord? Am I too old


Yes, another discord to lurk in.


Even ppl that like Kingdom Hearts shit talk it

Michael Bonnano

Well I feel like a thousand years old. I have no idea what this is.


Patreon only? What a blessed day. I'll be waiting for the $5 floodgates to open. Fuck this Patreon forum it's so trash (you are good ppl tho)

Passive Pixels Edwin Castillo

I'll personally shit in your Cheerios as you eat them if I find any of you badmouthing Nier Automata, so help me Christ, I'll find you

Michael Toledo

Excited for the discord. thanks!

D'Ante Almo

Can’t wait for this. Thanks fellas!

Craig Mcguire

Can we ban Avatar vote begging as well please


I was very surprised when I saw my discord notifications


As far as I'm concerned, this is just another cool perk for the $5 level that wasn't even foreseen. Feels like I just got something for free.

Derek Waechter

This is terrific!! Let’s go boys!!!!


I'm so excited. I'm not in the least bit upset about the$10 tier going first. I think that is such a smart move in order to get the traffic through slowly. I'll be keeping my eye out for the $5 a month opening day!


I'm sure you guys broke the Patreon website by everyone trying to get in. It's not loading for me.

Marius Skarsem Pedersen

Guess I'll have to figure out how this works now. It's so confusing! Am I old now?

Captain Canada

Awesome! Let me know if you'd like a hand managing this 😁

Marcus Brown

Well when the $5 light shines in the sky I'll be there!


I’m curious, what is the appeal/point of a discord server, especially with such a large audience? I use one for our D&D campaign, but there are 5 of us so it isn’t crazy. I am genuinely interested, just not sure how it doesn’t get overwhelming immediately.

Ryan Hughes

Can someone explain to me what discord is.... I am a life noob :(

Ben Smith

Camaraderie. Disussion. And it's the only "official" CLS community.

Jack Doheny

this is great it will be nice to get to know everyone here better

John Ruiz

Much excite!

Kenneth thomas

It's a program primarily used for voice chat servers, used by a lot of PC gamers to communicate. But the servers also have channels for posting text, images, audio, video etc. It's extremely customizable for example i play dungeons and dragons over discord with my family back in virginia, and theres a whole bot integrated into it that lets you type a command to roll dice, and pull any spell, rule info etc from the handbook and display it. It's a very useful program, the voice chat has fantastic audio quality, and you can also get it on your phone.




This is awesome news! Will you put up another post when the Discord opens up to $5 patrons?

Chad Lewis

The fucks a discord?


Lol same Ryan. I came here to ask this with all sincerity. What the fuck is a discord?


Thanks Dustin....... thats P.S. though ....... rough lol I kid I kid


This will be so sick if Discord ever comes to PS5.

Stephen Forgione

Might just have to up my patreon level when it launches for $5 subs


Im a $10 patron now, how do i join the discord?


It's in the post. Connect your Patreon with Discord link is in the post.


It’s going to slowly become a Persona discord

Arquimedes Quintero II

Interesting. Discord has much better tools to engage and build a community. Let's see how this goes.

Adam Thiry

So I’m a ten dollar level patron. I can’t figure out to save my life how to get on that discord even after reading the entire post. There is nowhere to be found the ability to link it to my discord lol

Adam Thiry

So I connected the two but can’t get on it. Gotta say I’m not surprised lol I love Colin and this podcast, but Patreon not so much lol

Karl Brown

How’s this going? I’ve linked the apps ready. I’m a 5 dollar guy so I’m curious.


Personally i do not think it is right to exclude anyone from the discord server. There are other ways to moderate it, rather than exclude a free service behind a paywall.


Love this new trio of Colin, Chris and Dustin. The chemistry is good 👌🏽


How about a Discord for the $1 and $2 patrons? It will be the sector 7 slum Discord compared to the Upper plate discord that's running. Sure it won't be as classy, but its where the real fun will be. 😈

Anthony Wright

Is this open to $5 Patreon yet?


can anyone that's a Patreon get on the discord yet? or just the elites?


How do I join the discord?