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PlayStation 4's smash-hit exclusive Spider-Man game was played by more than 15 million people, and when they jump into the PS5 port, they're going to receive something literally not one of them asked for: A brand-new Peter Parker. Sometimes, the intersection of art and business can be messy and confusing like that. We discuss. Plus: Is the most recent report of crunch at CD Projekt yet another reoccurrence of a troubling trend, or just more ado about nothing? Is JK Rowling's 'transphobia' controversy an anchor around Avalanche Software's neck? Is Capcom's possible intent to bring Resident Evil 8 to current-gen as well as next-gen a disappointing or welcome development? Then: Which PlayStation 5 launch game are we most excited about? Do we tend to overrate Xbox One's early failures? Is Horizon: Forbidden West closer than we think? What in god's name is "a fat piss"?


0:00:17 - Intro.
0:03:31 - Colin's Last Stand's community is for everyone.
0:14:04 - The CLS Discord is real... and it is live.
0:17:01 - I guess we have to talk about Amazon Luna.
0:22:57 - A brief update to last week's Michel Ancel-related news.
0:23:40 - Destiny 2 is losing 40% of its overall file size.
0:26:02 - Is Chris up for another Platinum Challenge?
0:30:04 - What's more satisfying: Ripping a "fat piss" or laying down a "mondo turd"?
0:34:29 - What have we been playing?
0:50:05 - Insomniac gives new details regarding Spider-Man: Remastered.
1:11:06 - CD Projekt finds itself embroiled in faux-crunch controversy.
1:32:37 - October's free PS+ games have been revealed.
1:36:07 - WB Interactive leadership speaks-out on JK Rowling's 'controversial' comments.
1:44:10 - Capcom talks Resident Evil: Village and Resident Evil on Netflix.
1:57:57 - The Mass Effect Trilogy is still apparently a thing that will happen one day.
1:58:44 - Some PS4 games with PS5 upgrades will not be able to share save data.
2:01:36 - Here are some newly announced next-gen ports.
2:01:36 - People scour PlayStation Store's website for PS5 UI and functionality clues.
2:10:43 - Minor game announcements and release date information.
2:12:58 - This week's new releases for PS4, PS Vita, and PSVR.
2:22:47 - Do we ever import games?
2:26:31 - Has Xbox earned its current batch of good will?
2:31:51 - Is Horizon: Forbidden West coming sooner than we think?
2:37:24 - Do we overrate Xbox One's early failures?
2:44:21 - What PS5 games are people sleeping on?
2:49:02 - Why hasn't Sony let the media see the PlayStation 5 yet?



Phil Walker

Whoop! Its the weekend!



Riley Brewer

You definitely don’t get enough credit for the quality of your episode names.


3 hours?! Sweet! the rest of the work day will be a breeze.

Real Radec

yay a 3 person podcast!

Morten Madsen

3 hours?! Thank you Colin

Will Hahn

Dustin is back?? Oh hell yes. Love it!


Not to be an alarmist but is Chris leaving?




A 3 way AND a discord... this show is “wild”

Anthony Palerino

Love the 3 person episode. I would love to see matty on sacred symbols as well

Jose Horrach

Damn I thought Chris would be all over my challenge! Sigh, well now I have a new nickname for him on Snark Tank. Chris "fears Crash Bandicoot" Raygun

Stephen Short

Colin, please. Let's be honest. Not everyone is welcome here. There are clear rights and wrongs in this world. Any of these folks who prefer the Sonic Boom redesigns over the Adventure-era looks is fucking dead to me and needs to be banned. Not all voices are needed.


Appreciate you guys 👍 Have a great weekend yo


Best gaming podcast. Thank you guys, sincerely.

Max Stahl

Is there any benefit from a performance perspective to playing a game on disc v. digital download, now? The games in my library are a mixture of both; I prefer to buy physical copies of particular titles.

Brandon Soto

Dustin’s awesome on the show. Definitely should be on more often.

Maxx Lazos

Not every episode needs 3, but every now and then might be nice. Still stand by the “less is more” philosophy overall

Dr. Peter Venkman

This is weird. I guess I just dont know Dustin that well so it feels different? I dont know.


Love Dustin, just started listening but I'm so glad he can be part of this episode. Great surprise!!


30 minutes in and I’m loving this three way

Caleb Greer

I actually prefer the two-man you-and-chris system that’s been developed over time, but that’s not Dustin’s fault. Just my preference.

Real Radec

Hey Colin the rapper you are thinking of is Travis Scott. He currently has a collab with McDonald's and it goes like this: "Wassup world, yeah you, I’m Travis Scott, this my McDonalds order. Follow me. Here’s my Quarter Pounder with lettuce, pickles, onions, ketchup, mustard, and bacon. (YEAH) Here”s my fries sometimes I do this, then I dip them in the barbeque sauce. Oh yeah and my sprite (It’s lit!). The Travis Scott meal for only $6. You can try it too just say Cactus Jack sent you."


After hearing Dustin's blasphemous take on trophies, I never want to hear his voice again... EVER!


I like the duo podcast format, I like the three-way format, I just like your content. Perhaps I'm easy to please?

Guns vs Kittens

Is Dustin just going to be a third voice from now on? I might have missed it but I was surprised to hear him

Rick Rodriguez

Schrier has gone so far down hill. He used to be one of the few journalists I respected. Now he's just concerned with getting pats on the back from liberal Twitter and trying to capture his past glory back.

Joey Rawlings

I'm seconds in and already enjoy the quick movement of a 3-way between the CDC.

Remington James

Listen to Colin go off about the "Crunch Dilemma" is the highlight of my week. Hearing people complain about "hard work" makes my skin crawl. My father worked on a garbage truck throwing trash in the back 6 Days a week growing up for significantly less money. Up at 3AM and at home asleep by 7PM. I guess once you're known for "calling out corruption in gaming" then you start reaching even further to find a story. Disappointed in Schrier

Joey Rawlings

I see this point; possibly for bigger news-type stuff (PS5 release, etc).


Hey guys. I really wanted to have a nice heartfelt thank you for this shows inclusion stance. These last 4 years I have lost so many friends cause of politics even so far as to have been assaulted over them as well. I'm not a trump supporter but can't help but see so many people and shows devolve into party-driven animals that it has caused me to see an uptick in my depression bouts as well. While I don't always agree with what's said on here it truly is something that helps me get that big boost into the weekends. I know I have bad grammar and I hope this doesn't suck but just wanted to say thanks for caring about your fans.


I want to read that Law Paper on "Crunch." Sounds like some good reading.


Wow, love the flow of three people and Dustin fits in well. PSplus and PSnow games are starting to overlap kind annoying for someone whos subs to both services.


Dustin fucking RULES as a third member. Really hope to hear him more frequently from here on. Great episode so far!

Michal Dudic

I hope Dustin doesn't take it the wrong way but I really prefer when the show is a two-man thing.


Games haven't run off disc since ps2. You'd probably save some time going digital because the ps5 would not have to try and read the disc in your drive.


Dustin is really cool but I prefer the two man format as well as the chemistry between Chris and Colin is untouchable

Chad Lewis

This is the second time you’ve said the only way to get Spider-Man remastered on ps5 is to PRE ORDER the ultimate edition of miles morales. I don’t think that’s right. I think the ultimate edition will still be available after launch right? Otherwise how do the digital console owners pre order on psn without having a ps5?

Brandon Soto

Politics have been shoved in everyone’s face since March. Every commercial on TV, all on social media, go out and forced to wear masks, etc. The 1st Amendment & freedom of speech is null & void, apparently. 🤷🏽‍♂️ I’ll be ecstatic / through the roof when things go back to normal.


No offense at all to Dustin, I'm sure he's a cool dude but I prefer just Chris and Colin. And if Chris left the show, I'd probably stop listening :/

Anthony J Sanchez

Welcome one, Welcome all! I love that quote! We are all people, and having a different opinion shouldn't define an individual.

Cameron O'Neill

I was personally really disappointed in your discussion about crunch, everything centered around their financial compensation and didn’t even allude to the human aspect of it. Programmers suffer from rampant depression, and have some of the highest suicide rates per 100,000 in the US by occupation. There is also the classic study done by Princeton about how happiness is not directly correlated to compensation in fact people across demographics aren’t happier at all past the $70,000 a year metric. To you money may be the only driving force, but many people want work life balance not because they aren’t passionate about their profession, but because they are more passionate about their children, spouses, and family. I don’t want a pre-requisite for game developer or frankly any high paying /highly desired job to be you can’t spend time with your family, kids or spouse. Was this story a bit over dramatic, yes, but I think your discussion didn’t represent the other side well at all and there are plenty of us that thought the story was a reach, but think crunch is a huge problem.

Jake Z

Why does it not make any sense to charge an upgrade fee to get Spider-Man Remastered on PS5? There is no Ultimate Edition on PS4 so if you bought Miles Morales, you bought the the base $50 version. The Ultimate Edition on PS5 is $70 so you're not getting Spider-Man Remastered for "free," you're paying $20 for it. It makes perfect sense to charge someone $20 to upgrade their base Miles Morales version on PS4 to the Ultimate Edition on PS5.

Captain Canada

I think Yuri's face isn't used for the Peter Parker character model because he's too old to portray the age of the character in this version. However, the new face model now looks too young in my opinion. The original Spider Man PS4 face model looked young enough, but also mature beyond his years. He really sold me on a 23 year old who's seen some shit. I think the original face model fit the tone of Spider Man PS4 much better. In the sequel, I feel the new model will be detrimental to the mentor/big brother dynamic established between Peter and Miles in the first game.

Real Radec

I think God of War might he ready for 2021. Theres been rumors that Cory is leading another team and working on a new space game. Judging by his twitter profile change I think the likelihood of GoW Ragnarok being directed by someone else is likely.

Maxx Lazos

The killer in the JK Rowling novel is a transvestite, not transexual. A transvestite is a person who crosses sexual identities for sexual pleasure. It’s more of a kink. This is not the same as a cross dresser, as cross dressers don’t cross dress for sexual pleasure. If anyone would like to critique my take, feel free! That’s just how I interpret the respective search results for each term

Ryan Rumsey

I like Dustin, but the show just doesn’t flow the same as just Chris and Colin, which is what I’m here for. Plus three people all recording remotely just has a weird vibe.

Caleb Greer

Yeah i like the consistency of the show as it was, but i’m not opposed to Dustin as like a regular third guest like 1/6 episodes.


As someone who frequents Grindr I can tell you that that's not accurate at all. Guys who get sexual satisfaction from wearing women clothing almost universally call themselves crossdressers. Transvestite is a word that's fallen out of use, I don't think that I personally have ever seen someone use it to describe themselves in fact. P.S: Ignore my username, it's to fuck with Chris on The Snark Tank podcast.


I loved the addition of Dustin (again). I feel like he is insightful when responding to questions instead of just being reactionary. Thanks for having him back on.


I totally get the skepticism to trust statements from these companies but an actor’s bone structure is absolutely a barrier to believable motion capture and a higher detail character will need a more accurate face to work with. And with the inevitable graphical jump that’ll come with a PS5 sequel it seems like Insomniac is planning to smooth that transition sooner rather than later by replacing the face model in this remaster rather than surprising us in the 2nd game (or a possible appearance in Miles Morales). I’d be really interested to hear if Dagan has any input on the situation, I know he works in a different field of animation but I’m sure he’s privy to some part of the process.


Can we get Dustin on every sacred symbols going forward plz


I love Dustin, and he holds his own if Colin or Chris are ever out for an episode, but I think this show works way better with 2 mics.


Dustin as a replacement host, ok. Dustin as a third host, please no. It really screws up the flow.

Jake Z

J. K. Rowling said in her TERF Wars blog post she began researching trans issues when she started writing her latest book. Jesse Singal and Katie Herzog, who've both written big, long-form pieces on trans issues that have gotten them in trouble with fellow lefties, have a good, nuanced conversation about J. K. Rowling and her new book on the latest episode of their podcast Blocked and Reported. https://barpodcast.fireside.fm/31

larry Seitz

I love threesomes. Wait what


Hello guys. At the risk of sounding like a stick in the mud, I’m not a fan of the third wheel going on here. Dustin’s a great guy and he made for an excellent substitute for Chris but I just think the two man show flows much better. At least thats how I feel right now.


I like having the third person on a lot, it adds another different perspective which is always appreciated. The chemistry will come with time!

Jose Horrach

I'm super into the three way. Anyone who says they arent are just those weirdos afraid of change.

sean McGuire

The CD stuff is silly. I work in publishing and the schedule they are talking about is not that foreign to our "make the year" dates in September when everyone is putting in ridiculous days without an extra pay. At the end of the day, you did choose your profession.

Jake Z

This was fantastic! Having Dustin on the show provides more interesting commentary on a wider range of topics and games. I also like that Chris and Dustin can have a more tech-focused conversation when appropriate while Colin rests. Having Dustin on takes the pressure off Colin and Chris to occasionaly fill time by repeating themselves too.

Frank G.

I'm with Colin on this one, I don't know what ta fuck Discord is, is it like some community stonecutter Twitter like app?


This was the best. Who would have thought sacred symbols could get better?! I hope Dustin stays!


Its basically a collection of chat rooms with voice, text, and video.

Eric Bolella

45 minutes in, but I’m liking the three man dynamic. Dustin plays the sort of middle man perspective between yourself and Chris. The more the merrier!

Craig Mcguire

I prefer the two man format personally but im pretty much in that boat with most podcasts. Dustin seems like a good guy so no problem with him dropping in from time to time though and I've been enjoying his sidequest stuff. Just thought I would put it out there.

There’s No I in LLC

I don't know guys. I think you need to keep it at two. Three is one too many. Still a decent listen. Ill listen either way.

Jeffrey Watts

Honestly the whole argument against crunch seems like entitled journalists who frankly are beyond detached from reality and the workforce (which may explain why so many journalism outlets are losing money and going under). Where I work I clock on average 10 hrs of overtime a week and some of my coworkers are around 20 to 30 hrs. The biggest thing that bugs me is that lack of foresight where they don't understand missing deadlines can result in contracts being lost or products not selling which then that paid overtime turns into hours being cut or even worse your position being eliminated


Hey! Listening since the beginning here. I gotta say, I really like the dynamic of adding Dustin as a host. He seems to fill in the voids perfectly for some of the things that I really enjoy that Colin and Chris aren’t into (Persona, Kingdom Hearts, VR) and also seems to be very knowledgeable and adds a different perspective to the conversation. I wasn’t sure how i would feel about adding a new host, but after listening to this episode, i’m all for it. Just thought I would throw it out there. Thanks for entertaining me during my work days!

Andrew Christensen

I think Dustin is the obvious addition to this show

Josh Lucas

Lmaooo love Dustin straight up saying “Colin, you are fucked” about not playing Star Wars squadrons cause of the trophy list 😂 I think he fits in nicely.

Josh Lucas

In regards to Genshin Impact, on PS4 Pro the performance is really bad. It actually turned me off from playing completely. Framerate and frame pacing is all over the place, often hitching for a second. Also had very peculiar wording for settings. Instead of “on” and “off” for settings like motion blur or invert y axis, they all say “open” and “close.”

Michael Limauro

I like Dustin as a third host! Really have liked hearing his perspectives on things so far.

Richard Duflo

I think Dustin is a great addition, but I prefer the 2 man show. I think the 3 man show would be great if it were in person. Not that there is a quality problem, but it’s just a different vibe. I think It’d be cool to have the 3 man show for big/specific moments. Maybe like the console release, spoiler casts or a huge news story. Something along those lines. Either way, I’m going to enjoy the show whichever direction you guys choose to go in. That’s just my two cents. Thanks for another great episode!


Best three way in podcast history!

Watch Ergo Proxy

I think the chemistry in this episode was great, I wouldn't mind Dustin coming back every week


I'm praying for a PS4 release of Resident Evil Village. I live in Uruguay and the digital PS5 will officially cost between 900 to 1100 USD. I will have to wait a couple of years to even consider getting one. Of course I understand were you are coming from but damn, it felt like christmas when Sony announced that Horizon Forbidden West and Sackboy A Big Adventure will be cross-platform. Great episode as always, hope you have a nice weekend.


Colin, you did not just shout out Steve Novak .


I think the 3 person show was good! I can see the other sides perspective as well not liking it as much as the 2 man formula, but I think if done more it can get better if you three keep trying at it.


Loved the episode and thought Dustin fit in really well! Would love to see him on more shows from time to time but not really sure how I would feel about a mainstay. Anyways keep on keeping on boys!

Dom posa

I got the same issues with the piss and I’m your age so maybe it’s normal or maybe both our pro states are fucked

Kendrick Calles (Ca-Yes)

I mean this respectfully. And I do really like Dustin. Wouldn’t mind him dropping in from time to time. But I prefer the 2 man show.

Matt Matlock

Love the 3 person setup. Everyone seemed to have their own opinions, and were more willing to disagree than usual.

Joe McPartlin

About ten minutes in and I have to pause to say thank you, Colin. Thank you for being you.


I know it’s pathetic but i almost teared up. Sucks feeling so much hatred and having to hide your own ideas and view points - because one side doesn’t want you to exist. Colin for over 10 years now has been that one guy who has always stood up for the outcast in the games industry,

Dom posa

How is cyberpunk a launch game when you can only play the Ps4 version at launch? I’m not trying to play Ps4 games November 19th so I’m waiting for the ps5 patch but who knows when that’s coming


I know it might sound pathetic but I don’t care. Colin’s speech made me tear up. I’ve been following him for over 10 years now, and he has always been a voice for the outcast gamer. I can’t tell you how awful it’s felt to be shamed for the view points and ideas I hold. The fact that I feel terrified to express my opinions, out of fear of the games industry canceling me or shutting me out as a consumer. And then what I feared the most started to happen. Kindafunny launched a full on assault, telling all their fans of years that they no longer want them if they didn’t vote for Biden. Yes even if you hate Trump you are a horrible person if you don’t vote for Biden and they don’t want you as a fan anymore. Doesn’t matter if you supported them financially from the start they don’t want you - and they think you are a despicable person. Despite all this, Colin has stood up for so many gamers yet again. I couldn’t be more proud to be a supporter of him all these years, and it makes me so happy that he is continuing to defend all gamers regardless of your beliefs. Sad thing in all this, I voted for Obama twice and am not even far right. Yet by the rigid standards of the industry im a piece of trash. At least the industry has a few good people left in it. Thanks Colin, Chris and Dustin.


I've been thinking the same thing, they are sort of screwing us that were willing to try PS Now. I won't be renewing my subscription when it is up. I've gotten very little use out of it, unfortunately. I wish it was better.


Can i just say that its so refreshing to hear you guys share your varying opinions on gaming matters in such an open and patient way. Clearly different views on ps5 games going to ps4 but you let eachother explain your views without interupting. Not a lot of other gaming podcasts follow that same respectfull approach. Def in line with a podcast for all people and backgrounds. Bravo lads


No offense to Dustin at all, but I prefer just Colin & Chris. I think the dynamic you two have is perfect. I think it would be great to have Dustin on occasionally but I hope it’s not a permanent change.

Edwin Garcia

Although I really enjoyed Dustin, this show works better with a 2 person format. He would be a great candidate for another show if that is ever a possibility. Perhaps have him host another show.

Marcus Brown

Got really excited too see Dustin on but Col I remember what you said last time in we don't want to fill his head with grandeur. So Dustin really sucked this episode and needs to step his game up. (Oh that was hard 😂)

Zack Forney

Really appreciate your statement about inclusivity in the community. I’ve been pretty sick of the narrative that I’m not supposed to listen to you because you’re a conservative, or that conservative listeners can’t listen to fucking video game podcasts if they’re hosted by liberals. Just wanted to say that I’m glad I never felt alienated from your show even though I’m a liberal who supported Bernie Sanders. Your show always made me laugh and brought me comfort in the worst of times. It would fucking suck if there was ever a day I went to listen and one of you guys said “I don’t want liberals in this community,” which is what I’m seeing a lot of hosts do to their conservative audience. You guys are awesome. Thanks for Fridays

Jordan Knepp

I’m loving the 3 of you. Main reason? I get an extra hour of SS. More SS in a week is always the best as I listen to you at work and it makes the day go by! You guys are my fav <3

Theotokos Respecter

Having the 3 of you on every once in a while would be awesome.

Oliver Johnson

I love Dustin but I think I prefer just two people on the podcast. It’s not that having 3 people is bad, it’s just that it changed the show from being so conversational to being moderated. I’m sure the trio would become more natural with time but I do think there’s something hard to replicate when you have more than two people who are not sharing the room while they speak.


Dustin is a great addition to the show, I like his perspective and the knowledge he brings to the podcast. Have him on more regularly please.


I really hope you guys keep Dustin on. He plays games like Persona - and genres you guys are sorely lacking. A large part of PlayStation’s user base is tied to games like this, so his view point is refreshing and will round out the show more. People need to give Dustin a chance to grow. He will get better and their dynamic will become more natural. It’s not easy just being dumped into a podcast that has an established dynamic and flow. Just my take. Hopefully the 3-way stays.


Dustin sounds like Bert and Ernie

Craig Mcguire

Just dropping it in here how about bring Dustin in for spoilercasts and/or more dialled in on a particular topic episodes of SS+ ? I think in these instances a third wheel would actually be welcome especially for the people who think Chris has an aggressive hate boner for playstation exclusives


Dustin was welcome! And don't shy away from the 3hr runtime!

Jason Stafford

Really? That sucks. I started playing it today after hearing about it in this podcast and I think I'm hooked.

Jason Stafford

I feel you. Most of the time, Colin (and to some extent this community) is the only thing standing in the way of me feeling utterly alone in the world. Thank you.

Liam Mcnulty

I don't understand why Chris thinks a trans character can't be a murderer? Are trans people morally pure now? All murder mystery books will be boring then, the killer should always be the straight white man. Only those people are morally questionable it seems. And her comments previous weren't even transphobic, it's just saying biological men, transitioning to trans women shouldn't be able to compete against biological women in contact sports, because there's a demonstrable advantage to being born male. She's said nothing hateful towards trans, at all. And I find her insufferable as well, but I'll defend her right to be insufferable.


Didn’t Watch Dogs 3 pull out the perma death?


Keep Dustin as a regular!


Reminded me of the old days of Colin Greg and Clements


man i wish i was listening back then Clements is awesome


Really enjoyed Dustin. Show seemed to flow well and there wasn’t any overlap or interruptions with a third person in there.


Keep Dustin in! Anymore would be too much but this is perfect

Reuben Barrett

I enjoyed Dustin, but I think I prefer the Colin and Chris combo more. I missed not having 40 minutes of zany talk at the start. I want to hear about people eating scotch eggs in the shower and all the other non-sensical silliness I've grown accustomed too.


I think the thing people are forgetting is that Sony has seen success with hold back on showing games till right before launch. We didn't see gameplay for TLoU2 or Ghost till a month before launch

Jack Sibert

Personally, I've become somewhat irritated by the fervor that is being drummed up about all of the next gen re-masters and how they're being handled. Initially , people just said that they wanted backwards compatibility, and now they're getting that. But it's already not good enough. People are already just expecting that they should just get any next-gen re-masters for free. Backwards compatibility is an understandable ask, but expecting these new versions that have months of new labor poured into them for free- doesn't add up to me. Just plop in your Spider-Man PS4 disc or or digital version and PLAY THE VERSION YOUVE ALREADY PAID FOR. And pay for the new content that you haven't already paid for. Why is this so difficult for people.


That’s what I thought I originally heard a while back. That Cory is still involved but someone else was leading. I thought it was Shannon but then I remembered she left the company so idk. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I figure playing it on a PS5 will still give you better load times and whatever else the PS5 can do to older titles naturally. If you’re holding off, I say just wait to see what Digital Foundry makes of it.


I love how Chris always rips through the marketing bs. That could be a segment all on its own for him. 100% on the Jason S BS. I’m sick of seeing stories like that when even the writers of the articles make more money than most people I know. All the weird PS5 news lately actually got me to cancel some game preorders I had. I’ve become more skeptical than ever about how 3rd party games will run/function on both systems so I’m waiting for that DF comparison even more so now, just to be on the safe side. “Chonkers”


Loved the episode! This a ménage a trois even George would be proud of and I want more


Because it's only for one iteration. Why not make it clean and simple? Sony doesn't need you to defend them!


It's as I said on Twitter: Jason is totally detached from the reality of actually making games.


We saw gameplay of both far before that, but it's true specifically with Ghost that we didn't see it totally until a month or two out.


I have to say. This three person episode felt Rilke a winning formula. A perfect balance for input and perspectives. Also the amount of shit they gave Colin over trophies was so funny and well spirited. It felt like friends talking. I’ve missed this kind of content. Well done lads!


Hey! I really enjoyed the three headed beast this week. I will say that it felt a bit less conversational then it did before. I’m sure a few more episodes would fix this no problem! I also wanted to say that I am thankful for the stance you have taken with making your content for everyone. Having a diverse community is incredibly important. Thanks for being so dedicated to being a good ass person.

Harry Stone

Love the positivity at the beginning of this episode guys! Three-way was a different dynamic and really enjoyed it! Hope you guys are doing well over there and for expressing your opening arms to all members of this weird and crazy world we live in!

Sam Strajack

3-way should be the default format, the rhythm of conversation is just too static without Dustin.

Andy T

Love a good three way


3 person episode is a good way to go. Loved it

Matthías Guðmundsson

While I like Dustin, I don't want him to be a regular on the main show. Messes with the awesome 2-man dynamic that I've known, listened to and loved for 2 years. Too much of a drastic change for me. Also, Dustin's audio quality isn't on the same level as Colin's and Chris'. Hope that gets improved if he's going to be a regular.

James Schubert

Just finished the episode, 3 was good. Lends better to the conversational parts and likely spreads the load for the original 2.

Jason Bristol

Just want to say, Dustin is a very good addition. I’m game to listen anytime, whether it’s just Colin and Chris or all three. Keep up the awesome work 👍🏾


Hope you guys incorporate Dustin every now and then but the 3-way would be tougher to listen to every week. I think the dynamic that you and Chris have is second to none.

Michael (ObjoGaming)

I like Dustin on the podcast but I don't know if I like the ménage à trois setup every week. Special episodes like after a big press conference or if some news breaks that is in his wheelhouse and not in you or Chris's would be good but I don't know if it should be an every week occurrence. He could be a good cohost for SS+ though if Chris isn't available or the topic isn't one he knows much about.

Blake Wall

I don't know if this is a good solution but if you don't have the audio for the episode that was deleted maybe you can get the audio from the YouTube video. Unless that was deleted too and if you don't know how to that I can figure out what episode it is I can try and get the audio if you want.

Luke Silletta

Thank you Colin for your hard truths about crunch. I'm a welder and am constantly working what would be considered crunch like this. I argue with my super lefty, pro union friend who works for the government about crunch and unions. Its no surprise he has no concept of deadlines or work ethic... To me its always the blue collar guys like myself that cant find as much sympathy for game dev crunch when our crunch is much harsher and less rewarding but nobody sheds a tear for us. For the record I would take the crunch in a climate controlled office with giant bonuses any day compared to outside in the rain hoping something huge isn't dropped on my head.


Dustin being back was such a nice surprise


I think Dustin brings another level to an already great show. Would love to see this be the norm.


Would like to add my input that I hope this doesn’t become the norm... nothing against Dustin or Chris, they’re the best, but I would rather have a rotating 2nd chair than 3 hosts. I just think the energy is a lot better with 2 people.

Greg Mocha

I liked the energy in three people, i think theres potential and would be interested to see how it evolves. Give it some time maybe for a fair trial. You can always switch to special occasions if it gets too cumbersome. But i know plenty of podcasts with three or four people.


I dont think anyone will be getting that Crash 4 platinum anytime soon. One of the hardest trophy lists I've ever seen


Anyone have a link to what Jason was saying to colin on Twitter? I thought he had already blocked him

Your Boi Nicky V

Having 3 people kind of disrupted the usual flow and I missed Colin and Chris goofing around at the start. That said, Dustin really knows his stuff and made some excellent points that added to the discussion so I think there's pros and cons both ways. Colin, I guess you can be flexible about how you use him seeking as he's a full-time employee. I'd definitely like to hear more of him though.

Jeff Frizz

3 people on the show SEVERELY disrupted the flow. I think Dustin is a fine addition so long as it's as a guest for special events. I feel like we BARELY heard Chris while Dustin had some weird story to go along with every topic. 3 people is far too much and completely changed the dynamic of this show! lol Hopefully this was a one off and things get back to normal. Plus, didn't Colin say he wasn't going to fix something that wasn't broken? The community had talked about this months ago about adding another person to the show and we all agreed it wouldn't be the same. Now the proof is in the pudding. Thanks!


I really did not like the three people most topics only had one person speak per topic with colin. I like dustin fine but the show is colin and chris


I really liked Dustin's contributions, so I don't want him to think this is a knock on him at all. I think he fits in well with Colin and Chris. However, I have to agree with other comments that the flow wasn't great with 3 people. At times it felt more like a CNN news segment with guests where the host asks each one a question or two before bouncing back to the other. Not sure what the answer is here - I listen to other podcasts with 3 or more people and it's not really as issue. Perhaps it's just a matter of you guys needing time to get more comfortable with the new dynamic, or perhaps it's that 3 people don't work as well remotely as 2 people do. One thing I think is clear is that you'll have to be willing to add more length to episodes if you are going to add another voice. Colin talked about going long like it was a bad thing, but it stands to reason that you'd have to add at least 30% to the episode length if you are going to add 30% more host; otherwise someone is going to have to get less airtime than the other two or everyone will have to start shortening their commentary and not going as in depth, which I doubt anyone listening wants.


Personally, I enjoy more the 2 person format with Chris and Colin. The episode was unnecessary long with a third host. Even if the show was shorter, there is less room to shine for Chris if Dustin is there. I didn't enjoy it :( I hope this doesn't become the norm. No offense to Dustin, but Chris does his Snark Tank thing and it's unrelated to Playstation. There is plenty of Dustin's video game content on Side quest and other podcasts he makes appearances in. I'd rather listen to him there

John King

Is it just me or is it obvious that the main reason why they did the recast is to have him more similar looking to Tom Holland? I couldn't even remember what the old Peter Parker looked like so it all boils down to marketing to me. Also, I'm into the 3 person format, but maybe on a rotation where another perspective could be used on big news weeks.


I'm a big fan of all three of you guys, but I would also like to comment that the overall flow of things seems a bit off with three people. I've seen several other comments about it seeming like a panel show. For me, the normal two person show, whether Colin/Chris or last week's Colin/Dustin, feels very much like PTI but the three person show feels much more like Around the Horn with each of you waiting to give a 2 min monologue on a topic, but no real discussion other than "i agree" or "i disagree". The format seems to land Colin in more of just a hosting role trying to facilitate, offering less of his own insight, and also being a little more serious than usual as a result.

Calum Jones

I think Dustin’s addition to the show has been great, but I also think that 3 is a crowd when it comes to podcasting. I felt like Chris’ input was diluted by having 3 people on the show as well. The dynamic that Colin and Chris have built over such a long time is part of what makes this show fantastic, and overall I think losing that dynamic would be to the detriment of the product. Someone above mentioned that Dustin could sub-in on SS or SS+ if Chris isn’t available, or if there is a topic that he doesn’t care for, and Dustin does. I think that’s a good solution, as the opinions Dustin has are interesting and informed - no doubt a reason why he has his own side quest episodes.


Well, it was our first time doing three people. It will obviously take time to gel. Go listen to the first episode of this show.


It's up to Chris to inject himself, there is no time limit on people talking. He can wax for 15 minutes straight if he wants.

Jose Luis Alvarez

Hey guys 👋 I liked Dustin and i think you 3 have awesome potential in developing chemistry! I mean as a 3 person podcast. Its a different flow and it just needs time to become great. I’m here for it either way. All of y’all are great.

Miles Williams

I'm sorry but I don't have any empathy for game developers that have to work some extra hours. They're getting 10% of the companies profits! I've worked construction for 60 hour weeks in Southern Illinois humidity. I got payed overtime, but I sure as hell didn't have a chance of getting 10% of the profits. I would love to have a job like that!

Jeremy Tan

Loved the threesome! It's definitely different from the usual duo setup, but it adds a nice dynamic. But i like both formats equally. Maybe consider alternating between the two formats?

Matthew von Hassel

They changed the Spider-Man face to match Tom Holland because they just released Marvel Avengers and Playstation is supposed to get Spider-Man soon in marvels avengers so since the Marvel Avengers Look a lot Like their movie counterparts they want Spider-Man to look like his movie counterpart in both marvel avengers and Spider-Man. When Spider-Man comes to marvel avenger I bet it will be the new and same facial capture that they are now using for Spider-Man.

Quintin Propes

Amazing episode! Sorry just finished! We definitely need a 3 way head count for future shows (obviously not all the time, you all have lives as well). Thanks for everything!

Daniel Schiffer

This was a knockout episode among the greatest of the SS pantheon! Would love to listen to Chris and Colin enjoying themselves in more three ways.


I like Dustin a lot, and it's not about him, it's just that podcasts with 2 people are much better than with 3.


The crunch conversation really urks me. I and many people in my town, knoxville tn, work 60 hour weeks regularly. I have worked 6 days a week with not saturday off for 4 months straight now. I thought this was normal? What happened to work ethic? Smh

jordan allen burton

I just subbed to you guys. I've enjoyed the podcast for awhile and it quickly became my favorite gaming podcast.


Great episode. Really liked Dustin. Thought that he had some awesome takes on some of the points. You also did a great job moderating. I'm in agreement with you that RE8 should be next gen only. For the simple reason that you don't handcuff developers. If a game has to support multiple platforms, not only does it cost extra dev work, concessions could be made in the design to ensure it supports the weaker platform. Cheers, Pete

Brian Lau

Colin, I completely agree with you on the topic regarding CD Projekt's so-called crunch. I am getting tired of these reports from Jason Schreier to call out dev studios for working a minute over the 40 hour work week. To be fair, he did point out the the amount of bonus the devs would receive but what he did not point out is that EU/EEU has insanely strict rules when it comes to labor laws. I truly believe they exhausted all options in order to hit the holiday date without another delay. Their finance department must have crunched the numbers if they put the game out at the launch of the next-gen console vs waiting until Q121. Like you said, every single day that passes by cost X amount for their 1,000 employees.


I generally don't have much sympathy, either, unless they're in a truly preposterous or illegal situation. Working some extra days on a AAA game from which you will earn a handsome bonus in addition to your well-above-average salary is not one of those situations.


From my perspective, he pointed it out flippantly, in the fifth paragraph (!) and without context. It's similar to his reporting on Rockstar, which likewise talked about ethereal "bonuses" without really putting concrete numbers on them. And when you realize that people at Rockstar pulled in five and six figure bonuses on RDR2, 70 hour weeks suddenly don't seem so bad.

Kelly Perkins

Just wanted to say that I thought the 3 man approach felt very natural. I remember when this subject was first brought up I mentioned that sometimes there are gaps in the conversation particularly when genres or certain games neither of you like are mentioned. Hopefully Dustin is the answer to this so everyone is catered for 😊

Brian Lau

I'm exaggerating here, but this is like those news stories with the headline, "23 year old dies from covid!"... 4-5 paragraphs down, you see that the person had diabetes and other pre-existing conditions. It's all about the clickbait and outrage I guess.

Matthew von Hassel

Isn't it possible that the work force were aware of possible "crunches" when they were hired on? Also, isn't it possible they agreed to a have a "crunch" at this time unanimously as a group?


Sure. But it's simpler: It comes with the territory of working in this industry, and many, many, many other fields.


Chris isn't planning on quitting or being replaced. So, you're wrong.


Dustin was great and I think the extra person allowed for more dynamic discussions.

Eugen R.

Hey Colin! This the first 3way episode and I didn‘t liked it. The dynamic wasnt there, as if chris and Dustin hold back their opinion. There wasn‘t more value to the conversation nor a funny good chemistry. Of course no offence.... and as I know it, the silent majority didn‘t want a third one. So my thought was, maybe you all need time but after 3 episodes you have to make a poll, like in other important decisions. We Patreons have to decide. So again no offence, you do great work, Thanks! Greetings Eugen. P. S. The CD Projekt rant was gold AND I think right


Hi Collin, I’m listening to this podcast late but currently enjoying this moment when you are going on a tirade about Jason Schreier. I think your perspective is legitimate, but so is Jason’s...he’s talking about the long-term picture of video games as a business. He thinks it is possible to change the industry and perhaps normalize “regular” or sub-regular working hours (say, 50 tops). While I do think this is a noble goal, I would say that the technical hurdles (especially if a team is trying to tackle something complex like the scenario the Mass Effect: Andromeda team were facing) make this enormously difficult. Certainly having competent project managers help but it’s not the entire solution. Crunch seems to be the nature of the beast that’s still unavoidable in many cases. I think RDR2 though could’ve avoided crunch by limiting the scope of their title and maybe making it a bit shorter, but that’s another tangent for a different day.

Roman Caraman

I know that you likely do not care about this at all, but the murderer in J.K. Rowling’s most recent book was largely misrepresented in media that wrote about it prior to the release. I read the book after release, there is a serial killer in the book who would dress in women’s clothes to fool drunk women so that he could kidnap them. The character is not trans and is likely based on other serial killers who have done this in the past. There is no reference to the character being transgender or potentially transgender in the book.


Thanks for your feedback, but no polling here. The last time I polled you guys, you were totally wrong, I made the decision that was voted against, and it was right. =D


Jason has an agenda. And he has no idea what it's really like to make a game and release one. So I'm gonna stick with my guns.


I care... but as someone who is sympathetic with Rowling (at least the way she's being treated), it's certainly a relevant update.

Merrit Melancon

Has anyone noticed skips in the audio on this episode? It happens a lot towards the end of the episode. For example: the gang is talking about the size of the ps5 around the 2h 55m area and then Colin asks Chris and Dustin what their thoughts are about the 3 person episode and then the audio cuts back to Colin talking about the size of the ps5 again. I've noticed skips like this at least once in a lot of the recent episodes. I'm listening through the apple podcast app and that may or may not have something to do with it. Just curious if other have noticed. This is my first time commenting on patreon so this may have been addressed previously.

Eugen R.

:D as i can recall the last poll was close. So the patreons weren‘t „totally wrong“. It was close and you decided right. Btw i voted FOR the patreon friday release ;) i understand you, so if a poll will be significant 70/30 or 80/20 that‘s an other thing. At the end I liked newest episode where you were both and dustin was something like a sidekick or techsupport. That was perfect :)


This seems to be a problem on your end, sadly. Try logging out and logging back in... that sometimes helps audio issues.