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Things have been looking great for PlayStation 5, but a seismic event threatens to restructure the entire landscape of console gaming. With Microsoft's purchase of ZeniMax Media (and therefore Bethesda, all of its studios, and all of its IP), Xbox suddenly controls the fate not only of talented teams like id Software, Machinegames, Tango Gameworks, and others, but some of gaming's most iconic franchises, too, like The Elder Scrolls, Fallout, and Doom. It's a huge deal, and it could leave Sony in a tough spot with one of the industry's most-beloved brands. Let's talk about the sale, all of the recent developments over the last few days, and -- above all else -- what it means for the future of the PlayStation brand. Other news is a-brewin', too, though! Spider-Man is getting a PS5 remaster, and it's littered with some of that old-school Sony marketing confusion, while PS5's Godfall has gone gold, Cyberpunk 2077 is purportedly shorter than The Witcher 3, and legacy backwards compatibility is a dying dream. Then, we get to your inquiries. What PlayStation 5 game are we going to play first? Is Colin disappointed that Final Fantasy XVI isn't turn-based? What does the future hold for PS5's limited SSD storage? Will Chris ever return?


0:00:17 - Intro
0:04:46 - We have a guest host this week.
0:09:08 - Twin Breaker is out now on Switch, Xbox One and PC!
0:09:08 - Did either of us get chosen for Sony's PS5 pre-order raffle?
0:12:30 - Is preordering multiple consoles as bad as scalping?
0:18:15 - Is Colin's mozzarella stick "hot dog" meal good or bad?
0:24:11 - What have we been playing?
0:35:38 - Microsoft has purchased Bethesda.
1:04:41 - The details surrounding Spider-Man: Remastered are getting confusing.
1:10:40 - Sony has confirmed the PS5 will not play PS1, PS2, or PS3 games.
1:16:32 - Godfall has gone gold.
1:18:28 - Nier: Replicant gets a release date.
1:22:58 - Cyberpunk 2077's main storyline will be shorter than The Witcher 3's.
1:27:24 - A new Transformers game is coming to PS4 soon.
1:30:02 - Disgaea 6 has been announced for PS4 in Japan... but nowhere else...
1:32:51 - Michel Ancel has retired from the games industry.
1:37:25 - Bandai Namco has purchased Reflector Entertainment.
1:40:29 - A Yakuza movie is in the works.
1:43:18 - Minor game announcements and release date information.
1:45:55 - This week's new releases for PS4, PS Vita, and PSVR.
2:02:25 - Is Colin's stance on China versus JK Rowling hypocritical?
2:09:56 - Why is Sony manufacturing fewer digital-only consoles?
2:13:07 - Does Colin really not care if any game sells well?
2:15:59 - Will Final Fantasy ever revert to turn-based combat?
2:20:27 - Why hasn't Sony talked about upgrading the PS5's storage?
2:25:44 - What game will we play on our PlayStation 5s first?




Lets gooo!!!


Love you


I am disappointed I was not asked to host.


The value Xbox is bringing this new gen makes it a no brained going after one. Who else is coppin?

Douglas Morreale

Thank goodness Col was able to secure three Playstation 5's. Now if only 99% of the rest of us could order just one!

Douglas Morreale

Continuing with "Motts-uh-rella" while proudly proclaiming any sort of Italian heritage... 🤦‍♂️

Kenneth Oms

The differences between the two niers is that they weren’t sure that the “pretty boy” character would do well in the west so they changed it around. The canonical version is the one that came to japan with the main character being the older brother.


Man I love PlayStation. I also love Xbox. Many high school nights spent with the squad on Halo 2 and 3. This feels like the best timeline for me where both brands are turning up the heat on competition. I'm more excited than ever for a new gen.

Marcus Brown

Dustin!!! Whoa! That's awesome.

D'Ante Almo

I agree with Dustin. It was NOT hard to get a preorder. I was patient and waited for amazon. I had notifications turned on, and was ready. I have amazon prime so all of my information was ready and I just had to click a button. Also, Colin I have not been sent the email amazon sent out. Hopefully that means I’m in the clear.


Awsome! Thanks Colin and thanks to Dustin aswell for filling in!

Philip Andersen

Back in the 90s inverted was the normal, but once halo came out, it just changed the future of the “norm” completely. I played flight sim and Star Wars squadron inverted in the 90s as that was the standard, it’s why I’m inverted but many started with Halo can’t stand inverted.

Toren R. (KESA)

As a tortured sneaker head, it's REALLY interesting seeing a completely different sub culture deal with the concept of limited quantities, shock drops, and resale for the first time lolol yall have no idea. It's not at all uncommon for a $170 pair of sneakers to literally no-show when the ONE app you can buy them on(Nike SNKRS) advertised its release date for months, MONTHS, only to then show up on a different website entirely, which crashes, and then the sneakers go on to resale for $3000. If the ps5 drop annoyed you, next time a pair a Off-white Jordan 1s drop, try to get a pair and come talk to me.


Colin, about the Super Mario Sunshine controls. Its true that Y is not inverted anymore but the Y axis controls are just used for controlling the Fludd when Mario is locked in place other wise it just controls how close or far the camera is from Mario. I too play inverted and this is something that didn't bother me at all. Now the major change that made me super happy is that the x-axis is no longer inverted too. So now the camera control on the x-axis is the same as pretty much all games from the last two decades. If Nintendo had not changed this I wouldn't have bought this game. The Gamecube version is unplayable because of it. As a fellow inverted player I think you will be fine with the controls.


I'm actually so glad that Cyberpunk 2077 is shorter than The Witcher 3.. I've been playing it for months and it just won't end, I'm tired, frustrated and bored but I need to finish, I already dedicated so much time to it. Love the game but it's just too much for me to handle. I prefer a shorter game with high replayability as Cyberpunk 2077 seems to be. I could not agree more with Shawn Layden when he said that games nowadays are too big.


It wasn’t hard just annoying, I was trying to preorder for 6 hours. Finally got mine through on Best Buy at 2 am.


Colin, I fully disagree with your Microsoft take on Bethesda. Minecraft is literally bigger than just the gaming industry. The toy rights and merch along with sales were drastically bigger than just the 2 billion they made. Also, it's a new console generation and the numbers are not the same as this gen yet. I feel like when you say things it's stuck in the way of thinking like this is current-gen but the truth is you don't need sony as much cause the ps5 doesn't have the install base yet as the ps4 does now. Steam gives Microsoft a better profit split then Sony does. The phone service is starting to get ready for the next-gen plus their consoles are all solid out like the ps5 as well. I think to be on the level where we won't have any real proof until at least 2022/23 until we actually see what Xbox first-party looks like. Cause again the Minecraft deal is much bigger then the simple sales figures form just video game sales numbers. Also, a lot of small facts you get wrong as well. Microsoft hasn't messed with the smaller teams they got as well like obsidian beyond money and meetings. They already are closing off sequels and said so many times like hellblade 2 and the outer worlds 2 if and when. As I said I don't know if I'm right it's impossible for me to know. However, I think there is actually a strong counter-argument that also makes just as much sense but you either aren't aware of these cause it's not needed or you're just not getting a different view worth listening to. I respect your view cause it isn't logically a stretch either. Looking forward to the snarky remark or your grammar is a bad kid with love. PS, please also don't take this as an attack or a put-down. I've very bad at writing and I'm really trying my best to convey my point.

Jake Z

Are you sure Nintendo "got into bed" with Supergiant? Is there evidence this is a timed exclusive? I thought so, but I was chatting with Arthur Gies on Twitch about this and he said he thinks Supergiant just wanted to launch on Switch and PC because they're a small team and Switch is the best place for an indie game to launch on console, it being not as crowded. He also said he consults with indie devs and he recommends to most of them that they launch on Switch first.


Regarding PS5 storage, you can get a slower SSD and use it for storage; while it won't run the games, it will allow you to swap games around. Pretty sure during the Cerny Power Hour, he brought this up, stating they would have something in place to enable easy swapping of games between PS5 and external storage.

Richard Duflo

“Some of the stuff not so good that the Germans think of” LOL


So, Dustin is Captain Midnight, right? If not, they're voice twins.

David Kramme

I want a DQ8 remake so bad. Even a straight port would be fine.


Loving the show! Wanted to give some insight on why a lot of Xbox fans really like Phil Spencer as a leader. I think the first thing to point out is how he contrasts with the disastrous Don Mattrick era of Xbox - Phil automatically gets a boost given the complete nightmare before him. The bar was set pretty low and so his popularity through surpassing it isn't surprising but isn't all that impressive either. Nevertheless, him being left to clean up all of that is no small task! Personally, I believe the biggest test for Phil Spencer, and one which he has passed was convincing Microsoft internally to stay in gaming and console gaming. When Mattrick was Phil's boss, Phil suggested acquiring Mojang, a concept which was outright rejected by Mattrick and Microsoft. Fast forward some time and Phil as head of Xbox made the case yet again, only this time he was successful. This was an acquisition that even Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer were incredibly sceptical of, and I have a theory that when that move proved to be incredibly lucrative for Microsoft, Phil gained the trust and respect him and the brand needed. Also going on around the time of Phil's appointment as head of xbox was Microsoft removing funding from the Xbox division. This is partly why as you correctly mention, many games ended up being mismanaged and outright cancelled. Satya Nadella had to be convinced by Phil that Microsoft should have a more substantial place in gaming. It was only in September 2017 that Phil Spencer was promoted to senior leadership of Microsoft and since then we have seen Xbox Game Studios get the support they desperately needed. (e.g. acquisitions and serious expansions for several studios from 2018 onwards) With the xbox one x we also saw the hardware team at xbox make a seriously impressive piece of hardware that wasn't hamstrung by baffling additions like the kinect. Both of you are wise to wait for results to speak for themselves. After all, there are plenty of nice stories like these in the industry that still ultimately end in failure. I would argue that we're starting to see them bear fruit in 2020 specifically, but there is still a long way left to go. (Flight Simulator, Ori & Wasteland 3 are three of the best games to come out this year) Xbox need to prove they can make a AAA, *mainstream* game that stands up to the best of the best produced by Sony and Nintendo. I realise this may get me some heat but I'd like to add from what I've seen regarding messaging and leadership in the past several months, Jim Ryan is doing a poor job even in terms of just maintaining a Sony status quo. I admire the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" approach to next generation but besides their amazing console pricing I'm seeing some real signs of complacency. Some of his recent media interviews have led to questionable comments, and now there's this minor Spiderman PS4-PS5 'upgrade' shitstorm brewing. He does understand it's all about the games, and Sony's studios look poised to release lights-out blockbuster classics next-gen too so his mistakes will have little impact on PS5 success I'm sure. I'm definitely becoming more excited for next-gen now. PlayStation, Nintendo and Xbox are all coming in at relatively strong positions and hopefully that means better products for everyone!

Brandon Soto

Honestly really tired of all the hate Sony’s getting lately. Let’s just all forget they sold over 100 Million consoles and won the whole generation with good exclusives. Now they’re ass and irrelevant according to most people. 📝 🧐 (Not you Col’, just a bunch of frauds online.)

Dom posa

Now we know what Phil Spencer meant when he said Sony and Nintendo were not his competition it was google and amazon. This Bethesda thing is all about streaming. Wouldn’t be surprised if ps and Xbox actually team up to fight them off. I guess they already are with Sony using azure servers. Xbox doesn’t care about the box anymore and Bethesda games won’t be exclusive. They are only still making the box for the people that really want it, stored had such a few amount and they will be out of the hardware game soon. Phil Spencer is not playing the game these Xbox fans want him to play, no matter how much they want to believe it

Dom posa

People don’t understand the difference between a boosted game and a remaster. You get the boosted game free sure but since when are remasters free. Xbox is not making remasters just putting the pc version on series x


RIP Chris 😢


Chris gone but never forgotten.

Jake Z

Correction: You do not get Spider-Man Remastered for free when you preorder Miles Morales on PS5. You have to buy the Ultimate Edition, which is $20 more than standalone Miles Morales. And Sony has promised PS4 saves will transfer to PS4 games played on PS5. Whether they transfer to PS5 versions of PS4 games is a different matter, and so far it looks like they will or won't on a case by case basis. https://www.cnet.com/news/sonys-playstation-ceo-wants-a-seamless-transition-to-its-next-generation-console/

Chris Adams

Get well soon Chris 🤢

Chris Adams

Those of you that got a preorder in, did you use the store's website or mobile app? I'm having no luck but I'm only trying on my phone


To be fair, Colin did make clear when opening the topic that the future of these games on PlayStation is 'unknown' so he's aware that their takes could be wrong. I'm finding it hard to come to a conclusion myself and think it's pretty ambiguous. I'm also reading between the lines but think their statements are to give themselves plenty of flexibility with future games. Microsoft are in a balancing act somewhat because they don't want to make their own consoles obsolete compared to the PS5. Their comments could also reflect wanting to put Bethesda games on Switch & Android too, not necessarily PS5. The only thing clear to me in all of this is that Microsoft have a wealth of options in terms of how they play Bethesda's hand going forward. They could make future games exclusive, drive hardware, and counter any bad press with "hey, you can play on PC or XCloud too!"? They could make established IP multiplat and reserve Starfield and other new IP for Xbox/PC only? They could have the big sales hitters go multiplat, Fallout and Elder Scrolls, and make all the others (DOOM, Prey, Dishonored, Tango projects etc) exclusive? They could charge $70 on PS5 and push game pass as hard as they can? I think Colin's argument is a powerful position but there's other routes they may take. Bethesda remaining its own publishing entity is certainly a valid argument in favour of multiplat releases, but it is wise no matter MS' future plans to reassure everyone about no structural changes/layoffs/management overhauls (even moreso when you consider that most of the staff at Zenimax found out the same day as the public did).


I completely understand; getting a couple PS5’s was child’s play compared to SNKRS drops and signing up for a million online raffles just to lose every one of them

Jake Z

Correction: There is in fact a PS5 exclusive first party game at launch. Astro's Playroom haha


I'm so with you on game length Colin, sometimes I get put-off even starting a game if I already know going in that I need to commit 100-300 hours to it! I hate leaving things unfinished so it's a real problem for me.

Miles Williams

Mazzarella sticks on a hot dog bun is some shit that I would ate when I was 14, and stoned out of my mind all the time. That sounds terrible! 😂


I'm gonna buy the collection and give it a go at some point. Might as well dust my Switch off.


Focused on your first point, I was just talking to a friend about how the contrast between Mattrick and Spencer seems a little bit... well... played-out. It's been, what, six or seven years now? I like Phil Spencer, he's great. But this has been his ship for a while, now. Mattrick is a distant memory at best.


I don't think it's only about streaming, but Gamepass is an easy early win to recoup some costs.


That's what I said. I'm literally reading the script right now. Stop correcting things that are not said in the show. It's annoying! And that's for everyone! LOL.


It's too much, FOR THE MOST PART. I'm sure you could present games to me that I'd want to be maximally wrong. But 150+ hours to see everything? Please get bent.

Ryan Harvey

I can’t see Microsoft making Zenimaxs catalogue only on Xbox. They would lose almost all of their sales in Asian and European territories

Jake Z

Dustin was great! You may have to fire Chris! Really loved the part where he explained how the SSD memory standards work. He's very knowledgeable. I need to watch more of the Side Quest videos.

Kyle Goodrich

Dustin did really, really great. But I'm already a fan of his and an avid listener of the HAM radio podcast which he's now a regular on, so I may be a bit biased!

Kendrick Luckenbach

I feel like the mozzarella stick/hot dog is just a grilled cheese lol To those on the west coast, Myungrang is a korean chain that does a mozzarella stick coated in home fries and lemme tell you, that is a beast of a meal right there! Especially with some ketchup/mayo. Eat on Colin! Keep fucking that chicken ;)


Mario Sunshine is my least favorite


Dustin did well for his first podcast. He's enthusiastic, knowledgable, and vibes well with colin. Bring him back to talk about demon souls after it launches


Any chance MS tries holding Bethesda games hostage? Let us put Gamepass on PS or no Starfield/ES/Doom/whatever


Colin this is important information about the Mario collection! The camera should not be a problem to you at all. Think about the year these games released and the controllers they were made for. Both 64 and Galaxy have essentially fixed cameras; pushing up on the right stick put you in first person, pushing down on the right stick zooms out. Sunshine is a more free-moving camera but still only zooms in and out. The only other thing is aiming FLUDD, however this is on the LEFT stick and feels more like aiming a gun rather than moving a camera. I can’t believe Dustin didn’t mention this!


Just want to say I appreciate the JK Rowling stuff. I consider myself pretty leftist generally, but a lot of this stuff has gotten out of hand. I’ve spent a couple of hours searching the internet and her Twitter to try to find what horrible thing she said, but everything seems to come down to semantics rather than like a hatred of a group of individuals. I encourage anyone to reply to my post with something she said that was truly awful, but otherwise it’s upsetting that everyone in the media (I.e. gaming outlets and other podcasts) just complies for no real reason. Completely condemning another human being, no matter who it is, for no reason other than to fit in is disgusting to me.

David Portnov

I'm just here to say that Dustin was awesome... but don't fire Chris. He's awesome too. (Yes, I know you were joking.) I wouldn't mind if Dustin comes on the podcast once in a while.


I loved Dustin. He gained a fan today. I hope he's on more often.


Not that I’m a nitpicker but at like the 55 min mark there seems to be an editing error where the last 10 seconds or so repeat again . I thought at first I was hearing it again 😂. No worries great content as always . Thanks !


I love the sarcastic interplay between you two lol

Nierly Crazy

Dustin was awesome in this. Thanks for the solid episode.^.^

Dave Alvarez

Pre ordering may have been easy for some but I am not sitting at my computer all day nor on my phone. When I got home All sites were already sold out and did not get email from PlayStation. So it looks like I will be waiting until next year when they are back in stock. Ohh well I have a deep backlog

Liam Mcnulty

JK Rowling said nothing wrong at all. She stated biological fact. Her comments are nuanced. She has a point... Some trans rights are starting to trample on women's rights. And trans women competing in women's sports is nonsensical to me. How many women do we have to see her destroyed by a biological man in contact sports before it's ok to call this out?

Asique Alam

Yes I wanted Dustin always! He should've been the ultimate co host from the beginning. I hope Chris is okay and doesn't have covid. Get well.

Quintin Propes

Great episode as usual. Dustin filled in amazingly. Great to actually hear him and learn about him. Looking forward to listening to his projects more now that I know of him. Colin, we have to get a super scared symbols (or SSS+) with all 3 of you talking about PS4, your favorite games, etc. Not all the time, but a good 3 hourish long episode with you 3 going back and forth is what I need in my life. Side note, I’m sorry the Jets suck. But as a Buccaneers fan, it’s finally nice to be in the damn spotlight since our Super Bowl run. God I love football, you should do a side episode about that. Take care!

Luke Silletta

I just cant wrap my head around how bad the optics are with Spider-Man and Control. If you own these games digitally on PS4 that means if you want to play them on PS5 they are going to make you download the PS4 version onto your brand spanking new PS5...? I agree with you Colin they just have to eat the cost because this just looks so ridiculous.

Craig Mcguire

Im not convinced Colin, Microsoft want to be everywhere but that usually comes with the cost of their ecosystem much like XBL integration on steam with Sea of theives and MCC So unless gamepass comes to playstation which im sure they dont want yet because it would have to come with XBL integration on the back end I think at best you will get some heavy timed exclusivity. Definitely could see it going either way though but a lot of the messaging from both Bethesda and Xbox since the announcement is in line with what they've been saying since they introduced play anywhere and the only games they've released on Playstation since then is Minecraft Dungeons so for some perspective, by next year when MLB the show goes multiplat Playstation will have published as many games on Xbox as Xbox on Playtation since that initiative started. Bethesda remaining independent is an interesting part of the equation but I think is largely due to it being a massive task trying to fold them under Xbox game studios who only recently had 5 studios to contend with, that would be another 8 studios ? and 2000 employees on top of the other 7 or 8 they just purchased/created, they dont want to fuck with their culture and cause too much disruption. I'll say this though they could play this card a number of ways and its going to be interesting to see what they do. I think the next elder scrolls is 50/50 on coming to Playstion and Starfield less so, if gamepass continues to grow at the rate it is, could he at 30m subs by mid 2022 and at that point if the console is also selling well.. why bother.

Empty Symbol

Mozzarella sticks from White Castle have no business being as good as they are just sayin

Dom posa

The Bethesda thing is really showing how dumb most people are. I’m with you it’s obvious

Dylan Neves

I'm playing the collection as I'm listening to this to confirm that none of the games in 3D All-Stars really had any y-axis controls, to begin with. You're fine. The only thing is if you press R3 in Sunshine to go into the first-person-ish mode, then it's non-inverted. But normal gameplay in 64 and Sunshine for y-axis regards pulling the camera in and out, with pulling the stick down pulling the camera out and vice versa. On the plus side, you can play Galaxy on the Pro Controller with gyro aiming. But I'm baffled that such a small adjustment would completely deter you away from such a collection, especially given it's a limited release. And I told you your proclivity towards inverted was likely due to the older 3D Zelda games like with me :P (and Mario games lol).

Empty Symbol

Speaking to the whole 'Hipocrasy' issue. People should stop looking to personalities that they admire to be 100% consistent to their views/beliefs. Especially for a person like Colin, who has a very long documented history on the internet, expecting him not to have biases or change his views or for him to be wrong once in a while is quite ridiculous.

Craig Mcguire

Seems to be the current trend in gaming and other places that you can A. Never be wrong and B. Never change your mind. Shits annoying.

Jordan Knepp

Ps5 preorder invitations had to have been completely random. My buddy got an invite. He has about 10 games and plays once a week. I have around 230 games and 118 platinums and did not receive an invitation. It has to be RNG


Whenever I’m tempted to think that Bethesda games will be Xbox-exclusive, that 7.5 billion dollars they dropped on them comes to mind. You don’t spend that kind of money on publishable assets just to mire it on a single platform.

Andrew Duda

Really liked having Dustin on! You guys have great charisma hahaha. Hope Chris is feeling better. Maybe have a trio episode in future?

Bryan Lozano

Man I feel bad for Colin not being able to play the Mario games. He’s really really missing out imo. Playing thru galaxy for the first time and wow what a great game. It’s just straight up a fun and enjoyable game to play. A little trippy when your baked af :) 64 use to be my favorite game of all time mostly because it was my introduction into gaming. But honestly it doesn’t hold up as well and Galaxy might take the crown as my new favorite Mario game.


Dustin was great, I hope he appears on the podcast again. He has a smooth flow to him that benefits the show.

Edwin Garcia

I actually liked Dustin more than Chris lol

Samuel Mills

Great job Dustin! Didn't feel like you missed beat.


Not sure if it’s been mentioned, but “Master Chief Petty Officer” is the rank of John-117 in halo. It’s common in military branches to address or refer to superiors by their rank or an abbreviation of it.

Caleb Greer

“His name is John 117? Are you kidding me!?” *Returns to >Mega Man< *

Matt Matlock

Dustin was great. Legit, great.

Corey Robbins


Elias Salcedo

I was just amount to make a comment like this. I had my reserve drill for the Marine Corps when the pre orders came out, sadly I didn’t stand a chance

Matthew Cooper

Absolutely true. Saying that trans women are different from biological women is just an obvious statement of reality.


Dustin is honestly so good. Don’t fire Chris, but I’d love to hear more Colin + Dustin content. I’d also really like to hear some Colin + Matty stuff as well. :)

Alex Bolton

Dustin did a GREAT job, excellent fill in and I hope to hear him more regularly


Chris absent on ep 117?! I call shenanigans. Colin, I’m surprised you’re not into Halo considering you like religion in games. I’m right there with you on the Bethesda deal Col. I don’t think they need to make the games exclusive, having them on Game Pass IS the turning point. For someone like me, that means I’m never buying a Bethesda game again and just playing them on Game Pass. I don’t see PS ever allowing Game Pass on their system though.

Jack Sibert

I'll just say this- those of us that have normal 8-4 jobs were pretty much completely obstructed from being able to obtain console preorders. I can't stay camped on all those websites all day waiting for pre orders to pop up. The pre orders were always made available in the middle of the day and were long gone by the time I got out of work. It's pretty dumb that Sony and Microsoft and all the retailers made pre orders available in the middle of the day every time. What harm would there be in making pre orders available in the 5-10pm EST timeframe?


Episode just won’t play for me anyone else having this issue?


Yeah, it's totally absurd, and it frankly comes off to me as wildly misogynistic. But what do I know... I'm just reading exactly what she said and wrote. LOL.

Corey Robbins

Your take on Bethesda continuing to bring their games to PS5 only make sense if Sony allows gamepass itself on the service. I doubt that's gonna happen in the forseeable future. I mean, if theyre going to put their new 1st party studios that they just acquired for 7.5 BILLION, why would they leave Halo and Hellblade off of there too? It doesn't make sense.

Corey Robbins

Why even have your own box at that point? Gamepass could just solely be on playstation. I don't think they want to give Sony a 30 percent cut.

James Soler

I’m not sure where to say this, so I’ll just leave it here. I’m literally dumbfounded by the number of people that think that Bethesda games are stranded on Xbox now. It seems so obvious to me that they won’t be.

Hose A Contra Razz

Hey Colin, So Nintendo does have an option to invert your controller via the controls settings. It saves it for all games or just certain games you want. I did this for Breath of the Wild on the jump button.


you're going to be sorely disappointed if you don't think they will be. Sorry.


Hey Colin, Your Sony financial numbers were a little off according to MacroTrends. Sony cash on hand for the quarter ending June 30, 2020, was $33.058B, a 39.25% increase year-over-year. Sony cash on hand for 2020 was $30.913B, a 22.91% increase from 2019. Sony cash on hand for 2019 was $25.152B, a 1.15% increase from 2018. Sony cash on hand for 2018 was $24.866B, a 32.92% increase from 2017.

Andrew Christensen

I like chris... But I love Dustin more. 🤷


I really do not see MS brining Bethesda games to Playstation consoles, at least at launch. If all they wanted was to have the games on gamepass, then why go though the trouble of acquiring the studios. Why not offer Bethesda a much smaller amount of money to ensure each of their games launch on gamepass? The fact that they acquired them for so much money leads me to believe that for the most part these games will at the very least launch on Xbox and PC, but not Playstation.

Josh Walker

Colin, have you ever considered reaching out to Shuhei Yoshida and getting a one on one interview? Is that possible?

Oliver Johnson

Dustin was great! Yeah, I have to say it's really obnoxious the way people who didn't get their pre orders are complaining. Between me and my two brothers we bought 5 consoles to ensure we get it on release and we have friends to give the extra consoles to. I don't doubt that any of these people who are offended by that wouldn't accept a console from one of their friends who got an extra. We all had the same access to pre-orders, there's nothing unfair about buying multiple.

David P

I just have to step in and say... PS3 emulation on PC is going beautifully. It's just plain wrong to say what Dustin said. You can play games like the original Demon's Souls in 60 fps with ONLINE, seeing the ghosts and messages of PS3 players, even. Many games work well, often better than their original incarnations, even if they aren't yet the ones like Uncharted or The Last Of Us... which have really good remasters on PS4 anyway. So it's not going slow, it's making really good strides by emulator standards. I also just find it hard to believe they *really* have the data, since the PS2 games program was about re-purchasing digital copies rather than actually using your existing library to replay PS2 games. Fact of the matter is that they don't really have any data on this, and whatever they have probably just dates back to the beginning of the PS3 era anyway when the phat PS3 played PS2 discs. And like Dustin said, the selection wasn't really all encompassing. There are so many games that PS2 means different things to many people. But do they really find decade + old data relevant? I don't blame them for not doing PS3 BC, it's probably a nightmare but I don't buy a lot of the reasoning.


Love the episode, Dustin was great and think having people on maybe just for the Sacred Symbols+ episodes would be cool but i did miss Chris. Hope he's feeling better soon and back on the next episode.

Your Boi Nicky V

Thanks for talking sense once again on Rowling, Colin. It's funny journalists want us to celebrate a piece of media being made without its creative mastermind. I'm pretty sure 95% of people would want her involved. Also as for Godfall, it just looks very outdated mechanically, a bit mindless really. The industry's moved on to more deliberate style of melee combat like Bloodborne and GoW. It's been given a premium price tag here too, £70 so it's a very hard sale. AC Valhalla and Watch Dogs are £50.

Billy boob

Great Job Justin! Get better Chris, cheers for the continued effort and quality Colin! Love from the UK x

Dee Han

Colin, you’re looking at Sony Financial Holding’s cash on hand. Sony itself has over $30B in cash.

Hose A Contra Razz

I don't think Colin wants to put that pressure on him, the mob would come after Shuhei. Even though Colin has done nothin wrong


Good to know, if Chris moves on to other things, you got an Ace in the pocket with Dustin. This episode felt just like another Sacred symbol, which is a compliment. I'm thinking of graduating from Scallywag to Patron, but being a Patron doesn't sound as cool as being a Scallywag, we got to do something about this...


Colin if you ever by chance choose to go the three person route for Sacred Symbols id say You, Chris, and Dustin would be a great trio. But you do you.


Colin one thing to consider around your and Dustins breakdown of expanding the storage in the PS5 is that as Dustin pointed out, a 1TB drive that supports the speed requirements of PS5 is around $200USD. However, that drive is replacing the drive inside your PS5 only giving you a slight increase in storage (if any by the time system OS takes up some space). In reality you would probably want to bump it to 2TB and with that being the case, you are probably looking at $400USD if you could even find one that matches the PS5 requirements. A better scenario would allow for the storage of PS5 games upon an external USB3.0 drive that can be moved to the internal SSD when required (which is something Xbox is doing and pushing). But there is no confirmation that PS5 will allow this and as they were late to the party on external drives last generation, who knows if this will happen.

Matthew von Hassel

Hit the websites during the evening of the 16th. Couldn't pre order a ps5. Hit best buy website at midnight of the 16th. Refreshed for 90 minutes and had it in my cart but would not let me place order due to demand. Couldn't get a ps5. Hit walmart website at 9pm a few days later. Couldn't get a ps5. Immediately tried Target website afterwards. Got it in my cart. Went to complete order. Gone. All sold out. Couldn't get a ps5. Waited in the line at gamestop a few days later for 2 hours. They only had 6 pre orders. I was 10th in line. Moved up to 7th after everyone left and then waited in store for 2 more hours being told i could possibly get one off the website in store at 1pm. Kept refreshing their computer because they were nice enough to allow me to and I didn't want to miss out on the drive home or be distracted at home since my wife said things were ok at home. Nothing happened on the website at 1pm. Couldn't get a ps5. Being the father of a 10 year old, an 8 year old, non verbal, autistic child, and a 3 month old doesn't net me much time to get away and I tried to check my phone or computer as often as possible but I did my best. I'm all out of hype for this thing...🏳

Dee Han

I think Dustin did better than Chris with better insights.

Captain Canada

I love Chris and Colin's chemistry, but I've gotta say, Dustin made an excellent guest host! He's got a different set of perspectives and knowledge on certain topics, would be great to have him back on for relevant topics!


Guess what? I got a FEVER! And the only PRESCRIPTION.. is more CHRIS!

Richard Gouveia Matos

hello dear cls community. i did like Dustin, i won't mind if from times to times he shows up to the podcast. i do think sometimes there can be a podcast of you 3 together when there are special events or happenings in the gaming world . both of them are pleasant to hear. shout out to Dustin for his cool videos on YouTube. take care my friends. cheers from Portugal 🇵🇹


Hey Colin, Great episode. Like all the rest, I think Dustin was great. What I really appreciate is that it seems like he did a lot of research and came prepared regarding the different topics. Cheers, Pete