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Is PS Plus Collection Enough To Compete Against Game Pass?

The PS Plus Collection was a surprising announcement at the PlayStation 5 showcase. It offers a ton of new value for PS5 owners, but is it enough to compete against Xbox Game Pass? Visit Matt's YouTube channel! https://www.youtube.com/user/MrMattyPlays And follow him on Twitter! https://www.Twitter.com/G27Status Colin's Last Stand is a fan-funded endeavor. If you like our podcasts and videos, please consider showing your support on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/colinslaststand Listen to Sacred Symbols: A PlayStation Podcast! https://open.spotify.com/show/1GKTOA7ZhIfrxIxSR0rg25 Listen to Colin's retro and nostalgia podcast, KnockBack (also available on podcast services): http://bit.ly/KnockBackPod Twitter: @notaxation Instagram: @clsmoriarty Facebook: /colinslaststand Colin's Last Stand is a product of Colin's Last Stand, LLC #PSPlusCollection #PS5 #XboxGamePass #SideQuest


Erik Peterson

"Of course of seesaw Mose and I seesaw all the time"

Liam Mcnulty

Not even slightly lol. Game Pass will also have EAs service added to it. But it's definitely a step in the right direction.

Joshua Brown

Gamepass is going to snowball and look better and better. Looking forward to see what other plays Sony pull to keep up. The fans are winning from this.


I feel like they're 2 different services. MS is positioning themselves for a non console future with games pass while Sony remains stagnant to a dedicated box with ps+ MSs recent acquisition is smart for the future too. Own IPs, Studios, engines and a digital service that can eventually work on any device. Ps+ isnt that. Sony still in the mindset of proprietary devices. Ps now would be the more apt comparison in my opinion.


I didn't think it was suppose to compete. The PS+ Collection is a way to bolster a slow early line up and convince more people to give the PS5 a shot.


Not even close.


As an Xbox gamer getting a PS5, I'm really happy with Collection. I have 0 library in the playstation ecosystem so it'll give me a lot to play. That being said, as an Xbox gamer, I NEVER want for shit to play and my wallet is always full. I've been playing PS4 for several months now and even though I want to play more, I don't always have the money to afford the good exclusives and often find myself back on Gamepass.

Joey Rawlings

You could make an argument between stagnant and steady. Sony knows that they can't go toe-to-toe with Game Pass, so better to lean hard on what got them notoriety in the PS4 generation leading into the PS5 generation.


Not at all


No question that GamePass is a great value, but when I look at the current list of games on it, there are really only one or two that I want to play that I haven’t played already, and that’s not enough for me personally to justify buying an Xbox. With all of these studio acquisitions, especially Bethesda, that will likely change and I’ll finally have an excuse to get the console. But like the video said, Sony has already shown me that they’ll earn my $60 when they put out such great exclusives. Microsoft hasn’t, and I think we all know that GamePass wouldn’t exist otherwise. Sony competes by putting out great games. Microsoft competes by putting out a great service. Once the games start coming out, then they’ll be able to compete in both of those aspects. I agree with the conclusion of the video, that Sony just needs to keep the games coming and slowly fill out the Collection with older titles so that when GamePass does become more of a competing factor, they won’t be behind the 8 ball.


Gamepass is a power move to get the gamer that's looking for the best value and in that regard gamepass beats PS Now easily. Sony WILL have to compete with this service whether they want to or not and at the moment their answer is PS Now. Which in my opinion is a very mediocre service. Just look at the "new" games released on it. The streaming is terrible and (while only important to me) their PS2 backlog is extremely lacking. Also let's not forget the price increase in games, £70/$90 for me in the UK! I can't see a parent paying £70 for a single game when they can get gamepass instead with the latest and biggest third party games. I say this as a huge playstation fan, I want Sony to do better.


Good video, strait to the point. Well done 👍


Hey Colin, are Side Quests not going to be put up as podcasts anymore?


Good video. Given PlayStation's massive install base and their world class exclusives, you would think they're in the perfect position to bring out a like-for-like competing service to GamePass. However, the fact that they don't, makes me think they already crunched the number and came to the conclusion that you can't make Sony quality exclusives on the subscription model. What other reason could it be?

Johnny Waffles

I’m not sure I understand why people mark out for Game Pass. Maybe there’s just not a lot on it I’m interested in? I pay for it, but I don’t use it often, mostly to try out games I wouldn’t otherwise buy.

Reuben Barrett

This is a fair point. But once gamepass starts filling up with all these new games. Halo infinite, fallout 5, elder scrolls, doom etc it's going to make paying for full price games a hard pill to swallow for some people.

Johnny Waffles

The only Bethesda game I'm ever interested in is Wolfenstein, so the rest are just kind of there. Like I said, I'm sure I'll try 'em out and see if I like 'em. I know there are a bunch of people who will love getting all these games on Game Pass, but I guess the overall fervor surrounding Game Pass just isn't there for me. Maybe I'm just too invested in Playstation and I don't know how good Game Pass is because I've got essentially zero history with Xbox?

David P

This is sort of how I feel. i've used it for games on PC that I always wanted to try (Sunset Overdrive) or knew were short enough (Hellblade) that it seemed fine, and I will continue to do so for those types of games. But longer things like elder scrolls that warrants replays or are just long? That just seems better to outright buy. I know I don't always have enough time to make full use of a monthly subscription on there.


As a Warframe player, I cant wait to get into Godfall. The last trailer looked amazing. I love this type of grindy third-person looters.


Game Pass is the convenient way to many low quality games, full of microtransactions. The majority of kids don’t care as long as it is cheap, but what happens to quality loving gamers like me? The last game series I played from Bethesda was Wolfenstein up until they ruined the Last. Haven’t touched a EA-Game since since Dead Space 3 and Gears 4 ruined the whole series for me. Not much fun on “the green side of gaming” sold my One X after not using it for a single game in two years...


Hey! They haven't been in a long time. They were clogging the unified RSS feed up, and few people were listening. Sorry. =\

Johnny Waffles

If you’re engrained in the Xbox world, I’m sure you’d think it’s great. Maybe I’ll think the value is there when next gen games start showing up!


Why I fee this Spider-Man debacle might has something to do with Disney/Marvel.

James Soler

Maybe if it was just Microsoft, but now it’s Microsoft, EA & Bethesda. Maybe Sony should strike a deal with Ubisoft to give all PS+ members UPlay (or whatever the hell it’s called) for free😂

Derrick Doughty

I just don’t know how game pass is feasible long term. I know it’s racking in a lot of money per month but how are these devs recouping their costs? How does Microsoft determine which studios get more money? Is it based on games downloaded?? I just don’t understand how it all works. Just seems like naughty dog would make more money from sales of their games than let’s say, 343 will make from the next Halo just on game pass. I’m so confused.


The different strategies is great for us. You have MS, bringing the best value in nextgen with series s and gamepass, bundled with a finance option of $25/month. Then you have Sony with the best big budget premium exclusives. What kind of next gen experience do you want? Affordable or cutting edge premium?

Brandon Soto

I feel like Sony has to reach into their mid-PS3 bag and just dump out as many exclusives / HD collections that you can only play on PlayStation. Would hate to see them invest into PS Now. The service has been done for awhile imo.


Deliberate investments and a couple of big games a year from outside of their studios should do the trick...