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The ethereal world of dreams has long fascinated humans (and our human-like ancestors) going back many millennia. In fact, when you really think about it, we kinda collectively take dreams for granted, as scholars and academics try to get to the bottom of why we (and seemingly all mammals, at the very least) dream while asleep. This episode of KnockBack isn't about the science, though. Instead, it's about experience. As kids, we all had dreams and nightmares that left indelible prints on us, and that's what we're going to discuss today. Really, though, we focus heavily on the nightmare aspect of dreaming, the uncontrollable horror that happens on the other side of closed eyes. So beware! The Tickley Monster approaches.



Alex Bolton

Yes the tickley monster 😂😂😂 can't wait to hear Dagan tell that story again, this is gonna be good!


I just wanted to let you know that I’m not supporting you on Patreon any longer due to one of Chris’s tweets. Talking about rural America being incest ridden farmlands. I live in this area and you say put your money where your mouth is so I will. Thanks Colin I due enjoy your content tho.

Conor Wilson

This is what we’ve been waiting for.

Nik Kovacs

I once had a dream where I was endlessly falling off of a sky skyscraper... when I woke up I was on my bedroom floor.

Kenneth Oms

I have to say I like how inception was two episodes ago, and then boom you hit us with an episode about dreams and nightmares. Super excited.


I think these are the types of episodes I like best. The general ones about life, like this one, childhood homes, malls in the 80s, the video store, saturday mornings, childhood memories, the interviews with your parents, etc.

Empty Symbol

Hey Colin don't get bent out of shape about getting into the topic quicker I happen to enjoy the first 3 hours of the podcast and happen to think it's genuinely the best part of every episode, but what do I know.

Reuben Barrett

Don't speed up the intros. I love the bants. That email was gold 😂


I like the intro , people always have the option to fast forward


I've never felt so vindicated by the whole tickling thing. I HATE being tickled, to the point where I'm afraid I'll hurt someone involuntarily if they brush off the wrong spot. I thought I was alone in the struggle


We’ll need an episode on The Sandman sometime soon haha

Brandon Soto

Can’t wait for that Generation Zero Knockback episode, Col’.

Brandon Soto

The venting about life intros are the best part, honestly. lol.


Really interesting episode. I have recurring dreams of tornadoes on the mountains in the distance. I live in West Virginia where there's been 7 tornadoes ever. Makes no sense, but they creep me out.


Loved the part of your guys discussing Sleep Paralysis. I've experienced this for about 10 years now probably about 4-5 times a year. To add to what Colin said about it being when you fall asleep on your back that's only when it happens to me too. I remember my episodes of Sleep Paralysis very vividly and they're almost identical. Its an out of body experience, often times it's like I'm a camera in the top corner of a room seeing myself sleeping in bed and watching the door of my bedroom open slowly. Always, a dark figure sometimes with eyes sometimes not creeps into the room, this figure will either creep up to my bed or cling to walls. Eventually, this figure finds into way onto my chest and then my perspective changes to being in bed with the figure on my chest. While in this state I'll be trying to scream and feels like my mouth is wired shut, strange I know. I sometimes wake up sweating and with a pressure on chest. The first few times this happened was terrifying. Today, now when it happens oddly enough my mind being "awake" knows I'm actually having sleep paralysis and I rarely find them terrifying anymore. It's like my mind knows that this figure is fake and I'm just going to wake up and it's not a big deal. One caveat, is I would say probably once every 2-3 years I'll have one that for some reason becomes terrifying. I've read it happens when your brain creates extra chemicals similar to what the DMT drug would do to you, but I'm not sure. Something even crazier I have a close friend who used to have it happen to him and he too used to have a dark figure come into his room. Great episode guys!


Had to pause the episode and comment on the tickling thing. I really thought I was alone in the whole girlfriend situation. I always have to tell them that if they want to touch me it must be hard or done with force. Light touch tickles the hell out of me and forceful tickling sends a paralyzing shock through my body. I often play-wrestle with my current gf and although I completely dominate her all the time, my one weakness is tickling. She will use this against me literally all the time, even if I'm barely annoying her. I found it very funny how collin described exactly what I go through on the daily 😂


Yeah, it's horrible. Glad you understand. =)


I don’t think I’ve ever seen a pogo stick in person before. 🤔

BettyAnn Moriarty

The intro to this episode was amazing! Don’t make them shorter, bud. They’re usually hysterical! And, Fun to listen to! ❤️❤️

kevin berger

I have to ask, with sleep paralysis do you ever see figures moving around your room? My sleep paralysis has progressed further and further as I’ve gotten older. I now see “beings” that always follow my eye line that get closer and closer. It is absolutely terrifying. And I now also feel pain sometimes during it. My fiancé always has to shake me out of it because she can hear me making basically yelps to be shaken awake. Sorry for the long post. But wondering if anyone else shares this style of sleep paralysis. I hope you don’t but my god I don’t wanna be alone in this haha.


Wish I hadn't googled that terrifying looking Giraffe!

Kam Wallis

As someone who worked in the customer support industry, all be it in a different industry, the kind of email you sent to fence company would make my day.