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Sony Should Revive These Five Dormant PlayStation Franchises

With PlayStation 5 right around the corner, Dustin deliberates on which of Sony's silenced IP it should bring back. After all, their back catalog is brimming with the strangely-ignored... Colin's Last Stand is a fan-funded endeavor. If you like our podcasts and videos, please consider showing your support on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/colinslaststand Listen to Sacred Symbols: A PlayStation Podcast! https://open.spotify.com/show/1GKTOA7ZhIfrxIxSR0rg25 Listen to Colin's retro and nostalgia podcast, KnockBack (also available on podcast services): http://bit.ly/KnockBackPod Twitter: @notaxation Instagram: @clsmoriarty Facebook: /colinslaststand Colin's Last Stand is a product of Colin's Last Stand, LLC


Liam Fagan

Cool topic


Very good topic!

Random Integer

I’m still itching for dark cloud 3. I recently replayed and platinumed dark cloud 1. Still one of my all time favorite games. What a classic. (The dark cloud 2 platinum is impossible and will make you very sad if you try to get it)


Woah .. i know its a shameless plug but I literally just put out a video about this. We need Warhawk back!!! https://youtu.be/uJkVNJ4WrGc


• Tomba! (I think a remake of the original would be incredible) • Maximo (bring it back as a cartoonish Souls-borne. Need I say more?) • Silent Bomber (one of the PSX’s most hidden gems with a unique bomber maneque action gameplay style. I feel like PlatinumGames could do something great with this IP - it could be like Vanquish)

Real Radec

A new spiritual successor to PS All Stars would be incredible if done right (needs to have an actual budget this time for one). So many great new 1st party characters to add in like Aloy, Jin Sakai, Astrobot, Bloodborne Hunter, and even Spider-Man and Miles. Hell since Sony have much better relationships with 3rd parties than in the PS3 era I see requested characters like Crash, Spyro, Lara Croft and Cloud all making it in this time.

Nate McKinney

LEGEND OF DRAGOON!!! YES! Do it, Shuhei!!

Quintin Propes

Load up Patreon and see Legend of Dragoon. I heart that 11 times out of 10

Quintin Propes

God I would love something tied to legend of dragoon and all stars again.


Would like to see a new Syphon Filter. The taser is one of my favourite ever weapons in video games. PlayStation All Stars would be cool but I always wanted a kart game with the characters racing through their worlds. A return to Resistance would be good. Killzone doesn’t do it for me and with R&C and Spider-Man looking almost complete, I’d like to see insomniac move on to reboot this. Had hours of fun playing the original on PS3’s launch. Finally, a new Wipeout game. 4K, HDR, 120fps on PS5 & ray tracing would blow me away. I still play the collection on PS4 to this day.

Kc Wright

Syphon Filter should of been on the list


I love that in Playstation All Star the stages were all very weird or interesting combinations (God of War a + Patapon, Uncharted + Bioshick Infinite etc).

Stephen Short

Damn I really am the only one that remembers Jet Moto


Good episode but I think an small individual video on each games influence and game machanics would of helped get the point across. Lots of small points that made them popular series like the sass and humour in the Jak series and Cartoon like story in Sly. There, free ideas for some quick easy videos. But besides that, editing was great. Kept the flow going. 👍

Anthony Maltese

Ps one era RPGs were great, I’d argue that legend of Legia would also make for a great remake. I remember the gameplay being more innovative than most RPGs at the time and the story was pretty underrated.