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We're entering PlayStation 4's twilight, and it's been a pretty amazing run. The console has far surpassed 100 million units sold on the back of an exceptional lineup of exclusives, and the sequence of first party hits has been officially capped off with Sucker Punch's samurai epic Ghost of Tsushima. Unlike its Sly Cooper or Infamous trilogies, the team at SP edged toward the realistic, grounded, and historical with the console's swan song. The result isn't only PS4's final first party game of consequence, but an open world adventure set some 800 years in the past, in a region of the world and time in history foreign to many of us. That, of course, is what makes Ghost of Tsushima so interesting, and so fun to talk about, especially in a pantheon of similar titles both within and outside of Sony's ecosystem. So grab your katana and saddle your horse, warrior. The Mongols draw near.




Looking forward to listening!


Great write-up! Looking forward to listening.

seamus kane

Just beat the game! Cant wait to hear your opinions on it

Timothy Bryant

Here we go!!! Ghost of Tshushima is my second favorite game of all time, right behind Batman: Arkham city. Something I know Colin will disagree with vehemently but ehh lol

Douglas Morreale

"Here are twenty reasons why I think this game is nothing special and entirely overrated. But really I think it's pretty good!" 😆

Andrew Arana

This content 👌👌👌


Take your comment but flip it around. I think part of Ghost’s high praise is because people are overreacting about TLOU2. I love both games but Ghost isn’t on that very top tier that TLOU2 and God of War sit on.

Ryan Harvey

As for your OS issues on ps4 Colin I found this tip online that helps immensely and takes just a couple minutes. If you fully power off the ps4 and hold the power button until it beeps you can choose the option ‘rebuild database’ and it really helps the OS return to being much more snappy and helped with some performance in games. You don’t lose any data or anything and it’s so easy it’s worth a shot!


I killed that fucker lol

James McGivern

Highly recommend actually playing the OTHER ending choice. SuckerPunch does something really excellent with controller feedback and presentation that I haven't seen done in a game that just watching it won't expose you to.

Derek Waechter

Hey Col, didn’t mean to upset you when I said you hated this game. Just seemed like you were abnormally negative about a great game! Maybe GoT2 will have that lock on you’re yearning for. ;)

Douglas Morreale

He certainly does come off as not liking it much (and thats fine if he didnt). If that's how a lot of folks are perceiving his words & delivery, then hey, it is what it is.

Dom posa

He goes from the samurai to the ghost in the story. You can’t just choose to stay a samurai. Love infamous but that system wouldn’t make sense, you become the ghost no matter what


The only problem I had with the camera per say was with the throwables. Sometimes I’d be looking dead ahead at the person I wanted to kill but my bombs or kunai would go to someone else. I gotta disagree with whoever said Jin is more fleshed out and likable than any protagonist in AC. Kassandra from Odyssey is the exception. Col, it’s funny hearing you talk about your “expert” opinion in gaming with regards to the camera, but then later on you sound like you’re in over your head as to why you didn’t even use kunai. 😄


LoU2 isn't remarkable or innovative compared to a lot of other games too, but it's still a good game because it doesn't have to try hard to be something it isn't. Sometimes regular old games is what we need. After a game about gloom and despair, we get a game of hope and beauty, Yin and Yang. But GoT doesn't need to be ground breaking to be critically acclaimed, it just needs to be a great samurai game that makes you feel like a great warrior. People don't love it because it's innovative or revolutionary or the most profound, it's fun, emotional and makes you feel like a samurai, it's enough to make it game of the year worthy like LoU2 does.

Jeremy Miller

Colin this is cool and all, but for real, when is the Ghosts of Tsushima Spoilercast coming out???


I think the no lock on wasn't a issue but at the same time I think I am to...... Used to it? I learned how it worked right away and never had a issue and I think it came from six years of Ffxiv (let me explain). In Ffxiv it uses camera position as a soft lock on in which actions "lock onto". Because of this I have this invisible box that act like a "cursor" to me. In Ghost I was able to turn and face Gin and camera to what I wanted to attack always without fail. I think because of my experience tanking in Ffxiv and using camera to change tanking targets it was second nature


I really didn't notice the difficulty spike that the guys did with the Shimura fight. I beat him on the first try without much danger of dying.

Real Radec

Yeah Sly Cooper DNA is all in there. Especially in the FPS sections when you are crawling through crevasses, straight outta Sly Cooper. and yes Jin Sakai would be a cool next PS icon, definitely will be in the PS All Stars successor.

Robert Graham

I really liked the combat. The story premise was excellent but I felt the execution of the story never landed. There was never any emotional impact of the performances for me. So when the gameplay got repetitive I had a lot of trouble finishing the game.


The Arkham games do not have a lock on system, just like this game. I have no problem with it. I like the free flow feel of the action


I was hesitant to listen since I'm still playing the game but I was glad that this wasn't that much of a spoiler-cast.

Richard Duflo

Colin, you mentioned not liking the way some of the armor looks. I felt the same way. But you can actually choose to wear any stage of an armor set even though you’ve fully upgraded it. I think if you press Triangle with a set highlighted it’ll cycle thru the different versions. I don’t know if that helps you, but it helped me with that issue. Thanks for another great show!


Those fast load times were so great for cleaning up trophies, its gonna be life changing when every game is like that on PS5.

Shaun Wilkinson

5 minutes in and I’m out lol I knew exactly how this was going. Its certainly a game that’s greater than the sum of its parts but there really are some fantastic touches that just take it to the next level. It’s my GOTY for sure.


Since they mentioned getting their fans into stuff, I wanted to say Chris got me into King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard around six months ago. Good shit, man.

Jake Z

I was more bothered by geometry not going transparent when the camera passed through than the lack of lock-on.

Jake Z

Seven Samurai is remarkably insipid. Don't waste your time with it.


Ghost is to open world games what Doom Eternal is to shooters. Nothing new, but perfected. It’s the Assassins Creed in feudal Japan we’ve always wanted. I love the fact that every piece of gear in the game is meaningful, often times with a back story attached to it, and not just dismissed as “just cosmetic” to justify micro transactions.

Kenneth Oms

The lock-on wasn’t an issue for me either. From years of playing dark souls, the lock on in souls game will get you killed when surrounded by multiple enemies


I just watched the OG for the first time since I was a kid the night before Ghost of Tsushima launched and really loved it.


Batman had the same issue with combat but somehow it still flows. I took a samurai approach where I was patient and let the fight come to me. I was like water.

Taylor Dull

Not sure if I'd agree with that for doom eternal. Eternal has a pretty non traditional flow to it's combat that I can't really compare to many other games. While it gives me the same feeling as playing something like quake or classic doom it's flow of combat is pretty different with how health and ammo are recovered.


The horse is one of best characters in the game. Also had the most moving moment, more so then the poison or uncle. Didn't even mention a horse the entire podcast. No name no color the 2 times you do. No problem, just odd.


I personally feel that the other ending is FAR better than the ending both of you chose. To me it was much more emotional and made sense to me considering that sparing him forces him to live the rest of his life as a failure to the shogun or kill himself in the case that the shogun demands it


When NG+ is available the uncle is going to have to go. I agree with you that it makes more sense for the story and the whole Bushido code of living.


I feel like killing shimura was the only option. His whole belief system was built around being a samurai and having a code of honour, and when you lose a duel you die. Him and Jin had differing viewpoints obviously but I think it would be wrong to disrespect him and his code at the very end of everything. I didn’t want to kill him as the player or Jin but it wasn’t about us or Jin. It’s what shimura wanted.

Mitch G

This game hit us very differently! This is absolutely a game of the year contender for me

Kershon Chapman

You can wear the GameCube like a knuckle


Colin’s refusal to play Fire Emblem coupled with that comment at the end now has me convinced he does it all just to spite me.

Luke Oliveto

I can't imagine being so closed minded that I can't even subject myself to at least hear out an opinion different to my own


Colin bitches about no lock-on for 10 minutes when you are instructed to use the left stick to motion towards the enemy you're attacking... "30 years of playing video games."

Elias Salcedo

Probably one of my favorite games ever so amazing


That would be useful feedback if you were using one attack the entire time, which you aren't. Lame post. =)

John the Nabo

Really? You guys had issue with lord shimura? Imo it was probably onr of the easiest duels in the game, specially after Khotun Khan and considering that at that point you have the majority of the upgrades, so for me it was a moment of showing how much Jin is now much stronger than Shimura. I absolutely loved the game, it was my tenth platinum and I also loved the spoilercast, keep up the strong quality of content my dudes <3


I'm surprised there isn't much mention between comments and the podcast of the "Ghost of Yarikawa" mission where Jin and the citizens of Yarikawa breaks the Mongol siege. That was THE best mission in the game for me. When Jin slaughters the Mongol captain and basically begins embracing the Ghost, accompanied with the music made for an immensely memorable moment that I'll never forget.


Much appreciated spoilercast and I'm happy to hear the discussion around it, as I just can't get enough of this game.

James Guerrero

I believe at the end of the game when Shimura tells Jin that he has no honor, Jin replies "I may have no honor but I won't kill family"

Josh Lucas

I didn’t have a problem with the combat because there is a soft lock system lol there just isn’t a visual UI component to it. Whoever you look at with Jin with the left stick, he soft locks on to them, and all your attacks will go at that guy. If you move the left stick at someone else it breaks the lock and moves it to the new guy. I almost never had an issue attacking the wrong guy or attacking no one. I think being able to switch between who you’re locked onto so easily did benefit the game, especially when you’re getting attacked from multiple sides.


Right, but the problem is in the combat stances combined with no literal lock-on. It just didn't work for me the way I thought it would.


Just listening as I finally got my plat after playing it since launch (yeah to being a dad). To me it's easily GOTY and I also don't really get your problem with no lock on... Well I get it and I agree there could have been one, I just don't really get how you could miss your sword slash unless you didn't aim at the guy with the left joystick, I don't know, never really had trouble aiming at the guy I wanted.

Jordan Avery

Just finished the story on GOT and can finally listen. Thanks guys!

Austin DuBose

Finally beat the game so I can listen!