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It was just weeks ago that we were chatting about persistent rumors concerning WB Interactive, and the potential sale of its studios, projects, and licenses to outside interests. But suddenly, we're talking about the publisher in a different light, because not one -- but two! -- of its games have been revealed, in all their DC glory. Suicide Squad looks a bit like Sunset Overdrive, while Gotham Knights reminds us of the Arkham games of yore. With both, there's much to discuss. Plus: Sony has begun an obnoxious lottery for PS5 pre-orders, Activision talks much more about Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, the Karate Kid spin-off Cobra Kai is getting its own video game, and much more. Then! What's going on with Bethesda's Starfield? Should people be more excited about Kingdoms of Amalur: Rereckoning? What's with the dearth of American Civil War-related games? Is it socially acceptable to eat a lime by itself? As you can see, we've much to cover. Join us!


0:00:17 - Intro.
0:07:28 - Revisiting a comment last week about Until Dawn.
0:09:51 - An update on Colin's Twitch channel.
0:12:55 - PS4 firmware chatter; Destiny 2 "content removal" clarifications.
0:16:16 - Does the rumor of an upgraded Nintendo Switch excite us?
0:18:59 - Is Chris a serial killer or a vampire?
0:23:23 - The rules of blowing snot rockets in the shower.
0:27:18 - Chris was blacklisted by Resetera.
0:29:43 - Is it okay to just eat cheese pizza.
0:33:41 - Are calzones terrible?
0:37:15 - Is it normal to eat limes?
0:39:54 - What PlayStation console would be most effective as a weapon?
0:43:51 - What have we been playing?
0:45:15 - What is an ellipsis?
0:47:21 - Sony has started a pre-order lottery for PlayStation 5.
0:58:10 - Rocksteady's Suicide Squad game gets its first trailer.
1:04:15 - WB Montreal's Gotham Knights also gets its first trailer.
1:20:18 - More details about Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War have been revealed.
1:33:12 - Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory has a release date.
1:33:51 - A Cobra Kai video game is coming this fall.
1:37:53 - Hitman 3 has a release date.
1:41:01 - September's PS+ games have been revealed.
1:43:01 - Netflix is creating a live-action Resident Evil series.
1:44:44 - Minor game announcements and release date information.
1:47:50 - This week's new releases for PS4, PS Vita, and PSVR.
2:00:30 - What's up with PlayStation 5's focus on 3D audio?
2:03:31 - What bad video game should get a remake?
2:08:56 - Why would Mavel partner with Fortnite the week before Avengers launches?
2:11:36 - Why aren't there more American Civil War games?
2:16:35 - Why aren't people more excited for Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning?
2:18:58 - Starfield talk.




My goodness that title had me concerned for a minute lmao.

Timothy Bryant

Another Friday, another SS podcast. When everything goes to shit, I can always count on you guys to make me feel better about my week

Anthony J Sanchez

Got my PS5 lottery PSN name registered baby!


Cork and Cavan are counties in Ireland, that’s all. Don’t worry 😂. I was referring to Margarita pizza’s basically. I live in Ireland so I’m not referring to New York pizzas, hope to try one there some day, but covid has delayed that ☹️.


I'mma write a song called "Sunset Suicide" now. Thanks boys


My wife uses the African black soap, apparently it’s great for eczema FYI.


My tag is registered but I highly doubt it I’ll get one


Jake Whittaker (sorry if misspelled) is the wisest person on this Patreon. Blowing your nose into your hands in the shower in the shower is the most cleansing feeling of all time (yeah, into the hands is gross, but necessary). Also, when will Chris peel back his face skin-mask and reveal his true form? My guess is episode 120

Max Stahl

Those silly gooses at Sony should just postpone it if they don't think they'll have enough consoles in time or just be honest and say: "Pre-orders begin today, here's the price, and we will warn you along the way if you're someone who may be waiting a bit longer for the console due to supply issues." Perhaps they could find some way to sweeten the deal for those who may have to wait longer. 🤷🏼‍♂️ Either Sony or Microsoft may need to be the first to be frank about the supply issues, treating their fan base like adults. I think that good will means something...

Kenneth Oms

When it said they take into account “PlayStation” activity, I was like damn Colin has us beat with years of leaving his PlayStation on

Will Hahn

Karate crotch in the sun.

Real Radec

So there were a lot of rumors about the cancelled projects Rocksteady and WB Montreal were developing. After Arkham Origins, Montreal were developing their own Suicide Squad game that got canned, and then they worked on a Damien Wayne Batman game that also got canned. This led to Gotham Knights. As for Rocksteady the rumor is that they were working on a Superman game that WB shut down and then they povited to their own Suicide Squad game. Just thought Id let you know. Btw PS4 also launched in Canada alongside USA.

Kenneth Oms

Also, I didn’t know hero bread was called heroes till I moved to NYC and learned some true Italian culture. In Puerto Rico we called it pan de panaderia which means bakery bread because you could only get it at the local bakery. Came to find out the hero bread in Puerto Rico is unique and called Pan Sobao (soh-ba-oh). You should try it sometime Colin it’s good.


I actually like the way Sony is handling the preorders with PS Direct. It’s only one of the options to buy from, and they *supposedly* give preference to some of their most loyal fans that way.


The crust is my favorite part of the pizza

Craig Mcguire

Yeah I dont get the thinking in rewarding loyal consumers. Sounds good in practice but those customers will buy it regardless. Supply constraints that lead to a lottery will force people on the fence into sticking with what they know or even force them to go somewhere else especially if series X is more readily available.

Travis Johnson

I'm from the bay area and I have no fucking idea why people calling pizza a "pie" completely incenses me, but there must be something in the water our mothers drink when they're pregnant with us. It's in my bones to get mad. I lived in Manhattan for years and I never stopped hating it.

Real Radec

Sorry for the double comment but in regards to the Avengers Fortnite question, there is definitely cross marketing going on. In the Beta if you complete 3 specific missions you actually get an exclusive cosmetic item in Fortnite if you link your Square and Epic accounts.


In regards to the just eatting a lime thing. I’m starting to believe that it’s really popular amongst people who have mexican backgrounds. I talked to about 5 of my Mexican friends and they all kinda said the same thing. They eat a lime with salt. Kinda like how I eat mushrooms and salt cause of my russian heratige.

Joey Rawlings

Plot twist - FF7R will be the last game of Colin’s “12 JRPGs in 12 Months”.


Chris is fucking weird haha, I love it.

Jake Z

Totally agree with Chris that Insomniac would be the perfect studio to make a new Destroy All Humans game. Sadly, it'll never happen.


My name is real lol and Chris pronounced my last name correctly! It's got a J sound even though it's a G! Much like gif (hard g, not a j. The creator of that image format is incorrect.)


Chris saying he's never coughed up flem actually gave me AIDs...


How bout IO make a Naughty Bear Remake! They know how to make cutesy characters in ”Mini Ninjas”, and stealth murder in "Hitman" just combined the two.

Cameron Sanderson

Just so you know, I enjoyed your The Last Of Us Part II Spoilercasts. I really like the game as well myself, I went in completely spoiler free, and was surprised at the many turns it took. There were times I was not liking what I was playing around that midway point, but as it does, it turned me around as I played on. I went on to play New Game + and got the Platinum trophy as well. My top game of 2020 so far.....


FUCK YOU JOEY! Calzones are amazing, Colin you need to start banning these people. We shouldn’t have to put up with this

Scott MacLure

Fucking hilarious podcast boys. Keep it up! Fuck the haters. You are guys are only going to get more successfull.

Napoleon in Rags

Really love the show…always will, but I’m starting to 2x play/skip the made up game descriptions for the The Drop each week. I feel likes it’s too long and I’m not learning anything but If everyone else digs it then keep it but I’m just floating this out there…Peace!

Derek Waechter

I throw away all my crusts, unless I’m eating pizza with my girlfriend, in which case she eats them.

Taylor Dull

Apperently WB Montreal was working on a Arkham Knight sequel where you played as Damien Wayne as Batman. There's concept art floating around.

Piston Pants

At what point do Chris's idiosyncrasies go from quirky to asshole, and are we at said point yet?


I do tend to cringe when pizza is referred to as a pie.


The never coughing up mucus thing pushed him to asshole

Ben Williams

After hearing about Chris's health habits and apparently never coughing up mucus, I can only conclude that he is an alien of some sort. This would explain his obsession with Destroy All Humans as I'm convinced he is trying to take down the human race from within. God help us.


Same it was great the first couple weeks but since then it's been an instant skip for me. No hard feelings, it just feels like an exhausted skit.

Maxx Lazos

Drexler, Colin. It’s Clyde Drexler

Travis B

Of course chris never chased chased his mucus down the shower river for further examination.

Taylor Dull

The resident evil movies are terrible. I can't even make fun of them the same way I can for transformers movies and have a good time. The first two are at least watchable and nemesis looks pretty good in the second one but they're all varying flavors of shit.


Is Chris too young to recognize how smooth 112 is? 🤔 How’d you get your Twitter checkmark? I’m guessing Tim shenanigans. 5 points for the Clyde Drexler reference. I’ve never once thought of blowing my nose into my hands, shower or not. 👀 The phlegm talk was wild. Tim mentioned that Switch preorders didn’t go live until 50 days before launch. So I figure that’s as late as Sony can go. Somewhere around 9/25. People need to chill. You guys should’ve played the Avengers beta. The game is actually pretty decent. Definitely sold me on it although I don’t think its $60 worthy. Wait for a sale on that one.

Jack Sibert

I think from a pop-culture and historical perspective that FF7R is the biggest PS4 exclusive. It's a game that has been rumored and clamored for for the past 15 years. Add to it that as of a few years ago all hope for it to ever come out( or be good for that matter) was lost. Though I could see the Spider-Man games being considered the biggest PS4 exclusive.

Ian (616Entertainment)

On the gross phlegm segment, Colin, you mentioned that you've tried to stop chunks of phlegm from going down the drain so that you could admire them. When I was little, I suffered from chronic nosebleeds. I remember one special occasion where I blew a blood clot out of my nose that was so large, my dad put it in the freezer to show my mom because he was worried. I remember her coming home and him saying "you have to see this fucking thing, I've never seen anything like it."

Ian (616Entertainment)

"You shouldn't be able to kill Superman!" Colin, you just said you're not a comic book fan, and now you're spouting hate for Superman and saying you shouldn't be able to kill him. Superman being ALL POWERFUL and invincible and "oh he can fly around the earth so fast he can reverse time," that's not really who Superman is. Those are different takes on him that get passed around so much that people think that's what he always is. I'm a huge Superman mark. In the Animated Series, in most comics, if you hit Superman hard enough or shock him with electricity or something, it hurts him. He has major vulnerabilities. The whole "you can't make a Superman game because he's too powerful" thing is bullshit, it's a lazy and uninformed take. I'm not saying you said that, I'm just venting at this point. Trust me, I could point you to Superman stories that you'd love. I know you won't even entertain the idea of reading them, lol, but it's true.

Ian (616Entertainment)

Also, let me add, ANOTHER evil/mind controlled Superman (which is what he is in Kill The Justice League, he's mind controlled by Brainiac) is boring at this point. Injustice, the Snyder movies, this game, etc. Enough with the fucking evil Superman.


This PS5 lottery thing is worrying, I'm gonna be pissed if I can't get one at launch.


This is the greatest episode of the show. We’re possibly in the golden era of Sacred Symbols.

Kameron Clem

The whole Tiananmen Square removal from the CoD trailer, to follow up with what Chris said, begs the question: Are things like this what happens when Capitalism gets too big (Paraphrashing what Chris said) or when Communism oversteps it’s bounds.

Your Boi Nicky V

Thanks for reading my question Colin. Made my day 🤠 ResetEra is still home to a lot of the industry actually, maybe not to the extent that GAF was, but Major Nelson, DICE and Bungie devs still post there for example. It's definitely slowly self-destructing though. Fucking whackjobs.


Great episode guys, a note on the obnoxious maneuvers of both Microsoft & Sony. I’m so pissed on the way this launch is being handled that I will not be preordering either. I’ll be waiting my standard 6 months before purchasing new tech, as most bugs or failures will be addressed in the second product run.


It’s obnoxious that they guy supported nearly entirely by the kindness of strangers wants the console to be expensive. *I’ll be withdrawing my support as the quality of the content has degraded & the “humble” brags have become too frequent.


Honestly I like that they're letting the more hardcore fans pre-order the PS5 first and it's pretty smart since they're basing it off the activity on their eco system. Why wouldn't they want the people who actually play games and buy multiple games to get them first. They'll make more money off of that limited pool then they will off of scalpers who won't buy any of the software.

Luke Silletta

Waiting for Sony to let us give them money for the PS5 is getting ridiculous. Also 2022 for Suicide Squad is crazy. I agree Colin, what the hell have they been doing? I just replayed asylum and city. It seems crazy that city which was so polished and great came took only 3 years for them to make. Also Kandagawa Jet Girls is based on an anime that is exactly as you described it Colin. I was confused that you weren't making it up for a second.


Darkest of Days is the civil war time travel video game that was on the tip of Chris’ Tongue. I enjoyed it. I remember that you could use modern weapons in the civil war, a P-90 for example to mow down lines of soldiers.

Jacek Debowski

soap like bacon. omg, chris is too funny

The Eclectic Gamer

3 weeks ago Chris said The Avengers looked good and he was gonna play it. In this episode, he said it looks terrible...what happened?


How was there no reference to Neapolitan pizza in all of this pizza talk


ROFL...thanks you CC for explaining why calzones exist. It all makes sense now. I too, have long thought that calzones were merely folded slices of pizza. Maybe it’s bc I haven’t had a good one in CA. It’s like, why would I order it when I can get a better pizza?


Great episode, fellas. I think a Civil War game would be great. 1861-1865 had plenty of guns that we would recognize in most Western Movies, like LeMat Revolvers, Henry Repeating Rifles, and Breech-loading carbines. It would be no different than the guns in the Red Dead Redemption games. A Civil War game could remove Musketes altogether to streamline the action, but I think Muskets in a game would be cool, and a lot of Civil War battles would devolve into melee combat, using sabres and bayonets. All this talk of a Civil War game and Cowboy guns makes me want to play Red Dead Redemption III set during the Civil War, Maybe you can play as Dutch van der Linde... Now my imagination is running wild... I think I'm making a decision right now to create a video game... wish me luck...

Daddy Dilkers

In response to Joshua’s question about Civil War games, there is a fantastic one called War of Rights on Steam that is almost exactly what he was describing. I’m primarily a PC gamer and I can assure you that the platform is flooded with very realistic old war games. Holdfast Nations at War, War of Rights, Post Scriptum, and Hell Let Loose all come to mind. Squad based gameplay is always key in these games and often players in the server will roleplay their rank accordingly, all the way up to your teams General. It’s an experience unlike anything else, and if it sounds interesting to you I’d really suggest building yourself a PC to add to your repertoire of ways to play.

Nate McKinney

Calzones are fucking amazing. What unfathomable absurdity is going on here


Yeah, that's what I was saying: PC has this shit in spades, I just don't think you're gonna get a kinetic FPS or something.

Tyson Williams

imagine not seeing Shrek once in your life

Henry Maxwell

Before I went back to make sure I heard the question correctly (and missed the Playstation specification) all I could think to myself during the console weapon conversation was using the GameCube as a weapon. Remembering old videos of G4 dropping that console off a 5 story building and it still booting up and working just fine was all I needed to think of to know that that console would easily bludgeon someone to death. That's even before you remember that it has a handle, or should I say a hilt for your murder spree.

Kam Wallis

It bugs me that you always say America for Sony activities, when it's North America. They launch products in Canada at the exact same time. PS4 launched in North America first, both US and Canada, then the rest of the world. I know we only have 30+ million people, but we are a seperate country that deserves recognition.

Kam Wallis

Not saying it's right, but I think I have a simple explanation for the Cold War teaser. Footage of Tiananmen Square is literally illegal within China. So based on that, in this just a matter of Activision not wanting to release different trailers world wide, and having one version? Also on another note, it's not 2015 anymore Colin, it hasn't been called YouTube Red since 2018. It's YouTube Premium.