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Meet Richard (or Rick!) Hoeg. Mr. Hoeg is a Michigan-based lawyer who has made quite the name for himself in recent years in some hardcore portions of the gaming industry. Why? Because he gives rock-solid legal analysis pertinent to our beloved medium, talking about everything from developer acquisitions and IP ownership to the ramifications of lootboxes and issues of free speech. His YouTube show Virtual Legality goes over all of this stuff in great detail, but for this week's episode of +, I (Colin) figured I'd invite Rick into the fray to talk about his craft, how he came to be a respected legal voice in gaming, and more. And -- per usual -- we frame this episode almost entirely around your inquiries. *bangs the gavel* Let's do this thing.




This is very pleasant change of pace. I love the variety you try to put into ss+. Will listen on my way to the gym. Keep up the great work!

Jason Bolla

I like that Plus can occasionally be a gaming centric Fireside Chat. Really happy to see this expanding.

Shaun Wilkinson

I’ve heard Mr Hoeg on a few podcast over recent months and he’s always good value. Great to see him make his way to Sacred Symbols.

Joseph Tartaglia

What is Rick’s PSN??? He runs a law firm and has likely played more Ghost of Tsushima than Chris hahaha.

Max Stahl

Apparently, TB is spreading like wildfire due to the lockdowns. Our boy Arthur died for our sins, dammit!

Dustin Goncharoff

I love that Hoeg was finally on. Great episode so far (listening now)!

Bogey Zero

Hoeg Law! I remember hearing his name constantly on Easy Allies. It's awesome to see him branching out. Good discussion.

Daniel Boyer

Colin your content is on fire right now 🔥 👏

Forrest Hunter

Holy crap, what an awesome surprise!


Solid ep. 👍🏼


I really enjoyed this episode. I hope you will consider bringing him back on when other legal developments happen. I wish I had thought of this at the time, but I would have asked Rick about the EA vs. Ed Obannon case. I'm a huge NCAA football fan and would love to hear if I should have some optimism about the series returning in light of recent news.

Andrew Christensen

This is awesome! I am studying for the LSAT rn (getting roughly a 165 rn, hoping for better) and I hope to do something in the video game realm w/ my future law degree. Hope this gives some advice on how to break into this niche

Dan Parsons

This was fucking incredible, Rick has at least one more viewer.


This was so freaking interesting in ways I didn’t expect. Awesome stuff!!


Same here constantly hitting between 161-165 and can not seem to get to the next level. Luckily that seems good enough to make money as a lawyer.


Yeah man, this is exactly what I expected. Two intellectuals talking about deep behind the scenes gaming. Incredible episode maybe the best SS+ so far. I hope Rick returns sooner than later. I would kill for this every 3-6 months.

Jake Z

Hoeg is great. Good episode

Matt H

Really enjoyed this one. Rick is really knowledgeable and knows how to convey that to us, the laymen!

Caleb Greer

This guy’s fuckin raaaaaaad. Learned so much. Have him back, please. :)

Ryan Campos

I just started listening and couldn’t help but think of fireside chats, this is awesome!

Monterey Jack

Great episode, thanks for doing this.


Welcome back #FiresideChats! I've missed you.


Great episode! Learned a ton. Rick is a very smart, level headed and well-spoken individual. Hope to see him again on this show!


I remember Kyle's Hoeg law segments back in the day when I used to listen to their podcast.

Dom posa

Smithaven mall is the mall where I’m from prob saw you there back in the day when hanging out in malls was cool 😎. Was it the store right in front by the food court?


I really liked this podcast. I just subbed to his YouTube channel and I hope Rick comes back to the podcast again soon.

Tanner Brant

Great episode, wanted him as a guest back when you did Fireside chats. Glad you made it happen on Sacred Symbols +

Ryan Taylor

Such a great episode, I’ve subscribed to his YouTube channel and can’t wait to work through some of the catalogue!


This episode of + is so good I wish it was a free one so everyone could hear it.


this was a super dope episode


Yeah, there was an EB right at the food court, and a place called Planet Comics. I used to go into Planet Comics more because I had a crush on the sales girl there.


Great episode once again. Definitely going to show Hoeg's channel some love after hearing this.

Samuel Mills

Really interesting stuff. Wouldn't mind more episodes in this vein.

Matt tamer

wow Dick was excellent. He way surpassed what I expected based on twitter interactions!


I've watched you since Beyond Colin and I dont agree with you on everything, but if you dont think there should be a law preventing US Army recruiting kids, you're out of your fucking mind or you dont have context of what was going on. They were literally doing giveaways of Xbox controllers and other menial BS and linking those giveaways to the recruitment page. That shit is disgusting and inexcusable. I love the content and thought it was a good convo overall but I've never been more disappointed in one of your opinions. I respect it, but I do think it's a radical stance on something that should be pretty obvious.


I should also say that I agree with you on keeping the gov't out of the industry as much as possible but the Army targeting kids (which they were clearly doing) is an exception.


This was fucking awesome!


Victory for MSU! (but respect for UofM...)


I’m really tired of the “loot boxes are gambling” argument. They’re not gambling, flat out. Every loot box comes with a reward, whether or not it is an item you want. You receive something when buying one. Gambling implies the possibility of losing everything. If loot boxes are gambling, then so are baseball cards, Pokémon cards, gum ball machines, the sticker machines at the grocery store, and clicking “I’m feeling lucky” on google.


Hoeg is the smartest person covering the industry, it’s so nice to hear my two favorite industry pundits together.


Late to the proverbial party but this was a great episode. Hope to hear more guests bringing new insight and perspectives soon!


I really liked this episode, Hoeg was a great guest.

Your Boi Nicky V

Some really unique insight in this show, thanks for putting this out Colin.


Yeah, that's a good point. But there is a question of value. I'm with you, but the central argument is that you rarely get anything actually valuable or interesting to someone.


Colin, this was by far one of the most insightful episodes of anything I have ever listened to. I have been a fan of virtual legality for some time and love how he looks at video game news in a completely different aspect. More often than not, the typical games media does not have this insight. I would recommend that Hoeg is your go to for some of these questions, much like Bossman and the Easy Allies reached out to him. Either way, proud to be a patron and tank you for the content.

Jordan Gail

Awesome episode Colin! You're definitely my favorite interviewer. Thanks for continuing to make great content. It makes my 13 hour work days a bit more bearable! 👍👍


Colin, this was a fantastic episode. I'm sort of the niche perfect target demo for this as a business lawyer myself and man did it not disappoint. Rick was awesome and I'm happy to have learned about his youtube content as this stuff really hits the inner legal nerd for me. Really appreciate the great content and bringing in different perspectives/aspects of the gaming industry that we don't normally think about. Might be my favorite episode of Sacred Symbols+ to date. Thanks for all the great content!

Jeremy Sagun

I really enjoyed Rick’s insight and commentary on the legal side of the gaming industry. Personally this was my favorite + episode to date. Any chance to get Rick on as a returning guest in the future?


Hey Colin, Great stuff! This is really top class content. Having more one on one discussions with these industry experts is really entertaining and informative. I'll surely go and check out Hoeg's channel now. Cheers, Pete