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It was a really big week for Ubisoft. They revealed (the admittedly leaked) Far Cry 6, stamped a couple of release dates on Watch Dogs: Legion and Assassin's Creed Valhalla, and gave us some more details on the upcoming battle royale Hyper Scape, too. But the company has also been persistently dogged by accusations of sexual impropriety and other illicit activities at its highest levels of management, and the purge of its ranks continues unabated. With the ignominious fall of both its Chief Creative Officer and the leader of all of its Canadian studios (not to mention its Head of HR), how should one of gaming's biggest publishers proceed in the wake of what can only be described as an internal reckoning? Let's chat about it. Also: Sony is ratcheting-up production of PlayStation 5, Destiny 2's upcoming DLC has been delayed, Konami's Pro Evolution Soccer is approaching this year a little differently, and more. Then: Listener inquiries galore! Is Xbox making a mistake by emphasizing cross-generation play? Should Sony pad its first party family with smaller devs? Does Sony's acquisition of a small share of Epic mean future Epic Games Store exclusivity for its PC releases? Is it normal to eat oranges in the shower? Our answers may surprise you.


0:00:17 - Intro.
0:06:16 - A letter on keeping things lighthearted.
0:11:49 - A Curt Schilling-based correction.
0:12:52 - The real meaning of 'mucho gusto'.
0:15:03 - Another angle on Take Two's "billions in profit" from last year.
0:18:16 - Digital Sales vs. The Cost of Convenience.
0:24:22 - When will we be able to pre-order PlayStation 5?
0:32:34 - For how long does Colin stare at his lawn each day?
0:33:37 - Is Oscar the Grouch homeless?
0:38:33 - Does Colin use the word "tantalizing" too much?
0:40:58 - A war of escalation: Milk and Cereal.
0:43:28 - Thoughts on our shower routines.
0:50:58 - One psychopathic listener enjoys eating oranges in the shower.
0:54:16 - Colin insists that he could defeat both geese and swans in a fight.
0:57:39 - It remains a mystery where to plug in headphones on the PS4 for one listener.
0:59:37 - What the hell are "cotton wool buds"?
1:00:53 - What have we been playing?
1:07:44 - Sony is seeing higher-than-expected PS5 demand; increases production.
1:11:38 - Ubisoft has announced Far Cry 6.
1:16:56 - Watch Dogs: Legion has a release date.
1:19:54 - Assassin's Creed: Valhalla also has a release date.
1:22:14 - Skull and Bones has been rebooted, says report.
1:26:13 - Is Splinter Cell ever coming back?
1:30:09 - After recent allegations, big changes hit Ubisoft's management.
1:40:27 - Sony is reportedly getting outflanked by Tencent to purchase Leyou.
1:42:17 - Destiny 2: Beyond Light has been delayed.
1:45:46 - Pro Evolution Soccer takes a sharp left turn.
1:47:06 - Minor game announcements and release date information.
1:51:15 - Is Xbox's emphasis on cross-generation play wise or unwise?
2:00:45 - On the whole, what makes Sony's studios so talented?
2:05:12 - What occupation deserves more representation in games?
2:08:29 - How do we know how much to spend (or not spend) on a game?
2:15:40 - Should Sony invest in smaller indie studios?
2:20:02 - Epic Games Store, PlayStation, and you.




dagan's oscar answer was amazing haha


Just leaving this here to say that the opening of the show is really great. That's the thing I've really enjoyed about the shows Colin's been on. Love you guys.


The joy and terror of living in America is you literally have the free will to think whatever you want. You can literally be as ignorant as you want sadly.


I'm so excited seeing a new Sacred Symbol episode! Haaha

Ramon Reveron

As a Puerto rican who lives in the Island I can confirm that "Mucho Gusto" is normally used in the nice to meet you context. Chris "mi pana" get your Spanish straight.


"Mucho gusto" is used in spanish as a formality when greeting someone for the first time. I don't know how different is the Puerto Rican spanish, but we use Mucho Gusto a lot in South America and also in Spain. Greetings from Uruguay!


Hey Colin and Chris. Do you guys remember that Jak 4/Mar was in development by Naughty Dog , before it ultimately ended up becoming the Last of Us? You guys mentioned the leaked artwork, but didnt go deeper. I think its interesting that Jak is tehnically in the DNA of both LoU and Lou2

Caleb Greer

Yeah like Avengers is cool and all but FUCKING DAGAN SHOWED UP ON SACRED SYMBOLS! 🤯😁


I know 'right' https://youtu.be/k5vnn9DtE_g

Jake Z

When Chris said he eviscerated the ants I imagined him with a magnifying glass and tweezers surgically removing the entrails of each and every one.


Colin has completely ruined swans and/or geese for me. I saw a video of a swan on Youtube and I couldnt stop laughing. Thanks Colin for that golden egg.


AHHHHHHHHH!!! The Dagan cameo made me audibly scream! Fuckin awesome little addition here guys


You guys. For real. Funniest fucking episode to date. I am working from home, and my roommate is working nights (what a loser, right?) so usually I try to be considerate and keep the noise levels to a minimum. But this episode has me absolute HOWLING like a monkey with its nuts caught in a bear trap. Fuck my roommates sleep schedule, I blame youuuuuu

Kenneth Oms

I had to pause the episode when Chris said Caribbean Spanish/puerto Rican Spanish is the way they speak in NYC. No bro.. that’s called NuYoRican Spanish way different from people born and raised on the island. Sources: I was born and lived on the island.


I'm just starting the episode, but yes, the first 30 minutes of this podcast is where it shines. Don't get me wrong, the whole show is great but definitely good laughs in the beginning.

Jake Z

Nobody played Watch Dogs 2? It sold over 10 million copies...


Thanks guys! I enjoy the first 30 minutes of every episode quite a bit. =]

Henry Maxwell

Hearing C&C underestimate geese makes me remember growing up in the swamps of South Georgia where geese and alligators share the turf of your neighborhood golf course's ponds. Living next to one of these ponds I'd often see the geese starting these fights between the two (and golfers) and never once did I see a goose lose. It was very common to see really messed up and scarred gators mauled from rampant geese attacks and the occasional unlucky golfer get their ball stolen and needing stitches from an angry goose. And let me just say that if you anger a goose whose chilling with a flock they do attack in groups when hit with a golf ball. The geese problem could never be taken care of since the courses were in city limits (AKA no guns), but the gators were eventually relocated so now they reign alone over the struggling golf course.

Jose Horrach

A word for the wise for Chris, those ants WILL be back. Next time, get gel bait, find out the source of thier entry point when they return and then put the gel bait there. They will then bring the gel back to thier queen, who will then die, and then the population will be decimated in a few days. I recommend this for you as well Colin! I've waged many a battle with ant invasions and always come out on top.


I moved into a new construction neighborhood a couple of years ago and the number of insects that try to get in is horrifying. Make sure you get a good exterminator to spray around your house and keep them at bay.

Manuel Nascimento

Downloading and starting to listen right now. Just realised how detailed the time stamps are, wow. Thank you for this work but know that I always listen to a full episode as I find the conversations just so engaging, so this is the most important to me - you and Chris going deep. Thank you, keep it up :) Please know your work makes a truly positive difference in my life! Thanks again :)


Where do I plug the headphones in?


Hey guys, Personally, I think it is actually pretty bizarre that adult human beings drink breast milk at all, especially the breast milk of a different animal. Nearly 3/4s of the world is lactose intolerant and the remainder of us can all trace our lineage to a single, probably really strange dude getting awkward with a cow. Sure, he had the last laugh by surviving, probably due in large part to drinking breast milk, but I’m sure everyone in the village was like “have you see what Brad’s been doing to that cow? What a weirdo.” Your thoughts? Thanks, Chris

Robert Graham

Leave it to Dagan to interject for 20 minutes about a puppet in a trash can lol. Love it.

Kendrick Calles (Ca-Yes)

Seriously. It’s like this week C & C decided to double down on the opening act and it was great. It felt like just chillin with friends on a random night drinking a beer or two talking random shit. Bravo.

DB Cooper

Damn right Pete Rose should be in the hall of fame! haha great show as always

Jake Woods

I do two podcasts every week. My thing is I say interesting a lot. Happens to the best of us Col dawg.


Ahoy Colin and Chris, I want to talk more about Phil Spencer’s argument of developing for the least common denominator. We won’t know for a while, but given the speed of Sony’s internally developed SSD tech (yields speeds of up to 7GB/s, a class of speed that won’t be available to consumers until later this year), I wonder how big of an impact that will have on games developed with that as the baseline. This is a hardware front that Microsoft is going to struggle to compete on in general; while PCs have access to the latest tech—the most powerful graphics cards and CPUs—SSDs are not standardized, and to my knowledge, no game has been released on PC with drive speed requirements. The new Ratchet is the obvious example of something that may only be possible with such a fast drive, but also consider how level design takes drive speed into account. I loved FFVII Remake, but it had more than its fair share of tight-squeeze corridors to mask load times. The speed of the new drive could have the potential to inherently change how levels are designed. I could foresee it translating to almost a different class of game created by Sony’s first party. I could also see a scenario in which they’re far more or far less likely to get second party exclusives, depending on the success of the platform—the biggest hurdle being Microsoft’s bet on building on its existing Xbox One user base, as opposed to having to start fresh. Would love to hear your thoughts.

Jimmy Valentine

Colin, I had to pause the podcast after you mentioned you shop at Publix. Buy a full size chicken tender Publix sub next time you're there. That is a staple of my childhood. Thank me later. Thank you for the podcast sir!

Jacek Debowski

You guys are so much fun keep up the good work and definitely keep the long intro segment, too


Colin, Check out Nowinstock.net for alerts on preorders and in stock alerts. You can set it up for texts direct to your phone on any products and it will send you which site it just went live on. I've scored many of products this way!


Well here I am being awkward double commenting back to back but just got to the part where you talk about having idiosyncrasies during a podcast. Four months ago I started a podcast with my roommate, and the amount of times I say "ya know" which is at least 10+ times an episode, it's incredibly hard not to.

Dom posa

The Publix deli section 🔥


Colin you wash your face with a bar of soap and then use that same bar to clean your ass?? Fuck no. You should be using a gentle facial cleanser followed by a moisturiser then most importantly sunscreen. For one, that bar of soap will contain fragrances and other harmful ingredients, and lastly the faecal matter from your ass will stick to the bar of soap which you’ll rub on your face the next time you shower.

Dom posa

Microsoft cares about gamepass so much they really have no choice. If they made generational exclusives they would lose the selling point for gamepass for the millions of people still subscribed on this gen, day and date exclusives. It’s about putting out unfinished ongoing games with tons of micro transactions to keep you subscribing every month. They don’t care if you buy the series x, they just want the gamepass subs.


Dagan's reference to House of Leaves was great. Any chance of a HOL Knock back?

Tanner Brant

That was a fun surprise at about the 30 minute mark :)

Quintin Propes

If you could just start every episode with an hour of banter and nonsense I would greatly appreciate it. Loved it so much.

Ryan Murdoch

Damn, that first hour was fucking gold. Well done guys.

Empty Symbol

Yo to the dude who asked about Oscar The Grouch , you should deff watch the "Grouchland" movie it's pretty dope


"Mucho gusto" is something you tend to use in a formal matter. Maybe in a job interview or when meeting your partner's parent for the first time. I tend to use use it when I'm introduced to other people, and some other Puerto Ricans do too. Also, there is a difference between so called "Nuyorican" Spanish and Puerto Rican Spanish. Not surprising at all when you consider that even in a small archipelago such as Puerto Rico (which is 110 x 39.5 miles) we have linguistic regionalisms. But that doesn't matter, we are all still islanders that come from a place surrounded by water, lots of water.


Also, do you guys know that Zeus used to turn into a goose to fuck mortal women? Yup.


18 hours into The Last of Us Part 2 and I've hit a game breaking bug and can't continue. Please help #TLOUS2 https://t.co/w8qeKjVrks


Hey Colin, regarding the protests and COVID there was a minor spike 2 weeks after the first set of protests, but unlike these "COVID parties" there are people at the protests handing out PPE, and hand sanitizer and emphasizing safety. I'm sure this ranges by place, but generally the organizers emphasize COVID safety and techniques for when the police crack down on them. Also people aren't trying not to use "Hispanic" since it emphasizes colonialism, I think they use "Latino/Latina". This isn't SJW stuff, its more like calling people Irish instead of British if that makes sense.

Jordan Knepp

Okay, when the Oscar the grouch question came up I had a vivid memory of when I was a kid and it showed him inside his trashcan and where the bottom of the trashcan was there was a hole with a ladder that went down into the ground into this giant cave that was one giant room with a bed and fridge and stuff. Maybe it was a dream, but I definitely remember that. This would have been in the late 80's very early 90's

Real Radec

Colin we NEED to see you rocking some Gucci, Louis Vuitton or Prada the next time you are on camera. Youd be drippin too much ice fam

Max Stahl

Show me price!


I've wrestled with Microsoft's approach for months now. I just don't know how next-gen Halo Infinite is really going to be if I can play it at launch on my Xbox One. I just can't see that approach working in the first year.

Cole Minder

I’m just stuck on Chris saying “waste bin”, it’s a fuckin trash can!

Christopher Tice

Hey guys. Love the show. Just wanted to say that Lost Legacy is my favorite Uncharted game. A must play! Also, I actually really enjoy grocery shopping, but I'm a pretty boring person with nothing better to do I guess.

Kyle Goodrich

Colin, I didn't realize there was a Publix near you. Just so you know: as soon as you can, get a publix sub. Preferably a chicken tender sub.


I love how the discussions about nonsense get longer and longer each episode. For the Horizom UI if I remember correctly you can set it so that it only appears when you tap the touchpad, otherwise it stays turned off.

Marcus Brown

It took an hour to get to "The Games We're Playing" and I love it! Also really ecstatic for Valhalla and FC6, but disappointed once again that no Splinter Cell is being worked on and it's lame. Keep up the great work guys and stay safe.

Miles Williams

I've been playing Bloodstained Ritual of the Night the last few days, and it's amazing! I can't believe I waited this long to play it.


Hey C&C, just chiming in to let ya’ll know that Ghost is...insanely good. It’s rare to have an open world game that has this level of polish for being so BIG, and the quality matches the quantity.

Piston Pants

Hey guys. For Colin, you talked about how playing games for knockback is also eating a good portion of your time. Have you given thought to maybe not having games as options for knockback when there are a slate of current games coming out in and around the same time? Seems like movies,music,or television series would be less of a time sync, and you could break out games for knockback when their is a gaming dry spell.


This might be the best episode of Sacred Symbols yet. I’d say you guys need to do a shooting the shit podcast but you already do that in all of them. 😄


Small correction Colin that most likely isnt even worth noting. But those turok remasters originally released on xbox one and pc. Ported to switch later, and now i guess ps4. Loved this episode and congrats on the 10k!


You guys answer nonsense questions are the most entertaining part of the podcast. I just realized this.


Planning to get five PS5s? Kind of a dick move if we're being honest lol


I think the whole idea is that Microsoft wants people to be a part of the Xbox ecosystem as a whole. For people who aren't interested or can't afford the new hardware, they'll still be able to play a new Halo game for example. They're not getting left behind. Another thing is game pass. They're offering the best deal for new first party games where you don't have to pay $90 CAD out of pocket just to play. I also think that since Xbox is very behind Sony with the amount of consoles sold, that they're also going to be perfectly okay with more people buying an Xbox One S (since the S digital and Xbox One X are being discontinued) who know that they are still able to play new games even if it's a lower fidelity. Some people are okay with this. Just some thoughts.


Fantastic Dagan cameo :)

Eric Bolella

Guys, Ghost of Tsushima is so dope. Dare I say just as good as Horizon: ZD? For me, it’s the guiding wind. It keeps me immersed in the open world and feels so natural. I poured about 15 hours in this weekend and I don’t think I’ve scratched the surface. So much fun...

Ravjeet B

I thought blacklist was a great splinter cell game.


Colin I recommend jumping into watch dogs 2. I was very poo poo on it at first. Then I saw it on sale and I have to say its alot of fun. Best part is you can go through the whole game without killing anyone. Now I’m playing Ghost so its back in the backlog now but I’m definitely going back. So I recommend it if not to just try it.


I agree. Exclusives on the PS5 have the potential to really pop. However I'm wondering whether the hardware has been in the hands of developers long enough for true next gen games to arrive during the crucial launch window (or even the first 18months)?

Joseph Tartaglia

An hour of BS at the beginning...what the heck???

Joseph Tartaglia

Don’t condone this behavior...it was horrific, I kept skipping ahead and it was more and more nonsense until the 1 hour mark.

Joseph Tartaglia

There are producing millions where he gets 1 or 100, it’s insignificant in the grand scheme of a national release


Geese are delicious. I look forward to hunting season specifically to make pulled goose


Great show olde boys, it’s interesting that as Xbox becomes more user friendly, Sony retracts to the formal actions of a faceless corporation. What with the censorship of games and the illegal DMCA strikes.


You are right. It should have been an additional hour of BS at the beginning.


I noticed 2 things at the beginning of the episode I wanted to address. 1. Colin stated he watched “The Lighthouse” and I was curious what he thought of it. 2. In the Midwest, most frogs are okay but toads are terrible for dogs and cats alike. I recently had to go to the vet because my year old dog ate a small toad and began puking and shitting blood profusely. It cost around $600 in medication for her because the toxins in the toads (and earthworms) can build up and begin to block and eat through the stomach lining, causing severe blockage and internal bleeding. Thankfully we caught it quickly and she is completely fine now, but I thought I would note that to help from an expensive and stressful trip to the vet. Congrats to both of you on the move, and keep throatfucking that chicken.


I have to say, do none of you use rubber gloves to eat messy foods? Just throw one of those bad boys on and take it off when done. No messy hands or fingers. This applies to Chips, Wings, Oranges, Ribs.... Also you're welcome. Love all that you do C&C!


Correction: An increase from 5 million PS5s to 10 million PS5s is a 100% increase, not a 50% increase as Colin stated.

Arquimedes Quintero II

Hi C&C, this is just sad now, "Mucho Gusto" would be much better translated as "Nice to meet you" and just as that expression, it's not overly polite or formal at all, but you don't use it everyday unless you get introduced to new people all the time. As I commented on the last episode, after the pandemic, Chris needs to go do a Latinamerica tour to get in touch with his roots. Don't let the whiteness wash out that Salsa in your veins, Chris.


I've been immortalised as the Cotton Wool Buds guy, I love it.

Dee Han

Hey Colin, there is a nice thread on you on Neogaf (it’s much better now that the hive mind has moved on to ResetEra).

Kelly Perkins

Not sure if this has been said because I'm listening late. For your wasp problem put some water and sugar on a plate with some stones and wasps should go to that in your garden n effectively get drunk. I had to do that for two summers straight because they constantly came in my house.


53 minutes into the PlayStation podcast: "Chris people really want to talk about geese" I love this show


I love this podcast and the banter in the beginning, but it took up almost half the episode this time. I recommend that since you're not mentioning game releases you could maybe answer 8 questions, comments, concerns from your audience instead of 6. We get a little more content to substitute the game drops, and you get through more of your backlog. Thanks guys.


I don't insert the bar of soap in my ass, or rub it on my face. I lather up my hands and wash with my hands.


Yes. I would agree that it's becoming more about software and subs for them. That's where the money really is.


Well, fans vote for stuff, and we often don't get to the votes very quickly. We have four outstanding topics now, with more coming each month, and so we simply have to dig ourselves out of the hole, or it's going to basically dominate our entire lists, and we don't want that. People keep voting for games. *shrugs*


I mean, that's definitely their play. The question is, can you have an ecosystem without proliferated hardware? Or do they just wanna be a massive publisher?

Joshua La Rosa

G’Day C&C, on the topic of digital sales, here in the Australia AAA physical retail games sell for roughly $69-$79 AUD, where on PSN the same game is usually $99.99. I’d agree, I would be happy for at a minimum price parity between physical and digital games, but that’s just not case here in Australia

Daddy Dilkers

Hello Cocoa Pebbles Colin and Cinnamon Toast Crunch Chris. Forgive me if this has already been announced but is Twin Breaker coming to Switch? In the episode you mentioned it coming to other storefronts and I’d love the opportunity to play it on a GOOD handheld console. Thanks for all you do. Much love.


Hey Guys, As a PC gamer, I find Phil Spencer's comments a bit disengenous. It's a well established notion that games are being designed with consoles as a baseline in mind. Yes, on PC we can run games on ultra graphics at 144 frames per second. But gameplay wise, we know we're basically playing games designed for 10 year old systems. So in general, PC gamers are just as excited with the launch of a new console generation, because we know our baseline will improve too. Cheers, Pete PS. Keep up the banter. It's seriously what sets you apart.


The first hour had me in tears. Please never stop.

David Millard

I have a question comment and concern. Question - re the headphone jack, whilst I knew of its existence, I do not know what it does. Can I hear the game through it, or can I only use it to talk trash to 13 year olds on fifa? As we are working from home the miso asked if I could listen to lasr of us through my headphones as it was distracting her as she worked late, I told her no. Am I a liar? Can my Bluetooth headphones hook up to the ps4 to get game sound? If not will the ps5 let me do that? Concern - wtf is the thing next to the headphone jack on the controller, i had not thought about it until I listened to the ep, and now I am concerned. Comment - this app is difficult to navigate, is this the place to raise my questions comments and concerns? Thanks (I understand my comment and concern are just questions, however the genesis of them came from a place of concern and commentary)


Hey David, Use the weekly threads posted on Tuesdays to submit inquiries to the show. Sorry the Patreon app is wanting. Use it on a browser! =)

Zack Fair

I'm not sure how you guys think physical and digital games costs are roughly the same. If I go on ps store its about £55 for Cyberpunk 2077 and £60 for Farcry 6 These games are just examples but I can buy these physically and just get them a few hours later with postage included for roughly £15 cheaper per game. Physical games are always better value and not sure why you guys love digital so much considering the costs,maybe its because you have more money to throw about but until digital games are comparable to physical then I'll stick with physical


For years I got all of my games physically for $38 dollars on release day, I'll never buy digital because physical is almost always cheaper.


I loved the Dagan cameo haha.

Zack Fair

I do have digital games but will only buy them if they 1, in a PlayStation sale and 2, cheaper than the physical version. If they aint ill just wait the extra few days for it to arrive as I always have some game to finish


Hello Colin and Chris. Concerning the comments about ear canal cleaning: ear wax naturally flows to the outside to prevent stuff from going in (dirt, water, etc). Sticking a Q-tip in there pushes the wax back in and causes a build up of wax that will eventually clog your external ear canal. Its not a major issue but at times that wax can harden occluding the canal and you have to pay an ENT physician a visit to unclog it. In addition, sticking foreign bodies in there can injure the canal and increasing the risk of infection. Have a good day gentlemen and keep up the awesome content

Not Sure

On the bugs discussion: I went to pump gas at a gas station, and opened the fuel door to find a tiny wasp nest with a single wasp on it. I had to get a napkin out of my truck to be able to crush the wasp, and throw it away.