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Robert Eggers' 2015 debut film The Witch isn't exactly old, but its subject matter certainly is. Taking place in the early 1630s in New England -- a full 60 years before the Salem Witch Trials -- The Witch tells the story of a banished family of devout Puritans who go into the Massachusetts woods to live alone. And... well... you may be able to guess what happens next. Written entirely in period English and lit only by natural light and candles, The Witch may be one of the most thoroughly colonial movies ever made. It also happens to be a masterpiece of pacing, tension, and acting. So let's delve into this spectacular and spooky period piece, as a tight-knit religious family slowly comes undone.




This movie seemed polarizing. I loved it (especially the setting) but my wife couldn't get out of the theater fast enough.


Just bought the Blu Ray a few days ago. I loved it. Made me think of Midsommar in it's pacing.

Campbell Parker

One of my favourite films, the foreboding tone and atmosphere is incredible.


I love the stories that came out about the goat after the movie came out. Guess the dad in the film hated the goat cause he was huge plus the dad was severely underweight for the role. Imagine getting head butted by that goat!

David Kramme

Looking forward to the discussion, loved this movie, in advance of this I actually watched "The Lighthouse" (he directed and co-wrote), extremely unsettling but brilliant, Willem Defoe is incredible as always and Robert Pattinson continues to prove he's one of the best actors of his generation, oh yeah also a period piece, Eggers is a master.

Quintin Propes

Didn’t know I wanted this. But I really do! You guys rock!


Great episode and such an eerie film I’ve never forgotten. Really hope you cover The Lighthouse as a future topic or at least give us a lengthy review during the intro of the next episode. Also, any plans to cover either Hereditary or Midsommar soon? I know you’re quite passionate about the latter.


Holy cow did this movie make me feel uncomfortable. Eggers is such a good director but his movies are a one time watch for me.

Tyler Bello

COULD NOT stay awake during this movie either time I tried to watch it. Colin.. I love you, I respect you. But your taste in horror leaves me worried hereditary, midsummer and witch bore me to tears lol. Conjuring, insidious (1 and 2 not the rest) are some real quality horror movies.


I loved this film so much!

Caleb Greer

You guys seem to be getting better and better at discussing movies in different ways, especially improving your technical insights. Great episode!

Brandon Hardman

Did you like The Lighthouse, Colin? I really enjoyed The Witch, but I think Lighthouse went completely over my head. It just didn’t click with me.

Campbell Parker

I'm Scottish and I had no real issue understanding the dialogue. Possibly because I live in an area where people have an extremely thick accent and some speak local dialects such as Doric and Scots. Obviously these aren't the same as the early modern English in the film but do have a different vocabulary from modern English.


I fell asleep about halfway through. Honestly, wasn't really feeling it, but do want to finish it.


Not a horror fan so can’t comment on the film, but for the raps I gotta give it to Jason this time. He approached it how I would and it went nicely. Props to James though for writing an essay about horror films. The references I caught were solid. 😅

Robert Schultz

Just watched this movie for the first time. Those two little twin bastards are clearly devil spawn. They look like giant living voodoo dolls and it fascinates and horrifies me at the same time. Every character in this movie is so damn odd looking it really adds to the unnerving feeling of watching it unfold


Loved this episode guys! Especially Colin's historical insights, they give the film deeper context. I always enjoy any horror related topic from you two. I don't know if anyone would agree but there's some kind of contagious creepy feeling evoked by going into the details of this kind of subject matter. After hearing your takes on the film I look back on it feeling it was scarier than when I first watched the film. Anyways, keep up the great work guys! I will be adding this to the list of episodes to listen to again in the month of October.


Ill counter to this and say that I too also live in an area where the folk speak Doric in Scotland, however I had to turn on subtitles part way in because I couldn’t make heads or tails of it.


Loved this episode. I rented it on Amazon and it was worth every penny. Turns out I had seen it before and forgot that I watched it. My memory is getting worse I swear. Anyways, great film and great podcast always enjoy the discussion you two have.

Brannon H

I just played Ni No Kuni Wrath of the White Witch on PSNow and I really hope y'all do that soon. I know Colin's history with the game and it seems like one Daegon would adore.

Frej Karlsson

I have to comment on Colins remarks regarding the use of British accents in Chernobyl. That was in fact a very conscious choice by the makers of the show. They thought it would make the show more authentic and real if the actors weren't forced to speak with a fake Russian accent. I think that's a brilliant choice for a series like Chernobyl because it makes the whole story more impactful. There are also several different English accents in that show, three of the actors (including Stellan Skarsgard) are Swedish and they all sound very Scandinavian. Its a similar thing with the comedy The death of Stalin (which I highly recommend) where British and American actors portray Stalin's top men but they all speak with their native accent.

Quintin Propes

Loved this episode. But now I’m gonna have to request that you all do hereditary now. Loved this movie and I love listening to you all talk about horror.

kevin berger

What did you think of the lighthouse?? I just watched the witch and the lighthouse back to back last week. Holy hell I am in love with both


I don't know when we'd get to it organically (we have SO MANY GAMES to get through because of fan votes), but maybe one day. =)

kevin berger

I loved it from the start. But, I can see why people are disenchanted by it. Hope you give it another shot in the future. Also, on Hulu there is a movie called “The Lodge” you and Dagan may like it as well.

Kevin McChesney

Collin you really need to make it a priority to watch The Lighthouse.

Jeremiah Lyne

From reading comments, can see that Colin didn’t like The Lighthouse which I can understand but it’s a shame as this film was designed for knockback - I’ve so many damn questions that need answering by the Moriarty brothers.

Jake Z

Finally watched this film in the spirit of Halloween and it was great! Great episode too! Loved the historical information Colin provided. I do disagree about the devil scene though. I thought it was too much and didn't like it. It took some of the mystique away. I would have been fine with just a shot of her signing the coven. And I also would have been fine with them completely cutting it and just showing her walking into the forest to join the other witches. I really loved the eeriness of that scene. Also, the hallucinogen that's theorized to have fueled the witch hysteria is the fungus, ergot, which affects rye. Albert Hoffman isolated compounds from ergot to synthesize LSD.