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Final Fantasy Tactics fans have been more than patient. It's been a staggering 22 years since FFT launched in the west, and in the time since, it's been pretty quiet. Yes, we got a couple of handheld iterations -- and they were fun -- but they weren't Final Fantasy Tactics per se. So what's stopping Square Enix from revisiting what is unarguably its greatest untapped resource? Let's try and make sense of it all in this Colin-solo, mailbag-centric episode of +. Of course, there are other topics to touch upon, too. Are lootboxes and microtransactions really that big of a deal? Should JRPG cities, towns, and villages be more realistic? Will Omega Force ever leave the Musou behind? What's going on with PopCap? Should id make a new IP? All of that (and more!) on the other side of the play button.




No TLOU Part 2, Part 2 Spoilercast?


WTF 😳?! I thought we were gonna get Part II of the spoilercast .

Monty Pearson

Is LoU2 spoiler cast part 2 next week?


Does anyone know what that game Colin was talking about is called? Where you play as a Vendor in an RPG game or something along those line, was in a previous episode thought it sounded interesting


Is Chris sick or something?? Is that why Colin is solo this week??


Given that we were all under the impression we'd get a part II of the TLOU2 spoilercast, some acknowledgement of that expectation in the description would have been appreciated. Hope that's cleared up in the audio of the actual episode.


Are lootcrates a big deal? Yes.

Joe Donnelly

I was so looking forward to TLoU2 Part 2 Spoilercast... next week maybe?

Nathan Guergis

TLoU Part II Spoikercast?!

Nathan Guergis

Haven’t Lootcrates been taken out of like 90% of the games that core gamers care about? I don’t play online games, so I wouldn’t know, but that’s what I’ve heard.


Gives me time to catch on up part 1 spoilercast

James McGivern

I'm going to throw my vote down here right now and say "yes, please conclude your spoilercast." There is something deeply fascinating about what the game is trying to do, and whether it succeeds or fails and why is a deeply relevant discussion for the medium. Giving some air to breath so you can marinate and give some space between the current climate around discussing it is a good idea, but please give it more attention when the time is right. Just my 2 cents

Kenneth Oms

Not sure why people didn’t like the spoilercast I thought it was very good. I think maybe people are over saturated with how critical people have been on the game, and are looking perhaps for more positivity about it? Either way I think you two did a good job at being honest and objective with what you liked and didn’t like. I’m more upset about Chappelle Show not winning, skeet skeet skeet.

Craig Carter

Who cares if Chris is negative on the spoilercast.. he doesn't like the game and still talks about the positives he did like, at least he's honest and not felating the game to no end like many people out there.

Kevin Tuber

Want to bet the next switch (switch 2) will be called Super Switch?


Disappointed, I was expecting and looking forward to part 2 of the last of us 2 discussion. A heads up about the change ahead of time would have been nice.

Craig Mcguire

I'll be honest I would be fine if part 2 of the spoiler cast never released, don't think I've ever been as put off by a discussion about a piece of fictional entertainment so quickly after launch, too many people painting with broad strokes trying to figure out why someone might like, or not like the game rather than discuss the actual merits of the game.

John Copas

Literally waited to drive somewhere expecting the TLOUII spoiler-cast. Quite disappointed

Monterey Jack

Apparently I was the only person not expecting back to back spoilercasts. Pretty sure Colin mentioned that he wouldn't do 2 in a row?

Bryan Lonsdale

Why did some people have problems with the first spoilercast episode? I thought it was great.

Jordan Goodeye

Please do part 2 of the spoilercast.


I am leaving this comment only because Colin asked for feedback about the spoilercast in today's episode. I had been really looking forward to the TLOU spoilercast last week, but I stopped listening to it about 30 minutes in. It really felt like Colin was reading listener questions and then Chris would answer them. Colin seemed to defer to Chris's take or just say "I don't disagree" without offering much dissent or his own thoughts. I had to stop listening after Chris said he thought the game should have been presented in a linear chronological fashion. This was just such a bad take and really seemed to misunderstand the entire game and what they were trying to accomplish. The episode may have gotten better after that, but I had to stop listening. This is a game that really demands thoughtful analysis, and I wasn't getting that at all. I would actually prefer they not have a second spoilercast if it is going to be more of the same. Anyway, I really hate leaving negative comments; it's not my style. I love the show, and I love both of the guys. Just wanted to leave my two cents, and I look forward to the next show.


Thanks for a more laid-back episode. I was really dreading part 2 for some reason. This is a nice break.

Piston Pants

Colin just admit that the reason their is no last of us spoilercast this week is because Chris was shook by the Teddy Roosevelt quote Troy Baker dropped on everyone and is taking time away from the show for reflection.


Almost everyone has said so but I am disappointed that this isn't part 2 of part 2's spoilercast. I've Listen to the first few minutes of this and Colin I think it's more that you seemed to just be reading the questions and Chris would answer them. Now you certainly did answer them to but I certainly felt like Chris gave more of an insight of his thoughts.

Derek Waechter

Please do not cancel the 2nd part of the Spoilercast. That would be really unfortunate.


I really enjoyed the spoilercast and I would appreciate another, but if I'm being honest I just want a knockback episode on TLOU2. I know it'll take a long time for you and Dagan to get to it, but I'm patient.


Colin, please don't let the opinions of overly-sensitive folks who can't take hearing opposing viewpoints, deter you from doing a part 2 of the spoilercast. However, if you and Chris don't really feel like doing one then by all means don't do it of course. Your show, your choice. I personally thought the spoilercast was refreshing because it actually had 2 opposing opinions on the game, which is nice for once. I enjoyed the game, but definitely thought it had flaws. Hearing you and Chris deep dive into the game, and the discussion around it, is fantastic content in my opinion.

Dean Redinbaugh

I would love part 2 if yall want to do it... I enjoyed part 1..

Caleb Greer

Last Sacred Symbols I believe you shit on someone for saying “less than” instead of “fewer than.” Meanwhile around the 29:45 and 40:45 mark here, you said an “amount” when you meant to refer to “a number” of games. How dare you, sir.

Jake Z

I'm all for hearing opposing opinions, but if Colin thinks the game was a 9 I expect to hear some reasons for why he thinks that instead of nodding along to all of Chris's criticism. It seemed like Colin really hadn't thought much about why he liked the game, which he sort of admits in this episode. It is a challenging text to think about so I'm glad he's taking his time instead of phoning it in again. For a spirited, well-reasoned debate about the game, check out DLC's Spoilercast with Jeff Cannata, Christian Spicer, David Chen, and Dan Trachtenberg.


Yeah, I don't really get people's feedback this time around, but they're entitled to their opinion.


Regarding part 1 of the spoilercast, I don’t begrudge Chris not liking the game, and I even share some of his criticisms, but he is far less thoughtful and articulate than Colin. This game deeply impacted me, and I was looking forward to hearing Colin’s thoughts. Instead, time was disproportionately given to Chris, whose thoughts on the game seemed more like shallow and thoughtless hot takes. At the very least I wish Colin had tried to tease a bit more thoughtful ideas out of Chris, or pushed back a bit with his own perspective, but instead it felt really awkward, almost as if Colin just didn’t want to present his opinion in the face of all the negativity coming from Chris. I know I’m just one person and it won’t make much of an impact, but I’ve gone back and forth a lot on pulling or continuing my patronage, because frankly, Chris is no match for Colin when it comes to thoughtful, nuanced conversation, and he’s really dragging him down.


I find Dagan far more thoughtful and interesting than Chris. A spoilercast between the two of them would be awesome


Yeah, in listening to it I just don't see what you're saying, but you're not the only one that feels that way. We'll try and be better next time, but I doubt the tenor of the talk will be much different, so you may just not want to listen.


This thread is a really good example of "try listening to the show you're commenting on for literally 30 seconds before writing anything," which is rare on CLS. We're usually much better than that as a community.


Hey Charles, thanks for your feedback! We're sorry to hear that you may pull your Patronage, but you have to do what's best for you. Either way, we understand, and wish you the best.

Caleb Greer

You cannot hide behind the fact that you said “amount of” when it should have been “number of” twice in this show. ;)

Matthew Clem

I haven't been able to listen to this episode yet, but I was curious to if there will be a new thread for more questions for The Last of Us Part II Spoilercast: Part II, or if you'll just pull from the original thread. I just recently finished and couldn't get a question in time for the first part. I added one there just in case, but wasn't sure if it's still possible it would be considered. If this is answered in this episode, I'll find out then, but I just wanted to ask. Thanks, Colin!

Zack Forney

I don’t think The Last of Us II spoilercast was bad, but the first part was used mainly to talk through why other people disliked the game. Those things needed to be talked about, but I would really like to hear what you thought about other sections of the are less salacious or controversial: what did you think of the Seraphites, the ending, the meaning of the game, different scenes, etc. I want to hear more about the game because there’s a lot in there to go over beyond what the fanbase abhors


I too am one of those who miss a new Ivalician title, but I really think the reception to Final Fantasy XII really hurt that world. However, with that said, Fell Seal, as Colin has mentioned, is a good title to play if you have that itch. You also have Tactics V, though graphics may not rub right with many. I also don't wanna promote mobile games much, especially F2P mobile games (money sinks), but War of the Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius is definitely the 2.5D Final Fantasy Tactics title we were afraid they'd do and it's quite honestly not bad. Though I suggest you do your research beforehand as there's a blatant resource trap they will catch you in if you aren't paying attention.

Jeff Pollard

Please continue with Part 2 of the spoilercast. More importantly, continue to give your honest opinions about the game, be they positive or negative. That's what makes your podcasts great. Thanks.


This wouldn’t of been an issue at all if yesterday, a little post saying the spoilercast will continue next week lol I am also bummed, definitely looking forward to it but no big deal at all guys

Ian (616Entertainment)

I’m right in the beginning and you’re talking about doing the second installment of the TLOU2 spoilercast. I wouldn’t mind if you don’t do it. I’d honestly prefer if you soloed it, to be honest. The first part was very frustrating to listen to as far as Chris’ input was concerned. Don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t the fact that we disagreed that bothered me, it’s that it felt like Chris didn’t want to be there. He openly phoned in the entire second half of the game, didn’t ingest the surroundings, just raced through it so he could record the show. The episode was long (which I normally love) but it was long and full of input from someone who didn’t get the game at all, and didn’t really have any backup for how he felt. I love Chris, I’m not shitting on him, his recent Halo video was fantastic (and I don’t give a shit about Halo), but last week’s SS+ was a miss for me. It’s like if you were going to be on a podcast all about Jets making the Super Bowl, but then watched the game out of the corner of your eye while cleaning the house because you didn’t like their defensive strategy, hahaha. I didn’t share the complaint that you didn’t talk enough, I think you got your shit in just fine, but I’d love to hear you do the second part solo. You wouldn’t have to keep pausing to try and get an explanation for Chris’ negative thoughts, which I do feel that, more often than not, there wasn’t an explanation given. When he said “I knew 10 hours in the game didn’t have anything left to teach me,” I was stunned. I don’t think another 2 hours of Chris trying to explain why he didn’t like it will be fun to listen to. You asked for feedback, that’s my feedback. I’ve never actually had a real complaint ever about CLS, but last week’s SS+ was the first time I was ever annoyed while listening to the show, lol. Maybe I’m nuts. These pretzels are making my thirsty.


Yo Colin! I'm not upset this isn't Spoilercast Part 2 Part 2, and I'm not going to pull my patronage, and I also like Chris quite a bit, just to get those common themes out of the way. However, when you went through the list of all of the things you wanted to talk about in part 2, I got SUPER excited. I would like to encourage you to deeply opine on these topics and draw in Chris when necessary. He didn't enjoy the game as much, and that's fine! But you clearly enjoyed it more than him and that just inherently means you have more to say about the narrative, and I really want to hear you tease out these moments in part 2, rather than hearing about why the game wasn't a 10/10, take the lead and tell us why it still deserves a 9/10 :) Looking forward to listening this during some downtime tonight. Thank you both for everything!

Miles Williams

Complaining about Chris being too "negative" is odd. He didn't seem to like the game very much. Why would he be positive about something that he does not like? I'd much rather have him be honest, then praising a game that he doesn't really even care for.


You did a better job of explaining the problem with this episode than I did. Spot on.

Dank Yharnam Nugz

Just some feedback regarding part 1 of the spoiler cast. Firstly, I don't care if somebody has a something negative to say about the game. In fact I would welcome it, particularly if the discussion is between two people with opposing views, as seems to be the case here. But I can't help but echo some of the sentiment already posted here by some of the other members. It's not that Chris didn't like the game. It's that his criticism seemed so shallow and thoughtless. Also, would have loved to hear more of how Colin felt about the game. I did get snippets here and there but it was mostly overshadowed by Chris really saying the same things over and over again that didn't really bring anything constructive to the discussion. For me personally, this was a deeply affecting experience. I can't get the image of ****spoilers**** Ellie trying to play her guitar at the end missing two fingers! It was a gut-wrenching game for me, beginning to end. It really is a game like no other. I would love to hear Colin's deeper analysis of the game, because I get the feeling he's got a lot to say about it. Hopefully in part 2 of the spoiler cast we get to hear more of what he thinks. That's my two cents.

Jordan Falduto

FUCK YEAH FINAL FANTASY TACTICS TALK. Listening to this as soon as I get off work :D

Kyle Martin

I totally agree with Chris. I felt the last half of the game was a huge fucking drag and it soured the whole thing for me.


What's Tokyo RPG factory doing? Surely they could do something? Octopath traveller is gorgeous and pixel art too, so it's not a style issue. I just gotta assume no one there is interested in making it.

Joey Rawlings

I think I’m the only person in the world that liked the letter wheel searching system on the PSN store. If it wasn’t so damned laggy, I don’t think it would’ve been hated so badly.

Danny Akenson

I vote for Part 2 of the spoilercast! There's so much more to talk about in a game as dense at TLOU2

There’s No I in LLC

My only problem was the the tlou2 spoilercast was rushed. As a community we will wait man.


Great idea breaking up parts 1 and 2 of the spoilercast, Col! It's difficult imo to render verdict on a game (especially one so long) after only one playthrough; TLoU 1 took me 3 playthroughs to fully appreciate the world building, collectibles, dialogue, ending, etc. Intrigued to see how your views might change upon replay/rumination.


Since you asked for feedback, I'll say that I liked the spoilercast and I also liked the perspectives that both you and Chris brought to the podcast.

David Kramme

Yeah I really enjoyed the spoilercast pt.1, personally loved the game and still enjoyed hearing both perspectives , if anything Colin maybe expand your thoughts on what you liked and enjoyed? Just a thought and really looking forward to pt.2, and btw I've listened to Steimer relate her thoughts on the game in a couple places, really insightfull, smart observations about characters, intent, motivations etc.

Michael Akridge

Enjoyed spoilercast pt. 1 but for sure needs a part 2. Seemed like you guys only even just got started. I would like to hear more of your thoughts Colin too. For me it was a 9/10. Played 27 hours. Im also on my second run so still developing my thoughts too. It’s for sure a game that wouldn’t be as powerful if there wasn’t the last of us part 1. I don’t know the intent of some of the narrative decisions, but no other game has made me feel like this game has done. It was very effective in several ways. I won’t say more because of spoilers.

Mitch G

My only issue with the first half of the TLOU2 spoilercast is that I wish we heard more of Colin's perspective. I feel like he read alot of questions that only Chris answered


It’s not that he was negative, it’s that the way he described his experience with the game was so shallow and thoughtless. Having been a fan/listener of Colin for many years, I know he’s capable of much more than that, but we didn’t get it. Instead we got Chris sucking all the oxygen out of the room. That’s kind of disappointing after experiencing something so engaging as TLOU2 and wanting to dive more deeply into it.

Jack Doheny

Colin sorry but when you said David Fahey you pronounce it wrong lol


Yeah, but I'm not playing on mobile. =D If and when they port it, I'll give it a go! (I see ads for it all the time.)


I don't want to flood feeds with little messages. I really didn't think (and don't think) it's that big of a deal.


It's unclear what Tokyo RPG Factory is doing right now, but I don't think they're capable of making the game we want...


I don't agree with your assessment. We both beat the game, took notes, sat down and talked about it. It wasn't rushed at all.


Yeah, I thought (and still think) I'm doing the right thing by letting it (and everyone) breathe.


Chris is right as far as the story of the Last of Us 2 and he has the right to feel that way and express it. It is not a well executed story. It feels like they want you to hate Abby and then tell you haha you judge her too quickly instead of letting you grow fond of her in the first place and then... I loved the way you've tackled the spoilercast and can't wait for a part 2. The list of point you want to talk about in part 2 seem great. My only small criticism is that at some point you sounded like you were interviewing him. What about subject X, talk to me about that Chris, but you the end you had a conversation on it and it was fine.

Michael Steinmetz

Just now listening. The spoiler cast was excellent. No need for Chris or Colin to change anything. I appreciate the back and forth.

Your Boi Nicky V

I hope you go ahead with the spoiler cast Colin, the last one was a great listen. I was mixed on the game so it was pretty cathartic hearing Chris articulating my issues with it. I don't mean to dismiss people's concerns but it seemed like a lot of the comments were from people who struggled to accept that Chris just didn't like the game.


Colin don't change what you (and Chris) have built and accommodate for others. Your success has come by being true to yourself. We enjoy your intellectual and mature take on everything. If we wanted to hear gamers talk about their favourite dinosaur we would not be hear. Chris had every rite to hate Abby's section and I feel the same. She didn't resonate with me as much as Joel and Ellie just like Raiden in mgs2. Keep doing what you do!


Hey Colin, Super stoked when I heard you were going to do a part two on Last of Us Pt 2. And even more stoked when I heard you were going to postpone the second part. I was actually going to write in and ask whether you would consider pushing most of your spoilercasts by a bit. Here's the reasons why: 1. You're not doing an official review and hence do not need to meet a review embargo. 2. You (Colin & Chris) do not need to rush through the game, but can rather play and enjoy it at your own pace. Chris recently made a comment about RDR2 related to this. 3. You would give more of your listeners time to finish the game and partake in the comments thread. I suspect a non trivial section of your patreons have a limited schedule for gaming, so playing through a new release in a week or two is impossible. 4. Many times, the more interesting part of a game is not the game itself but the coverage/review cycle of the game. The Last of Us Pt 2, is a great example. Adding yout views of this to your spoilercast could add extra flavour I feel. 5. Sitting on a game for a week or two and having it marinate might bring a fresh/different perspective. There are some downsides too, but given that I'd like it to happen, I'll only focus on the positives. Cheers, Pete


Hey Colin, My 2cts on the Spoilercast feedback. I think that some people just want a safe place where they can listen to someone gush about something they share a common appreciation of. Given that people know your affinity for this franchise and this game in particular, that is what they want to hear from you. Obviously Chris doesn't have the same appreciation for the game, it's a subjective thing, there's nothing wrong with that. But I think a part 2 spoilercast with Chris is just going to hold you back a bit. It's like talking to a friend about a movie which you emphatically enjoyed, and then they're just like meh. No one is wrong, bit it stilts the potential conversation and discussion surrounding that topic. If you're atleast looking for precedence, go listen to the solo spoilercast of Chris on Doom Eternal. I suspect that enthusiasm was a bit missing for game people now you care about. Anyway, maybe I'm just off my rockers. I'll go back and actually listen to this mailbag episode :-) Cheers , Pete


We never had any intention of not doing Part II before the feedback was received. We record tomorrow!


No, we're not going to change who we are or what we do. But it's good to listen to feedback. We record Part II tomorrow and post it on Tuesday; hopefully the naysayers enjoy that one more.


First comment... why does Nintendo and square hate some of their most beloved properties? The new Mario rpg is for brain dead Tiktok’s and who were the old tactics on da for exactly? Do they get young kids watch dumb ass streamers and you tubers and don’t want deep games or any difficulty or pushback or discussion. Little socialist devils move to Cuba


I can't wait for the second part of The Last of Us spoilercast. I loved the game and the fact that you both have different perspectives is very interesting to me. I think it's very wise to wait a week or 2 before the second part. This game is divisive and very, very controversial. It's natural that some people, if not most, are tired of hearing about it. However, I really respect the way you both elaborate on your thoughts and opinions so I'm up for that second part. Greetings from Uruguay!

Nikitas Gagas

I'm not sure what really went on behind the scenes during the development of the underappreciated FFXII but Ivalice mastermind, Yasumi Matsuno, dropped out mid-producction has not directed anything since then. It's a damned shame because the guy is a genius and one of my favorite creative minds in the industry. It's most likely that we've not played an Ivalice game worthy of mention because Matsuno has not revisited his world in 10+ years. I can only hope he makes a surprise return.

Nikitas Gagas

Going through the comments hoping to find interesting banter in regards to this episodes subject matter.... but all I see are questions and opinions about The Last of Us Part 2. Arazlam would be most disappointed.