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Here in America, a cop's murder of an unarmed black man has temporarily torn our society asunder. It's caused peaceful mass protests around the country, and the situation has occasionally fallen into outright rioting and looting as well. In other words, we're experiencing a period of substantial unrest. That unrest has naturally transferred its way into the World of PlayStation, where Sony's much-awaited reveal event for some first (and second and third) party PS5 games was delayed out of respect for the moment. With that, we're left to speculate about what Sony's plan is, and when this event might take place in the (hopefully) near future. It hasn't stopped PlayStation CEO Jim Ryan from talking extensively about his company's plans for the console, though, and so we've much to discuss. Plus: More news! Konami is silently creeping back into the publishing game, Paradox Interactive is now officially a union shop, Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning is making a welcome comeback, Hideo Kojima vaguely talks about his next project, and more. Then: Listener inquiries! Should Sony attempt to bring EA's BioWare into its own first party fold? Is it time for Twisted Metal to make a comeback? How much better can sport sims become? Is it psychotic to buy the Pop-Tarts without frosting? Well...


0:00:17 - Intro.
0:04:37 - CLS is now the #1 gaming and nerd culture Patreon in the world!
0:05:16 - The PlayStation 5 event was delayed.
0:13:38 - How long can Sony afford to delay the PS5 event?
0:15:45 - Next week's Sacred Symbols+ will be all about the incoming Destiny 2 event.
0:20:47 - Hard copies of Twin Breaker are shipping!
0:21:38 - A counter to Chris' take on the state of multiplayer gaming.
0:30:41 - A follow-up to last week's Shadow of the Colossus/Reign Over Me conversation.
0:33:56 - What’s the greatest invention of all time?
0:37:10 - Are unfrosted Pop-Tarts considered "serial killer shit"?
0:39:36 - What have we been playing?
0:45:46 - Despite the event's delay, Sony has been talking a lot about PlayStation 5.
0:53:41 - Konami is silently beginning to publish western IP.
0:58:45 - Paradox Interactive is now a union shop.
1:02:50 - Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning is coming to PS4.
1:11:50 - Project CARS 3 has been announced.
1:12:39 - Codemaster has acquired the rights to publish FIA World Rally Championships
1:13:51 - Other events have been delayed around the industry, and game reveals, too.
1:15:28 - Kojima talks Death Stranding, his cancelled game, and a future project.
1:18:13 - Developer Dontnod has opened a Canadian branch.
1:20:12 - Killzone: Mercenary's server fiasco sent Vita fans into a temporary fright.
1:21:32 - These are the new games that are hitting PS Now this month.
1:25:09 - Minor game announcements and release date information.
1:28:05 - Why has the number of questions taken at the end of the show changed?
1:39:45 - What series do you love that isn’t beloved by others?
1:36:29 - Is it possible that The Last of Us: Part II is delayed at the very last second?
1:37:56 - Should Sony try to buy Bioware from EA?
1:43:35 - Is it time for Twisted Metal to make a comeback?
1:48:13 - Will the PS5 support 8K resolution, and is it even necessary?
1:52:26 - A counter to last week’s simulation games conversation.




WOO! Hope you’re well, Colin.

Steven Clifford

It’s beyond Psychopathic to buy pop tarts without frosting, pure madness.


How did I not know it was Friday?!?



Max Stahl

I certainly understand the argument for postponing the PS5 event, but I also understand the need to have a distraction to take the edge off of the tension. Either way, they made the smart corporate move. Hardly anyone is going to be so mad that they did it that they won't buy a PS5 or something like that. Whereas if they just didn't acknowledge current events...I don't know. I'm looking forward to the console. I still have an OG PS4 and it's chugging along.

Teny Kuti

Haven’t listened to the episode yet, but I’m not sympathetic to the argument that we need a distraction through the PS5 event. Let’s all instead take the time to think about how we act, how we can help to stop racism in our communities and how we may unconsciously benefit from racism in our lives. This discussion and introspection is hard, but vitally important if we’re to move forward as a society and stop both police brutality & racism. It also allows twitter to be filled with resources, petitions and means to spread awareness of the Black Struggle, rather than opinions of the PS5

sean McGuire

Huge Destiny fan. Love you choosing to touch on this topic. I am so curious about these games, because I hate it and hate myself for playing it, but I love the story and have made so many friends. Stay safe.


As a descendant of the Meemee-meemoo clan I take extreme offense at Chris denigrating our contributions to the world.

Brandon Soto

Was really looking forward to the event, and now depression & sadness are starting to take over. Don’t wanna be a downer, but now we have nothing to be exited about. Of course it was the right move to postpone, just wish we had some happiness or joy right now.

Jake Z

There's a great little book by the famous British economist, Tim Harford, called 50 Inventions that Shaped the Modern Economy, with entries such as the shipping container, the limited liability company, and double-entry bookkeeping.


In regards to the conversation of multiplayer games evolving through live service, I agree with Chris. An example of this for me occurred in battlefield V. The game came out and felt very lethal. You could die in a couple of shots which added to the tension when transferring cover to cover. This did not last though. About a year later Dice updated their game increasing the time to kill. This changed the game fundamentally for me. Enemies became bullet sponges and going from cover to cover wasn't a thing you had to worry about anymore. Now Dice have since updated BFV to revert back to that lethality at launch, but it was not far enough and the game still feels very different than it did which makes me a little sad because I enjoyed the gameplay a lot more before their update. Great show so far guys!

Maxx Lazos

Air Conditioning is the best invention. I would trade pretty much anything for AC. Video games, TV, transportation, etc.

Aaron Rossen

There was 3 NFL Street games. I played the hell out of 2 & 3 on the PS2. Loved those games, and I was never a sports games fan. I’m still not, but those were something I really enjoyed playing back in the day.

Aaron Rossen

Also very surprised by how poorly Army of Two TDC sold. I can see why they haven’t touched the IP since. But I think it’d be cool to see it again some day. Obviously it’d need some major improvements and additions to keep up with current games, the previous ones have been very linear. But we need more good coop games.

Daniel Gonzalez

Colin! Datsun was another car company caught in WW2. There was a lot of controversy about sending Datsun cars and trucks to the USA. Datsun ended up turning into Nissan ultimately.

Bruce The Genetic Jackhammer Rando

Holy shit Sony buying Bioware is a genius idea and almost a certain guarantee Bioware would turn things around. In Sony we trust


I'm sympathetic to the argument, but I don't agree with it. I get what people are saying. This year fucking sucks and people want something to look forward to, something to distract them. But, these are serious times, and more trivial matters -- like video games -- should take a back seat. Not permanently, but just for a moment.


Glad to hear it! I wanna dive deeper on some games, and Destiny 2 is one of the biggest core console games in existence, so it only makes sense.


In regard to these types of updates, I think devs need to stick with their guns (pardon the pun) and see their vision through. Changing that sort of thing, like what you're describing in Battlefield V, is just strange.


Thank you Colin for reading my question. Made my day.


Holy hell this podcast is the best value $5 can buy. I’m a freeloader no longer!

Random Integer

Why didn’t he write “cereal killer shit”?


R.I.P. Paradox

Jorge Sosa

That raspberry poptarts mention caused a flood of childhood memories to invade my mind. Simpler times.


...I like unfrosted strawberry poptarts...

DB Cooper

SCOTT MOOMOOMEMU??!?! Chris just created my new gamer tag. Thank you, Chris, for being you.

Chad Lewis

When Clements left a while ago I said if there no more drop we riot... whoops.

Kenneth Oms

My pop tart strategy was always to cut one of them in half and eat that bit cold and toast the rest. That way, with the one cut in half, you can see if the insides are hot but not too hot. Best of both worlds

Kevin Tuber

Back in December I deleted Destiny 2 off my PS4. I do still have the first game installed in case I want to add to the 7k hours I’ve already logged which usually stems from carrying people to get the flawless raider trophy of which I’ve helped 297 players to date. I just got fed up with destiny 2. The story teases really got to me. It felt like watching a story in slow motion beat by beat. Not enough resolutions across the board. Also I still prefer D1’s crucible to D2. I’ll fuck shit up in d1 but have no interest in playing the d2 crucible. You can play destiny in solo mode by starting up the game and launching to a space then in your console Date and time settings switch some numbers around, set it to a month or year back in time for example. Also turn off update automatically over the internet so it doesn’t get overridden. Then launch into a different space until no other players are seen. You can then launch strikes and play them all by yourself.


Hey colin do you know the mass effect 1 infinite ammo combo?

Jose Horrach

In terms of what game is in my heart and not other gamers is Tomba 2. That game is one of the few ps1 games that hold up fantastically, and more people should play it.

Hose A Contra Razz

The no. 1 Ps podcast and Sony thinks it's OK not to acknowledge them because they are afraid of the complaints from the small "journalists" that have beef with Colin just because you have values and principles

Anthony Longo

A cops alleged murder. Facts are important.

Big Swingin' Rick

Hey Colin, you can TOTALLY play destiny 2 solo. I suspect that this isn't a game you want to play indefinitely, so just enjoy the campaign and then be done with it. The open world is populated with other players but you don't have to interact with them. I've been playing destiny more or less solo since 2014. Also I'm playing spec ops on your recomendation and it fucking rules


Did anyone else have any problems with iTunes? The last two podcasts (SS and Knockback) do not appaer in my feed...


Hey Colin ... I haven’t heard this anywhere but Can TLOU have multiple endings? And many path ? For the story ?


Chris was pretty funny this week. I think Twisted Metal still has a lot of potential.

Cole Minder

Scott Moomoo-meemoo 😂


I just want to throw my opinion in on Colin asking if you can play Destiny alone. My answer is yes. I've been playing the game since the original D1. Sometimes I fade out for a bit but I always make my way back. I have never participated in a raid and have only done a handful of nightfall strikes which requires a Fireteam outside of matchmaking. The gameplay is just phenomenal. I always call it a FPS Diablo. Just keep killing and grinding for new, better gear.


Sure, but I think we all saw what happened. Still, he has a right to an unbiased trial before a jury of his peers, and we'll see what the facts are.

Toren R. (KESA)

While I'll agree that some sports games like Madden are simulations, but I think they're simulating watching football on tv and not necessarily playing football, if that makes any sense.

Bryan King

Yes, I'd love Jaffe to come back and make a Twisted Metal with loads of different styles of vehicles... like cyberpunk style cars, the icecream van of course, trucks where you can use the trailer to whip around and knock opposing cars away, vans where the trailer opens up with missile racks, james bond style cars etc. I think some inspiration could come from Rocket League and aim for around 20 dollars as Colin was saying. PlayStation needs more of those smaller games to fill in....like Resogun did at PS4 launch.

Oliver Johnson

Colin, you sound like you’re doing really well! You’ve always been transparent when going through a rough time but now it sounds like you’re spirits are up after your new house and child (lol). Congratulations on the new steps, I hope things just keep getting better and better for you. This show has been a great relief from everything going on out there so I hope it’s making you as happy as it’s making us.


Glad to witness a poltergeist knocking on Chris’s desk mid episode


As for best inventions, I think I would go with the transistor.


I would be shocked if Horizon 2 isn’t revealed next week (which I think is as far back as Sony will push the PS5 event), am I being too optimistic?

Dan P

Hey C&C. I've noticed lately a bias that Chris has towards dismissing graphical fidelity. It seems any topic that pushes graphics is met with the sentiment that graphics don't need to get any better. I understand the feeling of watching PS2 Cutscenes and thinking at the time, 'Graphics can't possibly get better'. I am very glad that this is of course, not true, as graphics have improved monumentally as the UE5 engine just proved. So my question is out of genuine curiosity - Why the resistance to better graphics? I understand gameplay is king but if graphics can be improved, why shouldn't they? Anyway, thank you for your work, love the show, be well and stay safe!


The wheel wasn't one of the most important inventions in human history? I just can't even...


I think Jaffe is working on his own stuff now, but I agree, I think a $19.99 Twisted Metal game to take advantage of the online multiplayer hype would go a long way...


Thank you! My life (like anyone else's) is ups and downs... but I'm feeling pretty good right now.


No, you're not being too optimistic. That would be super cool. I just personally don't think it's going to happen.


This could make a good conversation for the next episode! Submit it when the next thread goes live.

Jeremy Sagun

Yo really looking forward to Chris covering the Destiny 2 reveal event tomorrow!

Luke Silletta

I remember the video you made about game developers unionizing Colin. As a tradesman who has worked in and out of unions I can say they are the worst. Unions cater towards lazy people. If there is no reward for working harder than others people just settle doing the bare minimum. Believe me everyone sinks into that mode when you are in a union. I'm very curious how this will play out with Paradox. As they say the grass is always greener.


Are there any examples of unions in creative endeavors? I wonder if it would be any different

Zack E

Chris, I know what you’re trying to say. But you don’t play Madden. And you aren’t into football. You’d be surprised how much user control the player has over guys in field. I assure you, someone could make a worthy competitor to Madden. People didn’t like 2K5 just because it was cheaper, they liked it because it was a better experience through and through than Madden at the time. Dip your toe in NBA 2K nowadays, and just the wealth of options and sliders , both in terms of actual gameplay and management of team in franchise, is impressive. Not to mention the top notch presentation. Madden is great, and I actually think underrated. But there could be big improvements.

Wretched Spawn

Mannnnn, fuck the dude hatin' on unfrosted pop tarts. Shit is good.


Man for some reason when Chris said “mmm bland” when talking about unfrosted pop tarts I lost it laughing


i heard the knocking!!


Hey Colin, Great ep as always. You mentioned you were going to go and buy some TVs for your new house. Just want to caution you in saying that not all 4K TVs are the same. So maybe take some care in picking a decent set. Especially given that you'll be spending a shit ton of time playing on it. Try to pick a TV with a decent HDR peak brightness, since this by far made the biggest impact to me when I upgraded. The LG C9 or CX are great options because OLED is amazing and they support next gen features like VRR and 4K@120fps. If you're a sony fan, the newly released XH90 will be decent as well. Cheers, Pete

Tyron Hay

Hey Colin! Thanks for the episode! I was wondering what you think about the digital PS5 and the idea of PlayStation essentially having a monopoly on sales through the PS store and games sales. I ask this question because here in Australia new games, say The Last of Us Part 2, cost around $100 AUD on the PS store, however if I was to buy the physical copy it’s around $70 AUD. So I feel as though there would be no reason to buy the digital version as I’ll make the more expensive cost back on cheaper physical games. Just wanted to see what you think of this, is it a similar case in the US? Thanks!!


There is only one answer to best invention: Antiseptics This has allowed human population to flourish in last 200 years and radically increased survivability of everything from child birth to STAF infections.

LastStandMedia (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-24 04:31:21 Hey Tyron! I answered this in another thread. <3
2020-06-20 21:02:30 Hey Tyron! I answered this in another thread. <3

Hey Tyron! I answered this in another thread. <3