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We've waited for long enough, it seems: On June 4th, Sony is finally gonna show first and third party PlayStation 5 games for the very first time. And we couldn't be more excited. This week's episode of + is dedicated to the showcase, with 10 predictions for the event. As always, we went to you -- our precious audience -- for more predictions, hopes, and concerns, and you delivered in spades. (Because of the timely nature of this episode of +, we've made this available to all Patrons immediately, as opposed to having a three-day grace period for $5+/month supporters. Thanks for everything.)



Bryan Finck

lol someone is watching the Twitch stream

Avery Illies

Late night release!


Can't wait to listen to the episode!

Conor Wilson

Thank you for making it available earlier for 1 dollar supporters

Josef Barker

There's a twitch stream of the podcast?

Jack Doheny

Aw lads it’s 4am I was about to go to bed guess I’m staying up


Much appreciated Colin!


I really can’t wait for this. I’m hoping we get to see Elden Ring finally at this event


No, Colin just streams games and cleaning G.I. Joe stuff.


MS has the marketing for Elden Ring. It was first revealed on their E3 show.


Awesome! Thanks guys :)


Finally!!! Thank you for the quick return!!! Keep up the good work!!


@Messier That doesn’t necessarily mean anything. All they did was announce it there. Microsoft hasn’t shown anything since. Microsoft also has Assassin’s Creed Valhalla marketing but it’s on the cover of Playstation Magazine for June.

Julian LP

It's 04:30 and I'm seriously considering staying up to listen to this now. Colin is a cruel master, and I thank him.

Anthony J Sanchez

Sweet, I've been looking forward to listening to this special episode!

Dom posa

I think they are teasing resistance vr if not a collection

Jajcen Harris

Call me a relic, but I can't believe Sony shut down the Killzone Mercenaries servers all of a sudden with no warning...so not cool...no respect😭


While VR would be neat, I just want a collection. OR a new one with some great Multiplayer. Playstation needs some good MP.

Logan Willis

How can I get this RSS feed now that I’m a supporter to play in my podcast app Overcast?

Joe West

You absolutely popped off on your stream earlier today. I really appreciated it! 👌🏾


Hoping that Ps5 is PS3 backwards compatible so I can platinum 3D Dot Heroes


A lot of black neo nazis Kevin


I “a fucking nerd” would love a AAA Harry Potter RPG. I feel the lore, characters and gameplay would be great.

Dom posa

Bioshock will be there 100%

Richard Duflo

I would love to see Socom return! It also would fit rather well with a new Resistance. Guerilla puts out a tactical 3rd person shooter leaving room for the 1st person shooter being Resistance. There would be no FPS divide between the two series on the same platform this time around.


Hello everyone. I’m finally not a free loader. Haha. I can’t wait to listen to this episode on my drive to work. I’m so excited for the PS5 event.


Go to the CLS page. Click overview and scroll to the bottom it’ll give you a link or a button to choose your pod cast service of choice.


I think that we'll get a tease of the PS5 hardware in regards to the indicator light. I've noticed that the State of Play videos start with the PS4 light starting with it's signature colors. I would not be surprised at all to see the PS5 light to start up the conference. As for 1st Party Games, Insomniac's NC studio will likely have a game, whether it's a Ratchet sequel or a Resistance Remaster. I think that GT7 will make an appearance. I also believe that like Colin, BluPoint will show off a remastered Dark Souls. 3rd Party Publishers like Activision, Ubisoft, and Bethesda will likely show off games coming out this year rather than anything far flung like Q4 2021 for fear of getting Watch Dog'd. Speaking of which, Watch Dogs 3 still hasn't launched. I wouldn't be surprised if Publisher's kind of cheat and show off PS5 gameplay of games meant for PS4.

Your Boi Nicky V

Here's what I predicted the other day: "I think Gran Turismo, Ratchet and Clank, Demon Souls and Horizon 2 are the safest bets. Spiderman 2 and Guerilla's MP game would be runners up." Pretty similar to Colin's. I probably spend too much time listening to that dork. Socom would be a dream come true. Please Sony.

Ben Williams

Very frustrating and sad to hear riots discussed more than the murder of George Floyd and others :(


Will be listening to the podcast shortly as I just got up so forgive me if you mentioned this already. Last week a 4 Chan rumor(I know 4 Chan so could be completely wrong) said that blue point is working on two games. The first is Legacy of Kain reboot(edit: you talked about Kain), the second is a Jak and Daxter remake. This is interesting, because I feel like Jak and Daxter is kind of random and doesn’t have a massive following anymore, leading me to think it could be true, although this goes against the rumors they’re working on Demon’s souls. This also would go along with bluepoint’s cryptic tweet on Halloween tweet. https://twitter.com/bluepointgames/status/1190010197315641344?s=21 They mention two games being rebooted, and make reference to “eco friendly” which directly references eco from Jak and Daxter. Thoughts?


It means that just like Sekiro, MS made a deal with Bandai Namco for From's game marketing rights. Same with CD Projekt for W3 and CP2077. You won't see those games on any of Sony's presentations. AC Valhalla being on an unofficial PlayStation magazine is not remotely the same thing.


Just signed up to CLS, does SS100 not appear in the RSS feed on Apple podcast?

Zack Fair

I feel we are going to have backwards compatibility to PS2 at least and I've been hearing that is the case

Joe Piervincenti

i’ve had this problem a few times too, but I think episode 100 hasn’t been released yet, due to them holding off for the press conference, I think? it’s not here in the Patreon feed yet either so it hasn’t been released.

Anastas Lyakh

Colin, you are mistake Avalanche Studios with Avalanche Software which is owned by Warner (they previously were owned by Disney). And yup, You are pretty much underestimating HP popularity, all original 7 books combined sold more than half a Billion copies =) And it is just books. We just never had AAA HP game before. If the game would be on quality level of Batman Arkham series - it would be automatically my most anticipated game till its release.

Brett Carlson

Great episode. Honestly I have to say the public is speaking very loudly and gamers are so much more hyped by Playstations marketing approach then Microsoft. Xbox just said they will have "THOUSANDS" of games at launch, and the entire gaming community groaned. Its just a super misleading marketing tool. No one is buying a next gen console with the idea they are going to be playing XBOX 360 games. No one has the time in the day. I really feel like Xbox is viewed as a service based console now and it shows in the community response. I am much more on board with Jim Ryan's and Sonys ideology that this is a next gen technology and we ARE GOING TO HAVE EXCLUSIVE PS5 games. Meanwhile Xbox said they won't have exclusive games for 1-2 years. Listen i own every console and i want great games to be found everywhere, but from the perspective of a "hardcore", hate that term, Sony is really messaging to THE GAMERS. If I'm spending upwards of 500 on a new machine I want shit thay IS NOT AVAILABLE on last gen. Yes backwards compat is a great FEATURE, but it does not sell consoles. I think Microsoft made a huge mistake with optics. Playstation gave them the floor and according to most fans they either fumbled or were lackluster. If this one hour Sony event is as big as reported I feel Sony will be in great shape for the launch of this console. Especially if they announce a revamped PS Now will full download capability and bundled with PS Plus, phew that would be a big surprise.

Danny Gonet

No better to start the morning!

Dimitreus Newell

Can't wait for TLOU2. It's so cool to finally watch my wife play through the first game leading up to it


Glad to see my boneheaded knack remark was included LOL


Is it still worth it listening to the podcast after the Delay of Sony ?

Jajcen Harris

Guess we have to wait a bit longer...Sony delayed it due to the times.

Dan Parsons

The Harry Potter game is definitely real, I know for a fact they were planning on having a booth at Gamescom this year before the game got delayed again.


I don't have a huge appreciation for the 15 minutes at the start of the podcast to explain your politics/twitter stuff. I get 5 mins to acknowledge the situation but i'm subscribed for games and retro content. Think maybe you should think about a current affairs podcast as a vehicle you can use to get your viewpoints out.

Gabriel Duque

While postponing is the right call, there is not a "good" date anywhere to be seen.


Big F's in the chat for the event

Brett Carlson

I mean its their show they can speak on whatever they desire. Once again the customer is not entitled to the content of the show. You dont need to be here. These are unprecedented times and if two people want to speak on things that's more then acceptable. You could always create your own podcast?

Brett Carlson

Colin is FOR SURE right. Console will not be shown. This was basically hinted at. This is an hour long showcase of what NEXT GEN GAMES can do. Fans have been very outspoken that the look of the box is far less important then what it can do. Plus Sony said they have a summer of events so I believe it wl be revealed towards the end of summer. At the end of the day Next Gen consoles are sold based on tech and games. No one buys a console based on form factor. It goes under the TV and then collects dust for 7 years while you play games on it. Smart move in my opinion to focus on next gen games that are exclusive to the PS5 only along with 3rd parties. Xbox wasted marketing in my opinion on these console blowouts and torture chamber "gameplay" streams. I feel like I know virtually nothing about what Next Gen truly is on Xbox because all they do is tell me about thousands of games and backwards compat. Like yeah cool feature but thats not why I'm spending 500 PLUS DOLLARS PHIL! I feel like Sony played it smart. Looked at what Microsoft was doing and said we are marketing the complete opposite. Games. Games. Exclusive Games. And more Games. Console can wait.

Brett Carlson

Also I don't understand this Back Compat talk? They already have PS Now. It is 10000% smarter to bundle PS Now and PS Plus on PS5 and announce that on PS5 all games on PS Now from PS2-PS4 can be downloaded. They already have the PS Now infrastructures with over 2 million subscribers. That seems pretty dumb to dump it instead of evolve it. What say you Colin

Luke Silletta

I predict nothing will be shown... because its cancelled. I win.

Kyle Fox

Great episode but gotta say that this one was edited very hastily. Lots of obvious choppy cuts throughout.


I don't believe the Jak rumor. Kain, maybe. That team isn't big enough to be making 3-4 games at once, I don't think.


I just think they gotta split things up and have multiple big marketing hits. Doing everything in one show would be a mistake.


Hmmm... I'll provide that feedback to Dustin. (He'll see it, actually, he reads the comments.)


I think it is a bit strange I can understand it but even Collin did't consider a postponement.

Brett Carlson

Man as someone whose been knee deep in this current state of affairs I find myself unable to rest my mind. While I agree with Sony postponing I just feel like this country really needs a shot of happiness in the arm. Maybe now isn't the time for happiness. Maybe now is time for great unrest, but for someone who has served in the military, dealt with depression and anxiety once I got out and a person who grew up in a down trodden mostly black and Latin area its hard to center myself. Would have been nice just for an hour to see something to smile about. Not to mention the 12 earthquake recorded today under Yellowstone

Ed White

I am really concerned about SSDs removing loading times. One of my favourite features of naughty dog games is where it lets you hold up a wooden beam for an AI partner when there was easily room for both of you to crawl under it or slip over it. My concern is that developers will through the baby out with the bath water. Only video games offer the escapism of mashing triangle to perform manual labour.


Great episode, you should get a tech savvy guest on a Sacred Symbol + episode to explain to you why it's so difficult / impossible to make the PS5 backwards compatible with PS3 (especially) and PS2. Chris is going to get his heart broken if he believes that the PS5 will be backwards compatible with the PS3, but maybe he will get less disappointed if he understands why it's so difficult.


The irony, just as they cancel the event due to current events!


Im on Adrioid what app can I use to listen to all of the podcasts like how iOS uses the Apple Podcast app


I use Pocket Casts. Great app without ads and has a clean UI. You can paste the RSS link in the search field to add a podcast from Patreon. :)

Not Sure

Sacrifice causes change; not riots.


Seems like Linus gave you a recommendation, but I'm sure others can help as well. You have lots of options on Android.



Jajcen Harris

Dope....event starts Thursday 😁😁

Dave Carsley

One interesting thing about PS2/PS3 backwards compatibility is that -- given that this is likely the last console with a disk drive -- this is probably the last chance for backwards compatibility. If our old disks don't work with this generation, they probably never will.


I just use the patron app. But I've used the Google "podcasts" app also and it's good when it works lol