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Matty does what Colindon't.


Is Persona 5 Royal the Best JRPG Ever?

Colin doesn't think much of the Persona franchise. But Matty? Well, Matty absolutely adores it. Today, he tries to sell you on why the newest entry in Atlus' long-running JRPG franchise may be the genre's best. Visit Matt's YouTube channel! https://www.youtube.com/user/MrMattyPlays And follow him on Twitter! @G27Status Colin's Last Stand is a fan-funded endeavor. If you like our podcasts and videos, please consider showing your support on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/colinslaststand Listen to Sacred Symbols: A PlayStation Podcast! https://open.spotify.com/show/1GKTOA7ZhIfrxIxSR0rg25 Listen to Colin's retro and nostalgia podcast, KnockBack (also available on podcast services): http://bit.ly/KnockBackPod Twitter: @notaxation Instagram: @clsmoriarty Facebook: /colinslaststand Colin's Last Stand is a product of Colin's Last Stand, LLC



The answer is yes btw

Turd Ferguson

It's certainly up there. I just platinum'd it last week and it's going to be painful wait to Persona 6.


Best one I’ve played, hard to say best ever when I haven’t played all of them

Matt P

I like everything about this game except the actual gameplay.


IMHO yes.


No. It's like 50% dialogue. Shame because the gameplay is so good.


3 second episode saying “no”


You would be a fool if you say no


Persona 5 is one of my top 5 games of all time, and probably my favorite RPG.

Brett Medlock

It’s not even the best in the series! Great vid though!


I love this game its miles better than persona 4 golden. My main take is that the palaces are hand crafted levels while in 4 they were randomly generated. I love the story of the game, but! I'm on my 101st hour of the game its just so dam long, makes it so hard to recommend. But overall this is one of my favorite jrpgs I've played.

Dave Ramos

I absolutely love Persona, but what surprised me was how much more I ended up liking Trails of Cold Steel because it was more JRPG-ish if that makes any sense (I also prefer the story and world building here more than Persona). Highly recommend any Persona fans out there give it a shot if you haven't already.


I still kind of take Persona 4 over Persona 5. Yes, the story of P5 is better than P4 and the palaces are more varied and better designed...but I just have a greater attachment to the characters of P4 over P5. Still I love this series as a whole. It is a perfect example as to why Turn Based RPG is far from dead.


Well...yeah, it's a social sim/visual novel meets turn based RPG...what did you expect?

Jason Bolla

Saw the title and knew this wasn't a Colin episode.


I’m like 70 hours into my play through of P5 and just about ready to give up, its too damn long

Alan Ortega-Lopez

My brother had the same problem. Once he caught up to the present time he got burned out. I loved it tho.


As someone who really just listens to the podcasts, I was unfamiliar with Matty, who is he? I enjoyed the video and he changed my mind on getting Royal, I really did just think it was basically like a minor expansion.

Anthony Longo

Wish I had time to play more jrpgs , My favorite genre. But I’ve always heard of the time sink this particular series needs to be invested.

Leonard Jacobson

Awesome post man! I only played the first 30 or so hours of P5 when it came out but stopped because I got distracted and also because I knew eventually they'd release a "definitive" edition of the game a year or two later. Definitely going to pick this up and give it a whirl once I'm actually able to get to the games shop!


Great video, I 100% agree Persona series are easily some of my favorite JRPG's this decade


Hard agree. P5 made me enjoy the genre again.. somehow I got into trails of cold Steel right before FF7R came out...200+ hours later, I'm finally forcing myself to beat FF7R before I continue with trails of cold Steel 3 lol


He runs another YouTube channel called mrmattyplays. It's worth a sub.

Greg Horsman

Just realized the last 6 episodes of side quest never released on the podcast feed. Are they no longer going to be converted to podcasts?


Loved Persona 5, and I also keep Persona 4 Golden in my top games of all time. Honestly, the only thing keeping me away from playing the new version is a quicksave function. Many days I just can't put in the hour or so to go from one save room to another in a palace and I don't trust suspend and resume on the PS4.


Great video, I enjoyed it 👍

Jake Woods

Absolutely adore persona 5. Put like 140 hours into the original now im playing royal. Give it a shot, col. Its a lot better than 4 IMO. Persona 4 was a ps2 game so its really kinda dated but really fuckin good if you keep that in mind. P5 is so fucking flashy and fun and the story just gets more and more ridiculous as you continue on. Its good shit, man.


Lmao did a literal double take when I saw Persona content on the CLS feed. Best JRPG I’ve every played hands down, the soundtrack and lovingly crafted visuals are second to none.. 300+ hours and I will always be down for more antics with the Phantom Thieves

Jack Fining

Played Persona 5 for the first time in February and absolutely loved it, but I just finished Royal and it’s definitely one of my favorite games of all time

David Kramme

Great post/vid, played through P5 when it originally released, Royal is a significant upgrade which is really saying something, loving it.

Raymond Aludino

Man, this makes me want to continue my P5R run. I gotta platinum FFVIIR first though, haha.

Manuel Nascimento

Man, it looks very very good, Colin should totally check it out, especially now after the improvements/expansions. I played the original P5, 100h+ game time and it was really a very good ride to begin with, with Royal should be even more. I really want to play royal, but can't justify another 100h+ investment in my current life/work situation :( First world problems, though.

Timothy Bryant

I played the original and I really liked it. Maybe I’ll play it this weekend


If nothing else, it'd be cool to see his opinion of the first hour.


Yeah, no more audio for SQ. The RSS feed isn't split between shows, so it kinda creates a flood.


The time investment in these games is monumental. I'm with you... I'd rather just play other games, for the most part.

Manuel Nascimento

I get that, as I've been finding it increasingly hard to invest that much time. However, I've been a fan of Persona since P3 and P5 is the best yet on all levels - so P5 Royal would be even better. Seriously, Colin, this game is up there on the echelons of those classic JRPGs that provide an amazing, memorable experience, just like we had with Final Fantasy VII or similar, back in the day. The only difference is that it has released this year. If I were born 14 years ago, and not 36, probably P5 would be what FFVII was for me (played it late, I know). Cheers.

Zibi Majewski

Got a platinum 🏆 in P5R couple weeks ago, easily my second most favorite game of this year.

Brandon Soto

“Why Are Games This Long?” should’ve been the real title.


I LOVE this game. Got the platinum on Royal about a week ago. When it was done I legitimately felt sad to leave these characters even though this was the 4th time to play it through. (I got the plat on P5OG a while back). This may be my favorite game ever.

Jonathon H

This is the only JRPG that I’ve played in my 36 years on this earth. I loved it but it will also be my last. Ain’t nobody got time for that.

Anthony Mercado

So if i own persona 5, is it worth buying this edition?