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Unlike 2019's Resident Evil 2 Remake, this year's Resident Evil 3 Remake has been a divisive product, a game that has as many detractors as supporters. While RE2R was largely faithful to its source material and provided players with a decently-long campaign and lots of replay value, RE3R strays quite a bit from the original, doesn't give customers many reasons to come back for more, and places its replayability in a largely-ignored multiplayer spinoff. Thing is, people are probably being just a little too hard on it. 1999's Resident Evil 3 is a beloved PSone title, yes, but perhaps Capcom should be given a little more latitude to explore and see what's what. At the very least, we had fun with it, and while it has plenty of problems, we're eager to share with you what we thought about the plot, the characters, the gameplay, and more. Just keep your eyes and ears peeled for Nemesis, that's all.



D'Ante Almo

“Bitch can’t even swim” Enough said 😂😂😂😂 I like what they did with Jill. Carlos too. Definitely like remake2 more but I still had a fun time with 3.

D'Ante Almo

To answer the question about the length near the end. I beat the game my first playthrough in about 6 to 7 hours. Beat it on nightmare and beat inferno difficulty. Total time was a little over 20 hours for the platinum trophy. I feel like I got my money’s worth.

Brandon Soto

Disappointing game. Fun trophy list though. Hope the cut content is DLC and RE 4 remake is developed with care.

Colin Kolhoven

Great episode as always! I just wanted to add my two cents in and say that I loved this game. As a long time RE fan who had never played the original RE3 this game satisfied my itch to experience the events of the original in a fun and new way. I platinum'd the game just like RE2 REmake and it took about 30 hours to do so. Even after playing the game 7 times all the way through for various trophies and grinding out unlock points I still loved it. Also, while I would say that perhaps 60 dollars for just RE3 is maybe a bit much for what you get, we can't forget that RE Resistance was bundled into this as well. Even if it's not your type of game or you choose not to play RE Resistance, you're essentially getting two games for the price of 60 dollars. Thanks and as always keep up the great work!

Jordan Cunningham

I really enjoyed Resident Evil 3 remake. It wasnt as good or polished as Resident evil 2 remake was but i still love it. Resident Evil 2 REmake was a homerun for me and Resident Evil 3 Remake was just a triple(in baseball terms).

Caleb Greer

Yeah a two hour completion is ridiculous, but I watched Ray Narvaez Jr. stream this game on I think normal first time and he beat it in 5 hours. He died a few times on different boss fights, wasn’t rushing, interacted with chat—I don’t know how it took you 9-10hours Colin lol.

Real Radec

I'm wondering if after the RE4 remake instead of remaking RE5 they instead they make a new game in the "remake" timeline. RE5 is where the series went off the walls so I think if Capcom just wanted to make a "new" RE5 after the RE4 remake featuring characters from the "remake timeline" like Leon, Jill, and Claire I think fans would be happy with that. Probably not going to happen but just a thought.

Kenneth Oms

Man resident evil 0 was super awesome. Not sure what the hate was about. The leech man was scary as hell

Will Hahn

Sacred Symbols +: Xtra Large


As I get older I want more tight 9-12 hour games and I only play 1-2 open world games a year and if that. Give me more linear experiences and just tell a tight story. Don't buy at launch if the price is a problem. RE2 was 20 dollars a year after its release.

Ryan Murdoch

There is an RE4 remaster on ps4, game holds up great. I hope they just focus on new games now. Side note about RE7, that game is great until you leave the house, I thought it really fell apart after that. Anyone else share that opinion?.

Brandon Soto

The trophies are all obtainable, even though they seem intimidating. It’s all about following the right path, while using what you need in terms of weapons & items. I used a guide for both RE 2 & 3 Remakes. Don’t kill enemies unless you really need to.

Brandon Soto

Personally thought it was good throughout. Only major complaint were the boss battles. That game would be a good Knockback episode.

Ryan Murdoch

Fair enough, I agree about the boss battles, they have always been a weak point of the RE series. I think the main reason I didnt like RE7 is because it felt grounded at the start (as grounded as can be expected) and it became more fantasy as it went on, espically on the ship. Dude RE4 and 7 would both be good Knockback episodes for sure.

Nate McKinney

RE4 could definitely do with a bit of an upgrade. It exists in this weird halfway point between the old school and new school. Agree with you on 7. Great game, cruise ship was terrible. I didn't mind the mines though.

Nate McKinney

Been a longtime fan since the 90s. RE is my favorite franchise, RE2 is definitely the most beloved of the originals. It's always been that way. I also don't get the fuss about the lack of "multiple endings." The original only had two endings and the differences were extremely minor. In one ending you fly off with a nameless helicopter pilot. In the other ending, the pilot is Barry Burton, another STARS member from the first game, it barely shows his face and he only says a handful of words. It's not that big of a deal.

Anthony Longo

Guys let’s just be honest here. Capcom saw how well received RE2make was and they felt they could cash in on the heels of that release with this sub par entry. Knowing we would forgive them with the mere thought of them redoing part 4 , everyone’s favorite , next. Cha Ching ?


Seven times is a lot! Though I can see that it would go pretty quick once you knew where everything was, etc...


Yeah, RE5 is where the remaking should stop. RE5 is modern enough that it doesn't need to be revisited.


Yeah, I felt like RE2 was the most beloved, but again, didn't know if I was just making that up.


Nah. If that were true, they would have made the game in a year, and that's not possible. I just think they were trying different stuff, and it didn't work out as well as they probably hoped...

Joseph Tartaglia

40 minutes in and nothing about the game has really been discussed in terms of story, gameplay mechanics, enemies, boss battles...

Joseph Tartaglia

Don’t put yourself in a position to rush FF7R...Chris likely not gonna finish lol like with Days Gone


Excited to hear your guys' opinions of FF7R when you both have completed it.


RE3 on PlayStation was a disappointment back in the day and was always my least favorite of the original trilogy. In fact it is the only RE game I never went back to replay over the past 20 years. Compared to RE2, RE3 always paled in comparison, so why wouldn’t the remake? Having said that, I really liked RE3 Remake much more than the OG. I really liked the fact that it was a fast play through and a fun trophy list.


Hi Colin, as it was mentioned for one sec, I just wanna say that I thought Bioshock 2 multiplayer was really fun. I've initially played it because of the platinum, but I end up playing it much more after the plat. I enjoyed the intense moments created during team vs team mode where you tried to steal the little sister and bring it to your own base. One person brings her home while rest of your team do everything to protect. When both teams are pros it gets really hard, and when your teammate just barely transported the sister, because you and your team managed to freeze/stun the opponents for 1 second (crowd control) to win the game, It felt really good. I thought the team back then might have saw some potential in the multiplayer and wanted to let people see it. I was actually a bit bummed when remaster did not get multiplayer ☺️

Nathan Guergis (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-24 04:59:19 I’m on the same page as Colin in regards to game length. I can honestly say that my only complaint with 80% of the games I play is that they could cut some of the fat. For this reason, I loved RE3. While RE3 had some backtracking, it was much less-so than RE2. RE3 felt tighter and more direct, in my opinion.
2020-05-11 04:39:24


I actually played it a little bit when it came out, because I wanted some Trophies. It was fine. I remember where I played it (in my old inlaw apartment in San Francisco) more than the content, honestly.


We just have to get away from this idea that length equates to quality. It's really kind of a noxious idea, and it's giving us a lot of bloat. In a hobby where time is currency, bloat is really, really bad.

Fotis Lyto

But Colin why is it a good thing that Jill or other women are being de-sexualised in the past years? Who gains to win from that? I mean men are created ripped as hell and it never was an issue but having women with somewhat bigger breasts and curvy body is bad? I mean we were fighting the puritans from the church for so long to just go by ourselves to where they said.


I never said having a curvy body or bigger breasts is bad. But if you're a cop fighting in some precarious situation, it makes a little more sense to be in a normal outfit. It's good for the game. For every game like Parasite Eve that justifies the unrealistic way the female protagonist is dressed through its story, there are dozens that don't. I'd rather have realism and immersion.

Dave Carsley

It's not good that women are being de-sexualized UNLESS the artists making them want them that way. People should be able to make the characters and games that they want, and not be held back by "ethics departments" who are terrified of Twitter mobs comprised of people who don't even buy video games. That's all I care about.

Fotis Lyto

I completely agree with you but now we are at a point that developers have to follow the dogma of Twitter warriors so they self cesor which is the worst kind of censorship. I don't know if the new Jill is dressed like discount Lara Croft because of creator vision/realism or this is the new world order and the old dress is "sinful". And in Collins point the old outfit is not unrealistic it showed that she was just out and about when shit hit the fan. Also the new outfit is forgettable while the old one is iconic but I guess that applies in most remakes/reimaginings in general nowadays.