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Hey All,

I hope you're doing well (all things considered), and that you're staying safe.

Over the past week -- since the catastrophic The Last of Us: Part II leaks occurred -- two members of our community have gone well out of their way to spoil parts of the game for other people here on Colin's Last Stand's Patreon. It should go without saying that this is completely unacceptable.

Now, there are more than 8,000 people here, so two out of 8,000+ isn't so bad. That said, their conduct was and is well out of bounds for this community, as well as out of bounds for the common kindness and decency we should all be showing towards our fellow gamers and enthusiasts (or human beings, more simply).

Both of these people -- paying customers of CLS, one for more than two years -- were promptly banned when, after their original post(s) was/were deleted, went ahead and posted the spoilers again. While I can't understand why anyone would knowingly spoil anything for someone generally, or pay to be in a community and then act like an asshole more specifically, the fact is, it happened two times. I'm sorry to anyone who saw the spoilers. For what it's worth, the game has been spoiled for me, too, and I'm trying to stop that from happening to anyone else. It kind of comes with the territory for me; for you guys and gals, it really shouldn't.

I'm writing this post, therefore, for two reasons: To assure you that this behavior will not be tolerated here, and to be clear that anyone who does partake in that behavior (regardless of your level of support or the amount of time you've been a fan and/or customer) will be permanently banned.

While we can't get ahead of this problem (because we don't know who will post what, and when, if ever again), we encourage you to let us know it's happening. You can always DM me here on Patreon, or Tweet at myself and Dustin on Twitter. Once we see it, we'll do our best to take care of the issue in as timely a matter as possible, and hope that the damage done is mitigated.

I always want to encourage and foster a community of discourse, open discussion, and disagreement. However, we will not condone an environment where people are going out of their way to hurt others, whether with words, spoilers, or whatever else. It's important to be kind and understanding, and this kind of behavior is the epitome of unkind and brazen. It's not okay, and again, I'm sorry about that.

Thank you for your time, and have a nice weekend. -Colin


Kyle Goodrich

Well said Colin. People who intentionally spoil shit are jerks.

Ember's Arcade

Colin, you’re a saint, man.


People suck


Thanks overlord colin. This month and a half will go by fast

Andrew Morgan

FUC**** A right we are!


Well said!


Will you be talking about the leaks?


Colin you’re amazing & i’m sorry the game got spoiled for you! thanks for looking out for the people. love what you do

Jared Kellogg

Sorry it got spoiled for you:/ Thanks for letting us know, though. I managed to avoid them as a result. So sad that this always has to happen on the internet. What is the point of ruining other people's excitement?


Well done Colin. Thank you.

Captain Canada

Well put, can't imagine the mindset behind going out of one's way to spoil something for others like that. Thanks for having zero tolerance.


Thank you Colin. I’m so sorry this is happening, you’re doing the best you can and that’s all we ask.

Carm Pascuzzi

Thanks for looking out Colin! I’ve been worried about these leaks! we’ve all been waiting a long time for this game and it would’ve been awful to see it happen in this awesome group of people! Stay healthy brother


Some people just want see the world burn. I just don’t understand someone that would go out of their way to do this .


Thank you Colin


Thanks Colin for taking action. I too, don't understand why someone would do that, especially after it got deleted once.

Michael Dalgleish

Thanks for this Colin, have a great weekend


I couldn't help but read your comment in Devon Dudleys voice. If you're not into wrestling he's a wrestler.


Thanks, Colin!

Trent Miller

That really sucks to here that someone would do that here. Im sorry to hear that the game got spoiled for some. Thank you Colin for taking care of it.

Russell Garrett

Sorry it got spoilt for you. It got spoilt for me too. Not here though - it was some other cunt on Twitter. I’m proud to be part of this community, the amount of good people here is nuts!


Fuck em! Have a good one all!

Monterey Jack

Appreciate your diligence on the matter!


O Captain! My Captain!


I honestly thought people would be better to not spoil if they ended up getting it spoiled for themselves. Wether or not your opinion of the game is on if the story is good or bad, it doesn’t matter! I will make that decision for myself when I play the game, I don’t want anyone to just spoil a game I’ve been waiting for years on to be spoiled in a single tweet. Please do your best to avoid spoilers, as I envy those who haven’t seen them.


They discussed the leaks in today's episode, they did not go into detail about the leaks themselves though.

Avery Illies

The fact that ANYONE would choose to both be a part of this community AND choose to spoil things for others is atrocious and I am thankful you are swinging the ban hammer. 🔨


Hear hear!

Luis Sanchez

Heard on the podcast Colin took one for the team to remove spoilers one here, much appreciated. Unfortunately I read something in the comment section on IGN on an unrelated article, who knows if it's true or not. Im avoiding the comments on gaming sites for now. People suck sometimes, can't wait to play the game. Hope everyone is doing well.

Jimmy Valentine

Thanks Colin. Man. This is one of the times when it would be nice that the internet was like real life. No one would be walking around telling random people spoilers that didn't want to hear it. There would be trouble. :)


Those guys are jerks.

Alex Bolton

Pro tip: don't let the spoilers spoil the game for you, instead spoil the game for yourself so the spoilers don't win. In all seriousness though, Colin thanks for sticking up for this community, class act as always! You stick up for us, we will always stick up for you!


Regardless of one’s opinion of what the leaks tell us about the story and direction they took the game in, I can’t help but feel for everyone who dedicated so much time and effort into making this, only have to have all of it overshadowed by someone with an ax to grind. Despite the allegedly bad workplace culture at Naughty Dog, this is not the way to go about drawing attention to it.

Alex Bolton

Also, Patreon really needs some moderator features, it shouldn't all fall on you Col.


This was a really thoughtful thing to post, and I really appreciate it, Colin. Have a blessed day!

Watch Ergo Proxy

Thank you for putting your foot down, spoiling things for other people is the hobby of a terrible person


Nice heads up. I've been on comment section black out since I heard.


Appreciate the hard stance, only sorry you got the spoilers :(


Good looking out Colin. I really appreciate it.

Mark Zebro, Jr.

I was spoiled on Twitter last night about a huge part of the game and I went to bed super depressed. As big as it is, I don’t know the context of it or how it got to that point or how the rest of the game will turn out. Aside from how I feel about it, I’m purchasing the game regardless to have an overall opinion on the game as a whole. If you too have seen the spoilers, I’m sorry but don’t let be a turn off for you, so you may have the full experience of the game.


Reason #3587 why I'll always follow and support you Colin. I don't always interact with people here, but I love this community, and I'm proud to be a part of it. I'm sorry the game got spoiled for you too. That is such a shitty thing for someone to do. Hope the game is still fantastic when you get to play with it my guy!

Braeden Burge

Honestly very sad to hear it was spoiled for you. We’ve gotten to such a toxic place when it comes to discussing media with political intent of any kind. I hope none of these people ever have their most anticipated game spoiled for them. Imagine if the same thing happened to Cyberpunk 2077 because of a disgruntled CDPR dev? I bet that then people wouldn’t be trying to justify the leaks so much due to a perceived agenda on the part of the studio, although I guess the political potential of something like Cyberpunk is fairly great as well. In any case, I’m still looking forward to TLOU2, and I hope this hasn’t dashed Colin’s expectations in any major way.

Bryan Finck

Thank you for banning the jerks Colin, I'm sorry it was ruined for you but we all appreciate everything you do to make this an awesome community and a fantastic place to be on the internet.

Max Davis

I’m so upset Colin was spoiled on this. I would have never played TLOU without this podcast. I wish I could’ve been spoiled in your stead sir.


You should consider creating a spoiler discussion post where angry people dying to discuss the leaks can go get their rocks off. Some people just seem to need to vent a bit, whether it be about the game being ruined for them because they were spoiled or about the controversial narrative decisions revealed by the spoilers.

Lee Bull

Luckily I'm unspoiled yet, haven't even read any comments above me out of fear. I'm sorry for you Col. Quite frankly why do people have to be such c**ts sometimes. IF I get spoiled you can bet your arse I'm still going to play the game. You only get the experience, good or bad, through playing it and digesting any events with context.

John the Nabo

Thank you so much colin, i have been avoiding these spoilers at all costs, and i know that you probably have been exposed to it. Its so nice to know that we can rely on CLS to keep high standarts and always be reliable.

Marcus Brown

I appreciate this very much, it saddens me that one of well two of us would do something like this. Also upset you were spoiled as well, I hope it wasn't too catastrophic. I too have been spoiled but but not as bad as others thankfully for it was on Twitter and not here. Stay safe everyone and steer clear of spoilers.


Why try to spoil it for someone? Are you that bitter about something that you get joy for ruining things for others? I don’t care if you hate the plot details but just know your opinions aren’t the only thing in the world that matter. Sounds like a bunch of narcissistic. On a side note, reading some of these comments on here reaffirms why I think this community is so great. Thank you guys for brightening my day.


Unfortunately I read the spoilers also. How amazing would it be if Neil and team intentionally released the spoiler to throw us all off and the story took us all completely by surprise. I doubt it, but one can dream :(

Christopher Moore

Only 2 is somehow a silver lining but the fact that people like that even exist (and pay to be here) is always disheartening. I appreciate all you do for your fans and the community CLS fosters. I'm sorry to hear it was spoiled for you Colin and to anyone who may have seen the leaks. "Some men just want to watch the world burn". It's a damn shame but I'm sure this game will still be a joy to experience regardless. Keep up the good work and making everyday great again. Stay safe my friends. 👍

Will Hahn

Thanks, Colin. Well said. I accidentally ran into a spoiler today on Twitter. Sucks.


Dude posted it. Colin deleted it and he reposted. Colin has been more than fair to both people he banned. He gave plenty of chances.

Nate McKinney

Fuck both of them. Thanks for looking out for us, Colin


You should have a spoiler podcast where you discuss the leaks, would love to hear what you think about them


Damn, I’m more depressed that you saw it than I did. Know you’ve been super hype for TLOU2, sorry man. Some people just suck...

Dee Han

I agree with this. There’s a lot of emotions surrounding these leaks and people are upset at the direction that the game went.


I find this attitude confounding. Reminds me of Trump saying he could shoot a man on 5th Avenue and not lose a single supporter. If I told you, and provided abundant evidence, that in TLOU2 the clickers are defeated by an army of interdimensional furries, would you consider not purchasing it?

Dom posa

2020 sucks


Would only be worth it if they're willing to forego the "we can't judge without full context" attitude for a bit. Not sure anyone would want to listen to two guys sit on a fence for 30 minutes.

Alex Perkins

Appreciate it, Colin!

Daniel Boyer

I have avoided spoilers thus far. Thank you for taking care of this!


You're a cool dude, Colin.

Nikitas Gagas

Thank you for keeping this community safe from leaking anuses. I'm truly sorry the game was spoiled for you. At least you will still experience what I'm sure will be an awesome journey. Thank you again for being a vigilant moderator and banishing those sadist cocks.

Josh Gamez

I saw a spoiler in a Twitch chat today and regardless of if it is or isn't actually true it bummed me out... Simply because it wasn't me seeking it out. It was just because I didn't know how to hide the chat before seeing it withing two mins of me being on the stream. I'm still absolutely hyped for the game though, spoilers be damned! I definitely am still avoiding social media before I beat the game to avoid potentially more egregious spoilers though.


Nicely job, Colin.


Lol. Paddy I was thinking the same thing.

Adam Barnes

Love you, daddy! Classy as always xoxox


Thank you!


Hey thanks for standing up for everyone, Colin. Doing a great job as always man.


Thanks Colin!!!


Cheers Colin, fuck people who want to spoil this game, what even is the point!

Aaron Treble

Appreciation and respect for this move. Leadership at its finest. ... I guess that was ... The Last of Them! ... I'll see myself out.

Aaron Treble

Or one of those chimps from The Simpsons that came back from space super intelligent. "No. I don't think we'll be telling them that."

Aaron Treble

Amen. I never would have tried Persona without Colin. Everyday's great at your Junes.


Thanks Colin! I don't really understand either why someone would spoil just for fun.

Karl Brown

A member for 2 years and then this. What a strange way to act. Good work on the ban. Sharing spoilers goes against the spirit of this community and what we all love.


The nerve of some people, really. Thanks Colin & Chris for all the great content, keep it up.


Be an adult. It's pretty fucking easy in this regard.


Thank you Colin!


Very well said, Colin. Thank you. 💙CLS

Marco Maluf

Thank you Colin. 💙


Thank you, Colin. You're a good guy.


I can't wait for all of you who have no idea to be furious after you've wasted $60 and hours of your time.

Max Stahl

You never fail to impress, my good man!

Craig Mcguire

I have my gripes with the leaks but purposefully spoiling it for someone else is just a dick move I would never sign off on. So well said Colin I've always enjoyed the community you have built here and we really don't need a couple of bad apples spoiling the barrel. You did the right thing.


If anything this has made me appreciate this community (CLS) much more thanks :D

Michael Maneage

I'm also curious as to the motives of the leaker(s). I've never seen a leak this substantial. I'm wondering if they had reputations as loose cannons beforehand or if they were loyal employees? Neil Druckmann tweeted that he's going to address rumors once the game has been released. However, I am curious about the other side of the story. Was this just over "crunch", unfair pay , work environment or creative direction? Whoever did this had to have known the adverse effects it would have not just on their coworkers but perhaps even the industry as a whole.


First off, saying that you can't wait for people to be furious about a game is kinda weird. Secondly, I'm not sure how you or anyone else can determine how well a story is done by plot points. You haven't experienced the telling of the story that leads to those points. Ya know, basic story telling stuff? I can't remember the last time I "wasted" time or money on a game and it's hard to believe the next time I do, it'll be a Naughty Dog title. Im sorry the game got spoiled for you man, I really am. I can't imagine how I'd feel if that happened to me. I must say though, you just bitter. Hope you still give it a chance. I won't be checking back on replies cause I can't risk you or anyone else spoiling it for me. Have a good day

LastSharpTiger (Ben Sharma)

So re this: "While I can't understand why anyone would knowingly spoil anything for someone generally, or pay to be in a community and then act like an asshole ..." I can understand how it happens, if not why. I went to a liberal arts college in the US, one with a student population of 4500 back when I was an undergrad. It was and is a place that super-super smart people go to. For the most part, the student body were decent human beings. But one SOB on campus, for reasons known only to him, got into the habit of taking a sh*t on the floor of the men's bathrooms on campus. Why that person would do such a thing is ... well, the only conclusion I can come to is that there is true evil in this world, and it happens in roughly one person in a group of 4,000. So two in the 8,000 here seems to be right on par. Obviously it's correct to ban the persons who did that, and if they try to come back, let the community know who they are.


I am only able to hop on here every once-and-awhile, but this is a shame to read. It sucks that people would be so callous as to ruin a game for others that are excited for it. As a patron, I do appreciate the swift and transparent handling of it, though.


Thanks Colin

Jacob billings

Why are people so adamant that they have to play the game even when they know the spoilers? I know yall have too much cash and it’s out of the realms of possibility for you all to not spend it, sounds suspicious to me but why continue to encourage bullshit studio behaviour and extreme SJW pandering in games? The studio only wants your money they don’t give a fuck about your opinion so all you “I’ll wait til I pay top dollar for it on day one and play it,then I’ll give my esteemed opinion”, nobody gives a shit. They’ll have your money and that’s it. Instead of crying about spoilers maybe understand that that person was trying to raise an alarm, but no people just want to live in ignorance.


Because unlike you, people have faith in ND to deliver. Looking at bulletpoints listing plot points or watching some cutscenes is not equivalent to experiencing the full game in its entirety. ND has not let me most of the playstation fans down either. Plus some people are open minded enough to experience a story even though there are things they disagree with in said story.


Hey false dmca Colin and abusing the YouTube copyright Chris I just wanna get your takes on Sony and naughty going out of the way to break the law and attack YouTube channels that aren't even showing the leaks but are talking about them. At this point I really don't care what happens to naughty dog and will not be supporting anything Sony until they rectify this false flagging of channels.


I don’t really understand why anyone would do this - here. Even if you are some kind of activist that thinks Naughty Dog should be punished (btw that story about crunch and an ex-employee ended up being false) - why spoil people here? I don’t know most of you, but I feel like spiritually we are all friends. We are here for the same reason - Colin. We enjoy his content, we enjoy his take on PlayStation among other things. So what does your own views on TLOU have to do with this community? It’s truly baffling. If you hate ND, think they deserve punishment, or hate TLOU2 plot - what does that have to do with us?


Ban those fuckers!!!


Geez man, sorry you got it spoiled for you. It sucks that a few people can ruin things for so many.

Tyler Webb

It’s funny the two sides of the same coin. Here I am not planning to play the game because I don’t have a ps4 so I actually tried to find the spoilers to have better context for people commentating. Then there are people who don’t want to be spoiled and feel like they can’t avoid it. It’s weird.

Anthony Longo

You gotta do what you gotta do Colin. I appreciate it. I spoil the shit out of myself anyway lol I like mechanics and I skip 90% of all cutscenes my whole life.

Kjell Dirckx

Thanks for the swift response CLS crew. There will always be trolls in every community. And the trolls first have to cause damage, before you can remove them.


he was ghost the whole time


I don’t think it’s fair to blame Colin or anyone else for the loud minority of their fan base. It also sounds like you’ve been seeking out negativity? You’re always gonna find it if you actively look for it.


You're the one turning it into that. Discourse is encouraged here. I didn't say spoilers or disrespect someone else's opinion but simply stated my own.

Jessica Gutiérrez

Colin, If it's ok to e-mail you or message you on here please let me know. I tried to highlight a problem and accidentally triggered some people. Also, is there a way to block jerks on Patreon?


it takes a special kind of dirt bag to take pleasure in spoiling things for people. I'm still going to play the game despite seeing the spoilers. Good riddance that they are banned, no place for them here.


I think you can DM Colin directly on Patreon here. I remember him saying that he reads them quite often


Yes, stay in your echo chamber. I have no niceties remaining for someone as intolerant as you.

Jessica Gutiérrez

Alec Buzzell Please don't respond to my comments anymore ok? Patreon does have a targeted harassment policy, and it seems like you're compelled to reply to all of my posts with your nonsense. Again, leave me alone. Thanks for the heads up @Messier and Greg Myers.


6hh. vrr was


Unbelievable victimhood mentality on this one. I feel sorry for you and I don't pick on those I feel sorry for, so take your harassment claims elsewhere before I say the opposite. You started by commenting on mine and now you can't handle words on a screen. I don't care about your feelings, nobody does, we're all irrelevant carbon atoms.


Thank you for this hard stance you are taking. I couldn’t agree more and it’s appreciated.


Wonder how Colin is going to defend ND DMCAing streamers for just talking about the leaks and one guy was even given a strike for a meme shown in his video. I’m not purchasing for the fact that ND treats it’s employees , streamers, and gaming community like shit and they’re always acting like they’re above everyone morally. Neil is getting what he deserves.

Jack Sibert

Just for added clarity- Is saying that I've seen the spoilers and simply saying that I think they're "bad" considered spoiling? Because thats what I said in a question in another thread and that comment seems to have been deleted. Just asking because there seems to be no coherent definition of spoilers provided and I was not aware that some actually consider that a "spoiler"

Joe Piervincenti

they’re still going to sell a bunch of copies regardless so it’s not the end of the world for them


People who spoil must be fun at parties 😒