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Our shifting podcast schedule couldn't have possibly come at a better time, because it just so happens that the last seven days (or so) in the gaming industry have been among the most news-packed in recent memory. For starters, The Last of Us: Part II has a new release date, but such a revelation comes on the back of something truly traumatic for Naughty Dog, Sony, and TLoU fans: Catastrophic story leaks that threaten to ruin the game for everyone. (Don't worry: We don't discuss ANY spoilers in this show.) Ghost of Tsushima also got a new release date, but is Sony quietly burying Sucker Punch's long-anticipated adventure? Meanwhile, the Assassin's Creed rumors are true, and the series is going Nordic and turning to 9th century England for its next entry, and Square Enix doesn't know quite how it's going to finish Final Fantasy VII Remake, or even how many games will be required to do so. Amongst other news are plenty of listener inquiries, as always. Why don't games seemingly ever visit the Korean and Vietnam Wars? Could video games treat religion more positively? What's with awful difficulty spikes? Are nachos an appetizer or an entree? Let's go!


0:00:17 - Intro.
0:01:43 - The new schedule is underway.
0:03:29 - A listener who works at Five Guys.
0:04:30 - A correction about stimulus checks.
0:05:43 - Are 7-8 year console cycles the new norm?
0:08:23 - A correction pertaining to the Amazon France PC listings.
0:09:10 - Sony blocked a listener's IP address. But why?
0:11:25 - Why do some AAA games hide background loading so poorly?
0:14:51 - Is a leek just a burrito with a hole in it?
0:15:49 - Are nachos an appetizer or an entree?
0:17:49 - What have we been playing?
0:27:36 - The Last of Us: Part II gets new release date, but also suffers catastrophic leak.
0:59:52 - Ghost of Tsushima also gets a new release date.
1:09:51 - A new Assassin’s Creed game has been revealed.
1:12:56 - The free PS+ games for May have been revealed.
1:15:50 - Square Enix has no idea how it's going to finish Final Fantasy VII Remake.
1:22:15 - Guerrilla may be working on two Horizon games, not just one.
1:25:53 - There will be no WWE game in 2021.
1:28:54 - The NPDs for March 2020 have been released.
1:32:46 - Grand Theft Auto 1 and 2 have been rated for release on PlayStation 3 (yes, 3).
1:36:21 - A new Battlefield game will come to PS5 in 2021.
1:37:23 - Minor game announcements and release date information.
1:41:13 - This week's new releases for PS4, PS Vita, and PSVR.
1:47:46 - Why won't mainstream AAA games touch the Korean and Vietnam Wars?
1:53:37 - How come religion is never explored in video games in a positive way?
2:00:20 - Where do we stand on removable vs non-removable controller batteries?
2:06:35 - What gaming sites do we actually enjoy?
2:08:56 - Could Sony potentially conduct its own PS4-for-PS5 trade-in program?
2:14:22 - What’s the deal with terrible difficulty spikes?




insta click lol


I'm glad the leaker saved me 60$ with that garbage plot.


If you listen in the Patreon app and set the speed to ½ it sounds like they’re drunk and talking to an empty stadium.

Michael Ferrari

Man, those Last of Us 2 leaks are atrocious! Easily the most disappointing sequel I've ever seen, even more so than Mass Effect 3, which I would never have expected from Naughty Dog....

Dick McFarmhouse

Thanks for picking my question guys. Nioh 2 is easier than Nioh 1 for sure. I've beaten both games now and Nioh 1 was hard in the beginning and then less hard later on, Nioh 2 was very hard in the beginning and then very easy later on. Chris was also totally right about Sekiro (along with bloodborne and most the other Souls games) they are much better at escalating the difficulty in an effective way. This is all in my opinion of course. Either way keep up the great work and take care of yourselves gents.

D'Ante Almo

I’m really glad I have a open mind about these things.. I’m willing to let them tell the story they want to tell.

Russell Garrett

I’ve not listened to the episode yet, but the comment about the way Christians are treated reminds me of the episode of HBO’s Silicon Valley (a fucking hilarious show) about a gay, Christian tech worker. I won’t spoil the episode, it’s well worth a watch. My understanding though is, like most great satire, it’s not too far from the truth.

Adrian Pinter

You were thinking about how games hide loading screens behind long paths and those “grab my hand” scenes because Cerny just recently talked about it in the PS5 deep dive! He went pretty in depth on that topic and how their new SSD will solve those issues and give developers a better ability to create the exact game they want. I was constantly thinking about that during my FFVII playthrough. Anyways, thanks for the episode! Glad it’s a long one today.

Will Hahn

Is Chris crazy? Nachos is definitely an appetizer, and if you add meat to it and a bunch of other stuff, it can definitely be an entree. Chris has had some basic-ass nachos if he thinks it’s a snack. Lol.


I feel like Naughty Dog is terribly overrated. Uncharted 1-3 had janky shooting, missed jumps were common in the climbing mechanics, and the set pieces were always set up like common shooting galleries. I feel like the Tomb Raider franchise has matured far more than Uncharted has. While 4 was great in the back half, much of it felt stilted. The Last of Us was a fantastic game, but rare for Naughty Dog. People seem to wear blinders when it comes to this studio. Especially Colin.

Thomas Connolly

Loving the cover art on this episode

D'Ante Almo

I’m so glad you guys agree with me about ppl not buying the game because of the leaks... like Chris said “Games are meant to be played” also... it’s naughty dogs art and their story... let them fucking tell it.

Kenneth Oms

Damn I thought that coughing joke would kill. Back to the drawing board boys

Bogey Zero

Guys I'm pretty sure the listener was referring to leaks, not leeks. He was asking if leaks(as in the game leaks) are burritos with holes in them. Because you know, burritos with holes in them leak. Don't really understand the question he was asking, but I'm pretty sure leaks was what he meant.

Michael Ferrari

Dude, I'm sorry, but you saying "without context" about the leaks is totally off-base in my opinion. There is no context needed for the leaks, and in some cases, there IS context. I won't spoil anything, but for the sake of an example, what if it leaked that Uncharted 5 ends up being all a dream in the end or Nathan Drake gets his arm cut off and we find out he's been a robot the whole time? You don't need any additional context to know that would suck.

Real Radec

Update on the ND leaker news: https://twitter.com/GIBiz/status/1256266981331910658 And don't forget the infamous PS All Stars Beta leak, where someone on NEOGAF looked into the files of the PSAS beta and leaked pretty much everything about the game, roster, stages, items etc.

Jake Z

In the spirit of grammar Nazism, Colin, I think you meant "genealogy" of genres, not "genome." 🤓😈

Drew Sleezer

In high school my friend and I both got our PS3s IP banned from Call of Duty: Black Ops multiplayer. We were entirely guilty of hacking and fucking around with cheats and breaking the game. Years later neither of us have hacked or cheated since, graduated college and my buddy is now a software developer for Expedia. I'd say we turned out alright.

Jorge Aponte

My IP address was also blocked by Sony a few years back and I didn't do anything around that time. I also got the run around from both my internet service provider and Sony so I was stuck doing nothing online with my PlayStation for over a month.

Greg Horsman

Hopefully, there's no talk of the Last of US II leak. That was news on Tuesday, but old news now! LOL


It seems like Colin constantly gives Neil Druckmann and ND a pass no matter what they say or do. They treat their employees like shit they get a pass. They call everyone who doesn't want to buy the game a bigot and they get a pass. No context needed. Neil Druckmann comes across as a self serving, virtue signaling prick who seems to think he has the right to insult the current or potentional consumer. Fuck Naughty Dog!

Kam Wallis

I think you're assuming that every piece of content ever created was intended to be viewed and liked by the entire population, when that;s laughable...

James Galos

I pretty much get 90% of my gaming news from this Patreon. Luckily that kept me from seeing any leaks about Last of Us 2. I’d like this to get to trial of some type so we could hear why they decided to try to ruin the game for so many fans.

Cameron O'Neill

My first thought with the PS3 ratings is because they are preparing for PS5 backwards compatibility.

Captain Canada

Fair points Colin & Chris in response to my question. My perspective was that I saw several outlets running clickbait headlines about the leak, and even linking to Reddit discussions of the spoilers. Many outlets were respectful in their reporting, but many others really added fuel to the fire, in my opinion.


After seeing the spoilers of TLoU2, I'm waiting for a sale, and most likely won't play it in the end. I feel like if the exact same thing happened with Uncharted 4's plot, people would be far more positive. Leaks suck, but people are pissed because of the content. I personally feel like Naughty Dog was trying to pull a bait-and-switch on me. They've (or Neil, I guess) forfeited my trust. I think Bruce Straley is what Neil needs when directing a game. In my opinion, TLoU is to the original Star Wars trilogy as TLoU2 is to the Prequels. But those are just my opinions.


@Kam I'm not assuming anything. Not trying to have a conflict with you however it is a proven fact that Neil Druckmann continues to insult and label anyone who doesn't want to buy the game a bigot, a homophobe, a transphobe, a racist and sexist. How is that repeated blanket statement by Neil and others at ND not laughable to you? Can't expect to treat your employees like shit and insult current and potentional consumers like shit and expect people to be happy. I'm not buying anymore ND products because of how Neil and others act towards anyone who doesn't agree with them.


Yeah, after you guys talking about the LOU2 leak I question the crunch rumours that have been talked about online. As for reasons why the game got leaked I read a tweet from Jason Schreier said it could be because of people finishing the game at home made it easier to leak Also with The LOU2 and GOS coming out a month from each other I think it makes more sense for Last of us to come out first, due to it being a shorter game (assuming)


To Chris's point, I have zero interest in TLOU2. I don't play survival/scary/horror games because they stress me out, and I don't play stressful games to escape the stresses of life. Ghost of Tsushima, on the other hand, I've had pre-ordered since it was up on the PS Store. The delay, most likely due to TLOU's bump, is just a bit annoying to me. I agree with Colin on that, they should have moved it to after Ghost, instead of insisting it be first.


I wish I had put this in the thread before the recording but, Chris was awesome and brought up what I wanted to say, anyway. I don't think a sequel to The Last of Us ever should have been made in the first place. The first one was lightning in a bottle and they'll never live up to the hype, even if the leaks end up being bs. I remember the devs talking in interviews just after the game released that "Joel and Ellie's story has been told. If we do more in this universe, it won't be about them". Which I respected the hell out of. But, low and behold, when the game was an insane success, there were suddenly "so many stories left to tell with Joel and Ellie" smfh... With all that said, I have yet to be disappointed in a single Naughty God release since I first got Jak & Daxter bundled with my PS2 that I mowed lawns to buy. So, I'm with you guys. Not cancelling my pre-order and giving the game the benefit of the doubt. As much as I despise identity politics, I'm not jumping on the hate bandwagon just because of one leak. TLDR: I think their historic catalogue and quality earns them the benefit of the doubt.

Jack Sibert

NO SPOILERS. But I saw the leaks...and...they're not good. Which sucks bc I'm a huge ND fan. I'm sure the gameplay will be great but, I guess ND was destined to fall from grace at some point. 😞

Matthew Cooper

99% of the time, I don't care about spoilers. I almost never experience something when it's new, so I often know a lot about games, movies, tv shows etc. beforehand. I only played Last of Us last year after listening to the Knockback about it and I don't think having it spoiled ruined it for me at all. I haven't seen any of the Part II spoilers yet, because I haven't decided if I want to know or not yet. Hearing all the negativity about it makes me think I will at least wait until the game comes out and gets reviewed before I buy it or not.

Jake Woods

I don't give a shit about leaks. I purposefully spoiled End Game and it still kicked ass. If the story is actually good it shouldn't matter.

Jake Woods

If this guy was actually treated so poorly that he felt justified doing it, its probably worth digging deeper into that. Game Studios are the most secretive thing and its kinda strange IMO.


Neil posted a quote from Kurt Cobain that basically says if your a bigot or racist then don’t buy my product. That’s probably what OP is talking about.

Adam Barnes

Will this episode in any way spoil the last of us part 2’s plot? I’m doing everything I can to avoid spoilers

Kenneth Oms

In terms of Nomura for FF7 that guy has a lot of drama behind him. He is known for starting up projects, getting bored of them, and moving on to something else. Before, he would always put it on the director Tabata to finish it while supposedly micromanaging it from the sidelines and making it difficult for Tabata. This is what happened with FF15 where Tabata had to revamp it and finish it despite it being Nomuras creation. Now Nomura has been hinting via KH3 that he wants to go back and finish FF13 versus (FF15). I feel like he has ADHD.

Bryan Finck

Gotcha, thanks for the clarification. I hate generalizations and the overuse of those kinds of terms, but I also recognize that there are bigots and racists in this world. Saying you don't want business from those people isn't the same as saying the people who disagree with you are those things.

Bryan Finck

Not at all, they talk about it happening but not the substance of the spoilers. Colin would never do that.

Dan Parsons

On that last point about difficulty, I had the same thing in Nioh 2 but it’s not that they chose to make the late game easier as such, it’s just that by then you have refined your build, got more skills (both your character and you) and got better gear etc. In which RPGs aren’t you some kind of awesome killing machine by the end? The whole point of levelling is to gradually feel more powerful and if it just gets harder despite this, it seems pointless.


@That Rescue Guy don't you get that Neil Druckmann, Anita Sarkeesian and others at ND make no distinction between actual racists and bigots and those who don't agree with them. They label anyone who doesn't want to buy the game "close minded", "bigots, etc. That is how "SJW Culture" works. Pin everyone who doesn't agree with you as a Nazi and all arguments, discussion and debates are cut off. It's deeper than you're making it out to be.

Real Radec

Also to the Vietnam war question. COD Black Ops in 2010 was primarily set in the Vietnam war (bits of cold war as well). The same year Battlefield Bad Company's 2 expansion was all about the vietnam war. To be fair it's literally been a decade for those two releases. Good thing that COD 2020 is rumored to be a Black Ops reboot set in the Vietnam war!

Domenico Smarto

I got the last of us 2 spoiled for me in a twitter reply. I think the main things to avoid are twitter replies and YouTube comment sections.


Ethan you're starting to sound alot like someone who has already been banned for such douche baggery


Did FF7 remake not even chart?


Ethan has been banned from CLS. Very weird behavior from someone who has paid $5/month for two years to be here. But he's out, and no longer welcome.


These two. Dancing around the nacho discussion as if they've never had loaded nachos. You know, the only ones worth eating? Meat, cheese, salsa, veggies, sour cream. Definitely meal worthy


Thank you Colin. I already saw spoilers elsewhere and I may not agree with everyone on here about Naughty Dog but I'll be damned if someone is going to come on here and try that nonsense. Much respect Colin.

Liam Mcnulty

I heard Anita Sarkeesian was an advisor, which is disconcerting. But I'll try it for myself, I don't want to hate the game, I hope it's amazing. But I'm definitely worried about it.

Anthony J Sanchez

I think the RPG that came to the PS4 and vita from a Western developer you were talking about was Child of Light. It was made by Ubisoft.


Yeah, but I was also playing something recently that did that. I can't remember what, though... But perhaps it did come from Cerny.


I mean, sure you would. I'm not gonna judge something in totality when I've not seen or played virtually any of it. You can feel how you want, but I just don't agree. I could take so many games out of context, tell you some spoilers, show you a little bit of gameplay, and make them look like shit. It's not that hard.


Yes, but even before the roster leak, that guy Paul Gale or whatever was leaking so much shit from PSAS.


Ghosts just seems like the better opener, and could benefit from going first. But I don't think they can hold TLoU2 much longer because of the leaks.


I'm not entirely convinced Naughty Dog wanted to make a TLoU sequel either, but I think the success of the original game kinda necessitated a return, and I can appreciate that from both a capitalistic and creative perspective. I'm excited as hell to play it.


Sometimes I care; other times I don't. It really all depends. With TLoU2, I definitely care, and I'm definitely bummed it was spoiled for me. But the spoilers also haven't ruined my excitement for the game.


Sounds like really playing with your build was part of my problem with the original, too. I'm not THAT bad at games.


I'm treated like shit by a lot of people in this industry, and Neil has always been kind and decent to me. Just something to keep in mind.


FFVIIR came out in April. It wouldn't have charted in March. It'll be near the top for this month.


I feel like I just want lots and lots of cheese. Maybe some onion, maybe some salsa. That'll do.

Nierly Crazy

Fun fact, Chris mentioned that in Gears of War you'd be slowed down whenever Anya/Hoffman/etc. talked to you. You can actually skip this dialogue by pressing the equivalent of the "Select" button. I don't recall if you ever had to wait a certain amount of time to skip said sequences, but you definitely could.

Nate McKinney

Funny spoiler related story. When I was a manger at a restaurant, one of my employees intentionally spoiled a major character death on Walking Dead for me. (Back when the show was really hot and everyone was into it.) She did it knowing I hadnt seen it yet and thought it was funny. So I made her clean out every garbage can in the restaurant. It wasn't funny anymore.

Jose Horrach

That leek question made me so angry

Zack E

Internet culture in general is just getting exhausting. It’s a shame really. Really it’s social media that is actually starting to really mess things up in society. In 2016 everyone was a expert in political science. In 2020 everyone is an epidemiologist. Add in how the world of entertainment has become. People leak things. People seek out to specifically say harmful things about people, with strange “evidence” that support their “argument”. Just overall there is this trend of not treating people with respect. I’m sure if there was social media/hyper connected internet in previous decades, there would be similar issues. But it does seem like we are getting completely out of control. In regards to this weird (seemingly out of nowhere) bubbling antagonism rising against Neil Druckman, I’ve listened to you Colin for many many years. I have a certain level of trust for you. I know Neil has been kind and supportive of you. I recall him sending a supportive tweet your way when you launched CLS. He always seems level headed and passionate about his work. I don’t know, and could really care less, where his “politics” lie. But overall you know him better than pretty much any one here, if he’s decent in your view he’s decent in mine. I’m not a fan of seeing his name being dragged through mud. It does not feel right.

Matt tamer

Chris is way off about the nachos. Is he talking about just chips? Nachos done right will knock me out.

Jake Mcaulay

I just upped my patreon donation amount to 5 bucks, cause I need my sacred symbols dropped on friday. So that the podcast can keep me sane on my Saturday shift at my job cleaning parks ha. cheers for the entertainment lads.


Can’t wait for Colin to finally finish FFVII Remake and realize they can pretty much do whatever they want now

Jacob billings

Well All see come June 19th 😂


26:45 Chris- Do you know what Avatar: The last Airbender is? Colin after Avatar has been voted into the primary for knockback for 5 months straight - I'm vaguely aware of it.

Saulius Vekteris

There is information that Neil Druckmann had some help from Anita Sarkesian while developing TLOU 2. Let that sink in guys.... Yep not gonna bother playing this game cause of her. She is basically destroying video games.

Real Radec

Is there a source for this? I'm not going to lie that is very concerning for me, wouldn't be surprised if she consulted on UC4 as well and got Doughnut Drake removed.


I understand, and even recommended, the scheduling switch but I would like to point out that the new release order kinda mucks up The Drop for those of us that enjoy following along. It is a lot of fun to read The Drop word-for-word as you two stumble through them, and it's a great way to get my eyes on all the new releases because I ain't reading that shit to myself. Right now its Saturday morning and I'm listening to your hot new episode, but since the drop you're reading is now 8 days old the newest one is already posted, and I find my vibe slightly mellowed. Obviously the importance of the news we gain probably outweighs the necessity for the drop to be hot and fresh, but this still feels weird. You can't please all of the people all of the time. RIP hot and fresh drops.

Jason Bolla

I think he meant a leak as in the one shown in the image. A hole in a burrito leaks food just like a leak that needs flex tape to fix it.

Caleb Greer

Per the battery pack debate question: I mean, it’s not really a debate. Xbox controller cuts down on the price by making the rechargeable battery pack, that some people may or may not want depending on how much they play games or just personal preference, an option. And as Chris said, it then doesn’t regulate the functionality of the controller to the functionality of its batteries. Frankly, as someone platform agnostic, I think a person is probably a Sony fanboy if they don’t acknowledge the Xbox solution is just the better one lol. It’s like they’re reaching for something. Options for consumers is almost always better.

The Rose Experience

Just some off hand context as to why some seem to have a hard on for TLOU2. A lot of the vitriol has to do with Naughty Dog bringing Anita Sarkessian on to the writing team or consulting, not sure which, somewhere during development. People don’t like her, obviously I don’t know her but I’m not a fan or her misguided crusade at all even if she’s hit the dartboard twice out of a hundred throws, so to speak.

Oliver Johnson

I started eating Five Guys again because of you guys. Thankfully it’s still open right now!

Michael Maneage

I’m interested in how Sony is now flagging YouTube channels who are making content about the leaks. On one hand actual video games media I assume are under NDA’s. I was wondering where YouTubers fall (in terms of legal penalty) in running stories on leaks that have been made public.


Its a bit of a strange business move to release Ghost of Tsushima so soon after the last of us but as a gamer I'm excited to finally get a big game to play during the summer.

Craig Mcguire

I was convinced Ghosts was the game getting a raw deal but given these leaks and the reaction I'm now starting to wonder like Chris implied that maybe it's TLOU2 that Sony are unsure about. Crazy to think, but a month apart for two games of this size from first party, is unheard of. Definitley makes you wonder

The Rose Experience

Thing is Caleb, most seem to prefer the PlayStation's battery decision so it definitely is a debate.


The entire game crisis was leaked on PC months before release. You could play it to the end.


I get the want for a removable battery, maybe Sony could put a rechargeable battery behind a single screw door (like the 3ds or PSP) though I remember PSP was first hacked through an exploit that was related to the Battery. One thing, If you are willing to drop $60 on a new controller have a look to see how easy it is to take apart and change it your self. I picked up a battery off of Amazon and changed my PS3 controller battery myself (I also gave the whole controller a soak and a clean), and it was easier than I thought it would be. I haven't had to change my PS4 controller battery, but I'm not particularly worried about changing it myself when the time comes. I know it's a bit more involved than changing a couple of AAs but it saves a bunch in the long run.


That leek question was horrible. 👎🏼 Nachos are a snack to me. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Usually, I don’t mind spoilers and will seek them out. TLoU2 is a rare exception where I didn’t look and am getting the game on release just to support the franchise. The bad feedback to the spoilers is interesting though so I can’t wait to see how I feel after finishing it. I prefer the PS4’s battery style over Xbox’s. I’ve had my base PS4 for 4+ years now and the battery on the controller hasn’t had any noticeable decline.


Chris just ain't eating the right nachos is all that I have learned from this episode...

Marcus Brown

This thumbnail has had me laughing for atleast 15 minutes and throughout the show.

Jeremy Miller

It's strange I had my IP blocked by Sony and the guy told me to turn off my router for 2 hours then turn it back on and it'll reset it. Sure enough it worked. Sucks that guy had to go out and buy another router

bix hutch

Im very curious to see what Colin thinks of the ending of FF7 Remake. Ive noticed that people who don’t know the story don’t understand how it kind of ruins critical parts of the story. I hated the ending so much that not only was I rolling my eyes for 2 hours straight but it totally ruined my experience with what I thought was an amazing game. It destroys the world rules already built by the original and Sephroth has become a neutered anime villain. This is possibly the biggest disappointment in my gaming life.


Don't forget... I am Jesus video game


As opposed to pretty much every other media outlet in the gaming industry CLS doesn't depend on handouts / access from SIE to survive, and as such, I'm really hoping the guys can share their opinions (particularly Colin) on Sony / ND's widespread abuse this week of YouTube's copyright system to illegally silence anyone that doesn't align with their messaging -- even if they've just expressed their own opinions (not disclosing any leak details / imagery). For me personally, this is a step too far and I will be voting with my wallet and not purchasing the game, as I can't justify supporting these types of mafia-like actions against folks well within their rights to express their opinions / free speech. All the major industry outlets appear to be turning a blind-eye as usual.

Craig Mcguire

Ah the ongoing fanboy debate of internal or external battery ? Answer: who cares it's a battery whether its internal or external you will have to perform some menial 30 sec task to get charge back in it. It litteraly boils down to what console you prefer or which option you are used to. That's it.


Not sure if you missed it but they announced a new wrestling game called WWE Battlegrounds coming out this year which is replacing 2k21 for 2020.


On the subject of difficulty I found Bloodborne a really difficult and frustrating experience, I must have played the first Yharnam section over and over for hours and no matter how far I got or who I beat I just kept getting punted back to the start. This led to me uninstalling the game and resigning to the fact it wasn't for me even though its considered one of the best games to grace the platform.


Your resident Nioh 2 analyst here. Nioh 2 is much easier because if you're online you can summon other players' builds to fight along side you to mainly tank damage. Nioh 2 does have a learning curve and you unlock a ton of items, magic, gear etc so things become easier, also the more you grind the easier it is. Sekiro is much more difficult and it's mind over matter rather than grinding. Nioh 2 is exceptionally fun and rewarding even with the lightened challenge.

Nikitas Gagas

Sir, why are you spoiling your own podcast?


I remember my account was banned on PSN because someone hacked my account on a hack PS3. I called Playstation and told them I don't even own a PS3 anymore and haven't for quite a while. They said they can't do anything about it. I lost access to around 500+ games and my 50 platinums. I haven't digitally bought a game since and stopped getting platinums.


I lost access to the PlayStation store for like 3 weeks then magically it came back. I was able to connect to the store at work but not my home IP and Comcast refused to change it. Hopefully this guy gets unbanned.


I feel like leeks are just giant green onions (scallions).

Oliver Johnson

I couldn’t disagree more with Chris’ take on batteries. Granted I’ve never had a battery fail on a PS controller but it’s so rare to happen that if it did, just buy a new battery online and open that thing up. I have the Plug And Play pack for Xbox and it’s just awful. Super clunky to recharge and the batteries only last me a few days. I think Xbox even settled the debate themselves by putting an internal rechargeable battery on their Pro Controllers. Having AA batteries in there still is just cheap.


I’d personally prefer to play Last of Us 2 before Ghost of Tsushima. So I’m happy with the new release dates.

Dee Han

Why do people feel like the leaker has ruined things for Naughty Dog? If the game is good, the leak wouldn’t affect them at all.


The leaks that I saw are drastic and jarring, and are indicitave of the direction the plot will go and the themes it may focus on. I can't blame someone for canceling their pre - order, especially after sony/ND were copy striking YouTube channels for general discussion of the news story.


Hey Colin, I wrote this in a different thread, but this is what concerns me regarding the TLoU: 2. For the record I haven't seen any of The Last of Us Part 2 leaks (I have muted just about every word/phrase associated with TLoU on Twitter tho), but I did watch RobinGamings newest video where he says he feels "vindicated" after seeing the leaks in it's entirety. If you recall, he made a video 2 years ago called, "The Naughty Dog Agenda" where he voiced his concerns over the direction the company was heading. After releasing the video, Robin got bombarded with comments calling him a "bigot," "sexist" and a "misogynist." Robin also mentions that a massive weight has been lifted off his shoulders - this has me concerned with the content of the leaks. If you read the YT comments, they're people en mass saying they cancelled their pre-order and that Neil's agenda (whatever that means) couldn't be more transparent. Honestly, what the hell is going on!? This is worrisome. Btw, they're lots folks in the YT comments of Episode 96 echoing this exact sentiment.

Josh Walker

I don't know Colin, I feel Ubisoft has been very console mutal this generation. It may of started off with a lot of "timed exclusives," but as a fellow xbox subscriber, I can speak with utmost certainty that Ubi has given us a fair share of deals.

Your Boi Nicky V

Nioh 2 had a ridiculous barrier to entry. I died like 30 times on the first 15 enemies and I was decent as the first one. Not sure what the devs gain by it, I just uninstalled and sold it.


I'm always worried for people that don't know that you can buy a replacement battery for $15 on Amazon and it's very easy to change, it's literally the first thing you see when you open the controller with just a single plug... I understand not wanting to void a warranty but does it matter if your controller no longer works??! I actually don't like the Xbox controller needing batteries, my son uses our Xbox and I got a rechargable battery pack for it. He somehow broke the little hinges that hold the battery cover on and the battery kept falling out so I had to tape it on.


many people are hating on the last of us part II because of “the agenda it’s pushing” i honestly have no clue why people would think this but anyway 🤷‍♀️

Zibi Majewski

The main reason why people have "hate boner" for part 2 is because of virtue signalling and Neil having Anita Serkisan (whatever her name from Feminist Frequency) in his corner to help shape the narrative of part 2 so that it doesn't come across as misigonystic. Can't believe you haven't seen it online. This the main point of contention for all these haters.


PS3 and PS4 controller batteries are easy to replace, it’s 4 screws and the battery plugs in easily.


They didn't bring her onto the writing team! I don't even know where people are getting this.


Yeah, Sony's activity on YouTube really is inexcusable, though I will say that -- as someone who was accidentally caught in a snare by them on YouTube once with my Spiderman review -- they use a third party.


I was in a similar situation when I first played, but when I went back in 2017, I "figured it out," as it were.


I don't care what people do with the information leaked; but the fact remains that the game has been ruined unfairly for many, many people, and it's fucked up.


I just legit don't have the patience for these absurdly hard games anymore. I dunno... that's just my take.


Most people aren't going to crack open their controller for any reason. I think you're overestimating people (including me).


I'm certainly not gonna do that, but I'm glad other people can. If the battery is $20 and I put it in an old controller, or I can just spend $60 on new everything, I'll spend the $60.

Dan T

I've seen some people talking about old articles that mention Neil saying he was following Anita's content for guidance on moving away from sexist depictions of women in video games, which is fine but many people feel like this is cheap, pandering or condescending. You're 100% right in saying that they can make whatever game they want, and I agree that no art is apolitical, however, I see too many of the same lines of thought in what we've heard and seen from Naughty Dog recently as in the cancel culture that you yourself have discussed on your show, to be honest I find it frustrating that you dismiss these opinions on Naughty Dog or Neil as just "haters" (which I realize do exist aplenty), when so much of what we've seen from them (specially the leaked scenes, which, context or not, are just so incredibly over the top) echoes the same way of thinking that caused you so much pain and unfairness a few years ago (groupthink, wrongthink, cancel culture, censorship and vilification of any remotely conservative point of view). Anyways I can't wait to hear your thoughts after playing the game, as I'm sure you'll at least appreciate some of the controversy with this.


If you don't want to that's one thing but some people talk like they don't know it's an option. If you're to the point of buying a new $60 controller and your old controller is basically garbage, then what's the harm. I like taking things apart though lol


Battery is 16 on Amazon but to each his own I guess. I upgraded both PS4 controllers with a longer lasting battery.


Yeah, I'd rather spend a third of the price fixing what I already have, and not buy something I don't have to. You can really clean the buttons and everything when it's all apart, and it's just like new. I changed the sticks out on my controllers back at launch when they were all peeling off.


This reminds me of when years ago you mentioned that its ridiculous not to expect developers to have a political message or agenda behind a game. I agree with you, the person who leaked this game deserves to be punished. I'm sorry, but saving your 60 dollars does not make it any less wrong and illegal.


Anything that is considered “not a norm” is seen as pushing an agenda like people kinda need to get over themselves because i hate to break it to them but having straight characters again again and again can get very repetitive and well it’s nice that ellie is you know not straight but anyway 37 days left until we can truly tell