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Here on Sacred Symbols, we like to make fun of Chris Ray Gun for all sorts of reasons, but it's his undying love of Doom that's perhaps easiest to target. After all, he brings it up nonstop. But this week is Chris' week, friends, because Doom Eternal has finally arrived, and our young Puerto Rican friend is hyped up and ready to talk all about it. Let's give him the floor, shall we? Then, let's jump into the news! Sony's bizarre PS5 tech reveal was so confusing and ill-conceived that they had to release some clarifications, GameStop is closing its doors (temporarily?), Final Fantasy VII Remake's release will be kinda-sorta uninterrupted, and much more. Then, listener inquiries! Does Microsoft have to pay Sony for Xbox's use of Blu-ray? What could a Castlevania game on PlayStation 5 look like? Is Ghost Recon about to ruin Splinter Cell? Is Colin really an anime dork, after all?


0:00:17 - Intro.
0:02:54 - A note on last week's Sacred Symbols+.
0:05:15 - Feedback wanted: Should we change SS' recording schedule around?
0:08:42 - Twin Breaker is out now! Please go buy it!
0:10:07 - Is everything going to be okay?
0:14:16 - Colin is a hypocrite and does in fact like anime.
0:15:46 - What have we been playing?
0:28:28 - Mark Cerny details PlayStation 5's technical specs.
0:50:03 - Is Mark Cerny turtley enough for the turtle club? (etc.)
0:54:52 - For the time being, Sony claims PS5 is still coming out in 2020.
1:00:20 - GameStop has closed its doors due to COVID-19.
1:06:18 - Final Fantasy VII Remake physical copies may be delayed.
1:12:12 - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Remastered is likely en route.
1:19:32 - Nintendo is taking down Dreams creations that use their IP.
1:23:13 - Yves Guillemot promises to take care of Ubisoft's employees during COVID-19.
1:25:10 - Will there be an influx of indie games in the coming months?
1:27:36 - Will more developers opt to work remotely?
1:31:22 - Sabotage Studio has announced a JRPG.
1:33:40 - Hello Games is releasing a game this summer called The Last Campfire.
1:36:17 - Shadowman is getting remastered.
1:37:50 - Minor game announcements and release date information.
1:38:54 - This week's new releases for PS4, PS Vita, and PSVR.
1:47:34 - Will PS4 owners switch to Xbox Series X next-gen?
1:50:59 - Have we ever thought about jumping into the Trails JRPG series?
1:54:11 - How much money does Sony make from Xbox using Blu-ray tech?
1:56:46 - What TV shows have we been binging during the quarantine?
1:59:28 - Is Ghost Recon about to ruin Splinter Cell?
2:01:34 - What would we want from a Castlevania game on PlayStation 5?



Marc Cairney

The pride of lonnnng Island. Happy game launch day.


Just purchased and downloading now!


I'm so happy my Dana Carvey Reference made a timestamp! And it got a good laugh from Colin and Chris 😁😂

Anthony J Sanchez

Can't wait to listen to this while at work with a very small amount of customers coming in. Things are very weird right now. Thank you both Colin and Chris for being a form a consistency during these unusual times.

Ross Winyard

I would buy it if I could find it on psn. (UK / eu store)


Gonna blast this while I hunt for toilet paper


↖️ Owner of Twin Breaker: A Sacred Symbols Adventure


I'd be fine with you switching the main show to go live Friday and Plus go live Tuesday.

Ben Williams

I like the idea of switching SS and SS+ days. I think it makes sense for the news cycle


In defense of Doom's platforming, it's clearly an aspect of the game that was designed with mouse and keyboard in mind. The key difference being that you have to take your thumb off the analog stick to press jump, whereas on keyboard you can hit Space while still controlling your aim direction.


I wonder if you're opinion on Nioh being better than Soulsborne would be different if/when you beat any of them. I really look forward to your insight. Hoping you revisit them with The Demon's Souls remake.

larry Seitz

Colin my opinion. Flip the shows plus on Tuesday and regular show on Friday. Same recordings. The free feed get its on Tuesdays now

Michal Dudic

I have already stopped purchasing digital PS4 games just because I don't know if they will be supported on PS5. Sony dun goofed.


If the main show goes live Friday, with free posted on Tuesday then you could keep both Tuesday and Friday great. Plus could go live on Monday. I personally would prefer the podcast going up later in the week on friday

Morten Madsen

I'd be fine with you switching. You could do it like this: SS on Friday (Patreon), Monday public. SS+ Tuesday.


I love doom eternal. Love the platforming too. I was afraid that the story went way overboard but got less bothered over time.

Travis Johnson

Really glad you're getting back into Nioh, it's definitely on my list of top three games of the last five years, and so far Nioh 2 has been delivering the goods (although I agree with some people out there, it is easier than the first one). I almost think the initial difficulty in both games is there to rewire your brain to be patient and strategic in a way that you might not think to be initially, and getting past that first boss is the key to unlocking that part of your play style. Sure, it's mechanical gatekeeping essentially, so I get why it turns people off, but letting that way of playing take over is a super rewarding experience. Hope you stick with it! And check out the 80s miniseries Shogun if you want a crash course on the very real history it's based on!

Drew Sleezer

I'm with Chris on the platforming in Doom Eternal. The sections are quick and fluid and don't ask too much of the player. The platforming is maybe less than 5% of the game.

Real Radec

So I was looking this up and Spyro did launch with only the first game on the disc. But then Activision actually reissued the disc with all three games on the disc, no download required after you put it in your console. Weird thing is Activision never publicly announced this, link for reference: https://www.reddit.com/r/Spyro/comments/dtu78i/spyro_reignited_trilogy_ps4_disc_with_latest/

Ryan Harvey

Even if I got the digital version I would still get ffvii late, it’s over 100 gb so I’m just gonna wait for my collectors edition :-)


Congrats on the launch of your game Colin, currently at work but I have my Vita charging ready to play. That being said, please continue releasing the podcasts on the same days. Either way, you will record and some piece of news will break no matter what day you record. That's bound to happen. Can't please everyone. Thanks, Saul

Marco Maluf

Downloading my Twin breaker right now (41,50 brazilian money, 1 dollar costs 5 of our money right now 😢)

Ryan Harvey

Nioh has crazy cool combat, but the souls games have amazing level design and world building.

Watch Ergo Proxy

"When Spyro came out you didn't even have the full game on the disk" Yeah, and that wasn't because of the physical limitations of disc media, it was because of this always-online digital attitude some publishers have. They could've easily put it onto 3 discs if they really couldn't compress the games down any further, Spyro isn't a very good excuse to go all digital because that was a massive error on the part of the publisher. I'll stick with my physical copies that I can play whenever I want without an internet connection, I have plenty of games in my backlog.

Jake Z

For how many publishers Colin has criticized over the years for releasing their smaller games around the same time as bigger games, it's funny he releases his game the same week as Doom Eternal, Animal Crossing New Horizons, and Half-Life: Alyx haha

Zack Forney

Happy Twin Breaker release day! Really enjoying it while I’m in quarantine


It worked out. We have far more time on our hands, after all!

Jack Sibert

Haha walking on the beach is actually ok Chris. In fact, going for open-air walks/runs by yourself or with your spouse/children/roommate (whoever you'd be trapped under the same roof with anyway) is actually advisable for your physical and mental health. The virus does not propagate well and survive out in open air. If you're not enclosed in close quarters with others for extended amounts of time and/or coming into contact with surfaces that others have youll be fine. Just if you come across groups of others while outdoors, distance yourself 4-6 meters.


Great podcast as usual! I bought Twin Breaker and can't wait to play it. I would be more than fine with flipping SS and SS+. Thanks for all that you do!

Ember's Arcade

Twin Breaker is actually really hard, wtf.

Anthony Longo

Colin let me fill you in. No Souls player thinks that boat boss in Nioh is even in the top 10 of hard bosses in that game. It’s supposed to be hard. This isn’t a Ubisoft game. And to be honest if you never beat Dark Souls or even played most of it then you are unqualified to say Nioh is better than Souls games. Dark Souls is Fromsoft. So there’s that.


Am I being thick? Uk ps store and can’t find twin breaker for love nor money and one give me clue? Friday release maybe?

Zack Forney

Also jealous of people who own a Vita and can play it there because I know it would be perfect on that screen instead of a TV

Caleb Greer

Colin, One Piece is the largest and most popular anime/manga in the world I believe. It’s been going on since like the early 2000s, and has like over 1200 episodes (I’m not kidding). World’s actually pretty cool though, you’d enjoy it if you got into it. I’m >only< on like episode 575 of the dub lol.

Richard Duflo

Chris is so right about the Marauders in Doom. There’s one in a secret encounter later in the game that is a real bastard. Anyway, I’m playing Twin Breaker and it’s great! The stages with 4 paddles are kinda kicking my ass, but congrats on the game, Colin!

Jason Stafford

Is it bad that I'm jealous of all the people hanging out at home? My work is business as usual.

Kendrick Luckenbach

Moving the day of the show to support news better would be awesome. Fridays for patrons, mondays for regulars, SS+ on tuesdays. It lets patrons write in for news and releases during the week then SS+ questions through the weekend. Then, you can still make Tuesdays great again. Just not for free loaders ;)

Cole Minder

Pretty sure Nioh was a free PS Plus game recently

Zack E

It does seem that the Tuesday posting is arbitrary. I like the Friday early access, Monday free access, Tuesday SS+. That seems to be win win for everything. In fact, it improves the free feed the most. Because I do think it’s a little silly to wait 3 business days to post the episode for the free feed as it currently happens. There are plenty of weeks that the news completely changes by the time the episode drops on Friday. I don’t know your numbers, but obviously the free feed must be the biggest point of entry for new listeners. You may confuse the new listener when you talk about what was “news” on Monday, when you record, even though this was actually news that was made the previous Tuesday. By the time they listen to it on Friday, that could be up to 10 days after the original news story. While if you record Thursday, drop it on Monday for free feed. The chances are of big changes occurring over course of weekend are slimmer.


If the console gets delayed is it possible to make some minor improvements to it with the extra time?

Monterey Jack

Please do not change the dates that you release content. Good how it is. Don't listen to the loud minority! Btw, just downloaded your game! Surreal to see you guys on there. Happy for you both =)

Oliver Johnson

I’m sure I’ll be one of many making the Colin was Wrong comments but I will remind you that Black Ops 4 sales were soft comparatively. MW reboot had an excellent campaign and largely contributed to being back on top (though it never really left). Those numbers represent COMPLETION. Many just play the best levels and continue on with multiplayer. CoD will continue to sell to its hardcore audience with its multiplayer but its the value proposition of a single player that brings in those on the fence, just like myself and plenty others on my friends list.

Braden Summers

What Colin was saying about companies potentially realising they don't need offices is absolutely right, we still live in a world where so many people travel far away from home to do something they could with their own computers. This sort of world has been around for a century at least, I don't think we've realised that we can live more online. Particularly research and software development jobs can be done from home. Just my thoughts.

Scott MacLure

I definatly in favour of the podcasts beeing moved to later im the week! If you have more news to discuss thats great. And now being a single, mature student I'd like to have this podcast to look forward to for my friday night haha! If Im understanding you correctly.


Yo Chris, As a person in Ohio, I can confidently say that the internet is fine here. And I don't live in a major city. Not sure where you got that idea. There is modern civilization in plenty of places through the "fly-over states" lol

Benjamin the Warped Nuclear Test Subject

I live in Michigan (granted, Metro Detroit) and was coming to say the same thing. The internet here is actually quite fast. My relatives that live in rural areas even have decent internet, though it's not the best if multiple people are streaming or something like that.


Got to say as someone who actually lives in a real rural area the internet is a constant battle. Physical copies are the only way I’m able to play video games. Updates are done through my phones hotspot and take upward of 2-3 days. I get that internet is getting better in some places but there’s things like data caps, throttling, and general ISP fuckery that keeps me from ever considering going strictly digital.

Jason Bristol

Colin, I’m curious how you’ll feel about Nioh after that second boss with the butterfly woman, that’s where most people drop the game. The early game of Nioh is way too hard and it gets easier as you go which I feel is kinda broken since enemies are much cheaper than in Souls and bad attack tracking led to much of my frustration. Still a good game outside of those issues. I recommend the sloth talisman asap.


Also wanted to say, I think you guys get physical games and GameStop really wrong. There can, and I think should, be a future that allows for both physical and digital. I don't think that's unreasonable. So to say, "Physical games are done just get over it," is completely unfair. I buy both and I enjoy having a physical copy if I really like the game. Many more people than you think still want physical games for many reasons.


Colin, you’re definitely a dork and a nerd and all that jazz. 😛 The classic MW games have excellent online mp. I’ll take any of them over what they’ve been putting out recently. Most of my backlog consists of PS4 games so I’d only switch permanently to XSX if they bring new exclusives or the power difference is too good to pass up. Might not even upgrade the Xbox day 1 if Halo on the Xbox One looks decent enough.

Marcus Brown

Really stoked for Shadow Man, used to play it as a child. Interested to see how a remaster looks. Also just beat Twin Breaker and it rules, can't wait for a sequel.

Mitch Krassin

The description of Twin Breaker through the translator was brilliant lol

Ryan Murdoch

If you lose internet (which is possible in these times espically) your downloaded games get locked out, physical games do not. Thats a big deal. Does anyone know a way around that?.

Ryan Murdoch

Agreed , downloaded games get locked out if you are not connected too. If we lose internet due to COVID19, there go a fair chunk of our games.

Josh Lucas

If you have your PS4 as your account’s Primary PS4, you should be able to play your games offline.

Josh Lucas

Yes the Bioshock games were backwards compatible, but the original releases were 30 fps 720p. The remasters were 60 fps at 1080p, so it was a huge upgrade. I know you don’t care as much about framerate as some of us do though, since when you replayed The Last of Us you played the inferior version at 30 fps :P

Josh Lucas

Hopefully we get these kind of enhancements for free this time around, especially with first party titles. I do agree it’ll be harder to get away with re-releasing now, especially since Xbox has said enhanced patches are free for their games on series x.

Bruce The Genetic Jackhammer Rando

Just wanted to put in my two cents towards the decision to move the podcast. People not unlike me have a long list of podcasts they listen to and only listen during work hours. I’ve noticed that most gaming podcasts seem to come out towards the end of the week and the podcasts that release on Friday I usually end up kicking them back to Monday and a lot of the time I end up not listening to them and deleting them if they’re a current events sort of podcast like SS is. I’ll keep listening regardless. Personally I think it’d be better to record on the weekend and put it out Sunday night or Monday morning so people can start their week listening to the c-folk. Just a thought

Lee Bull

Colin Colin Colin *shakes head* You bought Nioh? Practice what you preach man it was free on PS+ and should have been in your library. P.s schedule swap on episodes sounds good.

DB Cooper

I loved Shadowman as a kid! I remember there was a way you could end up changing his skin to Bloodshot (another comic by Valiant, now staring Vin Diesel).

Alex Bolton

I think the flip flop idea is a fine idea, but I also think it might be nice to have a SS+ on Mondays, SS proper on Thursdays, and move knockback release to either Wednesday or Friday. I know recording + on a Sunday would kind of blow with that schedule though. Either way, I don't think changing the release day of any of the podcasts will impact the enjoyment of them.


Colin you mentioned you would never do an office space for CLS. It made me think back to the Kinda Funny studio. Was that different because it was a studio space as opposed to an office? Would you do a CLS studio space? I prefer sacred symbols coming out earlier in the week personally.


It seems that no matter the decision I make, people won't be happy... but I do wanna see what the freeloaders say, too, before I make any decisions.


That's not the reason. It's because the game was going to be delayed if they didn't manufacture; the second and third games weren't ready.


There's just no reason for companies to congregate like it's 1950 anymore. With rare exception, people in the corporate world can (and should, and I think will increasingly) work from home.


I'm there now and I got her down to 5% health like twice, and then died because I got too greedy. =\


Hmmm... I suppose there's no real point to NOT recording on a weekend, but I don't think that's the solution.


On the CoD Modern Warfare trophy’s. I think that the numbers have been heavily skewed, due to Warzone being free and tied to the same trophy list. The campaign completion has gone down another 2% in less than 3 days.


I personally don't really want the schedule to change. As for Twin Breakers, congratulations. I am on level 8 so far, trying to get S on everything and really like it.


I agree that flipping the shows would be a good idea


I am all in favor of changing the schedule to the one you proposed!

Zibi Majewski

I've gotta admit that I always thought listening people talk for couple hours would be huge waste of time but the Sacred Symbol was the first podcast to prove me wrong. I'm eagerly awaiting each new episode and listen to it in full (sometimes in chunks), while being entertained or learning something new. Just goes on to show how you should never dismiss new experiences on preconceived notions. Thank you double-C for proving me wrong.


I just want to say that I like the idea of recording on Thursday and posting Friday Monday.

Josh Sheppard

Here to vote in favor of the schedule change 👌

Zack E

Think this is accurate. Noticed the MW trophy list popped up for me as well. Those numbers are now out of whack


Hey C&C, Apologies in advance for the wall of text, but I need to vent a little bit. I think your “Sony Defence Force” comment was a bit harsh. I’m not entirely sure what/who exactly you were referring to, but let me at least explain my frustration with how the media is handling the PS5 Deep Dive talk. After listening to the “Road to PS5” talk, I turned to the typical tech sites and podcasts and expected to see and hear a lot of coverage about how awesome the new tech is going to be and how this new tech is going to enable Sony’s first party studio to create amazing games. You would hope that the educated tech press would help in parlaying the technical information into what your average joe can expect from these next generation of consoles. And yet, everything circled around pointless comparisons between the two machines (Xbox Series X vs PS5) and how one console’s numbers are bigger than the other and vice versa. Also, an ambiguous comment about backwards compatibility completely dominated the conversion. Whereas 50 minutes of truly revolutionary technology that will be made available to us PlayStation gamers where just pushed to the side for the sake of clicks and sensationalism. A lot of people brought up how good Digital Foundry’s video was about the reveal, and I’m 100% certain it’s because they were one of the few tech sites/journalists who actually seemed excited about the tech and info rather than trying to contrast and play into the MS vs Sony tribalism. Now I get that we as Sony fans should hold them accountable for the missteps that they make. And that critique can be just as useful to Sony, especially at this early stage, to align the console and messaging towards what we as gamers want. But don’t forget, this is a PlayStation podcast. We listen to Sacred Symbols because we play and enjoy PlayStation games. So it would have been appreciated if you could have spent at least some time showcasing your genuine excitement for the next gen console, instead of hammering home the point of how Sony’s messaging is sub-par compared to MS. Let me ask you this: are you not excited to see what Sony Santa Monica, Guerilla, Sucker Punch, Naughty Dog and Insomniac are going to create with all this tech at their disposal? I know I am. I just wish my excitement and enthusiasm was shared by the tech press at large. But maybe that’ll change once Sony starts showcasing games themselves. I just want to end this rant by saying that Sacred Symbols had actually had one of the more reserved and measured coverage of the PS5 reveal compared to the tech press in general. So kudos to that. This is actually my first real involvement in a console launch since I’ve previously been exclusively a PC gamer. So maybe this is just par for the course. I hope this didn’t come over as too aggressive. Cheers, Pete PS. Swapping SS and SS+ sounds like a good idea.


Hey Pete, thanks for your feedback! We aren't the tech press, so I understand if you're frustrated with them and their coverage. We are an enthusiast podcast, and obviously we love PlayStation, or we wouldn't do this show. Thing is, I've been covering them professionally for well over a decade, now, and I think I understand the cadences and rhythms to what they do pretty damn well. So I need to be honest with what I think, and tell that to the audience in a candid way. Of course I'm excited about what the first party studios are going to make. But we don't know anything about those games yet. And it's funny to me to have people defend Sony on that presentation with, for instance, backwards compatibility, when it was they who misspoke about backwards compatibility. It was Sony that decided to hype a GDC-style speech, and it was they who decided to talk deeply about tech, and not show any games, talk about partnerships, or services, or show the box or controller, or anything else that most people are going to truly care about. I'm not going to defend Sony just to defend 'em, and I will continue to tell people how I feel. That's just how I roll. And I think you know that. I choose not to focus on the hypotheticals, because we truly don't know what's what yet. And once we see the games, etc., trust me, I'm sure our hype will go up. In the meantime, we had a pretty ill-conceived presentation (with a major error in it that needed to be corrected via a press release), and we spoke about it. The Sony Defense Force comment wasn't aimed at any individual person, but rather a mindset which I cannot comprehend. That's all. <3


Thanks for the thoughtful reply. Here's hoping we can all get excited and hyped once Sony starts talking about their real strengths... Games!

Luke Bernhard

Don't be shit talking Dark Souls 3 and Bloodborne in comparison to Nioh - not even close... In an answer to your Nioh connundrum - the difficulty in the beginning is simple. Gatekeeping. Just like the Bell Gargoyles in DS1, Father Gascoine in Bloodborne. Gotta git gud. Just hate how dark Nioh is. Bloodborne is fucking lovecraftian horror and it is broad daylight compared to playing Nioh


But that's the thing... I didn't find Bloodborne that hard at all in the beginning. Nioh has gotten easier, but I'm still not great at it.