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Today, Rocksteady is one of the most famous game developers on the planet, but back in 2009, they were basically unknown. With only one obscure PS2 game under their belt, the British team was met with an enticing challenge: Make a good Batman title. Turns out, such a task is easier said than done, but Rocksteady rose to the occasion. 2009's Batman: Arkham Asylum is one of the very best licensed games ever created, an ode not only to the Dark Knight, but to 3D exploration and kinetic fisticuffs, too. Packing exceptional vocal performances, tons of unlockables and secrets, and the perfect playtime in an era of too-long adventures, Arkham Asylum more than deserves its own episode of KnockBack. You asked for this one, CLS Patrons, and we're all too happy to oblige.




Holy quarantine, Batman! Something to enjoy!

Riley Brewer

Nearly 3 hour podcast and isolation. Nothing better

Sean Williams

I literally just beat the campaign again yesterday, lol. Trying to get the platinum but I hate those challenge modes, those are all that I have left


Always preferred Asylum to City and Knight

Timothy Bryant

Arkham City is better and also my favorite game of all time l. I’ve beaten the story over 20 times and it’s just the best asylum is cool too. Didn’t grow up playing metroidvanias so I’d rather go around an open world as Batman meeting all the villains and so much hidden secrets and cool stuff you can find just exploring. And I love Batman. With that being said, looking forward to hearing this episode once I catch up.

Timothy Bryant

They are the absolute worst. I love all the games in this series, but I’m just not good enough to get all the medals lol

Matthew Clem

Love this game, can't wait to listen to the episode! Hope you're feeling better as well, Colin!

Judah Bailey

Just played this for the first time a few months ago and it definitely holds up! Gotta go back for the platinum at some point.

Connor Farner

I couldn't have asked for a better episode to listen to!!! Hope you're feeling better Colin.

Daniel Boyer

Thank you! I needed this!

Jorge Aponte

Hey Colin. Feel better, bubba.

Steve hamilton

Colin, the challenges are tough for sure but shouldn’t keep you from the platinum. You have some far more difficult/tedious platinums under your belt.

Remington James

Fellas! I’m totally fine with Corona talk at the beginning of these considering we’re all collectively going through this right now. Plus these episodes are time capsules so you’re adding more value to them IMO head up Colin, you got this!


Almost 3 hours?! You are a quarantine Jesus!

Jay Jones

Shock and Awe Extreme may test his limits, but if I can do it twice (PS3 and PS4), then he definitely can!

Rory Powers Right Areola

1) I hope when they do Arkham city the address that ridiculous trophy for calendar man 2) Arkham Knight is one of the best video games of all time and the best in the series, hopefully they agree!

Ismail Diop

So I just finished reading Harleen, a 3 issue story that explores Harley Quinn's origin. It may be one of my favorite Joker stories of all time, it's very cerebral, and it explains Harley's descent from someone who just wants to help a fucked up city into one of it's criminally deranged. Highly recommended.

Marcus Brown

Did anyone else scream for 5 minutes when Dagan/Colin was wondering who Oracle was? 🤣 Great episode as always, can't wait for Arkham City and my favorite Arkham Knight. You know what, we should acknowledge Origins as well. 🦇

Andy T

Love this episode! Well done guys!

Caleb Greer

What all Batman’s gadgets and abilities adds to the combat, even if not functionally more efficient, is that it allows the player to make the fights look cinematic and cool doing takedowns with a bunch of different abilities, making the player feel more like Batman. You talk about playing Mega Man in a fluid way in which you’re constantly moving gracefully etc., so it’s not apples to apples, and you have a point, but I think that may be a point you’re somewhat missing about functionality of these things in combat. They can be just options to make what’s happening on screen look cool! Enjoyed the episode, take care of yourself!

Brandon Lahood

The back Arkham collection is on psn for $5

Alex Lawrence

Was just waiting for them to realize she was Barbara but it never happened (oh shit it just did nvmd)


Just brilliant.


Who the hell is Abby from Sesame Street? I don't remember that one.

Zach Brown

As much as I like the discussion of Batman, I most relate to Dagan's tales of home life, as I, too, am in a period of comforting my kids due to cancelled sports and activities while always trying to get my wife to enjoy television of actual quality.

Judah Bailey

She is a pink fairy who debuted in '06. She came in just as I was getting "too old" to watch Sesame Street as a kid.


I'm a 98 baby so I grew up with the classics. Lol

Your Boi Nicky V

I recently came to the same realisation about the combat. It's pretty shallow even though back then it was mind blowing. Maybe the recent move towards more deliberate combat like in God of War and Bloodborne has changed our standards. Glad Dagan liked it anyway, always up for hearing his take on modern classics.


It's fluid and no doubt fun... but definitely shallow and not very difficult. I really am a believer that you've gotta force people to use your mechanics in some way, shape, or form, or it kinda defeats the purpose of them being there at all.


Hey Colin ever since Rocksteady finished Arkham City there's always been a decent amount of rumors about them making a TMNT game. Any truth to this?


FUCK R2D2 #scumbot