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It's true: We would have never chosen to do this topic on our own. But when our beloved audience voted on Patreon to hear this discussion, we simply had to oblige. In 1992, the Moriarty Brothers' parents split. In the wake of that event, our lives were reshaped forever. This isn't an uplifting episode of KnockBack by any stretch of the imagination, but it's most certainly a candid and honest one, one about loss, pain, choice, and consequences. We are who we are, in part, because of this traumatic event, one that occurred when we were 18 and 7. Two wildly different ages packing two radically different perspectives.



Dimitreus Newell

Definitely interested to hear this one

Forrest Hunter

I’m very excited about this episode. My parents had a very tumultuous relationship due to my father’s drinking and I often wondered if they should have been divorced. My father died a week ago comfortably at my home and he and I made our peace over the last five years of caring for him, but I wonder if my parents could have achieved that peace had they not stayed together.

Remington James

My parents got divorced when I was too young to understand it & as an adult looking back I can really see how both sides played us kids against the other. Never really felt as "loved" as my friends who still lived in one household. Great topic guys, can't wait to listen! Also, Colin: heard you were going through something on the last SS episode and wanted to tell ya to keep your head up. It ain't always easy being cheesy BUT after my greatest lows in life the greatest highs have always followed. You're releasing a GAME dude! You have an audience that supports you & you made it through another Womens Day unscathed. Look at the brightside brother. Nothin but love!


Divorce hype. Being a young product of divorce, excited to see if I turn out more like Dagan or Colin


My parents didn't have a divorce but I just lost my dad recently. The friends whose advices helped and were true were either people who themselves had lost a parent or had their parents go through divorce. I feel like real topics like this are just as important to our personal day to day lives as the star wars are to our cultural lives.


Good thing i have you guys to entertain me now that my school is closed because of coronavirus. I'm gonna divorce society


Difficult discussions are often important ones. Very interested in this episode. Best to both of you.


Heavy episode but one of favorite ones and very interesting too


I appreciate you both for having this conversation. It's good to revisit our past and reflect. It's weird how this parallels my, and I'm sure others, experiences with divorce.


Thanks for being willing to do this one guys.

Jordan Avery

As someone who had their parents divorce at age 6, Colin's perspective really spoke to me. I know it was hard to talk about but I appreciate that you guys did this subject. Helped me gain perspective of my own situation and I am thankful. Keep up the great work, guys.

Joseph Marzola

Still listening but trust me Colin as a fellow divorce kid: I've asked the questions you've asked in this ep my entire life. Shocking that family and friends dont understand the devastation divorce caused to your ability to trust and love fully, and its maddening that they blame you for being anti social at times. But there is another side and you dont need 10 hours per week of psychoanalytical therapy for a year. My personal recommendation is EMDR therapy. In a nutshell it teaches your mind how to re-process traumas from your past and the triggers that are caused because of them in your waking life. It is by far the most EFFICIENT form of therapy there is, blending the best of CBT, standard talk therapy, and mindfulness meditation. If you needed more justification: it's been used to get people off of Heroin, haha. Dr. Drew was a huge proponent of it and my life is completely turned around because of it and I'm in control of most of my anxiety and depression now after going once a week for a couple years. Love you bro. Message me if you have questions ❤❤❤

Jimmy Valentine

Man. I'm not a very emotional person. But this hit me hard and I lost it sitting in the parking lot listening to this episode. My parents almost got divorced ten years ago because they both made bad decisions. I'm lucky because they stayed together and are doing well. But that time was really hard for me because my father moved out and I had no idea. I lived out of town studying at my dream school and they didn't want to tell me anything to protect me and my grades. I was devastated when I came home for the summer. Now that I'm getting married in October, I think about what I want for my kids. It took a long time for me to have a relationship with my dad again due to them almost getting divorced. Thanks for being brave enough to talk about this. I have a lot of respect for you guys.

Ian (616Entertainment)

Thanks for sharing your stories, guys. I’m a product of divorce as well, my parents split when I was 17, but they violently argued for my entire childhood. Sometimes I wonder what it would have been like if they split sooner. Unfortunately they went the ‘mortal enemies’ route, and had just started speaking again right before my dad died in at just 60 years old in 2017. I am definitely shaped by their relationship, but luckily, it’s in the opposite way. I hate to fight. If my girlfriend and I have a problem, I insist we talk about it, nothing goes unresolved. It’s probably annoying sometimes, how often I check on her, but I can’t help it. Thanks for bearing your souls, guys. <3


This one was really hard to get through. My parents divorced when I was 3, so I never really knew what life in a nuclear family was like. It was really tough on me growing up and I felt like I was robbed of a normal childhood. Furthermore, I am divorced and it really made me sit down and think about my own failures as a husband. It all hit like a freight train and I spent the better part of 20 minutes having an ugly cry in the bathroom. My heart goes out to both of you. While we have a one-sided relationship, it has been a pleasure getting to know you both through your stories.

Adam Barnes

Any chance I can get a name and current location on your mums ex boyfriend? Never mind the details, I just wanna send him something =)


Thank you both for being so candid and honest. Dagan, you're so right about TV propogating or exploiting children's fears of losing a parent (especially at that time). I feel like there was rarely, if ever, good and not evil step parents. And when they are good, they're always undermined or less-good than the actual parent.

Judah Bailey

This episode was incredibly relatable to me. My parents divorce was incredibly rough and happened when I was 13, and I totally empathized with Dagan when he talked about running from the problem and spending more time with my friends and their families rather than my own. Furthermore I also went through a similar thing Colin did in that I was always being shoved into other friend groups that I didn't have a history with. All in all, this was an awesome, relatable episode, and I want to thank both of you for sharing. =)

Douglas Nash

My parents divorced when I was pretty young. I know you guys probably found this very painful to talk about; but as someone who’s an adult now in their 20’s I can relate to Colin’s experience. So thank you for talking about and giving, voice to an experience that a lot of us have had but never speak about. Which if we did might help us move past our baggage.


This is exactly why I voted for this episode, I figured it wouldn't be a topic you would choose to do. My parents are still together, and I've never known what going through this was like. However, much like Dagan it was my greatest fear as a kid. The anxiety and dread it brought I can relate to on that level. So many people will be able to relate to this topic and I hope this was cathartic and therapeutic for you both. Would love to hear from Dana and Ally on the subject, but would also just love for them to be on an episode of Knockback in the future. Also the name game segment was one if the best by far, that's a keeper!


All I can say is BRAVO Colin and Dagan! I felt this one, you guys are the best. Thank you for sharing these intimate stories with us.


I'm the same way with my girlfriend. My parents constantly argued when I was a kid and it gave me an example of what not to do. Hope you're doing well Ian <3


my parents got divorced when i was 8. being an only child i really have no memory of my parents actually being happy together. i have just vague memories if any of the house i lived it up to 9. i always thought something was up with my parents when my dad was suddenly sleeping in the basement. at that age i really didnt really understand what was happening. i know exactly how you feel. i tend to rather be around my friends because i really dont know what having a nuclear family feels like. im generally a quiet person and i know a lot of my own faults stem from my childhood.


My parents use to fight all the time and when I was young, I wished they got a divorce. Then when I was 12, I had a dream that happened and then I was terrified they would get one. They struggled when I was young but they loved each other and are much better after my dad went to see a therapists 10 years ago (my dad was severely abused as a child and didn’t even tell anyone about it until his sister confronted him who had ptsd from watching my grandmother make my dad put his hands on the stove for long periods of time and perform other horrific acts) I don’t think I understood how much effort it takes to have a successful marriage when I was young. It’s easy to judge other people’s relationship but I have respect for people that stick together I guess. Obviously every relationship is unique and sometimes the best thing is just to find another partner. Thank you for sharing, guys. I was surprisingly taken back by this episode.

Marcus Brown

I truly appreciate you guy's sharing this with us, it means alot. Hope you both are well and are staying safe from this virus.


Colin (and Dagan), Your story is extremely similar to what happen with my parents divorce. -My dad too was a firefighter in California (forced to retire early because of injury). -I was the youngest of 3. -My mom walked out on our family. Didn’t see her for 11 years. Divorce sucks. As a father of two, I take from what I experienced and have it be motivation for my marriage. I never want my kids to go through what I had to. And Colin like you said, no kid at a young age should EVER have to decide which parent you want to go with. The foundation of a family starts with the mother and father and once you take away one of those the house begins to crumble. It’s something we will move on from but the root of our pain is pinpointed by this very act. I have found peace by praying and forgiving and loving my family. I pray you and your family have peace and to learn from these past events. As always, keep up the great work with your shows. Sincerely,


It wasn't until I was older that I realized how much damage the divorce did to me... because I was too young and stupid to know. So, to me, it makes sense that people on the outside or that who've never gone through it wouldn't understand. It's a shame, because it puts us on two different planets, but... that's to be expected.


I think at age 35, I'm still learning to come to terms with all of it. So yeah, it's cathartic. Practically useful, at the very least.


I don't think I'll ever understand nuclear family because it doesn't seem like I'll ever be able to build one of my own, either.


Yeah, it's like I said: It wasn't until I was in my 20s that I even considered a single time what my parents actually went through. I was pretty myopic.


This is the first episode of knockback I've listened to. Just started, but the topic resonates. I always realized that I was lucky that My parents were together for most of my life, and split the day before I left for college. My younger brothers Definitely feel it to this day.

Karan D

I don't know if this is the place to ask but have you ever thought of having another interview series? you've always been great at it since IGN all the way up to Fireside chats. Keep up the great work!

Eduardo Banda

It was a hard but great listening. I’m impressed of how open you were on this topic. I appreciate it guys.

Christopher Toffolo

Colin, I just wanted to pass along my appreciation for you and Dagan's honesty and vulnerability in this podcast. I could feel the pain this brings both of you. It also makes Knockback such a deeper and emotionally diverse experience. I love that I can laugh along with you guys as you talk about things from the past, but I also love that I can hear you guys talk about deep meaningful topics and it causes me to reflect. This is why Knockback is my favorite podcast. Be well, my friend.

Mike Bacior

Great episode guys! :)