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No... but the optics sure aren't good.


Are Video Game Critics Bought-Off?

For as long as there have been game reviews, there have been accusations of foul play. But are critics really corrupt? The short answer is no... but naturally, there's much more to say. Colin's Last Stand is a fan-funded endeavor. If you like our podcasts and videos, please consider showing your support on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/colinslaststand Listen to Sacred Symbols: A PlayStation Podcast! https://open.spotify.com/show/1GKTOA7ZhIfrxIxSR0rg25 Listen to Colin's retro and nostalgia podcast, KnockBack (also available on podcast services): http://bit.ly/KnockBackPod Twitter: @notaxation Instagram: @clsmoriarty Facebook: /colinslaststand Colin's Last Stand is a product of Colin's Last Stand, LLC The following sources were used in the creation of this episode of Side Quest: https://www.cinemablend.com/games/Future-Publishing-Writer-Outs-Shady-Publishers-Paid-Review-Scores-More-47988.html http://www.1up.com/do/blogEntry?bId=8568051 https://kotaku.com/yes-a-games-writer-was-fired-over-review-scores-5893785 https://web.archive.org/web/20120320011132/https://kotaku.com/329822/gamespot-may-see-mass-resignations-over-dismissal?tag=gaminggamespotonthespot http://kotaku.com/342519/3-companies-bar-egm-from-coverage-following-poor-reviews https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ouYp6i2kNU https://kotaku.com/takahashi-amends-mass-effect-review-339632 https://www.thegamer.com/death-stranding-cameo-famitsu-controversy/ https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/bjwv85/iceborne-review-monster-hunter-at-its-peak-colonialist-fantasy-included https://twitter.com/TimGettys/status/1139601029811412993?s=20 https://www.ign.com/articles/2012/07/16/is-metacritic-ruining-the-games-industry https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/9kzqxd/kingdom-come-deliverance-waypoint-radio https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2019-03-01-dead-or-alive-6-review-naff-and-likely-to-embarrass https://www.pcgamer.com/rimworld-review/ The following videos were used, in part, in the creation of this episode of Side Quest: https://youtu.be/9hD9fbx43C0 https://youtu.be/5FuJ81sDR2o https://youtu.be/gg0wK4vzo7I https://youtu.be/a12e3iKzqlw https://youtu.be/4M6ZBk53LMU https://youtu.be/4B6t9U1pRok https://youtu.be/QwOZwNbp4DI https://youtu.be/9vzX_sYp80Q https://youtu.be/gKsEPoJMuKY https://youtu.be/Xg3S4kZ2T3Y https://youtu.be/C-7AkrK9bCk https://youtu.be/M4sWZsropHo https://youtu.be/-_6ZMr2bMco https://youtu.be/QTeZlGHW-VA https://youtu.be/dbGD_d2cGEk https://youtu.be/cOb5HFeE0u8 https://youtu.be/-GBXuE6jcl4 https://youtu.be/OH02Zae1b4s https://youtu.be/pkXZI5EXdhg https://youtu.be/dNhR3Qf28hQ https://youtu.be/Qy1M-34Bv2s https://youtu.be/R2y9VX0JLJU https://youtu.be/xMH_4m3-Gno https://youtu.be/r2MtPSMh400 https://youtu.be/4KMFb9u4R3Y https://youtu.be/6gT7fhPHHZQ https://youtu.be/8iPCIBs4Ig8 https://youtu.be/9XXeABUG6Zc https://youtu.be/oncDUxv6JPQ Additional video content was supplied by Storyblocks, via license. The following sources provided still imagery: 1,000 Logos, Eurogamer, Future, Gaming Magz, Giant Bomb, IGN, Kotaku, Metacritic, Open Critic, PC Gamer, PIK PNG, PNG Key, Pokemon.com, Retro Mags, Venture Beat, and Vice.


sophia narwitz

I give this video a 7.8 out of 10. Too much water.

Evan Bederman

Ha great little resetera shout-out.


Great video, can’t wait to see more Side Quest topics in the future.

Jorge Sosa

I'm currently playing star wars Jedi and I don't think it very good. I was looking forward to it bc of Stig being the director. Graphics seem bad. A lot of texture popping or they don't load. Gameplay seems clunky and unintuitive. What do you guys think?


Look at you - back to regular Side Quest updates are we? CLS rules


Same. I found the game to be decent/good but nowhere near the GOTY hype it was getting from multiple places. Definitely felt like it was unfinished and lacking in polish, and the characters and story just didn't really grab me either.


Fantastic piece Sophia and Colin, so well balanced and if it make one or two people think before they speak or type then it’s done it’s job. Well done.

Will Ellis

Colin. I love you man. I just do.

Will Ellis

Excellent 10 year old reference here. Do you have a borat quote to go with it perhaps. Haha just joking with you. It’s an excellent video.

Brett Medlock

Great video CLS team <3 I’ve been running a site for 5 years and can confirm no publisher has ever attempted to pay for reviews. And as you said, the ads team and editorial rarely communicate with each other. I would’ve touched a little bit on the shady YouTube sponsorship stuff. Many Youtubers benefit from not being a corporate entity and get away with sketchy sponsorship ‘reviews’. Now that I can confirm does happen. It’s pretty gross. Have a good one!


Great work! Love the content, keep it coming!

rubber nipples 209

I like the behind the scenes knowledge you have the industry on how it works


This may have been addressed already but will these be in audio only form?

Patrick Dougherty

Sidequest is baacckkkkkk - enjoyed it. Good stuff.

Joe B

Sacred Symbols + about Naughty Dog crunch and crunch culture in general? @Colin

Raymond Aludino

Great insight from an awesome team.


Hey, Philip Mucin sure looks like Brian Altano. Oh, maybe it's just an editing thing.

Lee York

Great work guys! Really enjoyed this video.

Ryan Sherwood

Colin, I'm glad to see these episodes are back but I'll miss your narration if I'm being perfectly honest. I loved your Ninja Gaiden and Mario 3 playthroughs. They were just very chilled and perfect background accompanients to studying or working. I hope we get some more of these.