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Video game players around the world are indeed broken into many different communities, groups large and small that span individual titles, whole franchises, and even entire genres. But which community reigns supreme? Fighting fans, perhaps? Or maybe it's JRPG nerds? In today's mailbag-centric episode of +, we discuss (pardon the rhyme). Plus: Capcom has remade two classic Resident Evil games, but should it leave Resident Evil 4 alone? Should Sony port its double-A first and second party games to Switch? What's the worse archetype: The ice level or the underwater level? Does backwards compatibility really matter? Are we underselling Crystal Dynamics' upcoming Avengers game? Is Sony making a mistake not hurrying PSVR2 to market? All of that and more awaits you; all you have to do is hit play.




Wow an hour early

Michal Dudic

I *really* like it when Chris joins the mail bag episodes


Knack 2 is proof that there is no God and no hope for mankind

Caleb Greer

According to that credentialed professional Michael Osterholm person on Joe Rogan, they can tell that the virus was not created in a lab. You should listen to the podcast, it’s quite informative.

Kyle Goodrich

Regarding not being able to get something at the grocery store - here in Florida and I'm sure other places that get big storms a lot it's pretty common before a hurricane. That's the only other time I can think of that kind of shortage though, which is pretty crazy!

Travis Johnson

Gonna raise my hand as the lone Gravity Rush nut, think it might actually be my favorite SIE 1st party IP haha Also I did not know about that Sound Shapes cross-save exploit... and I platinumed it on all three platforms...

Richard Duflo

Favorite game communities? Trophy hunters! Does that count? A very helpful group of gamers.


I'm gonna have to agree with Chris about REmake 4. The cheese of the dialogue, the tank controls adapted to 3rd person, the inventory system, and even the Ashley escort all add to the charm of the game. The controls themselves may need some remapping, but the gameplay itself is all part of what makes the game so great. Metal Gear Solid definitely needs a remake more than RE4. The GameCube remake was pretty good, but it still doesn't play anywhere near as well as what the FOX engine can do (and controls even worse than RE4 imo). Plus I prefer the more grounded cutscenes of the original over the missile jumping ones of The Twin Snakes, so seeing a grounded take in HD would be a dream.

Real Radec

Its like the most Colin thing ever for him to hate on Gravity Rush, aka the best vita game and only important one that got a sequel 😜. Though i understand if your hate of Kat comes from PS All Stars cause she is STILL broken and OP in that game.

Anthony J Sanchez

I agree with you Colin. Re4 does need a remake. I originally played it in early 2006 on the Wii while in college. It played great and I loved it. However, after playing Dead Space a couple of years later I found out how great it was to play a horror survival game without traditional tank controls. Going back to RE4 now is most certainly difficult.


“What if Sony themselves were responsible...” That TLoU 2 marketing budget is streets ahead. The Avengers game has looked worse than Anthem every single time. I’m expecting it to sell on brand alone to people not in the loop. “You wanna strap this onto grandma...” is an interesting phrase. 😄 I love Saint’s Row. Agents of Mayhem is nowhere near the same quality. Another flop seen coming from miles away.


I love your jokes about this whole virus situation. I have this outlook on it as well while everyone at works is acting like headless chickens and every time I joke about it I get weird looks. Anyways - GAME ON!

Marcus Brown

I'm pretty sure Agents of Mayhem's only connection to Saints Row outside of the developers was Johhny Gat as a playable character? Other then that I here it's good but was just overshadowed and not marketed well. Great episode as always. Till next week. Stay safe y'all.

Bryan Finck

My favorite community is the speedrunning folks. So much skill with them, and they do so much good raising money for various causes. Incredibly entertaining to watch during GDQs as well.

Alex Lawrence

"I dont want to drone on about this, but I'm going to anyway" ~Colin Moriarty, and we love him for it

Zibi Majewski

Just got a platinum 🏆 in Shadow of the Colossus. Damn, the repetition required for plat in this game nearly broke my spirit. Thank you for Sacred Symbols to keep me from falling asleep when trying to max out my stats for the relevant trophy.


I played Tokyo Jungle for the first time at the end of 2019. It’s been on my backlog since it came out. It is a lot of fun, but I had problems with how repetitive it is. Oh also it’s on PS Now 😌


It went up at noon ET, which is when it always goes live. This could be a quirk of daylight savings, depending on where you are.


I just wasn't feeling it, but honestly, I haven't played it at all since the weeks before it came out.


Yeah, I simply couldn't play it when I went to do so on PS3. We've moved on with our control schemes! That's what made that Wii port so good.


Yeah, it's repetitive, and actually quite tough! But it's so clever and unique. Nothing quite like it.


Not sure you will see this Colin but I took you to task about being to critical about concerns about ps5. I apologise it was a Colin was right moment. They look complacent and really unprepared the Cerny "talk" and the mixed messages regarding backwards compatibility with ps4 games is shocking. They better wake up real fast.


We will see! I wanna see them take care of RE4, for sure.


We still have no real information (covid). Eating my last slice of Carvel 34 year old cake...(what is life all about?)