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Hey All,

I realized I posted the news on social media today, but not here, so...

Twin Breaker: A Sacred Symbols Adventure is coming to PS4 and Vita on March 24th. We plan on releasing it the same week across multiple territories, including the US, Canada, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and more.  We have no current, concrete plans to port the game to other platforms, and are concentrating on this PlayStation-centric launch for the time being.

If you didn't see our announcement late last year, Twin Breaker is a story-driven brick breaker in the spirit of Arkanoid, one of my all-time favorite games. It's being developed by Lillymo Games. I (Colin) wrote and co-produced the game. You can watch the trailer here.

We're doing a very limited physical run via our friends at eastasiasoft. There will be 1,000 copies on PS4, and another 1,000 on Vita. As our publisher revealed earlier today, this will be the only printing. We'll have word soon on when and how you can order. Demand for the physical versions seems high, so we'll do our best to communicate the specifics so you can secure your copy, but obviously, it'll be first come, first serve.

The digital version of the game will cost $9.99 or your local equivalent, and is cross-buy between platforms. Each version of the game will have its own Platinum Trophy.

That's pretty much it! We're excited, and hope you are too. <3




Can't wait, just wish you'd release it on March 11th!


I like this👌. I hope you sell 50k +++ copies. Give me that plat!!

Jake Watson

Can't wait to platinum this shit twice!


Looks like I have birthday plans.

Adam Barnes

Hell of a cover!

Eric Cibak

Can't wait to play guys! I know it's not your camp but would you ever consider releasing on Xbox?


This is an awesome step forward for cls. Looking forward to trying it out


Is this designed to be a 2 player game? Am I gonna have to try and make a friend in order to play?


Wow and a great price point as well! Can't wait for The Drop that week!!


I can’t wait! Great job Colin!!


Good for you, i wish you sell millions


Congrats! You're missing a colon on the first link "I posted the news" (so dead link) I follow you on twitter and I still didn't see it today somehow!

Ryan Hayman

Awesome you guys... Can't wait! Will have to dust off the vita

Ross Winyard

Day one purchase on this bad boy. Nice one lads!


No concrete plans for other platforms right now! Wanna just focus on getting this out the door first, and letting it breathe.

Mitch Orobko

Awesome can't wait to get it man.


Can't wait. Congrats!


So pumped, can't wait to get my hands on a physical copy!!


Hey CMCM, Please sign my copy that I will buy! Thanks!


My day has been made! Can’t wait to play!


Can’t wait. Played and platinumed both Perils of Baking and Habroxia.

Claire McMaster

Awesome! Can’t wait to Platinum the game on both platforms 🙂👍🏻 Wonder if IGN will review it? 😉

Jorge Aponte

You should purchase Lillymo Games and have them as your exclusive video game developer.


You should consider posting the physical copy info here first so your supporters can get a shot at ordering first (and a notification of the post to boot). Thanks, can’t wait!


Can’t wait! are there going to be any preorder bonuses or anything of that nature?


Can we preorder on psn?!

Luis Sanchez

The box art is BAD ASS!!!


This needs to be my platinum #38!


Can’t wait to get the platinum!!


Congrats C&amp;C! Can't wait to play it.


Awesome news, dudes. Congratulations!


Hell yeah!!

David Graham

A physical release of a Vita game nearly a year after they stopped manufacturing the cartridges? What kind of arcane ritual did you have to perform for that to happen?!

Lucas Gremista

Any way to make those coveted physical copies available for pre-order for patrons first?

Eli Aboukassam

Put me down for a physical copy, por favor!

Conor O'Neill

I can't wait to platinum this TWICE! Gonna try to make this my platinum #100! Congratulations!!

Zibi Majewski

I'm buying the game blind. I don't need to know anything about it, but I'll gladly support you and bag myself a "fun" platinum 🏆


So happy for you guys!

Reuben Barrett

What a cool milestone for Chris and Colin's careers. Congrats to all involved.

Christopher DiViaio

is there any way to get on a wait list for physical copies? I want a copy for each system.


Selfish question - will you tell the patrons about securing a physical copy before the rest of social media?

Mark Zebro, Jr.

Give me trophies or give me DEATH!!!


Can't wait to see what kind of PSN description you come up with for this game!


Congrats! It’s not usually my type of game but will definitely support you and buy this.


Wow I love the cartoon versions of you guys! It must be kind of surreal to see yourself stylized and immortalized in art like that.

Ivan Hornett

This is so cool Colin. I hope to grab a physical copy of both. You should do a bundle if possible, to make checkout easier and faster. I also agree with poster above that giving Patrons a heads up before the public would be dope.



Shawn Hayden

I NEED a physical copy for vita at the very least

Jack Fining

YES, congrats guys! I hope the physical copies for PS4 don’t run out before I get a chance to snag a copy


Will you have a Pateron pre order of the physical copy before the general pre order ? With only 1000 copies, I predict they will sell out in a heartbeat


This is so fucking cool. Congratulations guys! The cover is so cool! Can’t wait!


Will there be merchandising for this?


That is so exciting, I can’t wait!

Landon Tyler Cook

Never played this type of game but looking forward to since it's you guys

BettyAnn Moriarty

So very awesome! You’ve worked very hard and I’m truly proud of you and so excited for you guys. Yay! Can’t wait! 👍🏻😉💕


I can’t wait!!! I hope I can get a physical copy for both PS4 and vita!

Matthew Clem

Can't wait! Very exciting that it's so soon. Planning on getting a digital copy, plus a physical version on Vita!

Ben Williams

Why does the link to the social media post go to a home improvement site?

Adam Thiry

Gonna try to get the physical copy



Dennis Fox

Congratulations! This is going to be amazing!

Daniel Boyer

Congrats. I need this!


Oh man, I really wanted a physical Vita copy. I am horrible at buying limited things online. I have no luck when it comes to that. I guess digital it will have to be. I'm excited nonetheless.

Michael Akridge

Can’t wait for that store write up!


I like the cover art

Jake Watson

Are the physical Vita copies the actual cartridges or just a code in the box?

Chris Beeson

I really hope Colin has a line that says, “no pun intended.” He says it almost every show 😂


Superb! I’m hoping to get physical PS4, physical Vita for the collection, and a digital copy for playing! Will the NA and EU versions stack? (4 platinums)


I dare you not to include a platinum trophy

Kjell Dirckx

Yes, yes!!!! Congrats CLS team, and Lillymo Games. Day one buy for me.


Two separate platinums!? You guys are speaking my language! So stoked for the game!


Looks great ^_^

Nathan Guergis

So excited!! Anywhere specifically we should keep an eye to get notified first about the physicals?

Lars Serny Jensen

This is awesome. With my luck I miss the chance too get the physical copy for my collection. Next platinum here I come 🌮

Luke Tucker

So thrilled for you guys!! This is the coolest thing and I'm excited to play it!

Paul Moss

Can't wait, it looks great. Slightly concerned about the number of physical copies being made available. I would love to get this physical as would many others, hopefully we can all get what we want and shipping to the UK will be an option :)

Daniel Schiffer

Beholding the awesomeness that is that game art while coincidently listening to DragonForce - Through the fire and the flame was glorious. This badboy is gonna be one to jam my Spotify list to after I've experienced the campaign/sound track for sure!


Congratulations, this is wild! I will be watching EastAsiaSoft very closely from now on.

Aaron Treble

That cover art is fantastic. It would make a great poster for peoples basements, rec rooms, ect.


Will the game be released in Brazil?

Zack Forney

You’re an inspiration, Colin. Tons of people tried to get you out of games, and not only did you come back with your best podcast, but now you have a video game coming out, with more apparently on the way! This is so fucking awesome. I’m glad you never gave up on what you loved no matter how hard it got. Thanks for showing me and so many others that, as long as you fully commit yourself something, you can fulfill whatever dream you have in life. Congrats!


I honestly want a physical copy for the box art. Would love to blow it up for a framed poster

Brandon Kirzeder

This is incredible. Can’t wait! Congrats!


Congratulations Colin and Chris! I could not be happier for you and your company.

Alex Gates

Fuck yeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssss!!!!!! Can't wait to platinum the shit out of these 2 games!!!


Hey Colin. I really want to play this on Vita. I’m in Japan (and my account is) and I have a feeling the Vita version wouldn’t be available in the store. Really hoping I can purchase a physical copy of the Vita version. I don’t have a problem paying for shipping or if not possible will have sent to my Mom’s house in Annapolis.


Damn, I can’t wait so see and play this. Any change we can get a SpoilerFree trophy list, just to get even more excited?


Congrats on becoming a game dev! This is an inside baseball question(s): is it true that to include a platinum trophy in your game you only need to ask Sony? Also, did you get anymore insight on how/which games are selected for PS+?

Barry M. Johnson

Hey Aaron, We don't plan to release the game on the Japanese PSN. Play-asia.com typically offers free standard worldwide shipping on their play exclusives unless I am mistaken.

Barry M. Johnson

Definitely putting it and some other pieces Lachlan did (yet to be revealed) up on my wall! :D

Barry M. Johnson

play-asia typically offers free standard worldwide shipping with their play exclusives.


Epic fucking cover, boys. Thanks for the great gaming discussions and entertainment service you provide!

Kc Wright

Any chance? That you put a link up for patrons to get first crack at the physical copies.


Love the art!

Joey Rawlings

Never heard of it. ;) Congrats!


Y'all the write up for this game better be the best thing I've ever read.


Your next game better be a beat'em up style game eg. Double Dragon/Streets of Rage, where you and Chris have to fight through hordes of bad journalists.


I will be buying a physical copy for PS4 and for Vita 😬

Joe B

Should bring it to Xbox Game Pass in a few years for the shits and giggles.

Anthony Longo

2 copy’s please. One to play and a physical one to chill next to my PS4.

Alexander Dean

AMAZING cover art!! If I don’t get a physical Vita copy I’m going to RIOT in the streets


More like Twin Boners


I'll buy it just to support you guys, can't wait to try it. Also nice cover 😃


Who is the artist for the box art?

Nicholas Coso

Congrats! This has lit a fire under my ass in a way that I never expected. I had just looked at an application to be a motion designer at a studio and I felt that I was minimally qualified but I my interest was peaked. After seeing Twin Breakers get a release date I told myself, I’m fucking doing this. I’ve downloaded Unity and wrote my first code ever last night! Cheers and keep on keeping on


1 week before my birthday. Hype!


Bro! The box art is sick!


Fuuuck I’m gonna buy a copy. Even if I no longer have either. Gotta support the guys

Derrick Doughty

Dude it is sooooo cool seeing the CLS logo on the PS4 case


This looks so cool!!! I really hope i can get a physical PS4 copy


Wow! The drawings actually look like you both! That's cool.

Brian Lau

Congrats! I’m looking forward to play the game. How were you able to finagle 1,000 blank vita cartridges? I thought they are now extinct from this world?

Frank G.

Love it. I better get a damn physical

Chun W Wan

Awesome can't wait to play it