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New York City has long been one of the world's most important and renown cities... it just wasn't a very nice place to be for a few decades in between World War II and the 21st century. The seminal 1979 picture The Warriors captures NYC's decay and despair through a unique lens of youth and camp, and it does so with great visual flair, solid acting, and a surprising story that actually asks an interesting question: Could street gangs take America's most populated metropolis over if they put aside their differences and fought the law as a single unified army? Based on an obscure mid-'60s novel, The Warriors is a must-see film about betrayal and survival, and we're thrilled to talk about it. So come out and play for a few hours, won't you?




This weeks topic is absolutely fire. Can't wait to listen to this!

Craig Carter

Who could forget the cinematic classic Ghost Dad featuring the most prolific serial rapist of all time, Bill Cosby?!?!?

Adam Barnes

Yyyyyyyeeeeeesssssss! I am ready

Kenneth Oms

As a long time Floridian before moving to NYC I appreciate the shout out. If you’re wondering why Walt built the park down in Florida it’s because the land was super cheap, and he had big plans to essentially build an entire city. Epcot and the small town of Celebration were supposed to be connected by the railway and be a town for the employees.


Growing up in Brooklyn I was always in Coney Island and other parts of the city. And seeing the way they used to look in this movie is awesome. One of my fav movies just for that.


One of my favorite movies of all time ❤


Awesome episode as usual, I hope you guys are gonna do Mad Max Fury Road episode soon


I've never seen The Warriors but I'm interested in seeing it after listening to this. I usually like movies that are artsy, creative and just straight up weird. They tend to be more thought provoking and offer a totally new experience instead of the same formulaic mainstream crap.

Forrest Hunter

Holy shit... I have a non-Italian doting Italian mother.

Forrest Hunter

Also, my six year old and I were yelling “Fett” at our radio during the word game like a couple psychopaths.

Marcus Brown

Well done gents. Another classic film has been paid it's due by the KnockBack Bros.

DB Cooper

Thank you, thank you, thank you! I do not get the mass appeal to Disney land. Living in LA and talking to grown adults without kids that go on a weekly basis. I’d have to sell all my possessions to even afford to go let alone stand in lines for hours at a time and pay 12 bucks for a turkey leg. I don’t get it!


To each his own, of course, but being in California for so long among fellow manchildren, I found it a little off-putting.

Ian Andrews

Excellent episode and a great idea. Surely enough material for a few solo Colin episodes! I would like him to defend GC for an hour! As a limey I always thought of gun ownership as rather silly but Colin has helped me understand why it’s important for Americans. I think they need to be regulated a lot stricter than they are but also recognise why that will be so hard. You have to imagine that sooner or later the dems will have enough in the house and senate to get meaningful legislation through.


I'm 30 and I have grown up loving this movie. The funny thing is I have seen it so many times but I do not own it. Looking back I am thinking "how and when did I catch this type of movie on?" Never the less I love this movie. The world and characters are amazing. I put it beside Taxi Driver and The Godfather as my gritty faves!


Great episode guys! Dagan you really need to play this game, it does a great job of building up to the events of the movie. It's filled with tons of backstory on the members and even how they joined the Warriors. The final missions in the game are all the events of the movie.(They do it justice, and then some) P.S. unfortunately this isn't Doug's dog, just some Puerto Rican dude from the Midwest. Porkchop is the common slang for us out here.


Dagan def has to watch Game of Thrones. Loved this chat. Makes me wanna go rewatch the movie and play the game again. ❤️

Kelley Paskell

Hi! try Prayer of the Rollerboys for rollerskating gangs!

Jimmy Valentine

I have to say. As someone who grew up on the East Coast of Florida, I wouldn't trade it for anywhere else. Having the beach, lakes and pools all within a 15 minute drive was amazing. I also enjoyed having no snow and a crazy cold winter. I lived in Worcester for 1.5 years. I never want a winter lime that again. 😁