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There was a time when Finnish studio Housemarque was the belle of PlayStation's second party ball. They created Super Stardust! Dead Nation! And yes, Resogun! But then, the team decided to pivot, and we can no longer rely upon them for the classic arcade experiences they once made. Will the studio survive its voyage into the world of battle royales, or will it regret leaving its old audience behind? Let's discuss. Also: Is Colin excited about Capcom's upcoming Mega Man Zero collection? Are motion controls underrated? Will PlayStation Now ever be available the world over? Is Horizon: Zero Dawn a better game than 2018's God of War? Will we ever see PlayStation All-Stars again? All of that (and more!) on this mailbag episode of Plus.



Real Radec

Perfect timing I just ripped a fat ass bowl


@Bart You're still on those marijuana memories 😊

Marco Maluf

Thanks, great way to finish the week.

Kenneth thomas

Colin, i'm in the middle of Fellseal Arbiter's Mark thanks to your suggestion, it's fantastic. I hope you've gotten around to trying Divinity Original Sin 2, though I would highly recommend playing it on PC for inventory management. Either way, it's one of the best games i've played in years and scratches the same itch as Fellseal.


Colin I have a question. You always seem to be pushing this view that everything should or will be on PlayStation but how come you never think of Sony trying to also expand to other things. I do think it’s laughable to look at other consoels letting first party stuff go to competitors but expanding pc for PlayStation seems more logical.

Dustin Goncharoff

Thanks for discussing my question on the subscription services! Great episode!


Play Devil May Cry 5 since you like arcade-y-ness and brute forcing through games!!!!!!!!!

Jeremy Miller

I'm really confused. Does anyone know whats happened to Erin? I'm too worried to ask if they've broken up but every time Colin talks about the move it's always using "I" and "me"


I am Australian and didn’t even realize PS Now wasn’t available here. Lol.


Colin said she is staying back in California as she has commitments there. Don’t know if she will be coming to Virginia later on though.

Caleb Greer

Great episode! I think the best mailbag one yet. Always keeping it real.


"Hopefully they'll touch me in a way like they didn't when I was younger..." Well ok, then...

Jordan Avery

Hey Cheeseburger Colin and Bacon Cheeseburger Chris, After hearing listener Corey write in last week about remote play and the hassle on the PlayStation Vita, I wanted to offer a few tips and tricks for the citizens of Vita Island. The most common reason remote play doesn't work properly is if you are connecting your PlayStation Vita directly to the PS4. Yes, that sounds insane but please allow me to explain. The direct connection to the PS4 uses the terrible WiFi connection on the PS4 and unless you are within 10 feet of the PS4 it will not work very well. For optimal performance, have your PS4 equipped with an ethernet cable and make sure "Connect Directly with the PS Vita/PS TV" option is unchecked in the Remote Play Connection Settings on your PS4. Your Vita will find your PS4 perfectly fine over the network and this is essential to having the most enjoyable remote play experience.  Thanks for your continued work on everything CLS and keep fucking that chicken.

Jake Z

The secrets were hard to find and the fast traveling was bad? Sounds like trophy hunting marred Colin's experience with God of War, not the game itself :P


0:43 Wii gamers. Yup that's me. I play on the Wii almost daily. Because honestly, I think the new games released are kind of shit. Hate to be a bummer, but these new games, are kind of shit in my eyes.

Joseph Tartaglia

Collin are you actually going to finish Jedi Fallen Order by the end of the week for the planned Spoilercast?


Glad you're enjoying it! I've taken a look at Divinity. Might be a little to PC-oriented for me.


I'm not really pushing anything. I'm just speaking to what I think would work, or what will happen. Sony is the least likely of the Big Three to put their games on other hardware right now.

Jake Z

Never had a problem with it as a non-trophy hunter

Anthony Longo

I agree Col. I don’t have the time to finish one game let alone all the games I wanna play. But at the same time some people can only buy one or two games so the longer the better for them. Idk. Play what you wanna play and let the rest go. Good advice !

Anthony Longo

Also .... I liked God of War 10x more than Horizon. I couldn’t even play Horizon. Maybe it’s me idk


I'm here to say... Horizon is not for me.


I struggle with it. I finished Fallen Order, and now I wanna move on, but I also wanna grab the Platinum. So I'm just paralyzed.

David P

Thanks for reading my message aloud! I wasn't expecting it. I agree with the ideas you threw out there This probably also sounds crazy, but Smash's developer, Sora limited is actually not owned by Nintendo. I know for a fact that the series director plays plenty of games on PS4. When their work on Smash bros is done, there doesnt seem to be any reason Sony couldn't contract them.


Sony contracting the same company that did Smash to make them a version of Smash would be a conflict-of-interest of the highest order. The "look and feel" argument is actually well-tested in the digital space and usually bends towards the newer creator (like the old Windows v. MacOS battle), but tempting Nintendo like that would likely be unwise!

Ed White

Big shout out to the PS3 title "Amy".

The Gaming Worker

New patron here, so i’m going back and listening to your Plus episodes! FYI Colin, you’re the reason I discovered Housemarque! It was your all of your high praise over the years, at IGN and Kinda Funny, that helped me discover their great games, so thank you for that. I was just wondering if you ever played the final Resogun DLC? I think it’s called Defenders. There’s a mode called Commando that’s really fun. I just happened to stumble upon it when I randomly opted to play the weekly challenge. The weekly challenge has reset now, so it’s no longer available as a freebie, but you can certainly buy the DLC. I paid $7 (Canadian). I think that you’d enjoy it. It’s the same twitchy, fast-paced action, but the difference is you’re this lone gunman trying to protect your house from falling meteors and alien enemies. The voice of the gunman is even modelled after Arnold Schwartzenegger for shits and giggles. It’s a great mode and addition to an already amazing game. Just thought I’d mention it, but knowing you, you’ve probably already played it. Cheers!

The Gaming Worker

Also, I’d really like to encourage you to go back and give Alienation and Nex Machina a good try! I know that those titles aren’t high on your Housemarque list, but these two games, in my opinion, are truly special. Try to get around to Matterfall too! Cheers!