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Since 1997, Sony has published an annual baseball game -- once eponymously called MLB and more recently dubbed The Show -- that has lived exclusively in its ecosystem. Indeed, for the last 15 years or so, PlayStation has dedicated a first party studio to essentially (and obsessively) focusing on America's pastime. So recent news that MLB: The Show would begin publishing outside of PlayStation platforms beginning in 2021 came as a bit of a shock. It's a first for Sony, and it's a story that requires some study and analysis. So let's dance. Of course, other news occurred since we last met, too, particularly surrounding 2019's final State of Play stream. Dreams is ready to emerge, Resident Evil 3 is real (and spectacular), and Ghost of Tsushima is quietly creeping up. Naturally, dear listener, we could never forget about you. Ever! So let's take some of your questions, comments, concerns, thoughts, and ideas as we do each week, on topics ranging from political ads in games and the return of Resistance to the future of SOCOM and the power of Jesus Christ. In gaming form, anyway.


0:00:17 - Intro
0:02:00 - Sacred Symbols+ this week will be a Fallen Order spoilercast.
0:04:34 - RIP GameRankings.com.
0:05:12 - People are having peculiar issues with PlayStation Now.
0:07:18 - Some corrections about Star Wars from some fucking dorks.
0:10:12 - Why is Colin being so quiet?
0:11:34 - Will there ever be a fan meetup or a Sacred Symbols panel?
0:14:46 - I Am Jesus Christ is a real game.
0:17:43 - What have we been playing?
0:23:02 - Sony-developed MLB: The Show is going multiplatform.
0:34:28-  Dreams has an official release date.
0:39:34 - Resident Evil 3 Remake is coming next year.
0:43:22 - Babylon's Fall and Predator: Hunting Grounds get some love.
0:46:19 - A few other miscellaneous details from State of Play.
0:48:30 - A new BioShock game is officially in development.
0:54:36 - Remedy claims it's quite happy with Control's sales.
0:59:37 - A new PlayStation handheld is not currently in the works.
1:05:50 - Valley of the Gods is indeed canceled.
1:10:01 - Persona 5 Royal has a release date.
1:10:59 - Gwent: The Witcher Card Game will no longer be updated on PS4.
1:13:34 - TES card game goes on hiatus, no longer coming to PS4.
1:16:01 - Vanquish and Bayonetta are getting PS4 remasters.
1:18:45 - Minor game announcements and release date information.
1:19:47 - This week's new releases for PS4, PS Vita, and PSVR.
1:32:15 - What games did people swear you would love, but you didn’t?
1:38:12 - There's a lull in the release schedule. What will we play?
1:42:11 - Should political ads be allowed in video games?
1:45:30 - Is Insomniac hinting at a Resistance-related announcement?
1:50:23 - Why are there console “fanboys”?
1:55:43 - What is happening with the SOCOM IP?




I figured there was no reason to keep this until 9a PT tomorrow morning just to satiate my OCD. It's already late due to State of Play. OCD satisfied.


Thanks you Colin ! And Chris!

Ryan Harvey

Wow! Thanks =-)

Asique Alam

Thanks Colin you have a good night sleep now! Night.

Alvin Banaag

When i get home, i’m listen to this

Nathan Favreau

Perfect timing just started my 4 hour commute upstate NY to CT


It finally pays to have insomnia!


I had a feeling you delayed this for State of Play. I chanced upon it this morning, and was pleasantly surprised. I hope you cover the Game Awards. Happy Holidays Colin! I hope you enjoy your new home.


It’s true Colin. We all hate episode 8.

Robert Graham

Oooohhh earlier than expected. Thanks!


Episode 8 is trash, and not because 'women are in charge' but just really sloppy storytelling and wasted potential...

Richard Duflo

I can’t wait for the downgraded port of MLB: The Show 2022 dropping on Switch in 2026


I just listened to the beginning, Doom 2016 on Xbox had 600kb on disc and 60gb digital. Pretty crazy


I get that your statement about why The Show is moving to other platforms was conjecture, but I don't think it is accurate. From what I understand about how licencing agreements work, the brand would sell upfront to the publisher and it would be up to the publisher to sell and profit off the brand. If I remember right, the last licence agreement made by FIFA was in the ballpark of one billion dollars. That is a huge chunk of money, but it is up to EA to wisely profit of their investment. If anything, maybe the cost to licence MLB could have only been profitable if Sony published on other platforms.


The original RE3 was relatively short compared to its counterparts. It was a better choice and I think was intended to add REsistance to beef up the title. RE3 on PS1 for me was my favorite in the series. Jill was more capable in combat counters and dodge mechanics. I feel quick turns was also introduced in this original title. Of course Nemesis relentlessly stalking you added intense moments. Gamers at time were familiar with CG backgrounds in the series, the way developers managed to have Nemesis crash through walls we thought were only CG rendered was awesome. Can't wait to play this remake. I will predict new fans and reviews will be surprised again for the length of the campaign.

Michal Dudic

It's a fucking disgrace it took this long to get Bayonetta on the PS4. The game is available on every other conceivable platform, it runs great everywhere, yet as far as Playstation goes, that horrendous, barely playable PS3 port was the only way to play it. I guess I found a way to complain about this great news, huh.

Kenneth Oms

Chris “I feel like without Ken there.” Me: “I’m here bro. I’m here.”


RIP Redbox video game rentals. I may never play a Call of Duty campaign again...

Allan Sweeney

It's funny that what stressed you out about Persona 4 (how your prioritize your daily life) is, along with its story, the very thing that differentiated it from other RPGs for me and made me fall in love with it. I loved building social relationships and personal development. Given that part didn't click with you it's no wonder you didn't get all the fuss as I personally found the gameplay exceedingly average.


PES v FIFA I've been a long time FIFA dork, but made the jump to PES this year due to the complete lack of a career mode in FIFA. PES Master League is bounds better. It almost plays as a RPG with the way players collect traits and skills based off of style of play and experience. PES Lite is a free version that let's fence-sitters get some gameplay in (which is actually great) as a chance to move over from FIFA potentially.

Jose Horrach

I'm going to have to correct you on your Sly Cooper comment, Colin. Sly Cooper was absolutely ready to dick down Carmelita Fox at the drop of a dime during that entire series.

Anthony J Sanchez

What game did people would swear I'd love, but didn't was Journey.

Matt tamer

FIFA and PES talk made me think of this - I would love to watch a Colin let's play of Football Manager. And I fucking hate let's plays

Big Swingin' Rick

I never played the resistance games, to be honest I was hoping for a remaster announcement at state of play following the teases. Maybe a remaster collection is an announcement better suited to the game awards?


Colin I know I saw you talk about new the Star Wars trilogy on twitter but you have to see the clips of the main cast during these press junkets. THEYRE DONE Oscar issacs (Poe) said no money in the world would get him to do anything Star Wars again JJ Abrams saying that the actors cried when he came back to direct EP 9. John Boyega (Finn) straight up trashing the last Jedi and saying Finns arch sucked (which it did) It’s funny how TLJ became more of an issue about “sexism and racism” more then the merits of the movie BTW, love that the show will be on all platforms. I bought my sister a PS4 just for mlb


I've a feeling the Campo Santo guys would be a lot less nice to you if you bumped into them again... Or not and I dunno wtf I'm talking about though lol... Btw, I love Scorsese, but I thought The Irishman was incredibly average.


Not surprised The Show is going multiplat, seemed too good a game for MLB to not make the most of it. Would love to see it do good on Switch. I liked BioShock 2 more than Infinite so I’m confident it can be done by others. Put some respect on P5 my dude. It’ll be an insult with you playing JRPGs next year to not give P5 a chance. I bought both Vanquish & Bayonetta not that long ago when buying everything I missed for the 360 so that’s where I’ll play them. I still don’t know why a Resistance collection and an inFamous collection aren’t out yet.

Barrett Boswell

I'm going to croak if Resistance doesn't come back in the next year or two. That series feels so unfinished in my mind.

Jack Sibert

Colin, I'm failing to see your logic regarding the MLB licensing speculation. You yourself stated that you strongly suspected that Sony did not exclusively hold the MLB license. Then when you were speculating that the new cross-platform availability was likely a result of the MLB threatening to "let EA have the license". If the license was never exclusively held by Sony, then what was ever stopping other publishers from developing MLB games? How could Sony San Diego be threatened by the possibility of another publisher grabbing development rights, if other publishers could have done that all along? Tha'ts what an unexclusive licensing deal would would implicate, right? I personally just think that Sony realized that they make MLB games better than anyone else, and that they can branch out their operation to other consoles to maximize their profits.

Jack Sibert

I could see them maybe doing a hd collection, but the series sold so poorly, I dont see them devoting resource to develop a brand new console experience in that IP

Matthew Cooper

I hope Control is making money for Remedy. I just finished playing it and it's really good. It runs like hell, even on the Xbone X, but the combat is really fun. Great game.

Barrett Boswell

The series did about 10 million in sales so that's not really poor but I believe I understand what you're getting at. An HD collection would be a good way to gauge people's interest in possibly another installment.


The "people hate women" thing is just a smokescreen to disparage people who don't like something.


Well, I'm sure this happened. But that doesn't mean what I said couldn't have also happened. I imagine Sony has first right of refusal, either legally or just out of respect for the 20-year relationship between the parties. And MLB might have merely said, we want to stay with you, you're capable of making the best game, but we need you to publish elsewhere too. I think it can be both.


I suspect that had something to do with Nintendo paying for the two sequels. The original came to Wii U and Switch, and it could have been timed.


I think it's a cool game and a cool idea... but I don't think it's as mind-blowing as people made it out to be. The hype killed it, perhaps.


That PES has stuck around so long speaks to at least some sort of niche that plays it, so... I assumed there was something to it. Good to know.


I think BioShock can be done without Levine, too. And I love Ken. He rules. But both 1 and Infinite took a long time and were made under some level of duress. The outcomes speak for themselves, but... I think it can be replicated with the right creative minds in place.


Perhaps I was unclear: Sony definitely doesn't have it exclusively. At least, not as far as we know. However, Sony and MLB have been long-time partners, and the series has been ongoing for 22 years. So I think they have a relationship where it's imaginable MLB could be forward and lay it out: That Sony San Diego makes the best baseball game ever, better than the sporadic competition from devs like 2K Sports, and that to keep the relationship going and in good repair, The Show must simply be released more widely.


At $30 million, which is only dev cost and doesn't speak to marketing or any other backend costs, I think it's safe to assume it's somewhere around breaking even at this point. $30m could potentially be a pretty safe investment in that borderline AAA space, so long as you have the quality and content to back you up. And now that it's won GotY at somewhere like IGN, it's gonna be better than fine.

Mitch Trubisky’s Number 2 Fan

hey dudes. just wanted to mention i know multiple baseball heads that only buy playstation for the show. this might actually cause a larger shift than we understand.

Matthew Cooper

Game of the Year, wow.. I liked it a lot, but that surprises me a bit. I've liked Remedy since Max Payne though, so good for them!


We will certainly see how it plays out. Like I said, I think there's a good chance "baseball people" have become PlayStation people by nature.

Kaz Redclaw

If you don't like Persona 4 Golden due to the finite amount of time, then you're probably not going to like Persona 5 Royal. It's basically the same thing, and basically the games are designed so you cannot see 100% of the content on the first playthrough, you always have to pick and choose what you're going to prioritize the first time around. They're made for two playthroughs, where the second one is the one where you get 100% of everything done. Persona 5 is a bit more lenient than P4G was though, I was only a single social link event away from maxing all of them out the first time around, where I was a long way away in P4G.


At this point, there are many other JRPGs I'd prioritize over Persona 5. I think I've learned the series ain't for me. Optimistic about some others, though.

Kaz Redclaw

Makes sense. If you don't like that kind of game, then you don't like it. You might try some of the other SMT games because most of them aren't time management games. The last ones released on Playstation were SMT3: Nocturne and the Digital Devil Saga games, though (Available on PS3 digitally.) There's been a few more on ds/3ds (Devil Survivor 1/2, Devil Summoner, Strange Journey, and Shin Megami Tensei IV/Apocalypse.) Persona has just taken over as the most popular thing in the series partially because of the time management aspect, but there's still a lot of people who think that Persona's the inferior series.