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For many of us, going to church (or temple, or mosque, or whatever) was a part of childhood. And while some of us got something useful out of our often-weekly visits, the most lingering memories tend to revolve around everything but what we were actually supposed to be there for. The parental bribery. The coercion. The distractions. Time moving so slowly that it's as if you're stuck in one of those futuristic computers in the Black Mirror episode White Christmas. Join us, if you will, for a very festive (and we use that term lightly) KnockBack adventure, as we regale you with religious stories of our youth... and hear plenty of yours, too. (Can you guys please stop having sex on hallowed ground? Thanks.) Please don't judge us too harshly, God!



Caleb Greer

Jordan Peterson’s youtube lectures on the psychological significance of the Biblical stories in Genesis are phenomenally insightful for those interested in how and why these seemingly nonsensical stories are so important and permeated our culture for so long. I’m rather agnostic but super interesting.

Alex Gates

Dagan's story about his son in church.... Oh man, that shit is hilarious. Hahaha.


Yes that lecture series is absolutely fascinating. Hoping JBP makes a return soon. <3

Caleb Greer

Colin: Dagan mentioned at the end maybe having nicer chairs like IMAX seats to make the services more interesting. Dude, where I live in Bossier City/Shreveport, Louisiana, there’s this thing called The Simple Church, and for a few years they rented out the huge Regal theater at the Boardwalk on Sundays, and they’d have 2 service times, and you’d literally go the theater, they’d serve you donuts and soft drinks before you walked in, and the huge IMAX theater would host the band and the following pastor’s sermon, and this would then stream to all the other adjacent theaters’ screens when that filled up, and that’s how the church worked. Lol.


Did anyone test Jesus’s Midi-chlorians?

Trent Miller

This episode was great! I loved hearing your stories. Also why are so many people having sex in church?

Will Hahn

I once smoked weed with my brother right outside a church in the afternoon. It was pretty sweet. Lol


Colin: You were referencing the "Canons of Dort". And Unconditional Election (predestination) was one of the first concepts that, when I really thought about it, drove me away from religion.

Adam Niksch

Wow some of these stories of what people did at church are pretty astonishing. I swear the worst things my friends and I did were use a sound room to shoot each other with rubber bands and play GBA games.

BettyAnn Moriarty

I have to admit as terrible as it must have been for that woman and others, I became hysterical laughing when I heard this. God, forgive me... but I can just picture the whole thing - horrified gasps and all. 😬

Nate McKinney

Fun fact: I played Grand Theft Auto 4 in a church. Had the opportunity. had to do it. I guess I'll be seeing you in hell. Meet you at the bar.

Alvin Banaag

I grew up as a Roman Catholic also. As a non religious guy, the one thing i enjoyed about going to church as a kid was that we’d always have a family eat out after and that was what get me through church. The thought that we would eat after all of this. Sometimes, i fall asleep through the whole mass and they’d scold me for doing it. But the real dilemma, as a kid, was hearing from adults that if you don’t go to church that you’d go to hell, and how they’d describe this fire-filled place of agony. That’s a traumatizing thing to hear and that’s a hard thing to get off of you when you grew up to it. Sometimes you never get out of the trauma as an adult.


Man this episode is essentially my childhood every Sunday. I grew up Roman Catholic and still practice (major days only). Much like Colin and Dagan I could not act up or distract myself. My parents were very strict on that. Now as a father who took my son to church often until 4yo (now 6 and not as often) my parents let run around and even play with a small toy or whatever. I do not. Now I know as grandparents they’re supposed to be nicer but man how it sucks to see my kid get treated how I wanted to during mass. But I have always appreciated my church in telling me what that 2nd collection is for. Never have had the random 2nd collection without a notice as to what it was for. Great show guys.

Tyler Bello

Love the episode.. disagree on one part... gay marriage should be legal sure of course but.. does it need to be in the church? I dont think the church not allowing gay marriage is discrimination there are a ton of places to get married dont begrudge the church for sticking to the bible on that.. just my two cents.


I don't necessarily think it needs to be in the church, no, but I think the point Dagan is making is why wouldn't it be? Doctrine is so often bent to fit the times.