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We were spoiled last week, what with lots of new PlayStation 5 details to obsess over. But Sony has another piece of PS-themed hardware that's worthy of next-gen attention, and no, we're not talking about a third handheld (which is surprising, since we talk about Vita constantly). PlayStation VR was launched just about three years ago, and some five million units later, it has quietly found its way into the living rooms of one-in-twenty PS4 owners. Now, thanks to some patent leaks and tech analysis, we may just have a glimpse at the next iteration of what PSVR looks like, from its purported new controller to its apparent wirelessness (!). Let's talk about what we know, what we think we know, and what the future just might look like (literally). Also: Layoffs quietly hit PlayStation Europe at the exact time PS5 is revealed in Wired (weird!), IO Interactive gets to work on something that isn't Hitman (mysterious!), Ubisoft invests in cartoons galore (bold!), and Donald Trump is the next major political figure to join Twitch (...JYNA). Plus: Listener inquiries on what happens to first party studios when they die, the far-flung fate of our digital libraries, the ruthless mediocrity of the PlayStation Store, and much more. Let's podcast, old friends!


0:00:17 - Intro.
0:01:34 - We'll be covering the China/Hong Kong/Blizzard/etc. situation on Sacred Symbols+.
0:05:23 - A lil' housekeeping.
0:06:20 - Sending our love to Gio Corsi.
0:08:26 - New PS5 details (and corrects from last week).
0:16:15 - A quick note about IP ownership.
0:19:02 - One listener writes in to spew bullshit opinions about Five Guys.
0:22:19 - When a studio is shut down, do they get the option to become independent?
0:23:40 - Is it too late to buy a PS4?
0:28:14 - What have we been playing?
0:44:32 - Will Chris play Ghost Recon: Breakpoint?
0:46:25 - It sounds like we won't see or hear much more about PS5 'til 2020.
0:47:28 - A new patent seems to show off PSVR2.
0:55:28 - Layoffs hit PlayStation Europe.
0:58:28 - IO Interactive is making a new game, and it ain't Hitman.
1:00:17 - Ex-Simpsons: Hit and Run devs wanna remake the game.
1:03:33 - There's now a national clinic for gaming addiction in the UK.
1:06:31 - Ubisoft is going all-in on animated adaptations of their games.
1:07:23 - Donald Trump is now on Twitch.
1:08:38 - Minor game announcements and release date information.
1:09:22 - This week's new releases for PS4, PS Vita, and PSVR.
1:20:47 - Will our digital games really always be available?
1:25:38 - What peripherals would we want to see supported on PS5?
1:32:23 - How will next-gen consoles sell?
1:40:51 - Could big companies like Apple or Google start buying up devs and IP?
1:45:18 - One listener can’t get over how bad the PlayStation Store is.



James Galos

I’m all in on the Sacred Symbols + this week. Someone who very people knew sent out a harmless tweet and it is has blown up the media... sound familiar?


In regards to storage, ps4 supports external storage, would make sense ps5 also supports external storage. My 1TB ps4 has an external 1TB drive so even if internal isnt expandable external surely would be.

Caleb Greer

“Brad you’re a dipshit.” —Colin M. 😂😂

Jose Horrach

I know we are supposed to be ad free, but I kinda feel cheated that we are missing out on these hilarious ad reads I keep hearing about. What are the odds of putting together an ad read compilation so I don't have to go and search through every episode to find them?

Tony Colton

LOVE to Gio ♥️ The godfather of Vitaisland


Chris clearly has capitulated to the McDonald censors. Unbelievable. Stand with Chick-fil-A.


Concrete Genie is $30. $40 is digital deluxe edition for artbook/soundtrack.

Seth Eden

Colin, I can’t believe I am writing this, but I have to say that it's sad to see you falling so far from grace...you were on such a roll, you had your Patreon numbers going up, you were putting out stellar shows as well as unveiling an amazing new podcast in the form of Sacred Symbols +....but allow the blasphemy of Chris calling Chickfila awful and bland is just unacceptable and he has to go. The opinions of fast food chains are the CORNERSTONE of good video game podcasting, and now unfortunately with this heresy that Chris has spewed, you will be going down with him in destruction if you don’t cut him loose. Chris needs to be de-platformed until we get an insincere apology video from him with the CORRECT opinion of Chickfila being the greatest fast food chain out there currently, not only in taste but in service and order accuracy, the 3 pillars of any fast food chain. I hope you make the right choice and I hope Chris finds a savior that can cleanse him of his fast food ignorance. BEYOND

Josh Moore

Hey Chris... fuck you. #istandwithchickfila

Barrett Boswell

So I platinumed Concrete Genie and I think it is probably a solid 7 or 7.5. Turned off the motion controls because I disliked it and the whole painting aspect feels too rigid. It's an ok game given it's overall design and art direction. The game though is $30, not $40 but that is still too high. $20 is the right price point for this game.

Kyle Goodrich

Let me tell you something.. Chris has some nerve challenging Chick-fil-A's authority.


I agree with brad 5 guys is 100% overrated. 2 burgers is 20 bucks that’s fucking crazy. It’s vastly overrated for what your getting. It’s good but not 20 dollars good when I can get culvers 2 giant meals here for 15 bucks and have just as good if not better quality. That’s the truth

Travis Johnson

I don't know if I could cite a specific law or something, but I believe there's a reason why it's generally unheard of for major Japanese companies to be bought out by American and other foreign conglomerates, even though the opposite is quite common. Considering that Disney doesn't even solely own and operate Tokyo Disneyland (foreign businesses in Japan often have to partner with a local company to operate), the idea of Disney or Apple or what have you buying Nintendo or capcom is probably so against Japanese business culture (and possible business law as well) that even if they could afford it, it's probably impossible.


Thanks for the Laverne love guys, appreciated! 💕

Nicholas Coso

Love the Star Wars reference in the title!


In regards to Keyboard and Mouse support... Paradox titles have mostly been patched to allow it on PS4. Cities Skylines, in particular, at least supports keyboard. Surviving Mars and Stellaris are full kb/m. Sims 4 also has received a kb/m patch as well. I'm unsure about Civ 6 but I wouldn't be surprised if it did.


Hey cnc and person who talked about the dlc. If you have the game in and go to it on your media bar things pop up below it. There will be a theme avatar and dlc section. If you go to the dlc section it takes you right to all the dlc without any issue. Just a heads up cause it’s seems a lot of people are unaware of this.

Jake Z

You guys are unbelievably lazy. Hook the damn VR up, sit your ass down, and play through Astro Bot! It's one of the best games ever made!

Marcus Brown

Great episode as always and thank you for reading my question.

Forrest Hunter

Is there a way you can leave in some of the funniest ads you do? I feel like I'm missing out and not getting the most out of your content.


Yeah, I think I accidentally bought the special edition. LOL. I will be sure to correct next week.


I think we were talking more about ubiquity, and of Sony releasing its own hardware in this regard.


I won't leave ads in here, 'cause that's part of our compact. But as I said to another person above, I'll see if I can cobble together the ads and share them here as a separate file.


"It's a technical thing so someone's probably going to smash their head in their steering wheel" Like you predicted the future lol. The PSVR processing unit doesn't actually do any processing. It's essentially an HDMI pass through that converts regular HDMI into what the VR unit uses

Nate McKinney

Colin, I want you to know that I had to pause this and go listen to the free feed of last weeks episode as soon as you brought up the manscaped ad. It did not disappoint. Thank you and never ever change, dude. LOL


You actually don’t have to sort through the ps store to find add ons. If you scroll on down on the game on XMB, there’s a spot for add ons for that particular game.

Devon McCarty

How frustrated will you be if the PS5 gets delayed due to war with China?


I really am enjoying Concrete Genie. I don’t think the 30 dollar price isn’t too much at all myself. I hope it does well enough to make the devs happy at least.


Really enjoyed my time with Concrete Genie, price was pretty reasonable at £24.99. I think it took a really nice turn near the end with the change in mechanics and with the direction the story went in, also the animation work with the genies is pretty magical I can see why somebody might not take to the game though but I can really see what PixelOpus might be able to do with a bigger budget in the future

Alec Shaner

I was just listening to this episode this morning. I'm going to Five Guys for lunch today after listening to that blasphemous reader commentary! :)

Kenny Gutzler

shoot Anti-Five Guys guy into the sun. (If you read this Anti-Five Guys guy, I don't actually want you shot into the sun)


Both of those places are amazing to eat at. They did nothing wrong.


The one that never deserts, or never proves ungrateful... the dog. Dogs are truly special.


This week on Twitch: Donald Trump with a Kingdom Hearts 3 Let’s Play. “Sora, that’s fake news.”


I just don't get it. Played again last night and not feeling it. I really do wanna see it through to the end.


the playstation store i agree is really bad, the desktop one even more so. whenever i look for their deals, they put the dlc along with the games, so eventually you hit the dlc and then 2 pages later there are more games. i guess i could filter but it shouldn't be that way. also i gotta agree on Five guys, i've never liked it. my parents always made burgers growing up with the least amount of grease possible, so when i finally had Five guys... i just can't. also it's like 1,500 calories for one burger

Jessica Gutiérrez

The last inquiry you guys read from about the PSN store has nothing to do with the store itself. There's a section on the XMB called "LIBRARY", it legitimately has ALL of your games in there that you have purchased, all of their DLC, you can rack and stack them by the date you purchased, downloaded last, alphabetical, etc, etc, etc. You can even use said function to find the games you purchased and still have yet to download, I.E all of the games I have clicked purchase from the free monthly games show up there even ones I have never downloaded or looked at since. The PSN isn't that listeners problems, its their brain, or lack of awareness on how to operate the Playstation. On a side note, my 7 year old knows where to find her 'purchased/BankOfMom' games on the playstation to download without going back through the store, just saying.


Well not all of us are smart as you and your kid, JESSICA. (I'm pretty sure we were talking about new purchases anyway, no?)


normally i don't comment twice but looking at the NPD numbers that just came out. it's pretty interesting. nba 2k20 did amazing, i know it normally does but to already be number 1 for the entire year? i've read articles on game sites saying the microtransactions are really bad. just weird. also for it to be #1 and madden 4 for the year. also borderlands 3 did amazing. not playstation, but gears 5 made the top 10 (minus steam sales) is a tiny bit surprising since it's on gamepass

Jessica Gutiérrez

It was more of directed at the person that wrote the comment to you guys. The difference being, you probably have 700 games on your Playstation list being in your line of work, chances are that person just like me may have 100 games? So their list shouldn't be that hard to sift through, if it was recently purchased the library makes it even easier to find as you can rack and stack by date purchased. For instance, I purchased "The Surge 2" from work on my phone, came home and was able to just click into the library and stack by purchase date and it was the very first game on there, didn't have to go through the store at all. As far as the DLC is concerned, if he is looking for his Spiderman DLC, if you have already installed spiderman, you can just scroll to that game on the XMB and hit down to see the details and it has a link to all of the games DLC, you never actually have to go into the PSN store.

John the Nabo

Chris: "I want a splinter cell, or like, Jesus Christ." Well Chris, both of these are dead, I'm sorry

Context Should Matter

1:46;20 "Where is the fucking game!? WHY ISN'T THAT AT THE TOP!?" Colin's rage gives me life.


I actually had a keyboard on the PS2, I was a huge fan of Everquest: Online Adventures (the original PC version was a bit before my time) and I spent hours playing an mmorpg on PS2. Saying that now blows my mind

Kaz Redclaw

I've personally bought 5 vitas. 1 of them imported. 1 PSTV, 2 1000's and 2 2000's. I've actually started using my 2000's far more because they're a lot thinner and fit into my pockets easier. When I take the 1000, I'm basically only taking the Vita and Phone. If I take the 2000, I can also take the switch lite, or 3DS as well. The OLED screens on the 1000's are actually not as good as most oleds, their black levels are not completely black if you look at it in the dark, so it's not a tremendous loss to downgrade to an LCD. Also, the Vita 1000 has a much larger back touchpad and tiny finger divots, so it's less nice to hold than the 2000's big finger divots in the back. (All of my Vitas still work too, even though I had to repair one of them myself.) I look forward to a Sunset Overdrive game for PS5. :) The SSD is definitely likely to be not massive, 2TB at launch would be way too expensive for them to build. I hope they do include a bay for tossing in another backup drive, but I'm worried they'll just tell us to hook up the external drive with USB 3.0... The explanation sent in was close to my understanding of the situation, but it's more that it's slow to move the head randomly around the disk, so they duplicate that common rock texture and any others that are ubiquitous throughout the disc so it never has to move the head far to get that rock into memory..

Kaz Redclaw

Listening to the thing on the PS Store, Yeah, it's pretty bad, and if a game is no longer available to purchase, it's even harder. I actually use a browser plugin called "psdle" to do searches for entries on the playstation store, then you can queue it up from the web and then just go on your device to download it. The PS3 support for remote play being so bad was because there is no dedicated hardware in the PS3 for remote play, so each game or application had to implement remote play themselves. PS4 has dedicated hardware, so no need to do much for implementing it.

Frank G.

Yea Brad u are a dipshit! Lmao Chick fil a and five guys suck! Fatburger son🍔


We gotta remember that the so-called enthusiast market (that listens to a show like this) doesn't dictate most sales. Games like that will kill regardless of the controversy. I mean, Fallout 76 and Anthem both killed at retail, and they were horribly received by critics and hardcore fans.


I think you'll see the original Sunset Overdrive on PS4/PS5. Sony owns the IP, and now they just need to extract the publishing license for the original.

Kaz Redclaw

That would be cool, would be good to have more people play it. I already have though, so I don't know if I'd rebuy it.

Brandon Soto

Live. Love. Five Guys.

Kam Wallis

I know it's a small population, but the PS4 launched on the 14th in Canada as well, not just the US. I bought one that day.

Kam Wallis

Hope this Monday finds you well man. Will be a tough one tonight with the Pats. J-E-T-S...

Damian Castillo

Concrete Genie is only $29.99 with a deluxe version costing $39.99. My daughter loves it because she is an artists.

LastStandMedia (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-24 07:45:04 We corrected this on Episode 69! <3
2019-10-24 18:14:11 We corrected this on Episode 69! <3

We corrected this on Episode 69! <3

Shawn Jones

IMO; Chick-fil-A is definitely by far better than McDonald's, especially the salads, unless you have a really awfully managed location. Five Guys is good, but overrated. Wendy's (and Taco Bell) have good salads, too, but everything else is definitely low-bar gastronomically when compared to Chick-fil-A and Five Guys. BTW: I don't even own a recent Gen PlayStation device beyond the PS2 Slim, so I live vicariously through your podcast.