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The last quarter of a console generation is always fascinating, because we get to watch console manufacturers simultaneously tackle two separate problems. On the one hand, the likes of Sony have to put their last-gen machine to rest, while on the other, they need to convince the enthusiast market to take a chance on their shiny new, unproven hardware. This week's episode of Plus is dedicated to this threading-of-the-needle, particularly in regard to what's next. PlayStation 5 is just about a year away, and thanks to a new Wired article, we have new, precious morsels of information from which to speculate. This episode is driven entirely by your inquiries, and touches on everything from our hopes for the PS5's UI and the possibilities of a PS5 Pro to the far-reaching effects of backwards compatibility and the heightened competition from PlayStation arch-rival Xbox. Let's have ourselves a Plus-sized chat, shall we?




Anyone else download these and are having a hard time sorting the episodes cause of the Roman numerals? This is America! We use Arabic numbers here!

Jose Horrach

As a chef I'd like to just say, apple and brie is an excellent combination, especially when the brie is melted for that nice gooey texture to counteract the crispy apple.

Watch Ergo Proxy

People that say "scrumdiddlyumptious" belong in maximum security prisons where they can't harm anybody


Also when we went from ps3 to ps4 you could say ok I'm going to trade in all of my games and system towards a xbox one. Now that digital has taken over you're stuck with all of those games so you might as well stay in the ecosystem.


I expect Call of Duty, Assassin's Creed and Sports to be there on launch. But what about Sony published launch games (if any) do you think might be there? I'm hoping with all these Wired details that by the time we get to the reveal event Sony essentially come on stage; show us the box, the UI and then demo games for the rest of their time.

Tony Colton

Nugget of info on the smaller file sizes... Developers currently put multiples of the same assets in the game files for quicker access on the standard mechanical hard drive (reduce seek time) With the SSD this is not necessary. Sony gave the example of Spiderman where the file has some assets 400 times


Hey Colin here’s something I think is interesting that you didn’t talk about at all access to games. Psnow vs gamepass. Next gen you said well if I have a x amount of games will I buy a ps5 or nextbox but what if you where told hey if you buy a Xbox next gen day one you have 4 gens worth of games day one with the need one only 15 bucks down vs say Sony you need 60 for the game plus 60 for you online a year. I know you don’t know anything about Microsoft’s ecosystem at all but it still shocks me how you somehow ignore say psnow as a talking point. This is something to consider especially if the economy becomes a issue switching to the nextbox could very well be real and others might just stick to PS4 for maybe a extra year especially with more then likely even some ps5 launch games will also be launched on ps4

Marcus Brown

I honestly plan on staying loyal to the PS4 for a long time.


PlayStation 5 "Put on your pants"


I’ll get a ps5 day 1 as long as there are games to play. I also never upgraded to PS4 Pro, so that definitely influences the decision


I think they sell the PS5 in ads the same way it sold me: you show a PS4 game in comparison on 2 TVs and show how much faster it runs on 5, say it plays all your PS4 games, and then you show an exclusive like Horizon 2. I’m more curious as to how Xbox is going to sell to me because I feel like I can wait until the end of their next box, get Game Pass, and then play all the exclusives before the Game Pass limit runs out. That’s what I did for the Xbox One.


Anyone not agree with banning coverage of companies? Shouldnt they let readers decide, if they don’t want to support a company. I just don’t agree them reviewing or covering something = them indirectly funding China. I think its a big disservice to readers, to keep them in the dark about a major company that has some oft the biggest releases all year. And I also think it;’s flawed logic to punish Blizzard devs and employees for a company decision. Keep in mind, the rules were clearly broken by this guy. Even if we all support Hong Kong and hate China. This just feels like a slipper slope. Like if they let that guy go on camera and use it for political view points, then they have to let every player dot he same. And if Allies are as a news outlet are willing to ban the coverage of one company for something they don’t agree with, are we going to continue to ban coverage of things based on things people say they don’t like? I just feel like this is something I cant support. I 100% support Hong Kong. Detest china. I’m angry at Blizzard. But I do not want to support the allies further if they are going to start banning coverage of things.


I’m an engineer and fuck me running all this tech talk from two people with no clue is maddening.


Came here to make sure some other nerd pointed this out :P The very fact that it can access memory and assets so much quicker is WHAT ALLOWS them to keep smaller file sizes. Of course, it would behoove developers to instead use the extra space for more impressive assets and even bigger games than to just boast a smaller file size!

Brandon Soto

PS3 emulation will always be my #1 request. I feel as though they’ll get everything right besides that. And the fact that Sony won’t say / do anything about it is very frustrating.


I will be buying ps5 day one for one simple reason, I have a launch day ps4. Once 4k tvs came down in price (I got a 55" smart uhd 4k for $400) I looked at my TV and longed for better graphics with my games. As I went to find a pro people started talking 2020 for ps5 I decieded to wait and see. For me if ps5 was backwards compatible it was a day one purchase for me because I have spent all of the ps4 cycle playing Ffxiv and with no promise it will be released for ps5 proper day one I needed to know I can still play the game I put six years (and nearly 400 days playtime) into day one. If no bwc then I was going pro. Now I am just hoping my launch ps4 (I got it midnight on release day) holds on one more year

Josh Moore

Call me old school... I want to embrace the new gen, but I'll always have a soft spot for the Vita apps being suspended. Long live the Vita.


This is all relevant. Moving backwards and being encompassing and inclusive with all of those prior-gen games is going to be massive to solidifying an ecosystem.


We appreciate your feedback, but it's not exactly useful. What could we do better? I certainly make fun of myself for not understanding tech, and have been doing so publicly for a decade. What would be worse is us (or me, anyway) talking about this stuff like I really understood it, when I never claimed to.


I’m primarily a PC gamer, and I don’t own a single physical copy of a game for my PS4. I find the luxury of not having to store discs, or place them into my console is a huge QoL thing I’ve loved for years using Steam. I often willingly pay MORE for digital games on the PS Store (compared to physical being on sale at say Best Buy) for the convenience of not having to worry about the discs. Personally, I don’t even care if a disc-less PS5 costs the same as one with the optical drive as long as I get a little extra on the hard drive capacity.

Dan T

Was this remotely recorded? I feel like Chris' mic is picking up unusual amounts of breathing noises

Aibeck Sazanov

My man Colin where the timestamps at?


Am I an idiot?! I can’t get the episode to keep playing in the background with the screen off on my phone. I have to keep the screen on the entire time. Send help!


I have no insight there, unfortunately. I hate to be that guy, but: Patreon Support is usually pretty helpful, if you reach out to them. <3

Not Sure

Hey C and C, and M and M, and CM and CM. I actually don't have a question, just wanted to say and...and that's it.

Tyler Hodges

Clarification on SSDs possibly leading to smaller file sizes https://www.playstationlifestyle.net/2019/10/08/ps5-ssd-file-size-games-load-and-install-much-faster/