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Like horror, the science fiction genre simply wasn't taken very seriously until well into film history. By the 1970s, though, specific pieces of cinematic sci-fi were beginning to distance themselves from the schlock that dominated decades past, and Alien should certainly be counted amongst the most notable of the group. Buttressed by good writing, excellent cinematography, and a frightening atmosphere, Alien still stands out more than 40 years later as an example of how to do sci-fi right, particularly when you mix elements of horror into the concoction. So let's chat about the Nostromo for a little while, and the strange and ancient danger is stumbles upon in deep space, just as the crew was about to head toward the safety of home...




YES! Can’t wait to listen to this.

Marius Skarsem Pedersen

Ok, now this is exciting! Alien is one of my favorite movies. And what an amazingly influential movie it is. So much is lifted from there for other movies, but also for video games. Very excited to listen to this! Keep up the great work, guys! ❤️


Hi Champion Chris and Cuddly Collin. Blue Point has confirmed their game to be a remake, as said in March of 2018 here: https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/digitalfoundry-2018-bluepoints-next-game-is-another-remake My thought would be Metal Gear or Metal Gear Solid. Given their quote: "working on a big one right now", with "big" referring to Big Boss? Sounds clever if that's what it ends up being. As always, thanks for keeping Fridays great with SS+ <3

Anthony J Sanchez

Alien is one of my top 5 favorite movies of all time. I can't wait to listen to this

David Graham

Yes! Perhaps my favorite childhood film (because it's absolutely appropriate for a seven year old to see this film).


The Thing is so great. Can’t wait for that episode. The prequel did a pretty good job of leading into the 1982 film as well I thought.


Hey Super Moriarty Bros. Been a patron for a while, love your shoes, but it's my first time feeling compelled to comment. Colin in this episode keeps referring to the actor as Henry Dean Stanton, but it's actually Harry Dean Stanton.


Thank you, and welcome! Sorry for that error. I probably wrote it wrong in my notebook. =(


Fact: Alien 3 Assembly Cut is the best Alien film.

Barrett Boswell

I was incredibly eager for this one to come up and it didn't disappoint. I also think the Director's Cut is the superior film. Many great scenes added. Can't wait for The Thing to be talked about eventually.


I feel like I could watch The Thing weekly. Amazing film.

Nate McKinney

YES!! God I love The Thing so much! (I assume we mean the John Carpenter version)

Nate McKinney

Hey Colin, I know you've mentioned not having done the audiobook thing before. But on Audible there are some cool Alien audio dramas. (Full cast, music, sound effects, etc.) They're really great. One of them is actually the original screenplay for Alien 3. It's a really neat piece of film history, so to speak. You may want to check it out.

Nick DeBoer

Great discussion on one of my absolute favorites!! Looking forward to an Aliens discussion in the future! Sounds like we will be getting an episode on Carpenter’s The Thing!? If I could go back in time to see a movie in the theater I’d have to flip a coin between being there in person for the opening credits in A New Hope or seeing the strobe light self destruct sequence in Alien. That had to be terrifying for moviegoers in ‘79


Honestly one of my favorites from my childhood. This is such a Halloween treat, thanks as always guys!

Tony Rivera

Trying to get a nostalgic nerd to subscribe to your Patreon, and he’s a big fan of Alien.. you may have struck oil here, Brothers Moriarty. Let’s see what happens.. lol

Michael Miller

You were right, Colin! Alien Isolation was indeed developed by Creative Assembly. I always found that funny because Ridley Scott and Creative Assembly are now known for both Alien and Roman historical epics (Rome Total War & Gladiator) P.S. I can’t wait for that ‘The Thing’ episode


Can't believe you guys pretty much nullified Jonsey, considering he was the main villain.

Dan Parsons

Clutching his midget = literal tears of laughter

Karan D

I remembering a weird kid I used to know back in grade 6 telling me that turning into a Xenomorph was secretly an upgrade since they're smarter, faster, stronger etc. After he told me that I've never been able to watch the movie the same way since lol

Jessica Gutiérrez

I'm listening to this AFTER your meteor sized turd you referenced on one of the previous episodes. A small bit of help maybe if you're willing, this is what I used on my children when they suffered from your similar 'poopie problem', you can put on a glove if you need to, but put a sliver of bar soap on the end of your finger and just push it a little ways up your area down there and it will come out with no problem. That stuff happens when your feces are 'impacted', which generally happens when you miss a previous bowel movement like having to go but skipping because you're sleepy and don't think its bad enough to not hold until the next morning, it just builds up and impacts into one larger bowel movement, it can also happen if you use Pepto, or eat anything that has natural stool hardener. Glad it came out though, hope you're all good on this front now.

Gavin Newland

I first watched this film when i was about 10-11...................................... The fuck mom !!!

Shane Pryor

I’m surprised nobody has mentioned Alien: Isolation. The game is an absolute love letter to the original movie and a true masterclass in fan service. It would be great companion episode to this one.