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We've been calling Sony's next-gen console PlayStation 5 for quite some time now, but we weren't sure that's what it would actually be named. Now, we know PS5 is indeed PS5, and along with that news comes lots of fresh details straight from the horse's mouth. From the console's release window to the nature of DualShock 5, there's a whole lot to talk about, and we do just that. Also: Activision-Blizzard appeases communists, Doom Eternal has been delayed, PS4's firmware livens-up the party, and SEGA's House of the Dead is being revived. Finally: Listener inquiries! Is Madden really just a turn-based RPG? Why does such a liberal industry like gaming glorify gun use? Can a bad boss fight ruin an entire game? Is Earth a ravioli...?


0:00:17 - Intro.
0:02:28 - Some random introductory notes.
0:03:32 - Colin vs. Technology and Chris vs. Window Washer.
0:08:12 - Activision Blizzard loves communists.
0:12:38 - Taint talk.
0:13:57 - Is Earth a ravioli? Is a wheelchair a bicycle?
0:15:41 - Uber talk.
0:19:16 - What have we been playing?
0:23:26 - Lots of new PlayStation 5 details emerge.
0:41:13 - Doom Eternal has been delayed.
0:48:02 - PS4’s new firmware update is ready for download.
0:49:21 - PlayStation Now gets a new games and a price cut.
0:53:57 - The roster for Marvel's Avengers grows.
0:55:25 - Cross-play on/from PlayStation 4 is now available to all devs.
1:01:48 - PSVR is celebrating its third birthday with some new announcements.
1:03:35 - The president of SIE Japan has retired.
1:07:04 - House of the Dead 1 & 2 are getting remade.
1:10:25 - Iron Man for PSVR gets a release date.
1:12:17 - Sony has revealed September’s top downloaded games.
1:16:24 - Facebook’s PS4 integration disappears.
1:17:35 - Minor game announcements and release date information.
1:19:35 - This week's new releases for PS4, PS Vita, and PSVR.
1:30:06 - Is the industry in for mass confusion when it comes to cross-gen games?
1:33:46 - What games have been ruined by a bad boss fight?
1:37:08 - Can Sony afford to ignore the potential of a third PlayStation handheld?
1:40:58 - Does the liberal games industry ironically glorify guns with its products?
1:48:20 - Will PlayStation further explore mobile gaming?
1:53:16 - Is Madden a turned based RPG?



Real Radec

Never clicked on a play so quickly in my life.

Daniel Rivas

Was that a Short Circuit reference?

Asique Alam

Ahhh yes best 5 bucks I ever spent for the sweet sweet Collin thoughts


Really looking forward to 0:12:38.

James Galos

If you can find the apology letter from the South Park guys it’s hilarious. It starts with “Like the NBA, we welcome the Chinese censors into our home and our hearts”. It only gets better from there.

Adam Barnes

While I do appreciate the word perineum, I’ve been calling it gooch my whole life... The things you learn


When starting Concrete Genie is says, "This game uses motion controls". Thankfully, you can change this in the options to right-stick control. I tried the motion controls out of respect to the developers, but didn't last too long. It's a fun world to explore and I'm using it as a bedtime game.


Thanks for mentioning the blizzard Hong Kong stuff, I've canceled my sub to wow and imagine others are doing the same

Cameron O'Neill

You guys got some stuff wrong concerning the Xbox One/PS5 controller. The Xbox One controller does not have haptic feedback at all, it has traditional rumbler motors in the triggers, the only controller that does currently is the Switch Joycons. Traditional rumble motors and haptic feedback are completely different pieces of technology and have completely different feelings.

sean McGuire

Really appreciate the note at the top about Blizzard and Hong Kong. Thanks for a great show again.

Jake Z

Colin, you keep saying "ascribe" when you mean "subscribe" to a certain belief or opinion.


Oh god did i need this sweet hit of sacred symbol. Its been a week people! But Colin brings me around to give perspective and i realize that im very lucky. Throwin out lots of love to all the last stand peeps!

Mitch Krassin

Best part of this entire episode was the Earth ravioli question followed by Colin just giving a groaning oh no.


Using the right stick isn't inverted, though, so it's unplayable like that for people like me. Massive oversight, something I assume (and hope) they will patch.


So if Earth is a ravioli... wouldn't that make it flat on one side and round on the other?

DB Cooper

Funny you brought up Vita. I was finally looking to buy one and had been researching for the last week! Can't wait for it to come in, and good to know about the charger haha

Ryen Gerson

Great episode as usual! Thanks for taking on my question! Also! Thanks for saying my last name right! It’s facking crazy how often people pronounce it as GEARson. I mean, whatever floats your mispronouncing-ass boat, but where in the name of Buddha do you see/hear an A! So thank you most of all for that!

Lucas Gremista

Great episode as always gentlemen! Just wanted to let you know that I finished Guacameelee 2 yesterday and saw Colin's name in the credits and felt really proud of my dude! Congrats man!


I've been thinking a lot about Vita 2. Given you're the president of Vita island, what would you think about just using your phone and a DS5? There's no way a new device (or switch) could ever match a mid tier phone, let alone the flagships. Would you be happy with a device that clipped to your phone, or your DS5, or do you absolutely need a standalone device? Personally, my big ass hands can't handle even the switch anymore. I'm buying those pro grip handles for both... So why not just use a phone?

Luke Farinella

RE: why violence in games\

Luke Farinella

I think it's just the most demonstrable form of conflict (which is necessary for drama and emotion) in an interactive medium. It's the easy road. You can certainly create conflict with other things (and there are some great examples out there.) but when you give a player full control of an avatars 'actions' the easiest way to communicate conflict is 'thing wants to kill you, kill it first'. You can create conflict in other ways, but the reason they don't do as well in the grand scheme of things is because it doesn't translate as well in an interactive medium. Press x to choose your dialog choice vs press x to shoot really isn't much of a contest if you are going for the most engaging interactive experience.

Brandon Soto

Still worried about the future for PS5. I just hope we don’t have another PS3 debacle. The company that wins previous generation usually doesn’t win the next.

Murray. M

Just a thought with control, even if it was a commercial failure. Remedy would have made their money back from the Epic Games Store exclusivity. I can only assume that they made a profit as a result, regardless of it being a small one.

Ryen Gerson

I truly hope this is the case; Like Colin said, possibly a slow burn on the sales front also? Control is right there with RE2 as one of the best games I played this year, and I know a lot of people who loved it. It’s a bummer to see that Remedy can’t seem to have a major HIT happen. In my eyes, they deserve it!


If Colin mispronounces Man of Medan again I might break. Its (Meh-Dan) like the name Dan. Not that it's game I care for it's just an odd way to say it.


Hey Colin, can you post your ad-reads for patreoners. I subscribed recently and miss your whacky reads.


Where’s the picture of the window washer? These corporations are all about the bottom line and they’re starting to not be afraid to show it anymore. I doubt this is the last time we’ll get a China centric gaming story. I can definitely tell when it’s an Uber driver that’ll wanna talk. Here, they’ll usually have something about religion in their profile. Or when you get into their car and they have those rate me 5 star things in their cars. Yikes. Isn’t the point of being a collector just enjoying what you’re collecting? 🤔 You’re the only person mentioning how Concrete Genie got shafted. I’m surprised that isn’t a bigger story. I think the Avengers game will be average. I’m picturing an 8 at the highest right now. You guys are slacking on Marvel in general though.

Devon McCarty

One of the best, worst experiences I've had traveling, was in a Taxi Cab in California. In 06' I got orders to spend my last year in the Marines stationed in Okinawa, Japan (most excellent). But to do that, I had to store my truck at a USMC storage facility in San Diego, but then take a cab back to my apartment for a few days before catching my flight. The cab ride from San Diego to my apartment near Camp Pendleton was supposed to run around $140 dollars. But I didn't have to pay for it, because I ended up driving the cab myself. We were headed from the storage facility to I-5, but first, the driver asked if he could make a pit stop. What that meant was he needed to pick up his dad, drive him somewhere real quick, and drop him off. I checked the meter which hadn't started yet, and I honestly wasn't in a rush so I let that one slide. After that, we head for the I-5 and get caught in some traffic. Almost immediately, I see the driver start nodding off. About the third time his head drops I ask him if he's alright and I am informed of two facts: 1) He's Diabetic. 2) He hasn't eaten yet and it's close to 2pm He says he's fine, nods off again, and I yell at him to pull the fucking cab over so we don't die. He apologizes, I gave him some food from my backpack to hold him over, and then just tell him I'm going to drive the rest of the way while he chills at eats. We end up having a cool conversation about immigration, the war in Iraq (I had just gotten back and it was a hot topic in 06'), the struggle of a cabbie in California, and a few other things. By the time we get to my apartment, he's feeling a lot better, and we both agree that the cab ride is free. I think I gave him 20 bucks or something so he didn't have an excuse not to grab food from somewhere before driving back down to San Diego. Public transit is a nightmare. But sometimes it works out.

Kenneth Oms

I’m happy to hear both of you talked about the Hong Kong situation. South Park really hit the nail on the head with the China episode a week before the hearthstones situation happened. They were immediately proven right by being banned and erased by China. Crazy.

Michal Dudic

I had fucking no idea Baldur's Gate et al. are coming to consoles, that's insane. No idea how well it's gonna play and the gameplay has aged for sure but BG2 and Planescape: Torment is as fine as RPGs get, imho. Nerds, rejoice.

Simon Payne

Alot of people expressed concern about the ps5 over heating with all the high power components it's supposed to have. It might actually make sense to separate all the parts in a V formation, and give the case more vents. Just a thought.


I'm thinking that's the direction we'll end up going in; some sort of robust mobile experience that'll live on existing phones and tablets. It's the path of least resistance.


I don't know how I'd do that! Y'all will just need to jump into the free feed if you want it that bad. LOL.


We're certainly not going to be intimidated by a communist dictatorship into holding our tongue.

John the Nabo

The focken ad read Colin. THE FOCKEN AD READ. I cant get manscape either way because i live in Brazil. But you cant belive the distress it put me into.. Here i am, confortably listening to sacred symbols, suddenly i get the mental image of Colin's hairy watermelon-sized dick and balls. I still love you, but I hope you understand that now im scarred for life.

Joey Rawlings

As a long time Vita fan, I had to cringe a bit when Colin said “bought a few new ones in 2012 -2013” and “my new Vita” in the same breath.

Kaz Redclaw

1:03:00 on cross play being now possible. Well, it was possible before in prior generations. Final Fantasy 11 and 14 had cross play between playstation2, xbox360, and PC for 11, and PC/PS4 for 14. A number of other games were cross play between PS3 and PC... In that case, it was the Xbox360 that refused to allow cross play for PC games that were also cross play with PS3.

Ross Tarren

I spent this summer window cleaning (just people's houses, not apartments and such), I'm real intrigued as to whether this dude was using the regular method or the mosaic technique.. perhaps I even interrupted some playstation podcasts on the job That work WAS super dangerous though, you gotta know your way around heights. Hopefully this guy was better equipped than I was


Interesting, but that's very in the weeds. I think the point is that cross-play takes no actual work today.

John the Nabo

I love it, the thought of your hairy balls haunts me like the ghost of a pet that passed away.

Joey Rawlings

Just listened back and I apologize for my own mistake. You'd mentioned at the 3:50 mark that you had just upgraded to the slim model 'last year' (that was released in 2012-2013, there's my error) - I was listening and misconnected the timeframes. Sorry about that.