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John Shehan is a 24 year old man who first realized he was gay when he was six, but only came out to his friends and family very recently. Today's episode of Fireside Chats is dedicated to his story, and how he found himself after years of self-doubt and anxiety. The outcome of his journey has been undoubtedly positive, yet the road he walked was an emotionally harrowing one. Thankfully, his experience can serve as an uplifting reminder for all of us of staying power and belief.




Somehow I missed Sacred Symbols being delayed this week?

Ryan Harvey

May have been last minute. There was a big ps5 article released on wired this morning.


That's what I'm thinking too. Though I'm surprised he didn't tweet it, he's usually pretty good about that.

Jimmy Valentine

I think he said it would be a day late in the last podcast. I think Colin said he was going to a family reunion.

Kyle Goodrich

They mentioned it, I'm pretty sure. I think he was out of town or something.

Dave Carsley

Yup. I don't remember hearing anything either, but his post below (from October 4th) soliciting questions does clearly say "see you Wednesday for Sacred Symbols." So I'm guessing it wasn't last minute. As a side note, I'm really glad my 1st world life is SO good that I actually felt tangible disappointment when I opened this page and my Tuesday video game podcast wasn't here. That's the worst thing I'll experience today.... Perspective!


Heads up for Dustin: the Knockback outro was put on this episode instead of the Fireside Chat one.


Great podcast. I know you're thinking about ending Fireside Chats Colin, but if you're on the fence, please reconsider. This is great content.

Juan Paolini

Very interesting episode. Colin, I also believe that people don’t really care that much about these things in a negative way nowadays. In my experience I grew up straight but was a ballet dancer since I was 9 years old. I was very adamant on keeping it a secret from my schoolmates for fear of being bullied or discriminated. A couple of years later, some people found out and to my surprise they weren’t only supportive but also very defensive of me toward anyone who would make fun of it. It was a very heartwarming experience.

Devon McCarty

It's really unfortunate that Fireside has to end. In the past week, I've learned about Farming, Interstellar Travel, and Figuring out your Sexuality from the perspective of a gay man. I love going balls deep into video games, for sure, but the educational quality of these stories is phenomenal and a shame to lose. Looking forward to going back through the catalog.


XD. Sorry man I forgot. I guess it was convenient though with all the PS5 news.

Tony Bertucci

Fellow Canadian here from Ontario. I live about an hour or so from Cobourg. My sister actually got married there. Very nice place. Anyways just thought I'd drop in and say that this was a great episode.

John Shehan

Thanks everyone for the positive feedback and strong support! I was extremely anxious leading up to this but it was truly a transformative experience to talk openly about it - I actually posted it on my social feeds as a way of coming out publicly. I've had some really powerful conversations with strangers and friends alike in the last day and want to re-iterate, if anyone would like to discuss, get something off their chest, etc. please shoot me a message on here or Instagram @johnshehan Colin, thank you again for having me and thanks for this wonderful series. Diversity of thought it so important and it's these difficult and thoughtful discussions that have kept so many fans listening.

John Shehan

Really good point here is that you can face similar kinds of discrimination, feelings of isolation, etc. for having "feminine" qualities or interests without actually being gay. Glad you're being yourself and your friends are so supportive!

BettyAnn Moriarty

What a wonderful episode. Thank you John. This brings back so many memories and deep emotion not only of my uncle but of my cousin who is 80 years old now and to our family, has never come out. He’s my very favorite cousin - and we’re so blessed to have him but he led a lonely life much of the time because he was afraid of hurting his mom. So upsetting... and she lovd him so much that it would have certainly been fine in the end. I’m so glad that you’re doing well and are happy. It’s awesome to know. I wish you continued happiness and every success that life has to offer. 💕

John Shehan

BettyAnn I'm just seeing this response almost a year later but it's still just as meaningful. It's difficult to hear stories of older generations having to deal with the stigma around being gay but I'm sure he found his own peace and understands his mother would have been accepting. So many live in the closet for so long that they don't realize what life exists beyond that, but I guarantee you he appreciated you and your open-mindedness in his own way. Take care!