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For many of us, high school was a bizarre experience, particularly in hindsight. It turns out that much of what we cared a great deal about in our teens doesn't actually matter whatsoever, but when you're there -- in the moment and living that life -- the gravity is all too real. 2007's Superbad -- starring Jonah Hill and Michael Cera -- celebrates that reality, from the seeming hopelessness of young romance to the pursuit of all-important booze. It also doesn't hurt that the film is incredibly funny and outrageously inappropriate. So sit down, kick back, and reminisce along with us about one of the great teen movies of all-time. And if you don't? Well... prepare to be fucked by the long dick of the law. (Not really.)



Greg Horsman

One of the best movies ever made. By far my favourite comedy! So excited for this episode!

Ross Arbour

This is my favourite comedy, it came out *while* I was in grade 12 (senior year). The timing is everything. Over the years I've watched it countless times and me and my friends from that time still quote it, a decade later.

Maxx Lazos

Wow, I don’t listen to many knockbacks but this is an instant listen. I remember sneaking into Superbad in the theatre at age 14. Now as a 26 year old teacher, Superbad is still my favorite film, comedy or otherwise. Thanks Colin for showing love to a legendary comedy

Brandon Soto

Colin’s Last Fans.

Forrest Hunter

Using a gloved hand to rip shit out of people's assholes is called "manual disimpaction" and I've done it for many of my patients. It's just as awful as you'd imagine, and it's made worse when the patient practically begs for it because of their discomfort. Well, except for this one guy who begged but wasn't even impacted; that's a story for another day...

Tyler Webb

I’d like to just comment on Colin bringing up the use of “gay” usually as an insult. I find these jokes funny more as a statement of straight men’s fear of being gay, more than an insult of gay people. I get why gay people who have faced a lot of discrimination might not see it that way, but with my personal experience I have never been privy to or a part of gay discrimination.

Corey Adams

Dude, that dick drawing scene still gets me. I think the reason I found it so funny is because I often draw dicks on random stuff haha. Still to this day. You give me a marker to write my name on the leftover box at a restaurant, you bet your sweet ass I’m drawing a fat chode on that box.


My best friend growing up drew dicks on everything from 4th grade on and he finds it hilarious.

Corey Adams

That’s hilarious haha. I suppose everyone knows that guy and that’s why Super Bad is so relatable.

Brandon Hardman

So happy to hear Dagan mention Mid90s

Alex Bolton

Gonna have my girlfriend listen to this podcast, one of her favorite movies covered might finally bring her to realize the might, the majesty, and the wonder of Colin's Last Stand.

There’s No I in LLC

Colin" I eat Salad" Moriarty. After a big ass Five Guys Burger.

Michal Dudic

Interesting point about cell phones. Made me remember Booksmart - an excellent recent Superbad-esque comedy with a duo of girls and some very effective use of the smartphone as a comedic device. Highly recommended.

Dennis Fox

As a fellow IBS and stomach problem person I felt that opening story in my soul.


Same with my experience growing up. It wasn't anti-homosexual in any way, shape, or form. But, in modernity, I understand why we kinda put that one to bed.

Marcus Brown

Loved this episode so much. Superbad is the best. I'll never forget skipping school in 6th grade to see it at a friends house. I'm surprised the period scene never came up lmao.

Alex Bolton

Call us knockback listeners "Knockers"

Tyler Cumerford

Too bad you didn't name the asteroid shit that was lodged in your butthole, or you could just call us that. Way better than knockbackers


Did you Guys Say Alien Episode!? Please tell me it hasn't been recorded yet! Alien is the greatest movie of all time. Only Alien 1 and Aliens are considered Canon by Fans, theres actually 3 comics that pick up after Aliens that provide a better sequel. Alien 3 was cut down a significant amount for time and the director was very dissappointed about his vision not being fulfilled. When the baby alien popped out of dudes chest bone of the actors knew what was going to happen and their reaction was authentic. 4/26 is Alien Day because the planet they landed on was LV426, celebrated with exclusive content, Reebok releases the shoes that Ripley wore in Aliens. The community is divided about Prometheus and Alien Covenant as canon, we may never see the sequel to Covenant which was to end the planned prequel trilogy.

Eli Aboukassam

Graduated high school in 2008, the June after Superbad came out. I remember coming back to school the first week of Grade 12 and how we wouldn't stop talking about this movie and quoting it. One of my all-time favourite comedies and my friends and I still quote the hell out of it 12 years later. Truly a classic!

John the Nabo

Awesome episode guys. I love this movie, I'm really glad to have thia movie as a memory from my teen years, as i conected so much with the characters. I wanna recommend another movie in the vein of Superbad. Its called Project X, and at first it might seem like a Superbad clone, but it is really its own thing, less realistic but just as fun. Glad to support such awesome content as CLS, have a good one.

John the Nabo

Jonah Hill got into trouble because a paparazzi was harassing him, and he called the paparazzi a fag.

Marc Cairney

That was a fantastic episode guys! It still resonates with me this movie, and watched it just a few weeks back.

Arquimedes Quintero II

I heard this a couple of weeks ago and I just want to say that I loved this episode because I love this movie and I share your sentiments about it.