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If you didn't know, I'm obsessed with space and space travel, and obviously, Fireside Chats couldn't possibly end without having someone from the space industry on our show. Let's call today's guest John Doe, an engineer who works at a major American aerospace corporation on projects for NASA (and others), and not surprisingly, he has a lot of interesting stories to tell. What are we doing right this very second to achieve the space travel of our dreams, and what do the near and faraway futures hold for us off of planet Earth, in orbit, or -- if we're lucky -- on the Moon, Mars, and beyond?



Seth Eden

Dang just a few minutes in and it's Fireside Chats like this one that I am going to really miss when the show gets Sunset-ed, didnt even know I wanted a podcast from someone in the space industry!

Joe Donnelly

Looking forward to listening! Sucks that this is the last episode though. :-(

Matthew Clem

Haven't listened yet, but really looking forward to this one. Makes me wish that somehow we could've gotten a Fireside Chat with you and Tom Delonge talking about his fascination with space travel and alien life.

Matthew Clem

Is this the last one? I thought they were going to continue a little later into the year.


Kerbal Space Program one of the best games of all time. That is all.


This was such an excellent episode. Hearing from inside the industry without a huge filter was really heartening. Hopefully our research and development of robotics and bio-mechanical engineering continue strong so I can have my head on a robot, just to see humans pass out of the solar system decades from now

Corey Adams

Fantastic episode. What an incredible get with John Doe. Gonna miss Fireside Chats 😞

seamus kane

I’m really out of the loop! Why is fire side chats ending?


I'm always filled with a deep sense of melancholy when I think about space travel and expansion, knowing I won't be around to see it. It'd be kind of amazing to be a part of 'round 2' of frontier life...

Kenny Gutzler

Perfect ending. Thanks for all the conversations I thought I'd never care about that I truly enjoyed.


Oh man you all are going to hate my comments nothing too bad just have my thoughts on space and space travel.


Great podcast! Will miss you Fireside chats!

Ross Arbour

I'm a huge space geek, looking forward to this!

Matthew Cooper

I'm fascinated by space travel, really liked this episode, thanks Colin and John..


God that voice is sultry.

Kevin Sullivan

Col, I'm right there with you. I can't help but wonder what's out there when I look up at the stars. It's crazy when people just don't care.


This was amazing

Kenny Gutzler

Just being cautious of his own safety - since these are recorded in his own home. It's understandable. I know I would not feel completely comfortable with someone I don't know anything about in my home. It seems most of these are set up with a few backs and forth emails and anyone with bad intentions can fake an email.

Alex Bolton

As someone who works for the Navy, the warfighter still needs it's funding! But I agree we need to throw some more money at space travel. You should look into the new military branch "Space Force" the US is working on. It's fascinating stuff. Seems like the structure is going to be a Navy/Air Force hybrid. Just think, military moon base. Cool shit.


I did a video on the US' original research into a Lunar Base that you may enjoy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Em7YSjw8t1I

Adam Niksch

Such a neat episode. Being in the aerospace industry myself, it’s always fun to hear this kind of talk. Space was the reason I got in to this industry, but there’s just more money in defense. I hope these new companies can drive interest such that NASA gets the bump in funding it deserves. One day I’ll find work in that area instead of defense. I totally get being anonymous for this interview. This industry is very protective/secretive of information and his employer likely wouldn’t have been too thrilled about him showing up. Mine certainly wouldn’t be. I’m glad he did though!

Dave Carsley

I think one thing people often miss when they talk about NASA "versus" private industry is that these two entities have always been hand-in-hand, and remain so today. Even back in the exploration heyday of the space race, "NASA" didn't build their lunar lander, their Saturn V rocket, their onboard computers, their spacesuits, etc. These were all built by private citizens at corporations like Northrop Grumman, General Electric, Boeing, Douglass Aircraft-- even Ford Motor Company. NASA was the customer of these corporations decades ago just as NASA is the customer of Space X today. The only real difference is that back in the 60's, NASA took delivery of these vehicles and "drove" them themselves, whereas now, they're climbing in the back seat and letting the private corporation "drive" the car (so to speak).

Dave Carsley

Hey Colin, if you've never watched any videos by YouTuber "Issac Arthur", you really should-- you'd love his stuff.

Ryan Murdoch

Dude this was an awesome episode. The idea of living in the sky on Venus (Venus? ) blew my mind. Such a great idea, cloud city!

Hugo's Desk

Forgive me if I or someone else already mention this tv show but Colin you need to watch this show. It’s incredible: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mars_(2016_TV_series)