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We recorded this week's podcast, flipped off the microphones, and went on Twitter, where we discovered a surprise piece of late-breaking news: Shawn Layden is leaving Sony. Layden used to be CEO of the American branch of PlayStation, and most recently held the position as Head Honcho of PlayStation's fully-owned, first party studios. So let's discuss his departure (albeit briefly, because we don't have all the answers yet). Beyond all of that, though, is our usual run of show, an episode littered with news. Sony is starting to cut the middleman out of its retail sales, there are lots of fresh details concerning The Last of Us: Part II, Call of Duty is absolutely dominating the historic PS4 sales charts, and Death Stranding is apparently finished and primed for publishing, whether you're ready or not. Plus: When will we learn more about Ghost of Tsushima? What's the actual definition of "Adventure Game"? What are the best places to buy and sell used hardware and games? Why are Colin and Chris so confused about the difference between sheep and a lamb?


0:00:17 - Intro.
0:02:38 - Colin is wearing a bathing suit (and other notes).
0:03:12 - Leave us nice reviews on podcast services!
0:06:15 - A quick note about next week’s episode.
0:07:42 - Sony has all but blacklisted us. Let's chat about it.
0:11:32 - Let's talk shit about In N Out Burger for a little while.
0:13:29 - A quick correction on Anthem entering EA Access.
0:14:46 - Sheep talk.
0:16:04 - What have we been playing?
0:22:57 - Shawn Layden has left Sony!
0:25:23 - Sony is now selling hardware and physical software directly.
0:30:38 - Colin farted into a jar to see if the smell would stay inside.
0:33:56 - Death Stranding has gone gold.
0:37:12 - There will be no multiplayer in The Last of Us: Part II.
0:46:22 - The Last of Us: Part II will be less linear than the previous game.
0:54:08 - Sony has filed a patent for something called PlayStation Assist.
0:55:15 - Bungie wants to go multi-IP.
0:58:25 - These are the best selling games-to-date on PS4.
0:59:49 - A new Mafia game (and a Mafia II rerelease) seem to be en route.
1:02:49 - Gran Turismo Sport is getting re-released.
1:04:21 - Rockstar Games has confirmed that there will be no single player DLC for RDR2.
1:06:06 - PS4 is getting an exclusive mode for Modern Warfare.
1:10:20 - Publisher Focus Home Interactive and developer Frogwares have beef.
1:14:57 - New PlayStation Hits are available.
1:15:35 - Minor game announcements and release date information.
1:16:14 - This week's new releases for PS4, PS Vita, and PSVR.
1:22:47 - Should we end Sacred Symbols a different way?
1:24:57 - When will we see more of Ghost of Tsushima?
1:27:40 - Could Sony sneak into the PC market with games like Sunset Overdrive?
1:29:51 - What is the best way to buy used gaming hardware and software?
1:31:52 - Colin hates the term "Looter Shooter".
1:33:56 - Anthem has canceled it’s post launch plans. What does it mean?
1:38:36 - What's the actual definition of "Adventure Game"?




Outstanding title 11/10


It really is like Sony holds the news until they know you and the Wily young man Chris are done recording Colin lol. It's a proven fact at this point. Great episode as always! Thanks for helping me get through work today!

Ryan Harvey

The see ya Layder pun made me crack a smile from my notifications


"Should we end Sacred Symbols a different way? Yes - both of you should just scream into the mic and then fade out

Brandon Soto

Just exhausted from no news on PS5 or brand new games. They better hurry the hell up.

Kenneth Oms

To whoever is thinking about selling used games and hardware, eBay, poshmark, and mercari and set your settings to negotiate so that you can haggle as a seller with your buyer. You’ll make quite a bit. You can’t sell on amazon without buying a reseller license for big brands. Ps. Colin come to queens and call me a fucking a nerd from across the street revenge of the nerds style! Jk.

Barrett Boswell

I'm happy that TLOU Pt II will not have multiplayer to it. Should make getting the Platinum easier. Chasing the Platinum for Part I and just started the grind for the multiplayer. I am not looking forward to completing it. Also, right there with you for Concrete Genie, quite excited to play it.


Fun fact about the Warden Goliath boss in BL3 that pissed Chris off: if you can burst it's health down fast enough when he starts to regen, you can kill him before it happens. He regened like four times when I fought him solo, and when I was doing it co-op we killed him before he regened once. Colin I'll let you decide to pass this on to Chris based on if you think it'll piss him off more or less.

Maxx Lazos

The “grundle” or gooch/taint is anatomically referred to as the “perineum.” Not to be confused with “peritoneum” which is the serous membrane that lines the abdominal cavity or “peroneal” which refers to various anatomical structures.

Maxx Lazos

I have no qualms with really any burger joint. I love In N Out because they have better vegetables than other burger spots (imo). Most places I get a burger, I get extra vegetables. If you’re not a veggie guy/gal/they/et al, I totally understand not liking In N Out


Colin I wanted to add another take to your when and where for naughty dog. If they are making a multiplayer game what if they are making it not only for ps5 but also adding it to pc. With Sony’s comments about expanding Sony’s brand to beyond the console and making the pc a market to target what if using a flag ship franchise like the last of us as the first bridge to seeing if there is a bigger market there.


I vote for loot-based RPGs to be called “looter-choosers”.


They put open world into Gears 5 and it’s FUCKING AWFUL. It slows the game down and the pacing is horrible in it. And it’s getting worse because it’s getting applauded

Travis Johnson

While I would never laud it as the second coming of burger-christ or anything, I'm always sad to hear in-n-out getting dragged through the mud, especially by all the people who moved to California later in life (which is many, and the loud complaining has gotten deafening in recent years). Being a born and raised Californian who moved out of the country a few years ago, it and decent mexican food are the two things I miss the most dearly, and i probably think about it every day. I get it's not for everyone, nothing is, but no burger in the area I moved to beats that fresh taste at that price, and it will always be the flavor of my childhood. If it helps I'm happy to submit a formal apology on behalf of all fellow Californians who have smugly yelled at the rest of the country about how good it is for decades. Obviously nothing would live up to that, especially a burger that costs fucking $2.40. I'm sorry.

Dave Carsley

I'm honestly rather confused about the COD exclusivity thing. Exclusives like God of War and The Last of Us make complete sense, and there's nothing wrong with them. But those games sell consoles. Am I to believe that ANYONE is going to run out and actually buy a Playstation 4 just to play this tiny part of one mode of this game?? In this case, I just don't think the return on this investment is worth the bad PR Sony got for it. But then again, I'm not privy to whatever focus group studies they are I guess.

Juan Paolini

I tried my first In N Out Burger last week in San Francisco and I have to say I agree with Colin. It's not bad but seems a bit overrated. Five guys keeps being my favorite "simple but great" type of burger. I also tried their hot dogs as per Colin's recommendation and I got to say: They're pretty, pretty good. (read with Larry David voice)

Big Swingin' Rick

I'm glad someone wrote in with the sheep correction. "Mutton dressed as Lamb" was one of my favourite insults


Wait, Colin you never played Uncharted The Lost Legacy?? You should go back and play it, it’s awesome!!!

Forrest Hunter

You know how you avoid talking with Uber drivers? You get a license and a car! :-D

DB Cooper

YOU"VE NEVER HAD TOMMY'S?! I hope you both do...if you like chili and heartburn. But the best hangover food haha


Gentlemen, lambs are simply delicious. Take back what you said about them before I raise a lamb army against y’all.

Scott MacLure

From xbox users though that wont effect Sony. They know what to do if they want.


Great episode fellas. I’m glad Colin finally recognizes the issue with an all digital future for the games industry and I hope that more people realize why ownership of physical media is best for the consumer despite the convenience of digital. Also, I think that when streaming arrives like Google Stadia, they may have some real challenges.

Devon McCarty

The craziest thing about Sony is that hands down, you guys covered TLOU and TLOU2 in a deeper way than anyone else that was invited. They missed a great opportunity due to the personal issue's of a few decision makers on Sony's marketing team. Rookie mistake.


Australian women don't actually have vaginas. We're all just born with Bowie knives.


I read that as Factions is going to evolve into its own game, maybe not even set in The Last of Us universe. 🤔 Colin, you didn’t play Lost Legacy? What’s up with that, man? Go play that. I’m not a fan of religion in games. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Maybe Sony would pay attention to you guys more if you started calling yourselves "influencers" this term is driving me bananas. It's basically saying "we're paid to be positive about something" what a disappointing tidbit of info.


Five guys is overrated.

Simon Concepcion Jr.

Colin, do you think your chemistry with Chris will suffer if you move? I listen to one other gaming podcast with people who record remotely(Intenational Podcast with ACG) and the quality does seem to suffer. How will you navigate those production landmines? Definitely move if its the best choice for you and your fam, but there might be a dip in quality.


I kinda miss Borderlands 3 now that I can't play it (since I'm traveling). Maybe that says something about how I feel about it!


I'll give you the Mexican food, which is obviously top-notch across California (and especially the further south you go).


If anyone can give me a burger that beats Five Guys, I'm down. But they don't really exist. =D


It's a problem that's easy to fix, thankfully: It just needs to be in the contractual language.


I put it forth that no one covering PlayStation knows the brand better than me. If they don't want to work with me, that's totally their loss. It isn't hurting us.


That's part of it, but doesn't encompass all of it. For instance, The Witness is an adventure game.


Maybe they'd pay more attention to us if we lied to our audience and told them every game is good or great, like some other podcasts.


There may be; that's going to be up to all of you to decide, if we go down that route. Frankly, Sacred Symbols at 70% is better than any other PlayStation podcast at 100%. =D That said, if we do it remotely, I'm confident we'll be at 100%, and I listen to some podcasts that are recorded remotely that are actually excellent. We'll cross this bridge when we come to it!

Elias Salcedo

Gran Turismo Sport didn’t do so well because it’s a ESPORT online only Niche game. Grab Turismo 7 which will most definitely release with PS5 will return back to its arcade sim routes and sell very well. Great Episode btw

Andrew Bonnell

I think we all know that Shawn Layden went out in a blaze of glory, standing against the blacklisting of Colin’s Last Stand. We salute you sir.

Joshua Gallegos

Chris and Colin: you should research moving to Colorado. It’s an up-and-coming tech city making a lot of interesting future-proof decisions.


I almost turned it off after the In N Out slander, but I'm glad I kept listening. Great episode.

Watch Ergo Proxy

Chris doesn't understand Goliaths in Borderlands He says there's no strategy, but if you enrage a Goliath you can use it against the other mobs because it'll attack anything in sight and soak up damage for you That might not be the case with that particular boss fight, but that boss really wasn't that hard anyways if you're well-equipped Fighting Goliaths can be fun, it's unfortunate that your first experience with them was annoying

Liam Mcnulty

Great podcast, but How have Sony blacklisted you!? This makes zero sense to me😂 You've been one of their biggest champions. What's your friend's at Naughty Dog said to you about it? Are they surprised? Obviously you don't have to answer, I'm just curious as to why Sony are a bunch of babies.

Joseph Ady

Steel wool is good for scratching pans dawg!


Great episode. I think the reason you’re blacklisted is because the companies are still butthurt about “the joke that shall not be mentioned” (little Harry Potter reference does you). Love your content!

Daniel Schiffer

This was a sexy episode. I think Chris barely referencing you in his video was brilliant and hilarious for anyone that knows how much of a man in the shadows you are haha.

John the Nabo

Gran turismo 6 was amazing, but the ps3 could barely handle installing it, performance was great, dont get me wrong, but the patches and updates were bigger than the game itself, took a whole 24h to install it all


I don't think that's it. I honestly think they weren't happy that I pointed out it was their (PR's) fault that Days Gone didn't get the reviews it deserved because they let it into people's hands too soon.

Watch Ergo Proxy

Unacceptable, you should've accepted the eldritch orb of knowledge when it was offered to you But yeah my comment came off a little aggressive and I apologize for that I farmed the Warden for a while last week, turns out that yeah if you enrage him he'll aggro to his own minions sometimes which makes him easier to deal with You just have to avoid shooting him in the head, otherwise his health resets and he gets stronger Goliaths are kind of a staple of Borderlands, thankfully their bodies are so large that not shooting them in the head isn't overly difficult