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In years past, the fall and winter months were when most of the games you actually wanted to play would come out. That's not exactly true anymore -- solid games worthy of your attention launch year-round these days -- but there's still something special about the 12 or so weeks leading up to the New Year. For this week's episode of Sacred Symbols+, we thought we'd delve into what October, November, and December have in store for us, and go deep on 10 games we're excited about. From AAA to indie (and from exclusive to multi-platform), there's quite a bit to look forward to, no matter what your taste and preference. Listen, and see (well, hear) for yourself.



Elijah VanderSande

Hi Colin, just a quick correction. I definitely did not call you on the day of this recording, I think you may have been pranked by someone pretending to be me, your dad. Not sure how this happened, I will look into getting my number changed so that next time I, your dad, call you, you’ll know for a fact it’s me instead of whoever that imposter was. Take care


This is very unusual, because I'm staying at your house on Long Island right now and you're on the couch right next to me.


Hey Colin, loved the episode. Just want to add to the conversation involving sports and games having little to no crossover. Funny enough there is one game that does and it's Rocket League. The community has created pick em and fantasy rocket leagues. Very much in the style of the nfl and has been doing it for some time. Chris made me laugh by saying that rocket league had very little stats but don't worry Chris is my favorite fake hispanic ;)

Juan Paolini

Great as always! Just a quick correction on the “Buen Día” thing. First of all, it is Spanish. “Buenos días” technically means “Good days” (in plural) and “Buen día” means “Good day” (in singular). Chris is definitely a fake hispanic, but he’s forgiven.

Caleb Greer

Oddly enough, my most anticipated game is Halo: Reach in 4K 60FPS coming to MCC sometime before the end of the year.


Bread is why I am fat. All the write ins for MW show me how successful the other CODs would’ve been with open betas because their mp modes are all better than the new MW’s. Hell, if they went free to play, I think it would be even bigger. *Money saving note for you Colin (and anybody else interested in The Outer Worlds) The Outer Worlds will be included in Xbox’s Game Pass on release day. So if you don’t have Game Pass yet you could sign up for Ultimate and get to play it for as low as $1. 👍🏼


Fantasy Rocket League sounds interesting. Proud of those guys over there at Psyonix! Super cool game.

Caleb Greer

Came out in 2014. Rather broken, then they fixed it to make it all stable and have since made all the games 4K 60 FPS and added Halo 3: ODST (original game was just 1, 2, 3, and 4). 600 achievements, and I got ‘em all haha. And now yep they’re adding Halo: Reach before the end of the year.

Caleb Greer

@Colin’s Last Stand But you can get the superior achievements...


I recently got all the achievements for control but man not getting a Platinum just kills the fun, Literally feels like i did it for nothing.

Johnny Waffles

Death Stranding is just about the only game I'll go out of my way to purchase this fall/winter. Next spring is gonna be fucking nuts though.

Your Boi Nicky V

Silly Willy Dilly Chris! I hope that's here to stay.

Dave Carsley

I haven't even listened yet, but I'll guarantee "Doom Eventual" is on Chris' list. Poor Chris! He's going to have to wait until spring!

Danny Akenson

Colin! You, sir, have fucked up! NFL Head Coach had a sequel, NFL Head Coach 09, in 2008! Go to the timeout corner!


Honored to have my comment mentioned on the podcast. Disgusted to know that I made a spelling error.

Frank G.

Holy shit! First of all I'm not a big COD fan like I was when Modern Warfare 1 and 2 ruled the world but I've always fallowed infinity wards games and yes I thought ghost was excellent and infinite warfare story is the best in the series don't @ me. But my most anticipated game is modern warfare 2019. The gunplay is getting an overhaul on what's felt like kinda floaty ass shooting and the double jumping with those exosuits are gone! (Titanfall does the wall running better) I've always wanted to see the characters from the original comeback with a most modern and contemporary story to date and that's exactly what we're getting, infinity ward never disappoints me.

Blake Wall

If your like me you probably thought you've never heard of Indivisible when you actually just forgot about because its been in development for a long time. But its definitely worth checking out its got some great art and I heard a lot of good things about it.


Just subscribed and more than worth the dollar— Great episode! Now, I have to catch-up... 😉