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Dinosaurs are a bit of cultural phenomenon, and have been for a century and a half, since the earliest professional paleontologists ventured out to find the fossilized remains of one of Earth's most mysterious and fascinating prior occupants. Yet, perhaps no single piece of fiction has ever played on that human love of dinosaurs quite like Jurassic Park. While Jurassic Park found its origins as a book, released in 1990 and written by the late, great Michael Crichton, it was intended on a movie from pretty much the word go (Crichton even adapted the novel into film form himself for a cool half a million bucks). It's the movie that captured the world's imagination, and it was such a smash hit that it became the highest-grossing film of all-time following its run through theaters in the summer of 1993. Not too shabby! So let's talk about Crichton's classic, Steven Spielberg's directing, John Williams' score, and the performances of Laura Dern, Sam Neill, and many others. (Like Jeff Goldblum. Duh!) Just be sure you say the magic word.



Tony Rivera

“Hold on to your butts..” 🤣

Forrest Hunter

This movie crafted me into the nerd I am today.

Nathaniel Taylor

Very excited to see you guys tackle my favorite movie of all time. Can’t wait to listen!


I know it's cliche to say this, but the book truly is better than the movie. Having said that, this film is in my top 5. It was one of the first movies my parents took me to see in theaters because I already loved dinosaurs so much. Still get goosebumps when the theme song plays when they first set eyes on the dinos!

Conor O'Neill

You did it, you crazy son of a bitch, you did it! 🦕

Michael Krivo

Looking forward to this one! Jurassic Park is my favorite movie of all time.

Corey Adams

Been waiting for this one!

James Galos

I don’t understand how a good park builder or survival horror game ever came out of this franchise. Playing a game where you are in the park as a guest when it all falls apart and you need to find a way to escape sounds so fun.


I think John Hammond dies in the book, it's pretty gruesome from what I was told. Also, I think the niece and nephews roles are switched. In the book, the boy was older and was a computer expert.


John Hammond does die and you don't even really feel that bad for him lol. He's such a prick in the book lol


Clever girl....

Jason Stafford

I have an embarrassing Jurassic Park story. In June 1993 when Jurassic Park released I had just finished my junior year of high school, getting ready to go back as a senior. I wasn't driving yet, but my buddy was and we kind of did a double feature that day. We started off with Jurassic Park at one theater, then while still hyped from the movie drove across town to catch Hot Shots! Part Deux at another theater. Now for the embarrassing part. I distinctly remember conning my younger brother who never knew what he wanted into asking for Jurassic Park toys for Christmas. He got them and I played with them. What senior in high school asks for toys to play with? Seriously? Oh well. My brother still remembers and brings up from time to time how I was such a con artist back then.


I remember when Michael Crichton passed because I wrote a report on him in high school just the month prior.

Kenneth Oms

I was too young to watch this movie when it came out, but growing up I remember having it on VHS, and just watching it over and over as a kid. I even had a t shirt and tons of the toys. The 2d side scrolling game on snes was one of my favorites because it was like contra


Not sure if your a Tool fan, but a fun fact about the guitarist Adam Jones is that he was a model designer for the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park before he left that career to form the band Tool.

Jason Stafford

The book was amazing. I'll never forget seeing it the theater and at the reveal scene of the brachiosaurs feeling like I was going to fall over looking up at a tall building.

Brandon Soto

More like Jurassic Farts AMIRITE?!?!?? *raises hand for high-five*

Chad Lewis

I think maybe I missed the cut off for this wave. But after your comments about jaws and Nantucket I really hope my comment made the biggest fears of our childhood episode.

Brandon Soto

I wouldn’t go to space with the fear of not coming back. There’s plenty of games I still have to play. Just can’t risk it. Friends & family are cool too, I guess. lol

Michael Miller

I couldn’t help but think about the hit PS1 fighter ‘Warpath: Jurassic Park’ when you mentioned dinosaurs being a good video game roster.

Andrew Hoculik

Michael Crichton is such a great writer. Everyone should read the book (and his other novels as well)

Jason Stafford

Amen. Jurassic Park was the first book of his I read, shortly before the movie came out. After that I went on a Crichton kick and read everything he'd written up to that point. It was well worth the time.

Devon McCarty

Great episode! And If I remember correctly, the only reason any of the main actors were put into play, was a result of the death in the opening sequence. The lawyer wanted to ensure that everything was above board for the investors, and that's why Hammond plucked two people from Paleontology. They were supposed to love dinosaurs as much as he did. And really, they nailed that part. One of the most iconic scenes was when Grant stands up in the Jeep and literally grabs Ellie's face so she stops talking and can look at the dinosaurs. That moment is what made Sam Neill so relatable. That's what we all would've felt like.

Johnny Waffles

Here's a video highlighting my Jurassic Park tattoos, all on my left leg: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_WYQD2-XkIo


After reading the book I will say that I’d be okay with this movie being remade and make it R rating. The book is brutal. You have flesh being ripped off, guts spilling out, infants being eaten. But it is also very, very science heavy. The characters in the book are different than in the movie for sure. Hammond comes off crazy because his whole thing is that he’s old and not going to be around long enough to see his park open and all the kids be happy. Anyways, I recommend the book!

Brad Gray

Definitely paused this one part way through to listen to the soundtrack. Great episode.

Luke Tucker

Dotson, Dotson...we've got Dotson here!! See, nobody cares. I have the book on Audible and now I've gotta listen to it.

Nate McKinney

I listened to the book on Audible a few months ago. (I've read it several times.) The differences really are wild. There's characters not in the movie, some characters like Hammond are totally different, some characters live that die in the movie, the ages of the kids is reversed, There's scenes that would've made really tense, action packed sequences that aren't even in the movie. It's radically different.

Tony Rivera

Just wanted to let you guys know- this episode has motivated me to watch Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom. Despite the bad reviews, I think it was a great popcorn flick and had vibes of the original, especially The Lost World with the ending. Also, you crazy Moriarty’s punctured another hole in my pocket- I ordered a copy of the book off Amazon and it just got in today. Interesting fact from the first page about Michael Crichton: “In 2002, a newly discovered ankylosaur was named for him: Crichtonsaurus bohlini.” May the father of Jurassic Park rest in peace - thanks for this fun nostalgic podcast. It was so worth it.


It was great listening to this. Makes me wanna rewatch the movie.


I've still never listened to an audio book, and I keep telling myself to do and then forgetting.